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1、然后他退缩了。Now its about 4th year in running and he have never dared to think of hurting my mother in any way.现在4年过去了,他再也不敢想着去伤害我妈妈了。I learned two things.从这里我学到了两件事。1. Acting on something is way better than thinking about it (always).1、付出行动比深思熟虑要好得多(一直以来都是)。2. The greatest gift a father can give to his

2、child is to love his mother.2、一位父亲能给孩子最好的礼物就是爱孩子的母亲。I also took a pledge for my inner peace to never hurt any female under any given circumstances.我也发誓,为了我的内心安稳,不论在任何情况下,我都不会去伤害任何女性。获得350好评的答案Koustav BandyopadhyayI never thought that I would ever say this, especially on such a platform.我从来没想过我会把这件事说

3、出来,尤其是在这样一个平台。I suffer from an Inferiority Complex.我深受自卑情绪的困扰。When I see people better than me in any field, I feel a bit humiliated, subdued and intimidated, I die a bit inside.当我看到有人在任何领域比我优秀时,我就会觉得屈辱、抑郁以及恐惧,我心里会有点绝望。No matter how much I pretend to be confident, there is always this little voice n

4、agging and pulling me down, telling me inferior to others. This little insecurity pulls me down in every field I do, be it talking to people, or studying.不论我怎么假装我很自信,一直有个声音小声地絮叨着,告诉我,我比别人差劲,摧毁我的自信。这种微弱的不安全感在我尝试的所有领域都会摧毁我,不管是在与他人交谈还是学习的时候。May be, I overreact, but I cant talk about it.也许是我反应过度,但是我没法把这

5、件事讲出来职场Quora:找工作,该考虑哪些重要因素Shannon Harrington答道:1. It varies for everyone, because people prioritize things differently.1.这得视乎个人情况,因为每个人关注的点都不一样。2. Learning.2. 吸收新知识。As a new grad, and if you arent learning, you will get bored very quickly. Your brain is still active-use it!作为一名应届毕业生,你没有吸取新的知识,你很快就会感

6、到无趣。趁你的头脑仍然处于活跃的状态那好好利用它!3. People.3. 人际关系。If you are absolutely in love with the work you would be doing, but cant stand the people you are working with, you will leave. Ask the companies if you can talk to more people or spend time with them in a casual setting. Feel out who youd love to spend tim

7、e with because after all, these are the people you will be spending a majority of your time with over the next few months.如果你确实非常喜欢这份潜在的工作,但你无法忍受与你共事的同事,你会辞职的。询问该公司,你能否与更多的人交谈或在轻松的场合与他们相处。想想你希望花点时间与哪些人相处,因为毕竟,这些人将会占用你加入公司后大部分的工作时间。4. Value Add.4. 价值的提升。After 1 year of working, is this a place where

8、you can walk away if you had to and say? Does this job add something to your personal toolkit that can help you get to the next step in your life even if you dont know what that might be yet?经过1年的工作,这是不是一个你能说走就走的地方?这份工作能否给你增加了有助提升自我价值的技能,即使你还没发现呢?5. Room for Growth.5. 晋升的空间。If you do well in your jo

9、b, does the company support personal growth? What are career trajectories or how can the company support your personal ideas as you move forward?如果你非常胜任这份工作,公司是否提供激励个人发展的支持?你的职业发展轨道是什么?在你职业晋升的轨道里,公司所提供的支持能否助你一臂之力?If you have more than one offer, what should you do?如果你有多个职位邀请,你怎么做?6. When thinking ab

10、out company ocation, salary, benefits etc, make sure that you are fairly comparing your two offers.在考虑公司地点,薪资,福利等因素时,确保你在公平地衡量两个职位邀请。If you have an offer for an entry level role at a large company and a small company, know that the salary is going to look different. If you are comparing a startup, k

11、now that the salary is going to look a bit different. If you have questions about your offer, ask! Communicating early will show maturity as a candidate, and will also help you understand how a company is willing to negotiate and answer your questions to see how valuable they really think you are.如果

12、你有一个职位邀请是大公司里的基层员工,而另一个是小公司的,就该意识到薪水的差别。如果你在对比着新创办的小公司,那就要意识到薪资的差别只有一点不同。如果你对自己的职位邀请有任何疑问,那就提问吧!及早与对方沟通交流会显示一名求职者的成熟,还能让你更清楚地了解该公司对于商务谈判和解答疑难的意愿,从而显示你对他们的价值。Garrick Saito答道:This list is very subjective. What may be important to you may not be important to me (and vice versa). For both companies, I w

13、ould consider the following:这是非常主观的问题。也许你认为重要的因素我并不这么认为(反之亦然)。对于两家公司,我会考虑以下这些因素:Potential for learning and expanding my current skills学习与拓展现有技能的潜力Upward mobility potential往上晋升的潜力Current compensation (relative to local market conditions)(与当地市场条件相适应的)当前职位的补贴Health insurance and other fringe benefits医疗

14、保险与其他津贴Driving/commuting distance and time交通/通勤距离与时间Financial health of the company (i.e., Is there even a remote chance I wont get my paycheck?)公司的经济状况(即,“我有没有可能被欠薪?”)Historical growth of the company and assessment of their future growth公司的历史增长率与对未来增长率的评估。An assessment of the company/corporate cult

15、ure and their values公司的评估/公司文化与价值观。An assessment of my would-be boss/supervisor对潜在雇主/主管的评估An assessment of why I wouldnt want to work there对我不想在这里工作的原因的评估。If I like/believe in the product or service they provide我是否喜欢/支持他们的产品或服务Average historical pay increases/year end bonuses平均历史加薪/年终奖励Alex Mooney答道

16、:I have spent my career helping employees evaluate job opportunities. Heres a few things they have found helpful as they weigh job offers:我的工作任务就是帮助求职者评估不同的工作选择。下面就是他们认为衡量职位邀请的方法。Do your research多作研究调查Not just on the company, the team, and the job (although its very important to do this as well), bu

17、t also research your motivations for doing what you do for a living. Do you go to work everyday because you enjoy solving problems? You like to travel? Ambiguity excites you? 不仅研究该公司,团队和工作(尽管这也是非常重要的),还得研究你的谋生动机。你每天去上班是因为你享受解决问题吗?你喜欢旅行吗?还是因为表意不明让你感到激动?Understanding your motivations will help you ide

18、ntify the roles that are right for you. 了解你自己的动机能让你选择最适合自己的工作。Evaluate the role评估职位Its easy to get distracted by compensation or the thought of how a brand name employer will look on a resume. What is more difficult is to think about the long-term by maximizing the important stuff in the short term.

19、 是的,我们很容易受工作补贴的诱惑,或只是因为老板对简历上的大公司名字的想法而模糊了焦点。更困难的是得仔细考虑如何在短期内把重要的事情最大化以达到长期的目的。Research has shown that those who maximize job stretch and growth in the short term, earn significantly more in the long run than those who chase compensation. Will the opportunity presented to you allow you the ability t

20、o stretch and grow in your role?有研究表明那些能在短期内最大化发挥工作技能,获得进步的人,能在长期的发展中比追逐福利报酬的人赚取多得多的收入。那么这个职位能否为你提供增长技能与个人提升的空间呢?Think twice before you leap. What you should do is to prioritize your major focuses, do some researches, communicate with people and believe yourself.三思而后行。你该做的就是把自己最关注的信息按重要次序列出来,多作研究调查,

21、与他人沟通交流,并相信你自己囧研究:为什么人接吻的时候会闭上眼?The real reason people close their eyes when they kiss is because the brain cant deal with more than two things at once.人们接吻时闭上眼睛真正的原因是大脑不能同时处理两件以上事情。When people pucker up the brain finds it difficult to process the sensation if cognitive power is also being used to a

22、nalyse what we see, said psychologists from Royal Holloway, University of London.人们嘟起嘴时,如果也一并用到认知力,则大脑很难处理感觉知觉,伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院的心理学家如是说。Tactile awareness depends on the level ofperceptualload in a concurrent visual task. Thecognitivepsychologists reached their conclusion without studying people actually

23、kissing. Instead people were asked do visual tests while their response to something touching their hands was measured.触觉觉知取决于同一时间发生的认知量水平。认知心理学家得出此结论并没有真正去研究实际接吻的人。而是给人们一边做视觉测试,一边测量有实物接触他们手部时他们的反应。The academics found that the visual field overrides tactile responses - meaning people would struggle

24、to continue kissing if what they were looking at became more difficult to process.专业人员发现视觉要凌驾于触觉觉知,也就是说,要是人们所看到的事物很难加工处理,则很难继续亲吻。If people are focusing strongly on a visual task, this will reduce the awareness ofstimuliin other senses.人们注意力高度集中在视觉任务上,那么对由其它感官带来的刺激的敏感度就会降低。The findings could also exp

25、lain why people often shut their eyes whilst readingbrailleor when dancing.Shutting out the visual input leaves more mental resources to focus on other aspects of our experience.研究发现同样解释了为何人们读布莱叶盲文或者跳舞的时候常常会闭起眼睛。闭上眼睛没有视觉信息输入时,人们就有更多大脑资源来集中关注其它方面的体验有内涵的笑话What are the most profound jokes ever?有哪些笑话很有内

26、涵?获得10.8k好评的答案Vinaya PatilA young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.一个小男孩走进一家理发店,这时理发师悄悄对顾客说:“这是天底下最傻的孩子,我来证明给你看。”The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls th

27、e boy over and asks, Which do you want, son? The boy takes the quarters and leaves.理发师在一只手上放了一美元,另一只手上放了两个25美分的硬币,然后把男孩叫过来,问道:“孩子,你想要哪个?”男孩拿走了两个25美分的硬币然后离开了。What did I tell you? said the barber. That kid never learns!理发师说道:“瞧我刚刚跟你说了啥?这孩子从不会吸取教训!Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young

28、 boy coming out of the ice cream store.过了一会儿,顾客离开的时候,他看到那个男孩从冰淇淋店走了出来。Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?“诶,孩子,我能问你个问题吗?你为什么拿走美分硬币而不是美元?The boy licked his cone and replied,Because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!男孩舔了舔冰淇淋然后答道:“因为等我拿走了美元,这个游戏就结束了。获得3.3k好评的答案Bharat JakatiPessimist: Oh, this cant get any worse!悲观主义者:天哪,这件事已经糟糕到头了。Optimist: Yes, it can!乐观主义者:不,这件事还能更糟。获得2.6k好评的答案Karan BansalLawyer:To prove that my client was home alone, I would like to present my clie

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