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1、 C. Take time off and let it be. D. Take it or leave it. You dont have to do it.2. Speaker A: My apartment is only 10 minutes walk from the office. Why dont you drop by some time? A. Because I didnt know you live so close by. B. Because I didnt want to bother you. C. Id love to. Can I take my roomma

2、te along? D. Thats OK. Ill be there soon.3. Speaker A: Doctor Smith is engaged on Wednesday. Would you like to come on Thursday? A. Thursday would be fine. B. See you then. C. Thank you very much. Good-bye. D. Its very kind of you.4. Speaker A: We came so close, really. We almost won that game! A. T

3、here, there. B. Theres no use crying over spilt milk. C. You guys were superb. D. I couldnt care less.5. Speaker A: Dont you think the concert is terrific? A. I .want to hear other opinions. B. It certainly is. And I really like the band. C. Yes, the concert is terrible. D. No, everything went on pe

4、rfectly.Section B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed, by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given a

5、nd mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.6. Woman: What do you like to do on your summer vacation?Man: I like nothing better than fishing on a hot summer day.Question: What does the man mean? A. He doesnt like fishing on a hot summer day. B. Although he likes fis

6、hing, he doesnt want to do it on a hot summer day. C. Fishing is his favorite pastime on a hot summer day. D. He likes nothing, including fishing on a hot summer day.7. Woman: I heard John and Frank had a quarrel. Oh, they soon made up. A. John and Frank had an argument, but now they are friends aga

7、in. B. John and Frank hate each other since their argument. C. John and Frank pretended that they had a quarrel. D. John and Frank often quarrel though they are friends.8. Woman: Ive changed my mind and would like to take the new approach. Youre on the right track now! A. The woman is right. B. The

8、woman is getting on well. C. The woman is doing the right thing. D. The woman has changed her mind.9. Woman: Doctor, whats wrong with my father? Hes in pretty good shape, considering. What do we learn from the dialogue? A. Her father is very sick. B. There is nothing serious with her father. C. Her

9、father is an athlete. D. The man is not sure about her fathers condition.10. Man: Why dont you dress up a little when youre out with your friends?Woman: Thats a good idea! What does the man suggest? A. The woman should put on nice clothes. B. The woman should wear makeup. C. The woman should get up

10、fight away, D. The woman should make a dress herself.6. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. APart Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark

11、your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.11. Scarcely _ those words when suddenly the monster was transformed into a very handsome youth. A. had he uttered B. did he utter C. he had uttered D. he did utter12. The new automobile factory is expected to _ around 30 000 to 5

12、0 000 vehicles annually in the first three years. A. assemble B. service C. supply D. repair13. Within the foreseeable future there may be a major _ of species, involving from one-third to two-thirds of all the species now in existence. A. exhaustion B. exhibition C. extension D. extinction14. _ we

13、arrived in a more urban area, where Jim took me to a place called Boston Market. A. Before long B. After long C. Shortly before D. Shortly after15. _ urgent the situation may be, you will need to make one change at a time, and then move on. A. As B. Whenever C. However D. Whatever16. The museums new

14、 building will have _ the exhibition space as before. A. three times B. three times like C. three times as D. three times larger17. When you are in your room, leave the door _ so that your visitors do not have to knock. A. open B. opened C. opening D. being open18. Earth is believed to _ by an objec

15、t the size of Mars at some point in the distant past before its surface cooled. A. be hit B. have hit C. have been hit D. being hit19. The only thing _ really matters to the parents is how soon their children can return home. A. what B. that C. which D. this20. It is unacceptable that a person _ for

16、 an uncommitted crime. A. gets punishing B. punishes C. get punished D. punished21. In Australia the Asians have made their influence _ in businesses, large and small. A. feeling B. feel C. felt D. to be felt22. The angry mother didnt know who _ for the broken glass. A. will blame B. to blame C. to

17、be blamed D. blames23. In the Chinese mind the Spring Festival is _ with nice food and new clothes. A. joined B. related C. linked D. associated24. Mobile phones are proved to _ with flight instruments and have a negative effect on light safety. A. interfere B. disturb C. interrupt D. trouble25. Som

18、e governments have forbidden cigarette _ and launched anti-smoking campaigns. A. commissions B. commodities C. commercials D. commands26. If you try to sell them something that they _ for free, they arent going to buy it. A. used to getting B. used to get C. were used to get D. are used to get27. Ap

19、plicants must show that they have $10 000 or more _ for living expenses and approximately $10 000 for tuition. A. acceptable B. advisable C. available D. applicable28. The director often says it is difficult to design a program that will meet the _ needs of all our users. A. diverse B. distinctive C

20、. distinct D. distinguished29. _ their differences, they are united by the common desire to transform their personal Commitment into public leadership. A. But for B. For all C. Above all D. Except for30. The winter just ending was _ severe, causing great hardship to the poorer people in this area. A

21、. exceptionally B. explosively C. extensively D. expressivelyPart Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes, 40 points) There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best on

22、e and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneDeclaring that physical exercise is one of the most powerful medicines to help improve our quality of life is not an exaggeration. The World Health Organization expressed the same view in its 2002 World Healt

23、h Report, emphasizing that the damage produced by lack of physical activity was equal to the strong probability of serious illness such as heart disease and even some kinds of cancer.Those who have embraced an active lifestyle for years are familiar with the sort of physical and psychological benefi

24、ts that come from exercise. Nevertheless a lot of people would never think of physical activity as a way of feeling better, simply because they dont think hey are in need of it ,or because they are lazy or maintain that they havent got enough time.There are many positive effects that result from phy

25、sical exercise and they are not only concerned with the physical aspects but also psychological and social ones. Beginning with the physical benefits, physical activity improves the life of the heart, burns off fat, lowers high blood pressure, makes tissues more resistant, and increases muscle flexi

26、bility and joint mobility.On a psychological level, physical activity helps reduce anxiety and stress by causing tension to disappear and by encouraging us to have a better sense of ourselves through listening to our bodies during movement.Lastly, seeing ourselves in better health is advantageous so

27、cially. The sense of satisfaction thus obtained will result in an increase of self-respect and self-confidence in terms of our ability to interact with others.The benefits linked to exercise have also not gone unnoticed in the business world, with more and more companies setting up gyms on-site. Emp

28、loyees improved health translates into better performance and reduced costs as well as an increase in peoples satisfaction in the work place.Physical activity is recommended for all age groups, including children. It is an important growth factor in a childs education.And for the elderly? There is n

29、o doubt that regular physical activity allows greater efficiency in daily life as well as creating more basic independence day by day, including the possibility of keeping in touch with others and not feeling isolated.31. The writer regards physical exercise as a strong medicine because _. A. the WHO holds the view B. it helps improve the quality of life C. the lack of it equals serious illness D. it enables pe

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