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英语II1Unit 14Word格式文档下载.docx

1、限定性定语从句用于修饰和限定先行词,与先行词之间的关系非常密切,对其起限定作用,因此不可缺少,否则会影响全句的意义。限定性定语从句之前不用逗号。译成汉语时,通常从句的末尾有“的”字,并放在它所限制的名词前面。 :上述从句不能删去,如删去则成了This is the man.(这是一个人。)完全失去了整个句的意思,因此不能删去。What is the name of the student who brought us the letter?给我们带来信的那位学生叫什么名字?The students who find out about their dominant learning style

2、 can make their learning more efficient.了解自己学习方式突出特点的学生能够使自己的学习更有效率。Is there anybody in this class whose father is a doctor?关系代词/关系副词先行词是人: who/whom/whoseThe boy ( who ) is standing there is my brother.I will give a present to those who come to class next Sunday.The person whom you wrote a letter to

3、 has come to visit you.This is the student whose father is a doctor.先行词是物:that / which关系副词: why, where, This is the room he was born. where, in which 2 非限定性定语从句先行词, 非限定性定语从句 Li Ming, who is in the room, wants to ask you some questions.李明在屋子里,他想问你几个问题。 在意义上它是先行词的一个附加修饰语,与先行词之间的关系松散,不能对其起限定作用,对先行词只起进一

4、步说明的作用,有时对主句做进一步说明,如果删掉它,不影响整个句子的基本意思,因此通常用逗号把它和其它句子分开,句中的关系代词不能省略。译成汉语时,一般用并列句表达,或单独译成一句话。上述主句是Li Ming wants to ask you some questions. 定语从句为who is in the room. 如删去从句则不影响句子的基本意思。Many educators, who research in this field, say that everybody has one of three basic ways to process the world: visual,

5、auditory or kinaesthetic.很多教育工作者在此领域进行研究探讨,他们认为,每个人处理外部世界信息的方式不外乎以下三种:视觉型、听觉型或动觉型。The coursebooks, which my colleagues found very interesting, were useless for me.这些教科书对我没用,我的同事却觉得非常有趣。 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别限定性非限定性与先行词之间的关系非常密切(删掉后影响全句的意义)与先行词之间的关系不密切(是一种补充说明,删掉后不影响整个句子的基本意思。)不用逗号分开通常用逗号分开可用关系代词that不可

6、用关系代词that可以省略(that,who,which在从句中担任宾语时可以省略)不可以省略可以替代(whom担任宾语时可用who或that替代)不可以替代读时不停顿读时停顿,用降调只可以修饰先行词,不可以修饰主句或主句的一部分。修饰整个主句或主句的一部分,此时定有逗号分开,只能由which或as引导。He helped me a lot, which I will always remember.He bought a house, which cost him a lot of money. 限定性定语从句In their class there are fifteen students

7、 who can speak English well.在他们班上有十五位英语说得好的学生。(可以看出他们班上不只十五位学生,要多于十五位more than fifteen students)。非限定性定语从句In their class there are fifteen students, who can speak English well.在他们班上, 有十五位学生, 他们英语都说得很好。(从句子中可以看出他们班上有十五位学生,这十五位学生英语口语都好。There are fifteen students in their class.)She has two sons who are

8、 P.L.A. men.(Maybe she has other sons who are not P.L.A men.)她有两个当解放军的儿子。(她有不止两个儿子,其余的可能不当兵。She has two sons,who are P.L.A. men.(She has only two sons. They are both P.L.A. men.)她有两个儿子,他们都是解放军。(她只有两个儿子, 他们都是解放军。Activity 31. The Person who talks while he/she reads is an auditory learner.2. The person

9、 who likes sketches is a visual learner.3. The person who writes everything down is a kinaesthetic learner.4. The person who touches things is a kinaesthetic learner.5. The person who remembers sounds is an auditory learner.6. The person who uses diagrams is a visual learner.7. The person who easily

10、 recalls colours is a visual learner.8. The person who moves a lot while learning is a kinaesthetic learner.9. The person who remembers names is an auditory learner.10. The person who remember shapes is an visual learner.Activity 51. The sandwich course,which I have been on for a week, is really exc

11、ellent.2. I go to an on-the-job training course, which takes one day a week.3. The job prospects in engineering, which used to be good, are declining now.4. The interview, which he had yesterday, went very well indeed.5. Accountancy, which he has decided to go in for, pays very high salaries.6. A co

12、urse with that company, which you could begin at any time, would be a very good idea for you.学习将来完成时的用法The Future Perfect Tense (将来完成时)(1)将来完成时的形式: 肯定式:主语+will ( shall ) have + 过去分词 否定式:主语+will not(wont) have+过去分词 疑问式:Will+主语+have+过去分词By the end of the course you will have gained three credits.学完本课程

13、,你将获得三个学分。You wont have earned our certificate by December.到12月份你还不能获得我处颁发的证书。By next year, we will have put up three new hospitals.Next year, we will put up three new hospitals.Will you have met him before you see me on Friday?在星期五你见到我之前你会已经跟他会过面吗?Will they have bought all the computers before they

14、 appoint a new Director of Studies?在任命新的教务主管之前,他们会已经买到所有计算机了吗?注意:在用before或after引导的表示将来的时间状语从句中,动词需用一般现在时,而不用一般将来时。(2)将来完成时的用法: 将来完成时用来表示到将来某一时刻前已经完成的动作或事情,并往往对此后产生影响,它常与表示将来的时间状语连用。在肯定句中,表示将来的时间短语位置灵活,可置于句首,也可置于句尾,而在否定句和疑问句中则置于句尾。 eg : When we get there , theyll probably have left . Toms football ma

15、tch ends at 4.15 . So at 4.30 the match will have finished . The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing . By the time you complete the course, you will have earned a Direct Certificate.OR:You will have earned a Direct Certificate by the time you complete the course.在完成所有“通达”课程后,你将能获得

16、“通达”合格证书。By the end of next year we will have set up a full range of computing facilities.We will have set up a full range of computing facilities by the end of next year.到明年年底,我们将建立起全套完备的计算机设备。:将来完成时从将来的角度看已经过去,即表示在将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。常与by + 时间名词连用,也常与表示完成意义的动词(如 build , complete , finish 等)连用。 Ill hav

17、e retired by the year 2019 . We shall have finished the work before next Friday . 在 believe , expect , hope , suppose 等动词后也常用将来完成时。 I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow . We hope youll have got the instructions ready before we come tomorrow .Activity 121. By the end of July the build

18、ing committee will have approved the plans.2. By the end of July the finance committee will have approved the budget./The finance committee will have approved the budget by the end of July.3. The new Director will not have/wont have started his job by the end of July.4. By the end of December the Di

19、rector will have appointed the/a Director of Studies./The Director will have appointed the/a Director of Studies by the end of December.5. By the end of June next year the centre will have bought computers./The centre will have bought computers by the end of June next year.6. The technicians will no

20、t have/wont have installed the computers by the end of June next year.7. By the end of June next year the Director will have appointed new trainers./The Director will have appointed new trainers by the end of June next year.8. By the end of January the year after next,the centre will have been launc

21、hed./The centre will have been launched by the end of January the year after next.Activity 131. Will they have installed the new computers before they launch the centre?2. Will the Director have appointed new trainers before they install the new computers?3. Will the new Director have started work b

22、y the end of this year?4. Will they have installed the new computers by the end of this year?5. Will the finance committee have approved the budget by the end of July?6. Will the builders have converted the centre before it buys new computers?表示地点的介词;介词与其后面的名词、代词或相当于名词的其它词类、短语等组成介词短语,用于表示地点、时间、方式方法、

23、原因、伴随情况、目的等。介词后面的名词称作介词宾语。当介词宾语为人称代词时,要用其宾格形式。in 在中,在地方 in the box , in England as 在地方,在旁 at school , at the door , at home on 在上 on the first floor , on the train by 在旁 by the window , by the desk beside 在旁 beside the old man , beside the road under 在下面 under a tree over 在上方 over the table above 在上

24、方 above the blackboard , above the house up 向上 up the stairs , up a tree down 向下 down the stairs , down the hill near 在附近 near the shop , near my home between 在(两者)之间 between the two windows , between the two buildings outside 在外面 outside the station inside 在里 inside my pocket , inside the house behind 在后面 behind the door , behind the woman *介词是虚词,不能单独用作句子的成分。介词短语常在句中用作状语、定语或表语。 There are two chinese restaurants on the third floor .(状语) The pen on the desk is mine .(定语) They are from Beijing .(表语)

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