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1、第三步:最后看选项,选项中D选项discovered的原形discover出现在同义词列表中,所以答案选择D。#22. Health (relies) on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.A. livesB. spendsC. insistsD. depends我们首先确定目标词,目标词为relies,原形为rely。我们接下来在词典中找rely的同义词,词典里relies的同义词有:depend on,count on等。最后我们在选项中找同义词,D选项为该词的同义词,所以答案选择D。#33. She is a (hardworking) wor

2、ker.A. diligentB. clumsyC. smartD. skillfulA我们首先确定目标词,目标词为hardworking。我们接下来在词典中找hardworking的同义词,词典里hardworking的同义词为:diligent。最后我们在选项中找同义词,A选项为该词的同义词,所以答案选择A。#44. I must (complete) the work at the end of July.A. acceptB. finishC. postponeD. handicapB我们首先确定目标词,目标词为complete。我们接下来在词典中找complete的同义词,词典里co

3、mplete的同义词有:finish,fulfill,terminate,carry out。最后我们在选项中找同义词,B选项为该词的同义词,所以答案选择B。#55. He was (trembling) with anger.A. stimulatingB. rockingC. shakingD. blushingC首先直接看题干,明确目标词。本题目标词:trembling,其原形为:tremble。我们接下来在词典中找tremble的同义词,词典里tremble的同义词有:sway,shake,shiver,wobble等。我们最后在同义词列表中找到答案,同义词列表中出现了C选项的原形sh

4、ake,所以本题的正确答案为C。#66. No matter how hard the work is, he (persists) always.A. insistsB. perseveresC. resistsD. continuespersists,其原形是persist。接下来在词典中找到persist的同义词有:continue,endure,last,persevere,go on,prevail,stay等。最后看选项,选项中D选项continues的原形continue在同义词列表中,所以答案选择D。#77. Norman Blamey is an artist of deep

5、 (convictions). A. statements B. beliefs C. suggestions D. claims首先确定目标词,本题的目标词是:convictions,原形是conviction。接下来在词典中找到conviction的同义词有:assurance,belief,certainty等。最后看选项,选项B的词beliefs在同义词列表中,所以本题答案为B选项。#88. He endured agonies before he finally (expired). A. fired B. resigned C. died D. retreatedexpired,原

6、形是expire。接下来在词典中找到expire的同义词有:cease,die,disappear,end,pass away,perish,vanish。最后看选项,选项C的词died的原形die在同义词列表中,所以本题答案为C选项。#99. We all (inspired) by his moving story about the sacrifice.A. calledB. allowedC. encouraged D. advisedinspired,其原形是inspire。接下来在词典中找到inspire的同义词有:animate,arouse,cheer,embolden,enc

7、ourage,enthuse,galvanize等。最后看选项,选项中C选项encouraged的原形encourage在同义词列表中,所以答案选择C。#1010. Its (prudent) to start any exercise program gradually at first. A. workable B. sensible C. possible D. feasibleprudent。接下来在词典中找到prudent的同义词有:careful,cautious,discreet,guarded,judicious,sensible,advisable等。最后看选项,选项B选项的

8、词sensible在同义词列表中,所以本题答案为B选项。#1111. Recently, the market is flooded with (counterfeit) money.A. shamB. fakeC. fateD. realcounterfeit。通过查词典我们可以找到该单词的同义词列表:copy,fake,forge,imitate,pretend,simulate等。通过对比四个选项和同义词列表,发现选项B的fake在其中,由此可知本题目的答案为B。#1212. Your encouragement made me more (confident) of my future

9、.A. certain B. delightedC. aspiringD. readyconfident。believing,certain,convinced,optimistic,positive等。通过对比四个选项和同义词列表,发现选项A的certain在其中,由此可知本题目的答案为A。#1313. He was known as a (reliable) man.A. faithfulB. smartC. ambitiousD. diligentreliable。通过查词典我们可以找到reliable在词典中的同义词有:credible,dependable,devoted,faith

10、ful,loyal,reassuring,safe等。对比分析选项。选项A选项出现在同义词列表中。故本题目的答案是A。#1414. The discovery was (sensational).A. interestingB. surprisingC. exceptionalD. excitingsensational。我们接下来在词典中找sensational的同义词,词典里sensational的同义词有:exciting,exquisite,front-page,glorious等。我们最后在同义词列表中找到答案,同义词列表中出现了D选项exciting,所以本题的正确答案为D。#15

11、15. I had some difficulty in (carrying out) the plan. A. making B. keeping C. changingD. implementingcarrying out,原形是carry out,我们应该查carry这个词。接下来在词典中找到carry out这个词组的同义词有:accomplish,achieve,carry through,implement,perform,realize。最后看选项,选项中D选项的词implementing的原形implement在同义词列表中,所以这道题的答案选择D选项。#16第2部分:阅读判断

12、(每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 Stage Fright Fall down as you come onstage. Thats an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Felts man when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropov

13、ich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic, Mr. Feltsman said, All my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen? Today, music schools are addressing the problem of anxiety in classes that deal with performance techniques and career preparation. There are a variety o

14、f strategies that musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, blank mind. Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging advice, from basics like learning pieces, inside out, to mental discipline, such as visualizing a performance and taking ste

15、ps to relax. Don t deny that youre jittery, they urge; some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing. And play in public often, simply for the experience. Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some strategies for the moments before performance. Take two deep abdominal breaths, open

16、 up your shoulders, then smile, she says. And not one of these please dont kill me smiles. Then choose three friendly faces in the audience, people you would communicate with and make music to, and make eye contact with them. She doesnt want to think of the audience as a judge. Extreme demands by me

17、ntors or parents are often at the root of stage fright, says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve. When Lynn Harrell was 20, he became the principal cellist of the Cleverland Orchestra, and he suffered extreme sta

18、ge fright. There were times when I got so nervous I was sure the audience could see my chest responding to the throbbing. It was just total panic. I came to a point where I thought, if I have to go through this to play music, I think Im going to look for another job. Recovery, he said, involved deve

19、loping humility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible, and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster. It is not only young artists who suffer, of course. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitzs nerves were famous. The great tenor Franco Corelli is another example. They had to pus

20、h him on stage, Soprano Renata Scotto recalled. Actually, success can make things worse. In the beginning of your career, when youre scared to death, nobody knows who you are, and they dont, have any expectations, Soprano June Anderson said. Theres less to lose. Later on, when youre known, people ar

21、e coming to see you, and they have certain expectations. You have a lot to lose. Anderson added, I never stop being nervous until Ive sung my last note.中文翻译: 舞台恐惧 上台就跌倒。这是个奇特的办法!但不推荐。可它确实拯救了钢琴家弗拉基米尔菲兹曼,那个时候他才十几岁,正在莫斯科表演。资深大提琴手米提斯拉夫罗斯特罗波维奇故意在他上台前将他绊倒,帮助他摆脱上台前的焦虑。菲兹曼先生说:“所有的害怕都烟消云散了。已经摔倒了,还有什么更糟糕的吗?”

22、如今,音乐学校都在课堂中强调焦虑问题,帮助学生处理表演技巧,为将来的表演做准备。怯场有很多表现,比如手冰凉、身体颤抖、心跳加快和大脑一片空白,音乐家们可以用来对付怯场的策略也有很多。 教师和心理学家给出了许多建议,从基础的做法,比如将演奏曲目烂熟于心,到精神训练,比如想象演出场景,有步骤地进行放松等。他们强调,不要掩饰你的紧张感,适度的兴奋对于精彩演出是正常甚至必要的。此外,为了积累经验,要常在公众面前演出。 黛安尼克尔斯是一名心理治疗师,她给出了一些上台前的建议:“做两次腹部呼吸,胸口打开,然后微笑,注意不是那种仿佛在央求对方不要杀你的微笑。观众是你要与之交流并为其演奏音乐的人,从中选出三名

23、比较友善的人,并与他们做眼神交流。”她不想让演奏者将观众当成是法官。 多萝西德雷是一名著名小提琴教师,她说来自导师和父母的苛刻要求常常是怯场的根源。她告诉其他教师,对学生的要求要以学生本身所能达到的水平为基础。 林哈雷尔20岁的时候成为克利夫兰管弦乐队的主大提琴手,但是他怯场非常严重。他说:“有时候我非常紧张,我甚至能肯定,观众一定能看到我的胸口随着心跳而搏动,简直变成了焦虑。” “后来,我已经无路可退了,我想:如果我必须得克服怯场才能演奏音乐,那我可能得换他工作了。”后来,他接受了相关训练,主要是学会谦逊,要认识到,不论自己有多大的才能,总有可能会犯错误,一场音乐会即使有不完美的地方,也不是

24、要命的事情。 当然,并不只有年轻人才会怯场。具有传奇色彩的钢琴家弗拉基米尔霍洛维茨的敏感神经同样人尽皆知。另一个例子是著名男高音弗朗科科莱里,女高音蕾娜塔思科多这样形容他:“必须得有人推着他才肯上台。”实际上,成名之后情况可能会变得更糟。“刚开始的时候,即使你怕得要死,也没有人知道你是谁,也不会对你抱有多大期望,”女高音琼安德森说道,“你不会有任何损失。但你成名以后,人们专程来看你的表演,那时他们一定是满怀期待而来,这样,你可能损失的东西就多了。 安德森还说:“直到唱完最后一个音符之前,我一直都会紧张。16. Falling down onstage was not a good way fo

25、r Vladimir Feltsman to deal with his stage fright.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned划出信息词Falling down onstage,not,stage fright。回归到原文的第一段:Fall down as you come onstage But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. Mr. Feltsman said, all my fright was gone. 最后对比信息,原

26、文说在舞台上绊倒后,他的舞台恐惧被治愈了。但题干出现否定词not。意思相反,所以答案为B选项。#1717. There are many signs of stage fright.划出信息词signs,stage fright。回归到原文的第二段musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms:对比信息词与原文,题干与原文stage fright是相同的。题干sign(迹象),原文symptom(症状)意思都是一致的。这是同义词改写。所以答案为A选项。#1818. Teachers and psychologists can

27、not help people with extreme -stage fright.划出信息词Teachers and psychologists cannot help。 综合理解原文,第三、第四、第五和第六段都在讲老师和心理学家为舞台恐惧者提供全方位的建议。但题干出现否定词not,说不能帮助,意思正好相反,所以答案为B选项。#1919. To perform well on stage, you need to have some feelings of excitement.划出信息词need feelings of excitement。回归到原文第三段some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing. 对比发现,题干与原文excitement是相同的,题干说need(需要),原文说necessary(必要的),这其实就是不同的单词表达相同的意思,属于同义改写。#2020. If you have stage fright, its helpful to have friendly audience.

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