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1、design need,formulation of design specifications,feasibility study with collectingrelevant design information,and design conceptualization)are part of the synthesis subprocess3. Once the conceptual design has been developed,the analysis subprocess begins with analysis and optimization of the design4

2、. This technology enables the construction of a prototype by deposition layers from the bottom to the topThus it enables the construction of the prototype directly from its design because it requires basically the cross-sectional data of the product5. Once process planning has been completed,the act

3、ual product is produced and inspected against quality requirementsParts that pass the quality control inspection are assembled,functionally tested,packaged,labeled,and shipped to customersUnit 2 1.手动或自动挡 2.内部设计 3.薄板锂离子电池 4.太阳能电池板 5.头尾灯6 concept car 7. Horse power 8. test bed 9. battery pack 10. turn

4、ing circle1.尼桑推出了一种新产品城市汽车Pixo和一款电力驱动的概念车NuVu,预示了尼桑未来的重点会放在电力驱动车上。2.尼桑表示,如果个人的流动性水平持续下降的话,正在进行的城市化将推进对城市中驾驶的各类汽车进行彻底的重新思考。3. Nuvu最重要的方面是其内部设计,聪明的整体设计提供了极大的舒适和空间。4. 两个踏板,用于停车和前进。还有数字仪表盘来显示速度,行驶距离和电池容量。5.凭借其轻巧的结构,Pixo在NEDC(新欧洲循环驾驶 )试验中产生的二氧化碳排放量低至103克/公里,燃料消耗量为4.6升 /100公里。1.Two screens on the dashboar

5、d display the view behind the car2. Around View Camera gives a birds eye view of the car when maneuvering or parking.3. It is our job to provide personal transportation that is better suited to peoples needs 。4. The car is available with manual or automatic transmissions.5. it does share some of the

6、 technology that will feature in the planned production vehicle.Unit 3 1.调幅 2. 射频 3. 冰点槽 4. 与成比例 5. 数字显示器6. audio microphone 7. receiving system 8. transmitting system 9. on-off control 10. set the temperature1. 接收器的功能是放大或增加天线接收的相对较弱的信号的强度,过滤或选择所需的其他广播站的射频信号,用射频信号振幅的改变来恢复音频信号,并用此音频信号驱动扬声器。2. 在测量系统中,

7、每一个处理步骤都会将预计到的涉及查找和消除的任何小错误,添加到的信号上。3. 第三个系统是反馈控制系统,在该系统中,通过输出性能的数据来调整驱动系统的信号。4. 这种恒温调节器包含确定室内温度的输入设备(通常,双金属带随温度改变而弯曲),设置所需温度的机械装置(设置温度的拨号盘),以及机械式开关,由双金属带启动,控制熔炉。5. 假设熔炉没有开关装置,房间的温度,或者升到最高某个温度(如果熔炉一直开着),或者降到最低的某个温度(如熔炉一直关着)。1. The input can be speech, music, or data that is produced at one location

8、and transmitted efficiently over long distances, permitting faithful recovery of the original input.2. Amplitude Modulation means that the amplitude or magnitude of a radio frequency (RF) signal is caused to vary according to the magnitude of a lower frequency signal (audio, corresponding to audible

9、 frequencies).3. The purpose of this system is to acquire information from suitable transducers about the behavior of some physical system and to display this information to the observer.4. The pair of thermocouple junctions, one attached to the object whose temperature is to be measured, the other

10、submerged in an ice bath (to establish a stable reference point), presents to the processor a voltage that depends on the temperature difference between the object to be measured and the ice bath.5. This familiar example, which in fact includes no electrical components other than a switch, was chose

11、n to emphasize the feedback concept.Unit 4 1.零件程序 2. 穿孔纸带 3. 液压致动器 4. 三维信息 5. 计算机数控 6. EIA (Electronic Industries Association) 7. basic length-unit 8. in the form of 9. servo actuator 10. stepping motor1.在典型的数控系统中,制造零件所需的数值数据,即零件程序,被保存在穿孔带上。2.和传统的机床相比,数控系统取代了操作员的手工操作。3.工件程序设计员必须熟悉数控机床的功能和加工工艺,然后才能决定

12、最佳的操作顺序。4. DNC技术是目前制造业的先进技术 ,是数控技术、通信技术、计算机网络和数据库等技术的综合应用。5.该驱动装置可能是一个直流电动机,液压致动器,或步进电机。对驱动装置类型的选择主要取决于机器对电源的要求1. Since the operator works with a sophisticated and expensive system, intelligence, clear thinking, and especially good judgment are essential qualifications of a good NC operator.2. The p

13、art dimensions are expressed in part programs by integers.3. In the 1960s, NC machines largely gave way to CNC, or computer numerical control machines.4.The advantage of using computer lies principally in the savings of programming time.5. They write the part program manually or by using a computer-

14、assisted language, such as APT. Unit 5 1. 激光打印机 2. 局域网 3. 永久性存储器 4. 光扫描仪 5. 电子电路 6. modulator-demodulator 7. inked ribbon memory 9. digital versatile disc 10. central processing unit(CPU)1. 鼠标是一个由手握住控制的定点装置。 操纵杆(摇杆)是一个由杠杆构成的定点装置, 它在电脑屏幕上可多个方向移动操控光标或者其它的图像。2. 网络接口卡使得计算机通过类似于电话线的专门的电缆或者无线连

15、接接入局域网。大多数局域网是通过以标准以太网络(1983年引进)连接的。3. 作为永久的计算机部件,硬盘驱动一般可以存储大量信息,同时检索资料的速度也非常快。相比之下,软盘存储较少的信息, 检索速度也较慢。4. 只读存储器包括非常重要的信息和必须永久地可以用于电脑操作的软件,例如总开机到关机自始至终指示计算机运行的操作系统。5. 阴极射线管,或者检测器,看起来和电视机很象。通过使用一束光电子扫描磷光表面放射出光线, 形成图像将中央处理器的信息显示在显示器上。1. Computer hardware, equipment involved in the function of a compute

16、r, consists of the components that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: input, output, and storage.2. Output hardware consists of internal and external devices that transfer information from the computers CPU to the computer use

17、r.3. Random access memory (RAM) is used to store the information and instructions that operate the computers programs. RAM is also known as volatile memory because the information within the computer chips is lost when power to the computer is turned off.4. A modem, which stands for modulator-demodu

18、lator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line or cable television network and allows information to be transmitted to or received from another computer. Each computer that sends or receives information must be connected to a modem.5. Computers can also output audio via a specialize

19、d chip on the motherboard or an add-on card called a sound card. Users can attach speakers or headphones to an output port to hear the audio produced by the computer. Unit 6 1. 商业交易 2. 电子媒介 3. 交流平台 4. 售后服务和支持 5. 内部流程 6. marketing tool 7. pre-purchase information 8. high-tech stocks 9. information te

20、chnology 10. an entirely new way1.本文将电子商贸定义为通过网站进行货物和服务的销售、资金的转移和支付授权。2.IBM公司将电子商务定义为“利用互联网技术的主要商务活动的转变”。3.互联网和电子商贸影响着不同的层面,因此也必须从不同的方面进行理解。4.只有当在线的预期顾客和供应商足够多时,能利用网络优势的互联网企业才能获利。5.研究表明互联网在发展中国家最重要的用途是E-mail(而不是万维网),而这只需要很少的在线时间。1. However, the ultimate goal for organizations wishing to maximize the

21、 potential of the Web is e-business.2. E-commerce has not been simply defined as conducting business on-line. It is understood to mean the production, distribution, marketing, sale or delivery of goods and services by electronic means.3. It implies organizational process and organizational culture r

22、e-engineering.4. E-business is taken as the extension of business on to the Internet.5. E-commerce/ e-Business is a new way of doing commercial transactions.Unit 7 1.技术革命 2.语音命令 3蜂窝网络 4. 建立临时办公室 5定位服务6.flashy memory 7.projection keyboard 8a phone guy 9the luxuriously large screen 10smart phones1电话变得

23、越来越智能、小巧、快捷,并且能够让用户高速地连接到互联网,一个显而易见的问题就出现了:移动手持设备将成为下一代计算机吗?2有了这项功能,手机很快就能提供精确的行车向导、播报所路过店铺的打折信息,并拓展约会服务。3. 电信是利用电子的或者是电磁的信号、脉冲来传递文字、声音、图像以及数据的技术。4.这个行业里的创新充满了曲折和失误,其原因是常常由于没有任何一家公司能完全控制这一产品。这个系统中有三种不同的技术来使用这些无线频率波段。5.科学家已经在语音识别 系统方面进行了几十年的研究,且此项研究仍在继续。最近这项技术已被引入PDA中。1. Those phones sit in museums n

24、ow, and half a billion sleeker, colorful new mobile sets are sold each year.2. Tweak the question, though, to ask whether mobile phones will ever eclipse, or replace, the PC, and the issue suddenly becomes controversial.3. A 1aser inside the phone emits the pattern of a large keyboard onto a flat su

25、rface, and the phones camera perceives the users finger movements.4. Handsets in the next few years will pack a gigabyte or more of flash memory, turning the phone into a huge photo album or music player.5. The uncoordinated, noncommercial programming that led to the quick evolution of the Internet

26、hasnt taken hold in the world of mobile phones.Unit 8 1.国际半导体技术蓝图 2.扫描式探针显微镜 3.巨磁电阻效应 4.半导体激光器和发光二极管5.(美国)国家纳米技术计划 6. microelectronics industry 7. a mixture of science, technology, and economics 8. nanotechnology 9. stacked layers 10.solid-state lighting1. 作为科学,技术和经济学相结合的产物,ITRS在推动材料科学领域的发展方面已经做的非常好

27、,无论是材料,表征,制作还是器件的设计等。2. 作为一种新型显微镜技术,SPM本身就很了不起,更重要的是该技术提供了一种直接以纳米分辨率探测样本局部特征的方法. 3. 得益于IBM研究中心的工程师斯图尔特帕金(Stuart Parkin)及其合作伙伴的后续工作,巨磁电阻效应在硬盘设备的读取磁头中发挥了巨大作用。4. 1962年问世的半导体激光器(LD)和发光二极管(LED)是材料科学史上伟大的事件。5. 国家纳米技术计划为发展纳米技术提供了巨额资金,同时也为跨学科研究资金筹集方式开辟了新的途径,世界上其它国家对此竞相模仿。1. And it is an appropriate first ch

28、oice in this list. Not only is electronics absolutely critical to our modern world, progress in semiconductor processing and advances in materials science have gone hand-in-hand for the last 50 years.2. Quickly followed by the atomic force microscope (AFM), this new access to the nanoscale world , a

29、rguably brought about the current ubiquity of nanotechnology. 3. The 2007 Nobel Prize for Physics went jointly to Albert Fert and Peter Grnberg for independently discovering the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect in 1988. 4. The advent of solid-state lighting is also likely to make a significant c

30、ontribution to reducing our energy usage.5. Now 65 countries have national research focus projects on nanotechnology, while industry nanotechnology R&D has exceeded that of governments worldwide.Unit 91.热交换器 2.引力 3.水力发电厂 4.甘蔗 5.油菜籽 up 7.roof facing the south 8.mill the wheat 9.substitute for petrol 10.diesel engine1. 因此太阳最终是我们可使用的能源的源泉,包括化石燃料。2. 温泉、间歇泉和火山的存在说明地壳下面有热的岩浆。3. 高潮和低谷的落差有数米。如果在高潮的时候把水储存

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