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1、 where CWhen; where DWhen; how28 Will he be persuaded to help us tomorrow?_. AYes, I think not BYes, I dont believe so CNo, I believe not DYes, I dont guess so29 _ to somebody, a British often shakes hands with the stranger. AWhen introducing BTo introduce CTo be introduced DWhen being introduced30D

2、o you like _ here?Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice. Athis Bthese Cthat Dit31If you are looking for _ good clothes shop, I think you can go to _ Harrisons. Aa; 不填 B不填; the Ca; the D不填; 不填32 Has anything new been discussed in the old temple so far? _, and more will

3、 follow, I think. AFew BMuch CAll DLittle33Can you tell me how to learn English well?Do more speaking, I think, _ youll be good at spoken English. Aor Bunless Cand Duntil34I supported him in time, otherwise he _ off the bike. Amight fall Bwould fall Cwould have fallen Dshould have fallen35There is n

4、othing to do, so I _ as well go to bed. Amust Bmay Cshould Dwill【参考答案及解析】21. D根据时间状语in the past couple of months,此处应用现在完成时。22. B 此处是when引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词1990s。23. C根据句意“钱对他来说没什么”。此处nothing才是最合适的。24. A abolish废除;destroy 毁坏;hurt受伤;wipe消灭。25. D came to herself苏醒;came to nothing毫无结果;came to light 显露,为人所知;

5、came to life 恢复生机,活跃起来。26. A showcase展示,使显出优点;announce宣布,宣告;achieve取得成绩;rejuvenate 使年轻;使复原;使恢复精神。27. B 第一空是although引导的让步状语从句,根据句意第二空应选择连接词where, where to find the instruments是主句的主语。28. C 考查交际用语。其意义为:说服他明天来帮我们吗?没有,我认为说服不了。29. D此处是分词作状语,在强调分词的动作与主句的动作同时进行时,可在其前加上适当的连词。30. D it可用于某些动词后(如like, appreciat

6、e, hate)构成习惯用法,like it here意为:喜欢这里的一切。31. A第一空泛指“一家好服装店”,用不定冠词。第二空是用某人的姓氏来表示店名,不用加冠词。32. B根据后面的回答可知用much,意为“讨论了许多新东西,并且还有更多的要讨论”。33. C此处是“祈使句+and +分句(表示将来意义)”结构。I think是插入语。34. C由otherwise可知此处是与过去事实相反的含蓄条件句,主句谓语用would +have +过去分词。35. B may / might as well do sth. (as do sth. else)意思是“还是做某事好”;“不如做某事”

7、。 高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺01221Peter will _ as managing director when Bill retires Atrip over Btake over Chand over Dlook over22Having been busy working for a long time, she is _ for a sightseeing on weekends Adesperate Bhopeful Ceager Danxious23_ you have a strong desire to go to college, work as hard as y

8、ou can Thats the only way A Even if B For C Now that D Though 24The lady dressed in fashionable clothes is _ in her appearance, but rude in her speech Aevident Bconsiderate Celegant Dinnocent25Your work is _ but Im sure you could do it better Aadequate Bexcessive Caccurate Dsimple26-Has he started o

9、ff? He said that he would come here-I _ He is a man who keeps his wordAcant set off Bcould have set off Cmust have set off Dwont set off27I gave him a warning, _ he turned a deaf ear Aof which Bto which Cfor which Dwhich 28Someone told me that the _ boy has _ for painting Agifted; gift Bgift; gifted

10、 Cgifting; a gift Dgifted; a gift 29With the old stone bridge _, a new steel one was going to be built there Atorn down Btearing out Cwas torn away Dbeing torn off 30Hes never done this type of work before; Im not sure how hell _ with the other employeesAfit in Bcome up Cend up Dfill up31You can ask

11、 the others, but _ myself, Ill be busy in the officeAas for Bthanks to Capart from Dalong with32 -Does anyone force you to do so?-No, I _ for this workAoffer Battend Cvolunteer Dtend33-The weather is changeable here Please take more clothes-_ A Its a pleasure B Well, it just depends C Take your time

12、 D OK, just in case34The day for the sports meet _, they set out to get everything ready for the coming event Afixed Bfixing Chad been fixed Dhad been fixing 35I have only _ the book, but I find it rather interesting Alook through Bdipped into Cdipped through Dtaken into 21B 由句子when Bill retires推测Pe

13、ter会“接管”的。take over“接管”。22A be desperate for“非常需要”,为固定短语。23C Now that 引导状语从句,意为“既然”。24C 根据but 连接的两个部分表示意思的转折来判断rude与elegant“优雅”对应。25A 由句子Im sure you could do it better可知“工作做得好”,只有在“好”的前提下,才能更好。26C must have done用来表示对过去事情的推测。27B turn a deaf ear to意为“对置若罔闻”。28D have a gift for意为“有天赋”。29A 在with结构中,宾语同宾

14、补存在逻辑动宾关系。30A 本句话意思是“他以前从未做过这种工作,所不太确信他能否与其他雇员配合好。”fit in with“与相协调”。31A as for“至于,就”。本句话意思是“你可以问他人,但是就我来说,会在办公室很忙”。32C 从No来判断“没有人迫使我做这个活”,所以说“我是自愿的”。33D just in case“以防万一”。34A 独立主格结构,在句中作状语。35 . B dip into意为“浏览”。存俨若思养浩然气;视已成事读未完书。高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺01321-What present shall we make Xiao Li for his birt

15、hday? What kind of things does he like, football, pop music, model plane or ships. -_ Lets make him a model plane. AIts a good idea BThats it CThats true DThats right22- John, would you lend me some money? -Unless you _ to pay the money back within six months. Aunderstand Bundertake Cunderplay Dunde

16、rline23- What time would you like me to _ his evening for the concert? - I think 6:30 will be OK. Apick you up Bpick you out Cpick you out Dpick you off24. _, the materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature. AIt is well known BWe all know CIt is well known that DAs is

17、 well known25History is _ a subject that not only let us know something in history; it also tells us a lot of truth. Anot more than Bless than Cmore than Dno more than26In the evening the car broke down _ and the heavy rain added to the helplessness of the girl driver on the country road. Aunexpecte

18、dly Ball of a sudden Cunfortunately Dimmediately27News of the robberies _ many people _ fitting new locks to their doors. Ascared; into Bscared; out of Cscared; away Dscares; out of28It is not _ you have said but what you have done _ made us very disappointed. Athat; what Bwhat; what Cwhat; that Dth

19、at; that29-What do you think of Mr. Wang? - He is a man full of curiosity. He is always _ about my work. Acareful Banxious Ccurious Dcrazy30Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything _ all right in the end. Aturned up Bturned down Cturned off Dturned out31I often think of those winter

20、days when we spent time reading books together, _ a cup of hot chocolate at hand. Aas Bthrough Cwith Dby 32-When were your legs injured? - It was one Sunday last month _ my father and I spend at the seaside. Athat Bwhen Cas Dwhile33Its always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak

21、 the language. Aextremely Bnaturally Cspecially Despecially34Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. Amore than twice Bas twice as many Ctwice as many as Dmore than twice as many35_ the heavy rain, we might have arrived there at midday. AIf it were not for BHadnt it been for

22、 CHad it not been for DBut with21B根据Lets make him a model plane.这句话可知。Thats it 意为“那就是的”。22B understand 意为“明白,理解”;undertake“同意,保证”;underplay“对不够重视”;underline“在下划线”。23A pick up 意为“驾车去接”;pick out“选出,分辨出”;pick over“仔细检查”;pick off“摘取,采取”。24D as引导非限制性定语从句时,as代表整个主句或主句的一部分内容, 并在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。若选B、C,则横线后的逗号应省

23、去。若选A,句子结构错误。25C more than 意为“不仅仅”;not more than“不多于”;less than“少于”;no more than“仅仅,只”。26B Unexpectedly 意为“没有预料到地”;all of a sudden“突然”;unfortunately“不幸运地”;immediately“迅速地”。27A scare into意为“吓得某人去做某事”;scare out of 意为“吓得某人不敢做某事”scare away/off意为“将某人吓跑”。28C 此句是强调句型,强调what you have done,意为“你所做的”。29C be cu

24、rious about意为“对感兴趣(好奇)”。30D turn up“出现,露面”;turn down“关小,拒绝”;turn off“关掉电源等”,turn out“证明是,结果是”。31C此处是由“介词with+名词+介词短语”构成的复合结构,在句中作伴随状语。32 A从句中spent为及物动词,故用关系代词that作其宾语。as 在从句中也可用作关系代词,但先行词前常有such, the same , as, so修饰。33D extremely意为“极端地”; naturally 意为“自然地”;specially“特意地,专门地”;especially意为“尤其”。从题意来看,只有

25、D项符合语境。34D 表示倍数时,语序为“倍数(twice)+ as many as + ”,若是分数或其它副词如almost, just 等也要置于第一个as 之前。句中more than twice 意为两倍多。35C题干中省略了if,应用倒装句式,此处是与过去事实相反。一路风雨前程磨砺意志;半载苦乐同享铸就辉煌。高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺01421She is the only one among the _ authors who _ detective story. Awoman; writes a Bwomen; write a Cwomen; writes a Dwoman; write a 22-How do you like the lecture last Friday?-Terrible. Though _ to stop, the _ speaker kept on talking at the meeting. Abeing told; exciting Btelling; excited Cto be told; exciting Dtold; excited23 She shouldnt have done that sort of thing.

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