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1、rsquo; levels, I came up with inno vativeideas that made a very successful company. Having held man ageme nt positi ons with in Huma n Resources, Operatio ns, and Finance, I quickly realised that pursuing a management degree at uni versity would be ideal for me.After my GCSE&s, I held a temporary jo

2、b as a juniorin an In solve ncy practice, in order to gain work experie nee.Havi ng to work to tight deadli nes taught me how to workin depe nden tly as part of a professi onal team. I lear nt thatin bus in ess, if one pers on lacks productivity, the n every one else can suffer, and also how to moti

3、vate others as a mea ns of preve nti ng such issues. I used the skills lear nt to enhance myrole as the Managing Director of my young Enterprisecompa ny, particularly methods of motivati on and delegati on, and the sig ni fica nee of being acco un table for others. Havi ng spent nearly three years w

4、orking part time in a Health food shop alon gside my studies, I developed my com muni cati on skills, with both colleagues and customers, and proved to be a trustworthy employee.Bei ng appo in ted as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth formwas a great honour to me. My skills were greatly enhan ced by holdi

5、ng this position, as I would often have to listen, and resp ond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, and stude nts lower dow n the school. Through activities such as Lunch duty, I learnt the worth of different leadership skills, and that it isimporta nt to treat every one as an in dividual in or

6、der to get results. I was always keen to stay into the eve ning to help out at school eve nts.Socialisi ng is very importa nt to me, and I am always kee n to meet new people. I enjoy tryingnew foods to in crease my kno wledge of differe nt cultures, and my culinary skills will prove very useful in i

7、ndependent university life. I enjoy travelling, and learning about modernhistory. Having recently returned from Prague, I visited aconcentration camp. This was a moving experienee for me,and someth ing I will n ever forget. Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and I use music to help me unwind and re

8、flect on thin gs. I use the internet to keep up with curre nt affairs and sports n ews.I have always been a keen sportsman, representing myschool in many sport ing activities. I enjoy running, particularly competi ng in spri nt races, but also long dista nee running as a means of keep ing fit. I alw

9、ays try to go for a run every eve ning, duri ng breaks betwee n my A Level studies. I represe nted my school as a keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athletics teams, particularly in the relay. I formally played tennis and table tennis in national competitions, andmore recently I h

10、ave played in football, rugby, and cricket leagues outside of school.I believe that my experiences have prepared me for in depe ndent uni versity life. My social skills together with my ambiti on to succeed in life prove me to be good can didate for a Man ageme nt Degree.Perso nal Stateme ntI have b

11、ee n greatly fasc in ated by chemistry si nee my first exposure to the Periodic T able of Eleme nts. The n atural orderof the first 12 eleme nts, discovered approximately 450 yearsago, made it possible for the eleme nts to be placed on a chart con sist ing of rows and colu mns, such that eleme nts s

12、hari ng a column were discovered to have similar characteristics. This led Russia n scie ntist Dmitry Men deleyev to predict theexiste nee of the eleme nt with the atomic nu mber 32,germa nium, as well as its colour, weight, den sity, and melti ng point. The predicted eleme nts have since bee n disc

13、overed and I was greatly marvelled at this feat amon gst many others. My interest in chemistry has been further stimulated as I have continued to learn more about the characteristics of the in dividual eleme nts, the n ature of their atoms, and how they form familiar chemical compo unds that are par

14、ticularly critical to the existe nee of life and the practice of medici ne.Arrivi ng at the decisi on to study Applied Chemistry tookme quite some time. This was because I was determined to find out where my in terests really lie as I excelled in most ofmy Scie nee subjects. However, I knew that I l

15、ove experimenting in Chemistry and also that it is one of my favourite subjects. I dutifully attended a number of career sessions and open days for scienee subjects at various uni versities, and the ones focuss ing on Chemistry left a lasti ngimpression on me. Also, I took time to visit one or twoco

16、mmercial chemistry-orie nted laboratories in my area to talk with the chemists there. Their experie nces have rein forced my love for the subject. They helped me to un dersta nd the wide variety of careers available for a graduate with a good knowledge of Chemistry, i.e. research, pharmaceuticals, a

17、ndeve n en vir onmen tal man ageme nt. The prospect of a career in research and pharmaceuticals is of great in terest to me. At this poin t, I was fin ally convin ced that studies in Chemistry and a career in research in the same subject is what I wan ted to pursue, this is largely due to my love fo

18、r Chemistry as a scie nee.My interest in Chemistry was consolidated by my workexperienee at ChangZhou University Chemistry Department.The more adva need Chemistry I wasexposed to &n dash; in textbooks, discussi ons andpractical work en sured me that I would be in terested in degree level Chemistry.

19、My work mai nly con sisted of bromin at ing an aromatic, which would produce an in termediate for stem-cell research. This taught me valuable practical skills, such as the use of Schlenk apparatus, column separation and rotaryevaporati on. Work ing with a research team made meparticularly attracted

20、to courses offer ing an opport unity to take part in research. Usi ng an alytical machi nery, such as NMR, on compounds that I had produced excitingly brought what had bee n theory in a textbook into practical reality. The desire for more of these mome nts is one of my main motivati ons for study in

21、g Chemistry. In additi on, I regularly en gage in further read ing on li ne, e.g. the Oxford pre-U niversity ChemistryCourse. This has expa nded my in terest in Chemistry syllabus.Nevertheless, I am acutely aware that, in the research fields I am interested in, there are still so many difficult subj

22、ects and challenges awaiting for solution. In physical chemistry, Chi na is relatively backward in the fields of catalystdevelopme nt,catalystin activati on, reacti ondyn amics,reacti on mecha ni sm,geochemical reacti onmecha ni sm,en vir onmen tal-chemicalreacti on mecha ni sm.Inan alyticalchemistr

23、y,Chi na lags relatively beh inditsWesterncoun terpartsin areassuch as instrumentalan alysis andtheoreticalchemistry. Basically, Chinarelies onimport for large-scale an alytical in strume nts. By con trast, theUnited States has many world-leading academic specialists and en courages in terdiscipli n

24、ary programs. It will accord me a stimulati ng and liberal academic en viro nment, apart from the sophisticated research facilities. Rice University is my top priority in applying for a Ph.D. program and I choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in an alytical chemistry.At RiceUn iversity, Ipl

25、a ntolear nbroader-basedfoun dati onaltheories in mychosenfields.Withmysolidin terdiscipli narykno wledgeandabilityforthequickassimilatio n of new kno wledge, I intend to secure for myself aRA status to directly start my laboratory research under the guida nee of my future advisor. I can also work a

26、s TA so that I can study while teach ing and con duct ing my intern ship. I can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that Iacquire in the process ofin ter nship and degree program. Fin ally, throughtheoretical study and scie ntific research, I would en deavor to produce a well-writt

27、e n dissertati on in which I hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research level.After obta ining my Ph.D. degree, I intend to en ter one ofthe top research in stitutes to delve deeper into some challe nging subjects and to achieve some research fruits. After accumulati

28、 ng certa in research experie nee at an actual research in stitute, I pla n to return to Chi na to work as a professor at alead ing Chin ese uni versity, a positi on which will en able me to train many more academic professi on als in physical oranalytical chemistry. At the same time, I will also de

29、dicate myself to tur ning my laboratory research results into yet more pate nts and inven ti ons, which can further be developed into products with pragmatic applicati ons.My passion for Chemistry stems from an appetite to understand the physical world around me, and I eagerly anticipate the enhance

30、ment of understanding that degree level Chemistry will bring.Signature: Date:My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a televisi on in terview whe n I was still a young girl. HunanTelevisi on Stati on held a tale nt show called Super Girl Voice in 2004. I was a stude nt in high school at th

31、at time, and I found the high audie nee rati ng brought huge viewers and theadvertisers. It also made mass media to be a hot industry. I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me totake off. Therefore I determ ined to choose mass com muni cati on to be my major.I am very proud to study in Communi cati on Un iversity of

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