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后翼弃兵 第一季第四集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语文档格式.docx

1、? 你真的喜欢我的身材Im stoned. I shouldnt be speaking a foreign language. 我磕嗨了 不该跟你讲外语And I should probably call home. 我应该给家里打个电话Phones in the bedroom, through the kitchen. 电话在卧室里 穿过厨房就是Thanks. 多谢Hello? 喂Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Im with some friends. 我想告诉你我和朋友们在一起From my Russian class. 俄语课上的Go

2、 onto bed. Ive got a key. 睡觉吧 我带钥匙了Did you say youre partying with college students? 你是说你和大学生在一起聚会吗Yep. 对Okay. 好吧Just be careful what you smoke, honey. 注意你抽的是什么烟 亲爱的Okay. 好See you in the morning? 早上见Is there anyone youve met that youd like to. 有没有遇到你想要一起.trade rooks with?切磋的人Jesus. 天啊Whats that burn

3、ing purple thing there? 那个点燃的紫色东西是什么玩意You tell me. 你告诉我How much longer? 还有多久- Im close. - Okay. -就快了 -好吧m sorry, Im just really stoned. 抱歉 我磕嗨了Yeah, me too. 我也是Everybody went to Cincinnati to see a movie.其他人都去辛辛那提看电影了Stay as long as you like. 想待多久待多久You might have called. 你应该打电话的m sorry. Didnt wanna

4、 wake you up. 我很抱歉 不想吵醒你- I wouldnt have minded. - Anyways, Im all right. -我不介意 -总之 我没事m going to Cincinnati. 我要去辛辛那提to see a movie. 看电影So, I wont be home tonight, either. 我今晚也不回家了ll be home after school Monday. 我周一上完课再回去Are you with a boy? 你是和男生在一起呢吗I was last night. 昨天晚上是Oh, Beth. 贝丝m all right. I

5、. 我没事had a good time. 我玩得很开心Well, chess isnt the only thing in life. 象棋不是生活中的唯一- Its just. . - I wont get pregnant. -只是 -我不会怀孕的Famous last words. 大家都这么说Elizabeth Harmon. 伊丽莎白哈蒙费尔菲尔德高中 1966届 恭喜Congrats. 恭喜m so proud of you. 我真为你骄傲All right, open it. 打开吧s a Bulova. 这是只宝路华表s a Bulova. 爱你 母亲s perfect. 太

6、完美了Thank you. 谢谢你So. 所以I suppose youll be going to a grad night party or two. 我觉得你得参加几次毕业派对No. 不We have Mexico City in two weeks. 两个星期之后要去墨西哥城And then the US Championship. 然后是全美冠军杯And then Remy-Vallon. 之后是雷米瓦伦In Paris. 在巴黎Paris? 巴黎They invited me. 他们邀请了我Paris. 巴黎My God! 我的天啊Things are beginning to h

7、appen. 新生活开始了- Another cerveza, por favor. - Yes. -麻烦再来瓶啤酒 -好- What are you reading about? - Pawn structure analysis. -你在看什么 -兵型分析Sounds exciting. 听起来不错It is. 确实Beth? 贝丝I have a confession to make. 我有件事要坦白Do you know what a pen pal is? 你知道笔友是什么吗Someone you exchange letters with. 会相互寄信的人Yes, exactly.

8、 没错- Your beer, Ms. Wheatley. - Thank you. -您的啤酒 惠特利女士 -谢谢when I was in high school, my Spanish class was given a list 我上高中的时候 西班牙课上给了个名单of boys in Mexico who were studying English. 一些正在学习英语的墨西哥男孩I picked one, and I sent him a letter about myself. 我挑了一个 寄了一封自我介绍信We corresponded for a rather long tim

9、e, 我们当了很久的笔友even when I was married to Allston. 哪怕后来我嫁给了奥尔顿We exchanged photographs. 我们交换了照片His name is Manuel. 他叫曼纽尔Hes meeting us at the airport. 他会来机场接我们Have you ever met him before? 你以前见过他吗Never. 从来没有I have to say, I am really quite thrilled. 说真的 我很激动Is he the reason you wanted to come to Mexico

10、 early? 这就是你想提早来墨西哥的原因吗I suppose so. 差不多吧I suppose so. 墨西哥城 1966年Every single famous person in Latin-American history, 任何一个在拉丁美洲有名的人art or politics, has sometime come to Mexico City. 无论是艺术或政治领域 都会时常来墨西哥城I can see why. 我能理解为什么s lovely. - Oh, yeah. -这里真不错 -没错I like to say that I was born in Mexico. 我想

11、说自己出生在墨西哥but I am from Mexico City. 但我其实是墨西哥城人You just get here? 你刚到吗A few days ago. 几天前来的I thought you were done with tournaments. 我以为你们不参加锦标赛了I am. Mikes a glutton for punishment. 我是不了 迈克就是个受虐狂- Yeah. - Your morn has a new friend. -对 -你妈妈有了个新朋友She came in at three oclock this morning, 2:30 the day

12、 before. 她今早凌晨三点才回来 昨天是两点半s got a green Dodge that always seems to be at her disposal. 他有辆绿色的道奇 似乎变成了她的专车And theyve had lunch and dinner every day this week. 而且他们这周每天都一起吃午餐和晚餐m pretty sure theyre fucking. 我很确定他们上床了I thought, at first, it was the altitude. 我一开始以为是海拔原因7,350 feet. 7350英尺Good lord, its

13、enough to make a person positively giddy. 天呐 这海拔绝对能让人头晕目眩了Now, I think its the culture. 现在我觉得是文化Theres no hint of a Protestant ethic in Mexico. 墨西哥完全没有新教文化Theyre all Latin Catholics, 全是拉丁天主教徒and they all live in the here and now. 他们都活在当下You really need to stop reading Alan Watts. 你别看那么多艾伦沃茨的书了s anno

14、ying. 真烦人I think Ill have just one margarita before I go out. 我走之前来一杯玛格丽塔鸡尾酒吧Will you call for one, honey? 你能帮我点吗 亲爱的- Recepcin. - Yes, could we get a margarita and a large Coke? -前台 -请给我们一杯玛格丽塔和大杯可乐- Room number? - 5713. -请问房间号 -5713房- Coming soon. - Yes, thank you. -马上来 -谢谢You know you could come

15、along to the folklorico. 你可以一起去墨西哥舞节I understand the costumes alone are worth the price of admission. 我知道虽然服装本身就跟入场费一样贵了s such a beautiful day. - Its been raining the last two days. -今天天气真不错 -过去两天一直在下雨Has it? 真的吗I hadnt noticed. 我都没注意到The tournament starts tomorrow. I need to work on these endgames.

16、 锦标赛明天就开始了 我需要研究残局You know, perhaps, Beth, you have to work on yourself. 或许 贝丝 你该考虑下自己Chess is not all there is. 象棋不是全部s what I know. 是我知道的全部Well, my experience has taught me that 以我的经验来看what you know isnt always whats important. 你所知道的不一定就是重要的And whats important? 那什么重要Living and growing. 生活与成长Living

17、 your life. 过自己的生活- With a sleazy Mexican salesman. - Treating yourself. Adventure. -和那个下流的墨西哥销售 -好好待自己 冒险You havent visited Bellas Artes, or even been to Chapultepec Park. 你都没去艺术宫 或查普特佩克公园The zoo there is delightful. 那里的动物园很有趣ve taken all of your meals in this room, 你所有餐都在这个房间吃youve had your nose b

18、uried in a chess book. 你整日埋头苦读你的象棋书Shouldnt you just relax the day before the tournament? 难道锦标赛前一天不该好好休息吗Think about something other than chess? 想想除了象棋以外的事情Mother. 母亲Tomorrow, at ten oclock, I play black against Octavio Marenco. 明天十点 我执黑棋 和奥克塔维奥马伦科对战That means he gets to move first. 那意味着他先下Yes. I kn

19、ow what playing black means. 我知道执黑棋是什么意思s 34 and an International Grandmaster. 他34岁了 还是个国际特级大师If I lose, well be paying for this trip. 如果我输了 我们的这次旅行this adventure. 这次冒险out of capital. 就要自掏腰包了If I win, Ill be playing someone even better than 如果我赢了 下午我要和Marenco in the afternoon. 比马伦科更厉害的人比赛I need to s

20、tudy my endgame. 我需要研究残局re what they call an intuitive player, are you not? 你是所谓的直觉型棋手 对吧Yes, I have been called that before. 对 有人这么称呼过我Sometimes, the moves come to me. 有时 棋法自然而然浮现在脑中ve noticed the moves they applaud the loudest 我注意到人们欢呼最响的棋法are the ones you make rather quickly. 恰恰是你走的最快的那些And there

21、s a certain look on your face. 你的脸上会浮现一种特殊的神情Intuition cant be found in books. 书里不会教你直觉I think you just dont like Manuel. 我觉得你只是不喜欢曼纽尔Manuel is all right. 曼纽尔还行吧But he doesnt come by to see me. 但他不是来看我的s irrelevant. 这无关紧要You need to relax. 你得放松s no player in the world as gifted as you are. 世界上再没有像你这

22、么有天赋的棋手了I havent the remotest idea what faculties a person needs 我一点不知道想要下好象棋in order to play chess well, 需要具备什么才能but I am convinced that relaxation can only improve them. 但我相信放松身心 只会增强那些才能- Una cerveza Corona, por favor. - Si. -一杯科罗纳啤酒 谢谢 -好People like you have a hard time. 你这样的人会过得很难Two sides of t

23、he same coin. 就像硬币的两面ve got your gift. 你有天赋And youve got what it costs. 你有成为天才的本事Hard to say for you what that will be. 很难说那对你来说意味着什么ll have your time in the sun, but for how long? 你会有在阳光下闪耀的时刻 但能持续多久呢ve got so much anger in you. 你的内心充满愤怒ll have to be careful. 你得小心Cerveza? 有啤酒吗Lets play. 我们下棋吧Shit.

24、见鬼You can turn on the light. Im now awake. 你可以开灯 我已经醒了m sorry. 对不起I seem to have caught a virus. 我好像感冒了I dont know if Ill be able to watch your match in the morning. 我可能没法去看你早上的比赛了s all right. 没关系ll tell me all about it? 你能告诉我比赛情况吗Sure. 行Every move? 每一步Of course. 当然Hi, boys. 好啊 小伙子们Lovely night for

25、a swim. 今晚很适合游泳This is Juan Alberto Diaz 我是胡安阿尔贝托迪亚兹coming to you live from the Mexico City Invitational Chess Tournament 向您现场直播于阿兹特卡宫举行的墨西哥城at the Palacio Azteca where 国际象棋邀请赛的赛况the big story has been the seventeen-year-old 目前最令人瞩目的要数来自肯塔基州from Lexington, Kentucky, Elizabeth Harmon. 莱克星顿的17岁少女 伊丽莎白

26、Neither of us spoke the others language. 我们都不会说对方的语言He opened with a pawn to king four. 他用兵到王线第四格开局I played pawn to queens bishop four. 我走了兵到后翼象线第四格In 31 moves, I had his king in a mating net. 31步后 我把他的王围困在将杀网中re a wonder. 你真是个奇迹Undefeated, this morning she played 不败之后 今早她用the Queens Gambit Declined

27、 拒后翼弃兵开局against the Austrian, Diedrich. 对战奥地利人迪德里奇Facing relentless pressure in the middle of the board, 面对棋局中持续的压力Harmon had him on his heels from the start. 哈蒙从第一步起就牵制了对方She did it mostly with pawns, 基本用兵进攻and crushed his position as one might crush an egg. 像磕碎鸡蛋一样 轻松化解了他的局Diedrich played well, 迪德

28、里奇下得不错made no blunders or anything that could properly be called a mistake, 没有犯糊涂 或任何可能被称为错误的棋but Harmon moved with such deadly accuracy, such measured control, 但哈蒙的棋法更加精准 控制力一流that his position was hopeless 他的棋局到23步时by the 23rd move. 已回天乏术Impressive play by this young woman. 这位年轻姑娘的棋艺令人惊叹Borgov retreats his knight, 博尔戈夫撤马but hes really attacking the black knight. 但他实际目的是攻击黑棋的马This is a very interesting position. 这是个颇有意味的棋局It is dangerous for both sides. 两方都很危险How is Bl

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