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1、Item 1 Scope 1 第二条质量责任 1 Item 2 Quality Responsibility 1 第三条质量义务 2 Item 3 Quality Obligation 2 第四条开发阶段的质量要求 2 Item 4 Quality Requirement during Developing Phase 2 第五条批量认可 3 Item 5 PPAP Release 3 第六条批量阶段质量要求 3 Item 6 Quality Requirement during SOP 3 第七条供应商质量能力要求 6 Item 7 Supplier Quality Capability R

2、equirement 6 第八条供应商质量绩效、改进及奖励 6 Item 8 Supplier Quality Performance, Improvement and Rewards 6 第九条 三包规定 7 Item 9 Warranty Regulations 7 第十条其它 7 Item 10 Others 7第一条 适用范围Item 1 Scope1.1 为确保供应商提供产品(包括售后备件)的供货质量,本协议规定了供应商在产品前 期开发、批量认可、批量供货,直至售后质量保证全过程的要求和职责;本协议作为基 础合同的附件,与基础合同具有同等法律效力;本协议与基础合同中的质量保 证业务条

3、款构成了双方之间完整的质量保证权利义务关系。1.1 In order to ensure supplier parts (including spare parts) quality to Party A, this agreement describes the the quality requirement and responsibility of supplier during the whole phases involving parts developing, PPAP release, SOP and after-sale quality; As attachment of G

4、eneral Contract, this agreement has the same legal effect with General Contact; With quality assurance items in General Contract, they two constitute mutual completed quality assurance rights and obligation.1.2 本协议适用于乙方供给甲方的所有原材料、产品和服务。1.2 This agreement applies to all raw materials, parts and servi

5、ce supplied by party B.第二条 质量责任Item 2 Quality Responsibility2.1 乙方及其分供方应保证遵守国家有关质量方面的法律法规及管理规定,例如合同法、产品质量法、缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例、家用汽车产品修理、更换、退货责任规定 等相关法律规定,由于乙方及其分供方提供零件的质量问题,造成甲方由此产生的所有法律责任及一切经济损失,均由乙方承担。2.1 Party B and its sub-suppliers should obey national relative quality rules and regulation, such as: C

6、ontract Law, Product Quality Law, Defective Automobile Product Recall Management Regulations and Domestic Auto Repair, Change, Sale-return Liability rules, due to the quality problems from Party B and its sub-suppliers parts, all legal liability and economic losses of Party A shall be borne by Party

7、 B.2.2 乙方供货产品的技术指标和质量基于以下列举的相关质量管理及技术文件要求,但不限于下列文件要求的限制:2.2 Technical indicators and quality of Party Bs supply parts should based on the relevant supplier quality management and technical documentation requirements listed below, but not limited to the following restrictions requested documents:2.2.

8、1 中国国家强制性的法律、法规要求(乙方自行获取);2.2.1 Chinese National Mandatory Laws and Regulations (Obtain by Party B) 2.2.2 德国汽车工业管理 VDA 系列丛书(乙方自行获取);2.2.2 VDA series (Obtain by Party B)2.2.3 供应商质量能力评定准则(依据 Formel Q,见附件一:供应商审核报告);2.2.3 Supplier Quality Capability Evaluation Criteria (according to the Formel Q See att

9、achment 1- )2.2.4 甲、乙双方签订的新产品合作开发技术协议书;2.2.4 New Product Cooperative Developing Agreement signed by both parties 2.2.5 产品技术资料(包括图纸、3D 数据、技术条件和标准等)。2.2.5 Product Technical Information (including drawing, 3D data, technical condition andstandards)2.3 针对产品的特殊质量要求,甲方可以在后续增加的质量文件中予以规定,并作为本 协议的附件,与本协议具有同等

10、效力。2.3 With regard to parts special quality requirement, Party A can describe them in the subsequent additional quality files, and these files will be taken as the attachment of this agreement, have the same legal effect with this agreement.第三条 质量义务Item 3 Quality Obligation3.1 乙方必须确保供货产品符合本协议第二条的规定,

11、做到零缺陷(即不合格判定数Ac=0)。3.1 Supplier must ensure the supply parts comply with above Item 2 requirements, and quality goal is zero defects (Ac=0)3.2 乙方有义务按照本质量协议第二条的规定,要求其分供方。3.2 Party B must request its sub-supplier according to Item 2 in this Agreement.3.3 乙方必须保证每批供应产品都随附供应商自检报告(见附件二)。自检报告至少包括 供应品的外观、性能

12、、装配尺寸、产品的生产批次等,否则甲方有权拒绝接收。3.3 Party B must provide Self-inspection report for each supply batch; appearance, performance and assembly dimensions and production batch must be in the report. Otherwise Party A will reject the parts.3.4 乙方必须保证对供货产品的重要质量特性进行识别和重点控制,按 PPAP 认可时检验计划中的要求、项目、频次,按期提供产品审核报告及年度型

13、式试验报告。3.4 Party B must indentify and control its supply parts key quality characteristic andregularly submit the Audit Report and Annual Type Test Reports according to the frequency and key quality characteristics described in PPAP inspect items.3.5 乙方必须保证按甲方 PPAP 认可状态的条件进行批量生产,未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得变更经甲方审核并

14、认可的合同产品的设计、制造设备、模具、材料、工艺标准、生产 场地和分供方。如私自变更,造成的一切损失均由乙方承担,甲方有权追究由乙方引起的 质量信誉损失。3.5 Party B must ensure to do mass production under PPAP condition released by Party A, without party As written consent, Party B cannot change the product design, manufacturing equipment, tooling, material, process specifi

15、cations, production sites and sub-suppliers described in the Agreement. If Party B change them without Party As consent, all loss caused by these changing will be borne by Party B, Party A also have right to pursue quality credit losses caused by the Party B.3.6 乙方必须将供货零件的检验报告、审核报告和型式试验报告存档,不含 D/TLD

16、 特性要求的相关报告存档三年,含 D/TLD 特性要求的相关报告保存十五年。3.6 Party B has responsibility to document supply parts Inspection Report, Audit Report and type-test Report, D/TLD parts documents must be archived for 15 years, and other parts for 3 years.第四条:开发阶段质量要求Item 4 Developing-phase Quality Requirement4.1 乙方开发阶段的质量要求按

17、甲乙双方签订的新产品合作开发技术协议书中规定的 要求执行。乙方需制定产品质量先期策划和控制计划(APQP),确保满足项目进度和开发 阶段的产品质量要求,当项目和零件质量出现红灯项时,甲方和乙方有责任和义务共同促进和整改。4.1 Quality requirement during developing phase is according to the requirement described in New Product Cooperative Technical Agreement signed by both parties. Party B need to compile APQP

18、and Control Plan to meet parts quality requirement during project schedule and developing phase. Both parties have responsibility and obligation to improve and optimize parts when the parts have quality problems.4.2 乙方根据技术规范、开发进度及实验大纲等提交自检合格的 OTS 样件,并附带自检报告,并附带此批样件的锁定的工艺文件。4.2 Party B submits self-c

19、hecked qualified OTS samples to Party A according to Technical Specification, developing schedule and test plan, and with attachment of Self-inspection Report and locked process files.第五条:批量认可要求Item 5 PPAP Release Requirement5.1 乙方应确保首批样件是完全在批量生产条件下:既是批量生产设备、工装、量具、过程、材料和操作工进行制造出来的零件。并保证是一小时至八小时的生产,且

20、至少为 300 件 连续生产产品,或以甲方特殊要求执行。对于多模腔的产品,每一腔位的零件都必须进行 测量,并对代表性的零件进行试验。5.1 Party B must ensure PPAP samples are produced under mass production condition: mass-produced equipment, tooling, gauges, process, material and operator producing the parts. PPAP samples must be continuous produced, at least 300 pi

21、eces within 1 to 8 hours, or according to Party As special requirement. With regard to multi-cavities parts, each cavity part needs to be measured and do the test on typical parts.5.2 乙方产品存在如下情况时,必须提前通知甲方,在得到甲方许可后,按甲方规定的批量认可流程,对乙方产品进行首批样件认可:5.2 If any above items needs to change; Party B must inform

22、 Party A in advance, with Party As consent, Party B can carry out according to Party As PPAP procedure.5.2.1 新零件5.2.1 New parts5.2.2 产品技术更改(如设计、规范、材料等更改)5.2.2 Product technical change (such as: design, specification and material change) 5.2.3 生产条件更改(如场地、设备、模具、分供方等)。5.2.3 Production condition change

23、(such as: plant, equipment, tooling and sub-suppliers) 5.2.4 生产过程更改(如工艺标准、工序过程更改等)5.2.4 Production procedure change (such as: process standards and produce procedure) 5.2.5 其它更改,更改后导致影响产品特性5.2.5 Other change which affect product characteristics 5.3 批量认可流程:5.3 PPAP Release Procedure乙方接到甲方的 OTS 样件认可报告

24、及甲方的小批量订单后,需组织内部小批量生产,并 提前 2 周告之甲方计划生产时间,甲方视情况决定是否到乙方现场进行两日生产验收(附 件三:2TP 审核报告)乙方需将检验合格的小批量样件及批量认可文件(见附件四:供应商 PPAP 文件包)一起提交,甲方负责对提交文件进行审核,并对小批量产品进行复检,当 甲方复检发现乙方提供的产品不合格,而需要进行再次复检时,由此产生的复检试验费用 由乙方承担。After receiving OTS Release Report and small-batch order from Party A, Party B need to organize interna

25、l small-batch production, and inform Party A two weeks before production, Party A will decide if they go to Party B to do 2TP (attachment 3: 2TP Audit Report). Party B need to submit qualified small-batch samples and PPAP documents to Party A, Party A re-audit the documents and re-inspect the sample

26、s, when Party A find the samples is not qualified and need to inspect them again, the re-inspect fee is borne by Party B5.4 首批样件 3 分的零件可以被允许有条件的(限时/限量)投入试生产,乙方必须提交 3分零件的改进措施和计划在双方商定的期限内达到 1 分,并对整改完成后的零件重新提交 批量样件进行认可,如在此优化的过程中,涉及模具修改、设备变更、材料优化、工艺优 化等情况时,乙方需及时将变更信息提交给甲方。5.4 If first-batch 3-note parts

27、 can be conditionally used in Paty As trial run, Party B must submit the measurement plan to Party A and improve 3-note part to 1-note within agreed deadline by both parties, Part A do PPAP release again base on the optimized parts, Party B need to inform Party A these following change information i

28、f there are tooling modification, equipment change, material optimization and process updating in the measurement plan.第六条 批量供货阶段质量要求Item 6 SOP-Phase Quality Requirement6.1 进货阶段的质量监控及索赔6.1 In-coming Quality Supervising and Claim6.1.1 甲方质量部门有权基于供应商来货的检测和核查给出接收,但并不意味着甲方有义 务开展这样的工作,乙方应确保提交的货物满足相关的技术要求。所有涉及保质期要求的

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