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1、 Im going to London in two weeks.Wow,if sounds like fun.To have a vacation?M:No,Ive got a job there.5M:Lisa,maybe we could go to the museum next Sunday.Id love to,but Kate has asked me to go to the zoo.Would you like to come with us?Sure!(B)1.When will the man give the report?ANext Sunday.BNext Mond

2、ay.CNext Friday.(A)2.What does Linda like about the restaurant?AThe food. BThe service. CThe environment.(C)3.Who went to the movie with the woman?AHer sister. BHer brother. CHer cousin.(A)4.Why is the man going to London?ATo work there. BTo visit a friend. CTo have a vacation.(B)5.Where are the spe

3、akers going next Sunday?ATo the park. BTo the zoo. CTo the museum.第二节听下面5段对话或独白,选择最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。Hi,Dad.Hello,Daisy.Youve already left school,right? I expected you to go home half an hour ago.Where are you?Still waiting at the bus stop.There isnt a bus now for an hour.So would you

4、come and pick me up?Sorry,Daisy.Im finishing some work.Why dont you call a taxi?Mm,OK then.(C)6.Where is Daisy at the moment? AIn the school. BOn a bus. CAt a bus stop.(A)7.How might Daisy go home?ABy taxi. BBy car. COn foot.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。Hello.Amy.What are you listening to?Hi,Tony.Im listening to

5、Erquan Yingyue.What kind of music is that?Its Chinese folk music.Sounds beautiful but kind of sad.I prefer rock music.Thats too noisy.I dont think so.I feel excited when I listen to it.(A)8.What kind of music Amy listening to?AFolk music. BPop music. CCountry music.(C)9.Why does Tony like rock music

6、?AIts relaxing. BIts beautiful. CIts exciting.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Sam,what are you doing? Come and have your breakfast.You dont want to be late for school a second time this week,do you?Of course I dont.But I cant find my glasses.Have you seen them?Oh,dear.Youre always forgetting things.What did you do

7、 just now? Maybe you left them in the bathroom.No.I checked there but I didnt find them.What else did you do?Oh,I remember I read a magazine in the living room.You know I cant read without my glasses.Then you must have left them there.Go there quickly.Im sure youll find them.(C)10.What do you know a

8、bout Sam?AHe is lazy. BHe is impolite. CHe is careless.(B)11.Where may Sam find his glasses?AIn the bathroom. BIn the living room. CIn the bedroom.(A)12.Whats the relationship between the speakers?AMother and son. BTeacher and student. CWife and husband.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。Hi,Mary.I called you yesterda

9、y afternoon,but there was no reply.Oh,sorry,Dave.I was out practising baseball. Really? You are learning baseball? Hows that?s interesting,but really difficult. Who teaches you?My father.Dont you know he used to be a very good baseball player?Oh,yes. Um,why did you call me? Anything I can do for you

10、?d like to show you my new model plane.It can take videos when it flies high.Wow,sounds cool. (B)13.What is Mary learning?AGolf. BBaseball. CSoccer.(B)14.Who teaches Mary?AHer uncle. BHer father. CHer friend.(A)15.What does Mary think of baseball?s interesting,but difficult.BIts interesting and easy

11、.CIts boring,but easy.(C)16.Why did Dave call Mary?ATo take photos. BTo watch videos. CTo show his model plane.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。Hi,my name is Helen.My sister and I went to the countryside last Friday morning.We went there by train and arrived at 5:30 in the afternoon.My grandparents cooked a big di

12、nner for us.It was so delicious that we ate a lot.On Saturday morning,we went for a walk in the mountains.The weather was great and the air was clean.We saw different kinds of flowers along the way.We went to my uncles farm after lunch.We fed the chickens and milked the cows.We were tired but happy.

13、In the evening,my grandfather told us some stories while we were watching the stars.We returned home on Sunday.We really had a wonderful trip.(C)17.Where did Helen and her sister go last Friday?AThey went to the beach.BThey went to the town.CThey went to the countryside.(C)18.What time did they arri

14、ve?AAt 3:30 pm. BAt 4:30 pm. CAt 5:30 pm.(B)19.Who told them stories in the evening?AHelens sister. BHelens grandfather. CHelens grandmother.(C)20.What did Helen think of the trip?AIt was boring. BIt was expensive. CIt was wonderful.知识技能(两个部分,20小题,计20分)第一节单项选择。从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)(B)21

15、.All those come to one _ that it really benefits us a lot to learn English well.Aidea Bpoint Cpart(C)22.The room is dark and wet all the year round.Yes,it is.The sun cant shine _ the windows.Aover Bwithout Cthrough(B)23.Hi,David.Whats wrong with you?I have caught a cold,but nothing _Aill Bserious Ct

16、errible(B)24.Can we trust Alice?Of course,we can.She never _her promises.Aloses Bbreaks Cfails(C)25.How is your grandfather?Hes fine.He used to _ other people play chess at home after supper.But now he is used to _ out for a walk.Awatch;go Bwatching;go Cwatch;going(A)26.What do you want to be when y

17、ou _?I want to be a violinist.So I learn to play the violin.Agrow up Bmake up Ctake up(C)27.Either of them can take this job,but Im interested in who is _Athe most careful Bthe most carefully Cmore careful(B)28.Tomorrow is Saturday.Jim _ the old people do some housework if he is free.Ahelps Bwill he

18、lp Chelped(A)29.The road is wet because of the rain.You _ drive too fast.Amustnt Bshould Ccould(B)30._ exciting news!Weve never had such a long vacation before.AWhat an BWhat CHow第二节完形填空。阅读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Good morning!The program today is about _31_.The word“music”comes from the Greek

19、 word“muse”The Muses are the goddesses of the arts.Music is _32_ one of the arts.It is like the spoken language,but it uses sounds.Todays program _33_ together music from different corners of the world.Who invented music?Who sang the first song?No one knows _34_ the answers to these questions.But we

20、 know that music _35_ an important part in almost everyones life.Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them._36_ they are a little older,they like to sing the songs they have heard.When children go to school,their world of music _37_.In the middle grades,students take music lesson

21、s.When they reach high school,they become interested in listening to pop music.The records we have chosen _38_ you today are from American country music,Indian music,pop music and so on.Music has meaning for everyone.It can make people happy or it can make _39_ sad.In this program we shall study the

22、 language of music.We shall be trying to find out more information about _40_ music works.We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.Now,here comes the music today.I shall explain why they are all good music.(C)31.A.sports Bhealth Cmusic(B)32.A.only Balso Calways(C)33.A.brought Bbringi

23、ng Cbrings(A)34.A.exactly Bnearly Chardly(B)35.A.makes Bplays Ctakes(B)36.A.Where BWhen CSince(C)37.A.turns Bbecomes Cchanges(A)38.A.for Bfrom Cof(C)39.A.they Btheir Cthem(B)40.A.what Bhow Cwhen.阅读技能(两个部分,20小题,计40分)第一节阅读选择(共15小题,每小题2分)A(2016张家界中考)When you cant use words to express your idea,you can

24、make a gesture and people will usually understand what you are trying to say.Here are some examples of using gestures in the UK.The Wave(挥手)The wave is the most common gesture.To greet each other or to say goodbye,most people raise their hand and move it from side to side.One famous wave is made by

25、the Queen.You can watch a video to see how Her Majesty(女王陛下) does her tasteful(高雅的) wave.The V SignYou may just be trying to spread peace and love,but if you are in the UK,please pay attention to where your hand is facing.Let the back of your hand face yourself,or it becomes an impolite gesture.Poin

26、tingThis is not used as an insult(侮辱),but it is an impolite action when in public.Doing this can cause people to get angry,and even theyll just walk away from you.(C)41._is the most common gesture.APointing BThe V Sign CThe Wave(C)42.What can the V Sign Not spread?AImpoliteness. BPeace and love. CFr

27、iendship.(B)43.What is the best title of this passage?APolite Gestures BGestures in the UK COne Famous WaveBDid you know that Gao Yu,a female college student in Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications,was killed after she became lost for ten days?It is said that a taxi driver whose famil

28、y name is Pu gave her a ride on August 9,2014 in Chongqing.He was mad and killed Gao Yu on the way because they had a big fight for no particular reason.Later,the man driver was caught by the police in Yunnan Province.He was questioned with the murder and he told the police about what had happened.G

29、aos parents and friends overcame sadness.As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should try our best to make sure we are safe.How can we make us safe?Heres some advice:We mustnt take rides from strangers because these things may cause serious problems.Do not go somewhere by ourselves without

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