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1、数据流分析在程序验证方面的原理与实现硕士专业学位论文数据流分析在程序验证方面的原理与实现Principle and implementation of data flow analysis in program verification作者:导师:北京交通大学2018年9月学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解北京交通大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授权北京交通大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,提供阅览服务,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。学校可以为存在馆际合作关系的兄弟高校用户提供

2、文献传递服务和交换服务。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权说明)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日学校代码:10004 密级:公开北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文数据流分析在程序验证方面的原理与实现Principle and implementation of data flow analysis in program verification作者姓名: 学 号:导师姓名: 职 称:教授工程硕士专业领域:软件工程 学位级别:硕士 北京交通大学2018年9月致谢 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。在北京交通大学三年的研究生生活己经进入了尾声。在即将毕业之际,回首往昔,一切

3、的辛苦和努力、所有的欢乐和痛苦都己化成了记忆,唯有留下的沉甸甸的知识的积淀和做人的本领,见证了我的成长。值此论文完成之际,我要向我的母校、导师、同学和所有曾关心帮助过我的人们表示最衷心的感谢。 首先,我要感谢我的研究生导师的XXX教授。他渊博的专业知识、严谨的治学精神以及和蔼的处世之道是留给我的第一印象。在读研的三年中,XXX老师给予我的,不仅是科研上的细心指导,还有思想、生活上无微不至的关怀。在撰写本论文期间,XXX老师倾注大量的时间,不厌其烦的多次帮助修改,逐字逐句进行推敲,促成了本文的顺利完成,为我的研究生生涯划上了完美的休止符。我感谢你,我的导师,成为您的学生,真乃我三生有幸。然后,我




7、种不同分析技术共享程序性质的目标。三是怎样让使用者能更加方便地实现对分析过程的干预。在实现数据流分析工具之间的交互后,为了让使用者能够更好地干预和指导数据流分析的过程,本文设计了用户和工具之间的一些交互功能。在数据流分析的过程中,用户通过补充关键信息可以更好地发挥工具自动化分析的能力。关键词:数据流分析、程序验证、整型变量取值范围分析、空指针解引用分析、单链表可达性分析。中图分类号:TP311.5AbstractIn the process of program verification,people are very much hope to be able to get some info

8、rmation automatically to improve the efficiency of proof.Data flow analysis is a typical static program analysis method.Application of its analysis method to code verification is a good choice.But most of the existing data stream analysis technology is fully automated analysis technology,users can n

9、ot interfere in the analysis process,can not guide the process of data flow analysis by some key information,which hinders the data flow analysis technology to play a greater role in code verification,and existing data flow analysis techniques are relatively isolated,can not be used in other data fl

10、ow analysis techniques.In order to make full use of the capability of data flow analysis in the process of interactive code verification,we should make the data flow analysis technology to communicate with each other,and allow the user to perform manual intervention on the key points.In this paper,w

11、e analyze the capability of data stream analysis in interactive code verification,and propose a set of practical methods and platforms to integrate different data stream analysis techniques.In this paper, the realization of the prototype of a tool for the analysis,it will single linked list reach ab

12、ility analysis technology,integer variable value range analysis technology,null pointer dereference analysis technology together,and allows the user to do manual intervention.We demonstrate the effectiveness of this work in two cases.This paper mainly solves the following problems:how to describe th

13、e nature of a variety of procedures.The existing data stream analysis technology is concerned with the nature of the program,in order to better achieve the comprehensive analysis ability,we need to do a unified description of the nature of the program. In this paper,we analyze the nature of the prog

14、ram by using the logical formula of recursive functions.On the basis of the clear expression of the nature of the program logic,the tool also has the ability to maintain the dependence between the various properties,which is more convenient for the user to understand. how to make different analysis

15、techniques to use each others analysis results.After the realization of the unity of the nature of the program,this paper decides to use the control flow graph as the core data structure,and to store the program properties in a unified way through the introduction of the concept of program point.Too

16、l also provides the interface of program properties additions and deletions to the operation,each analysis technique in the analysis to extract program properties of existing,and analysis after the completion of the write back analysis of nature,truly realize the several different analysis techniques share the goal of program to make users more convenient to achieve th

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