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1、接下来便是阅读文章的环节。第一遍阅读时,不要求学生完全一词一句地通读,而是要泛读,该行为旨在对全文的有个基础的把握,明白文章到底是在说些什么,重点是抓住文章结构及了解文章的写作内容。在泛读的过程中,尤其要注意文章的首尾两段,它们有助于帮助学生快速掌握文章的主题,即使它们中没有文章的主题句,也会对学生起到一定的提示作用。接着带着选项快速浏览文章各段,对选项中的关键词句要敏感,如果在文中看到了意思相近或相反的单词应特别标记出来,在读完全文后,把选项再读一遍,结合文中和选项中标记的重要词汇看是否能够选出某些选项放到文中的空白处。二、 详读短文,精准定位泛读结束后,便是精读环节。这一环节要求学生的注意

2、力高度集中,详细阅读每一段落。重点是带着选项去阅读文章中五个空白处的前后句,标记泛读时漏掉的关键词,这将成为解题的重要线索。在标记关键词时,如果遇到和选项中的关键词相匹配的情况,就可以将选项放到空白处阅读,必须注意的是,有的学生看到空格处前后句中有选项里出现的关键词,便立刻将答案确定下来,这未免太过武断。以2017年福建省中考阅读五选五的第70题为例,它出现在文章的倒数第二段,该段的首句便出现了“technology”一词,这就容易导致学生误选了同样含有该词的E选项。这也是学生缺乏逻辑推理和判断能力的表现。70题其实并不难,它蕴含的是一个因果关系,前文提到“technology often m

3、eans we spend more time at home.with our computer or television.”和“Teenagers dont do enough exercise”便是原因,这些原因导致的结果就是E选项“So they arent as healthy as they were in the past.”这个例子揭示了这样一个道理:仅仅有关键词的重合是远远不够的,选项填入后还必须符合句子的意思、逻辑结构和语境,否则就不能将其确定为正确的选项。三、 快速阅读,检查选项在选出各项后,千万不要急着去做下一题,而应趁着对文章的内容记忆较为清晰时重新将选项代入空白处


5、于放弃,以便为其他还未做的题目争取足够时间。在实践中,笔者发现,学生们往往能在检查中发现自己的错误,所以为了提高做题的准确性,检查工作必须引起重视。四、 中考英语五选五与高考英语七选五的关系众所周知,类似于中考英语五选五的阅读理解题在全国英语高考卷中也是必考题型。所不同的是,高考的难度要大得多,它不仅文章的字数变多,单词的难度加大,对逻辑推理的考查也更加复杂严密,而且它要求学生从七个选项中选出五项来。以2017年的全国英语高考卷为例,其七选五的阅读题不再是以往的总分结构式文章,也不是说明文而是夹叙夹议文,这就说明教师在训练学生时应注重选取多体裁的文章并应仔细分析不同体裁文章的篇章结构。对中考阅



8、系:1、并列:first, second, third., firstly, secondly, thirdly., first, next, then., in the first place, in the second place., for one thing, for another thing., to begin with2、转折与承接:however, still, though, yet, otherwise, luckily, on the contrary3、因果:so, therefore, as result4、递进:also, whats more, too, ei

9、ther, not only. but also.5、例证:for example, such as6、解释:in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, in other words, that is to say.语法关系):照应手段,如the socksthem;平行手段, 如时态一致等。词汇方面:同义词或近义词、反义词;范畴词关系,如coloryellow, fruitorange等。最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分) 一) Teenage life better now, or in the past? Doe

10、s this situation sound familiar(熟悉)? You are complaining(抱怨)to your parents about something. Maybe your computer isnt powerful enough to play the latest games. _ 66 (逻辑关系:并列) Then you hear. When I was your age, there werent any computers or video games. And I didnt get a bike until I was sixteen. An

11、d it was second-hand. _ 67 (逻辑关系:递进) ” So, is it really true that life is better for teenagers now? It is certainly true that many teenagers have got more things nowadays. _ 68 (逻辑关系:因果)So parents have got more money to spend on each child. And many things are cheaper than they were when our parents

12、 were children. _ 69 (逻辑关系:解释)Forty years ago, no one could imagine a world with tiny computers and amazing smart-phones. And now these things are necessary we cant imagine living without them! However, technology often means we spend more time at home. And often it is just us, with our computer or

13、television. Teenagers dont do enough exercise. _ 70 (逻辑关系:因果) And, although young people still get on well with their friends, some people think teenagers today dont have so many social activities as they did in the past. What do you think? How is teenage life better these days? (答案:CABED)A. And it

14、was too big for me.B. A typical family is smaller now.C. Or your friends bikes are better than yours!D. So they arent as healthy as they were in the past.E. Technology is probably the greatest change in our life. 二) A standard American high school has several large buildings and enough space for abo

15、ut 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker (锁柜). When students arrive at the school, they first go straight to their lockers. _ 66 (逻辑关系:解释) American students usually take a yellow school bus or go to school on foot if they live close enough. _ 67(逻辑关系:并列) When they turn 16 years of age, mos

16、t take a free driving class at school for one term. If students get passing grades in the class and also pass their state drivers test, they can begin driving themselves to school. Each day, students take six or seven classes. _ 68 (逻辑关系:解释) They can choose art, clothes making and other classes. In

17、some schools students must take one or more of the classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. _ 69 (逻辑关系:因果) This is because each teacher has his own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class. _

18、 70逻辑关系:承接) After school more than half of the students take part in after-school activities. These activities include sports and clubs, such as basketball, baseball, soccer, speech, school newspaper and so on. (答案:CBAED)A. They must take science, math, English and social studies.B. Sometimes their

19、parents drive them to school.C. There they put away or get their textbooks.D. The school day usually ends early in the afternoon.E. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. 三)GreenHome campaigners(发起者)really love the natural world. In fact, we love it so much that were determined(决心)

20、to do our best to protect it. _ 66 (逻辑关系:转折) For that, we need money too. GreenHome can be strong only with the support from people like you. _ 67(逻辑关系:因果) . If the joy of walking through green forest, the excitement of climbing ancient rocks, or even the simple pleasure of watching wildlife in the

21、habitat (栖息地) really moves you, then share GreenHomes idea of the world. Please turn that idea into some support today. _ 68(逻辑关系:并列) . So take action right now! Even a very small amount, like $ 1 a month, will soon build up into a valuable contribution (贡献)to protecting the natural world we love so

22、 much. _ 69(逻辑关系:解释) . Well also use it to develop ways to deal with environmental problems. Think about it another way. If you want a future where you can continue to do the things you love in the great outdoors, you need to make sure youve got a great outdoors to do them in. _ 70(逻辑关系:承接) . And th

23、is way is simple enough thats got to be worth $1 a month. 答案:BCEDAA. Giving GreenHome your support is one way you can do that.B. But determination alone will not protect the environment.C. Thats why were asking you to join us today.D. And we wont just use it to stop bad things.E. Everything we do co

24、sts money.四) 66 .This is an old English saying (谚语). It means that we should go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. If we do, we shall be healthy. 67 .(逻辑关系:并列)Is this true? Maybe it is. The body must have enough sleep. 68 .(逻辑关系:解释) If you go to bed late, you cant have enough sle

25、ep. Then you cant think carefully and you cant do your homework well. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy! 69 . (逻辑关系:解释)This is not good for them. We should sleep at night when it is dark. The dark helps us sleep well. When the daylight comes, we should get up. 70 . (逻辑关系:因果) If the

26、 body is not used, it will become weak. Exercise keeps it strong. A、We shall also be rich(富裕的)and clever.B、Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning.C、This is the time for exercise.D、Early to bed and early to rise(早起) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise(聪明的).E、Children of

27、your age need ten hours sleep every night.五) We should not use more water than we actually need. If we do, we will not have enough water in the future. _ 66 (逻辑关系:转折) It is not a difficult question to answer. If we remove more fresh water than nature replaces, we have taken too much. Many cities run

28、 campaigns(运动)to get people to stop wasting water. They show them ways they can cut back on water use. _(逻辑关系:递进) 67 Whats more, they carry out programs that offer money to reduce water use. For example, they give people shower heads and toilets that use less water. _ (逻辑关系:并列)68 . Another threat (威

29、胁) to our water supply is pollution. When our sources of fresh water get polluted, we can no longer use this water. This also endangers (危及) the animals that depend on the water. _ (逻辑关系:解释) 69 We can save lots of water by not letting taps (水龙头 ) run while we brush our teeth or by turning off taps r

30、ight after washing hands. By collecting cold water when were taking warm showers, we can also save water. _ 逻辑关系:因果) 70 In this way, we can make full use of water.答案:AECBD A. However, just how much is too much?B. There are several things we can do to save water.C. Finally, they make laws to control the use of

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