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1、12搜索工具a. user interface b. searching tools c. electronic mail13存取 a. access b. protocol c. copy14网络资源a.textual messages b. remote terminals c. network resources15文本信息a. informationservices b. hypertext protocol c. textual messages16频谱a. bandwidth b. spread spectrum c. frequency band17移动手机a. mobile s

2、ubscriber b. mobile unit c. service performance18频带a. frequency spectrum b. frequency band c. spread spectrum19蜂窝交换机a. cellular switch b. cellular site c. mobile unit20单边带a. single-sideband b. bandwidth c. service area21服务区a. service area b. service performance c. servicecapability22移动用户a. mobile un

3、it b. mobile subscriber c. mobile transceiver23微处理器a. subsystems b. utilization c. microprocessor24无线机架a. radio cabinet b. antenna c. mobile unit25电路交换a. packet switching b. circuit switching c. message switching26分组交换a 27报文交换c 28专用电路a. dedicated circuit b. error control c. return signal29突发性 a. bur

4、sty b. random c. header 答案:30传输时延a. destination address b. transmission delay c. return signal31中间交换设备a. given maximum b. intermediate switching equipment c. store-and-forward manner32子网a. header b. subnet c. busty33. 公众电信网a.public telemunication network b. intermediate switching nodec. circuit- swi

5、tched network34.半双工的a. full-duplex b. half-duplex c. external call35. 端局a. toll center b. end office c. tandem switch36. 外部呼叫a. external call b. data traffic c. toll center37.链路a. trunk b. link c. route38.交换节点a. intermediate switching node b. voice-frequency circuitc. switching node39.音频电路a. telepho

6、ne subscriber b. voice-frequency circuit c. two wire connection40.拓扑a. internodes b. topology c. route41.二线连接a. data traffic b. end office c. two wire connection42.数据流量a. data traffic b. tandem switch c. toll center43.全球通信a. interface equipment b. global munication c. munication carriers44.脉码调制a. pu

7、lse code modulation b. voice encoding c. open network45.接口设备a. switching equipment b. transmission medium c. interface equipment46.综合业务数字网a)end-to-end digital connectivityb. international organization for standardizationc. integrated services digital network47.通信载体a. munication carriers b. transmiss

8、ion medium c. interface equipment48.系统结构 a. infrastructure c. flexibility d. basic accessa 49.蜂窝式移动a. cellular switch b. cellular mobile telephone c. cellular site50.数据传输a. data transmission b. transmission error c. error flag51.传号电平a. space level b. logical level c. mark level c52.接收机的定时a. intersym

9、bol space b. serial interface c. receiver timing53.明显的缺点a. transmission error b. obvious disadvantage c. error flagb 54. 起始位a. start bit b. stop bit c. parity bit55.空号电平a. mark level b. space level c. the idle state56.控制比特a. binary data b. local clock c. control bit57.串行接口a. data stream b. CRT termi

10、nal c. serial interface58.发送器和接收器a. transmitter and receiver b. receiver timing c. duration of T seconds59.二进制数据a. binary data b. data stream c. data transmission60.高速电子开关a. the voice channel b. the repetition rate c. a high-speed switchII.根据所给英文选择合适的答案1digital municationa.全球通信 b. 公共通信载体 c.数字通信2voic

11、e encoding techniquesa.语音编码技术 b. 脉冲 c. 脉冲编码调制3basic access signaling ratea.大量的接口设备 b. 基本接入信令速率 c. 统一的接入4the International Organization for Standardizationa.综合业务数字网 b. ISDN的标准和系统结构 c. 国际标准化组织5end-to-end digital connectivitya. 基本接入信令速率 b.端对端的数字连接 c. 语音编码技术6progressive application of digital technology

12、 a.由于传输媒体导致的质量下降b.4KHz 话路中所固有的带宽限制 c.数字技术的逐步应用 7enhanced qualitya.高质量 b. 带宽的限制 c.统一的接入8the branches between nodes a.节点间的支路 b. 中间交换节点 c. 全双工的连接 a9tree topology a. 双绞线 b. 结构部件 c. 树状拓扑10backbone hierarchical network a. 国家网络 b. 被分离开的子网 c. 主干体系网络11the subscriber that transmit digital signal a. 发送数字信号的用户

13、b. 一小部分用户 c. 相邻的端局12multiple voice-frequency circuitsa. 高效中继线 b. 多音频电路 c. 同步时分复用13the function of concentrating traffica.集中话务量的功能 b. 路由选择的基本次序 c. 发送数字信号的用户14full duplexa. 全双工的连接 b. 全连通性 c. 全双工的15transmission facilities a. 传输设备 b. 交换区 c. 高效中继线16switching techniquea.交换技术 b. 电路交换 c. 分组交换17message switc

14、hinga.交换技术 b. 报文交换 c. 分组交换18munication partiesa.传输单元 b. 通信各方 c. 返回信号19the special signaling messagea. 存储转发传输技术 b. 带宽的动态分配 c. 特定的信令信息20low channel utilization a. 低的电路利用率 b. 报文整个的传输时延 c. 传输单元21total path of connected linesa. 连线的整个通路 b. 源到目的地的一对 c. 带宽的动态分配22radio cabineta. 无线通信行业 b. 无线机架 c. 多径衰耗23telep

15、hone pany zone officesa.移动收发信机 b. 公司地方局 c. 中央协调单元24available radio frequency spectruma. 所分配的频带 b. 调频广播业务 c. 可用的无线电频谱25central coordinating elementa. 中央协调单元 b. 试验性的蜂窝系统 c. 有限的服务能力26severe spectrum limitationsa.严厉的频谱限制 b. 有限的服务能力 c. 有限的指定频带27developmental cellular systema. 频谱利用率 b. 试验性的蜂窝系统 c. 传统移动电路的

16、运行限制28propagation path lossa. 调频广播业务 b. 传输路径衰耗 c. 无线机架29backbone systema.主干系统 b. 电子会议 c. 远程终端30live conversationa.最大的信息库 b. 文本信息 c. 实时的对话31textual messagesa.搜索工具 b. 万维网 c. 文本信息32the networked hypertext protocola.联网的超文本协议 b. 网络设备资源 c. 全国X围的网络33the Unix operating system a. 主干系统 b. 万维网 c. Unix 操作系统34th

17、e vast majority of the puters on the neta.在网上的绝大多数计算机 b. 分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络 c. 全国X围的网络35remote terminal a. 电子会议 b. 远程终端 c. 文本信息36the largest repository of informationa. 最大的信息库 b. 实时的对话 c. 方便的搜索工具37the time division multiplexera. 时分多路复用 b. 高速的电子开关 c. 时分多路复用器38A high-speed electronic switcha. 高速的电子开关 b.

18、被传信号的波形 c. 时分多路复用39time Division Multiplexinga. 时分多路复用 b. 时分多路复用器 c. 地面系统40the presence or absence of the pulsea. 一串幅值 b. 每样值8 位码 c. 脉冲的“有”或“无”41the unique or absence of the pulsea. 脉冲的“有”或“无” b. 被称为同步字的独特的码序列 c. 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元42A sequence relating to channel1, 2 and so ona.涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列b.一条特

19、定消息中的全部信号c.理论上的最小采样频率43the schemes for performing these three functionsa. 质量的话路 b. 由卫星上收到的信号 c. 实现这三项功能的方案44a series of amplitude valuesa.一串幅值 b. 被传信号的波形 c. 每样值8位码45A speech channel of telephone qualitya. 实现这三项功能的方案 b. 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元c. 质量的话路46A sequence of 8-binary digitsa. 每样值8位码 b. 一个8位二进制序列 c.

20、一串幅值47A minimum theoretical sampling frequencya. 理论上的最小采样频率 b. 抽样量化和编码 c. 将抽样的幅值转换成一组脉冲的单元48the sparking of a car ignition systema. 高速电子开关 b. 理论上的最小采样频率 c. 汽车点火系统的打火49the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64KHza. 真实信号与噪声信号的关系 b. 由传输路由引入的衰减 c. 重复率为64KHz的脉冲流答案:50the relationship of the tr

21、ue signal to the noise signala. 真实信号与噪声信号的关系 b. 脉冲的有和无 c. 被称为同步字的独特的码序列51terrestrial systema. 高速电子开关 b. 地面系统 c. 时分多路复用52asynchronous serial data transmissiona. 数据链路面向字符的特征 b. 异步串行数据传输c. 异步串行接口53isolated subnetworksa. 被分离的子网 b. 高效中继线 c. 交换区54two subscribers attached to different end officesa. 在站和网络之间

22、的接口 b. 路由选择的基本次序 c. 连到不同端局的两个用户55synchronous TDMa. 同步时分复用 b. 多条音频电路 c. 节点间的之路56the clocks at the transmitter and receivera. 符号间空格持续时间的三倍 b. 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位 c. 发送器和接收器时钟57the transmitted dataa. 电传机时代 b. 一个字符的点和划 c. 所发送的数据58the falling edge of the start bit a. 起始位的下降沿 b. 停止位的下降沿 c. 电传机时代59the group of b

23、its called characters a. 数据链路面向字符的特征 b. 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位c. 被称为字符的比特组60A clock generated locally by the receivera. 最为流行的串行接口 b. 由接收机本地产生的时钟c. 发送器和接收器的时钟III.选择合适的答案1.Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8KHz is required ( ) a voice channel ( ) the range 300

24、 Hz to 3.4KHz.a. convey , occupy b. to convey, occupying c. conveying , occupied d. convey, to occupy2. For example, the signal ( ) from a satellite, ( ) in far outer space, is very weak. . received, located b. receive, locate c. receiving, locating d. to receive, to located3. If we consider binary

25、transmission, the plete information about a particular message will always () by simply ( ) the presence or absence of the pulse.obtain, detect b. be obtained, detecting c. obtained, detected d. obtaining, detected4. There is a inherent advantage for ( ) noisy environments by ( ) digital transmission.overing, choose b. overe, choosing c. overe, choose d. overing , choosingd5. Each voice channel has a separate coder, the unit ( ) converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulse; and decoder, the unit ( ) performs the reverse operation.who, who b. when, when c. where, where d.

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