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1、如:over10,000people一万多人;表示年龄、刻度多用above,如a man above fifty五十开外的人;above zero零度以上。习惯用语:well above average远在一般以上;above sea-level海拔以上;the one above上面的一个;above all首先,尤其重要的是;over there 那边;all over 遍及;over again 再一遍;over and over再三地应用介词填空There lay an umbrella_the table and some raincoats _it.The mother held

2、an umbrella_the boys head so that the sun wouldnt burn him. There seemed to be a war and many planes were flying_the city.The moon was_the trees in the east.Key:on,under over over aboveabove all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。in all 总共all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)We h

3、ave all but finished the work.The day turned out fine after all.Children need many things ,but above all they need love.He wasnt at all tired.Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?There were twenty in all at the party.accident/event/ incidentevent一般指重大事件。accident多指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的、有损害性的事故。incident相对于accide

4、nt来说,显得不很重要,指“小事件”,它还可以用来表示“事变”,如叛乱、爆炸等。The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events.广播员正在播报时事新闻。He was badly injured in the traffic accident.在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。There was an incident on the bus: a man fought with the conductor.那辆公共汽车上发生了一件事,有个人和售票员打了起来。Have you heard of Xian Incident?你听说过“

5、西安事变”吗?admit vt.接纳,许可进入(allow sb./ enter)He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构。I admit my fault. She admitted having read the letter. He admitted that his comprehension was weak. You must admit the t

6、ask to be difficult.advice建议;劝告。是不可数名词,“一条建议”应用a piece of advice。常用结构。give sb.advice(on)/give advice给某人提(关于的)建议;忠告某人。ask(sb.)for advice征求(某人的)意见。Marx gave us some good advice on how to learn a foreign language.关于如何学好外语,马克思给我们提了些好建议。If you take /follow my advice, youll pass the exam.如果你听从我的建议,你会考试及格的

7、。Lets ask our teacher for some advice.咱们征求一下老师的意见吧。admire(= respect / praise)vt.羡慕,钦佩,夸奖 admire sb.(for sth.)佩服某人某事 Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum. 去北京的游人极其羡慕我们的故宫。 I admire him for his wisdom.我佩服他的智慧。别忘了夸奖孩子。对比:envy(= jealous)vt.嫉妨,羡慕 envy sb.(sth.)嫉妒/羡慕某人某事 We all envy you yo

8、ur good future. 我们都很羡慕你的好运。advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事(suggest不这样用)。I advise you to take the chance.我建议你抓住机会。What do you advise me to do?你建议我怎么办?I advise you not to lose heart; just keep on.我劝你不要灰心,继续干。advise 还可同suggest一样,后接名词、代词、动名词(短语)和that从句(用虚拟语气)作宾语。What would you advise?你有什么建议吗?I advise you a

9、n early start我建议你早点出发。I advise holding a metting to discuss the problem.我建议召开一次会议来讨论这个问题。I advise you (should) go to once.我建议你马上去。advise ,persuade persuade sb. to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”,强调劝说成功,说服;advise sb. to do sth. 意为“劝说某人做某事”,不涉及劝说是否有效,相当于try to persuade sb. to do sth.。The doctor persuaded my father

10、 to give up smoking.医生说服我爸爸戒了烟。The doctor advised my father to give up smoking, but failed.医生劝我爸爸戒烟,但没成功。advise; suggestadvise 与suggest 都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异。(1)相同点表示建议做某事,advise与suggest都可采用下列三种句型: + 名词 + 动名词 + that从句(从句中常用should加动词原形,should可以省略。)eg. He advised/ suggested an early start.He advised/ sugg

11、ested (our) starting early.He advised/ suggested that we (should) start early.(注:只要是用从句表示建议该做的事,从句中就可用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。)上面的第三句可转化为:It was suggested that we (should) start early.What he suggested was that we(should) start early.His suggestion was that we (should) start early.(2)不同点advise后可以跟人

12、称代词作宾语,而suggest后不可以跟人称代词作宾语。故可以说:advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; suggest(to sb.)that.前三种结构中不可将advise改为suggest,如:他建议我们去参观博物馆。正He advised us to go to visit the museum.误He suggested us to go to visit the museum.误He suggested us that we go to visit the

13、museum.suggest还有“暗示、表明、说、指出(一个事实)”的意思。此时从句中用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气。The smile on his face suggested that he was pleased.Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the patient was seriously ill.(句中suggest陈述了一个事实,故用陈述语气。)比较:Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the Patient be operated on

14、at once.(句中suggest表示建议该做某事,从句中用should加动词原形,should在从句中省略。affect(=have an effect on sth.)vt.影响(effect n.影响) This may affect your health. 这或许会影响你的健康。My throat is always affected by bad weather.我的嗓子总是受恶劣天气的影响。afraid1)“be afraid of+名词”,意为“害怕”。2)“be afraid of doing sth”意为“担心,害怕”。3)“be afraid for”意为“为担心。”4

15、)“be afraid that”意为“担心,恐怕”。5)“be afraid to do ”意为“害怕,担心而不敢做某事”。6)Im afraid so/not.恐怕是这样/恐怕不会这样应用完成句子女孩子一般都怕蛇。Girls are usually_ _snakes.他怕把杯子打碎,因而很小心。He was careful because he was afraid_ _the glass.你不为自己的安全担心吗?Are you afraid_your safety?恐怕她会迷路。I am _ _she will lose her way.汤姆把钱丢了,也不敢告诉他母亲。Tom lost

16、the money and was afraid_ _his mother.afraid,of of,breaking for afraid,that to tellagain and again = time and time again = over and over = over and over again再三地 The old man thinks of his happy past again and again. 这位老人再三地想起他幸福的过去。age (1)n.年龄,时代,时期 The old man died at the age of 80/when he was 80 y

17、ears of age/when he was 80 years old.那位老人80岁时去世了。 He is young for his age. 就他的年龄而论,他是年轻的。 What is the age of the church? 这座教堂多少年了? He was the greatest poet of the age. 他是那个时代最伟大的诗人。 (2)vi./vt. 变老 He is aging fast. Worry ages a man. 他老得很快。忧虑令人老! I found him greatly aged. 我发现他老多了。拓展:(1)adj. aged岁的,年老的

18、 a boy aged ten 一个10岁的男孩 an aged man老人 (2)人生的七期 babyinfantchildyouthmanhoodmiddle ageold age婴儿/0幼儿7儿童12青年28壮年40中年65老年agree 同意。常用桔构:(1)agree on 对取得一致意见或达成协议,一般表示原双方共同商讨以后达成协议的名词)。主语必须是两者以上。也常用被动语态,表示“(某事)是大家都同意的”。They agreed on the date for the next meeting.对下次会议的日期他们达成了一致意见。At last,the plan was agre

19、ed on. 最后,这项计划通过了。I dont agree with you to this arrangement, but perhaps, after a discussion we will agree on this project.我不赞同你在这件事的安排,但或许在协商之后我们可以就这个工程达成共识。(2)agree to 同意;赞成。to 为介词,后接表示“建议;办法;计划”等名词。Do you agree to my plan?你同意我的计划吗?The headmaster has agreed to our suggestion for the holiday.校长同意了我

20、们度假的建议。(3)agree with同意;后接sb. 或what 从句。I agree with you ,but I dont agree with what he said.我同意你的意见,但我不同意他所说的。另外,agree with还有“与相适应/相一致”的意思。The climate here doesnt agree with me .我不适应这里的气候。(4)agree to do sth.同意、答应做某事。Do you agree to go with us if we agree to lend you some money?如果我们答应借钱给你,你同意和我们一起去吗?a

21、head短语归纳go ahead朝前走,请便(同意对方继续干或同意对方的请求);go ahead (on)with继续;ahead of在前面,早于,优先;ahead of time提前他朝前走去看看发生了什么事情。He _ _ to see what had happened.我可以坐这个座位吗?请坐吧。May I take this seat?_ _.汤姆的数学比玛丽好。Tom is _ _ Mary in maths.她比我早到2个小时。She arrived two hours _ _me.他们已提前三周完成了设计。They have completed the design _ _

22、_ _time.went,ahead Go,ahead/ ahead,ofthree,weeks,ahead,ofalive,living,live,lively,lovely区别1)lovely意“可爱的”,“美好的”如:a lovely day 美好的一天 a lovely girl 可爱的女孩2)alive 意为“活着的、有活力的”,是表语形容词,可修饰人、物;在句中做表语宾补和或后置定词,不能用作前置定语。如He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.他被送往医院时还活着。Although he is old, he is still

23、very much alive.虽然年老了,但他仍十分活跃。The fish is still alive/living.那条鱼还活着。Keep him alive, please.请让他活下去吧。He is the only man alive in the accident.他是事故中惟一活着的人。After the war , he remained alive .战后他还活着。Those alive will gather here. 活着的人将在此相聚。3)living 意为“活着的、有生命的”,主要用于作前置定语及冠词the 之后表示一类人,也可用作表语,可修饰人或物。a livi

24、ng plant 活的植物The living will go on with the work of the dead.活着的人将继续死者的工作。all living things所有生物 the living 在世者,活着的人们Latin is not a living language. 拉丁语不是现代使用的语言。He is still living at the age of 95.95岁了他还活着。4)live laiv(1)(动、植物)“活的”,“有生命的”,“活生生的,主要用来说鸟或其它动物,作前置定语;a live fish一条活鱼 a live tiger 一只活老虎(2)实

25、况的,现场直播的;a live report现场报道a live show/broadcast/TV program现场转播的表演/实况广播/现场直播的电视节目living有精神的,活泼的,快活的,轻快的Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.她爷爷已经93岁了,仍然健在。5)lively 意为“活泼的”,“有生气的”, 生动的“生动的”,可用作表语、定语,指人或物。a lively child 活泼的孩子a lively description 生动的描述如:a lively mind 活跃的头脑 a lively discussio

26、n 热烈的讨论a way of making ones classes lively 使课堂生动的方法He told a lively story about his life in Africa. 他讲述了一个有关他的非洲生活的一个生动故事。 Young children are usually lively. 年轻人通常很活泼。all the same adj.都一样;无所谓(to+n.)You can stay or leave now;Its all the same to me.Its all the same to me whether well go there today or

27、 tomorrow.adv.仍然,还是Thank you all the same.all the year round 全年,一年到头In the west coast of Canada,it rains all the year round.allow与permit 1)用法相同allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。反义词forbid 具有同样用法。2)意义有异同许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有“听任”,“默许”,“不加阻止”的

28、意思;permit 语意较强,强调“正式认可”,“批准”的意思。The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.护士让他留在那里,虽然这时(规定)不允许的。amaze vt.使惊奇 = astonish, surprise The news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。(1)amazed人对感到吃惊的;amazing(某物)信人吃惊的。 They were all amazed at the amazing news. 听到这个令人吃惊的消息他们感到惊讶。 (2)amazement n. to ones amazement令人吃惊的是 To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna. 让我奇怪的是,他们去西双版纳了。类似短语:to ones happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement使某人高兴的/兴奋的/伤心

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