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最新译林牛津初一英语下册7B Unit 7 Abilities单元 教案Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk (open questions)T: Today well learn Unit 7Abilities. Are you a helpful person? OK, I will ask you some questions: (1) Can you help your classmates with their homework? (2) Can you look after the things in our classroom? (3) Can you keep our classroom clean and tidy?【设计意图:

2、对学生日常学习生活中力所能及的事情进行询问,迅速进入本节课的话题。】2. What can he do? Different people have different abilities. Look at the pictures on the screen, and tell me what each person can do. Look at the first picture. What can the boy do?S: He can sweep the floor. What about the second picture? He can play football. What

3、 can this boy do? He can play tennis. What can the man do? He can play basketball very well. What ability /blti/ does he have? He has the ability to play basketball very well. Lets move on. What ability does the monkey have? It has the ability to ride a bike. What ability do birds have? They have th

4、e ability to fly通过图片教学,引出单词ability,鼓励学生反复操练have the ability to do sth,也为引出Comic strip的内容做好了铺垫。Step 2 Presentation 1. Free talk Do you believe /bliv/dogs have the ability to fly? What about Eddie? Do you believe he can fly like Superman? OK, lets learn comic strip.2. Listen and answer T: Listen to th

5、e tape and answer the following three questions. Read the questions together first. (1) What does Eddie want to be?(2) What does Eddie want to do?(3) What happened to Eddie? Please take out a piece of paper, and write down the answers on it while listening. Dont forget to close your English books.(a

6、fter listening) T: Please answer my questions.S1: He wants to be Super dog.S2: He wants to fly.S3: He fell down3. Role-play Read the dialogue in pairs and try to recite each sentence. Work in pairs. One will play the role of Eddie, the other Hobo. Act the dialogue out.利用图片导入对话,让学生准备一张纸,边听边写下答案,这样做可以

7、确保学生集中注意力,而不是盲目地听信息。让学生参与角色扮演,帮助他们体会卡通人物的个性。B Welcome to the unitStep 1 Part A1. lead-in Have you ever watched the film Spider-man? Do you still remember the line “With great power comes great responsibility.”? Are you always ready to help others? What can you do for others? Look at the pictures and

8、 tell me what we can do for the old. We can visit an old peoples home. We can help the old woman cross the road. We can give a seat to someone on the bus. What can we do on Tree-planting Day?S4: We can plants trees. What can we do if we see some rubbish in the park?S5: We can clean up the park. What

9、 can we do for Project Hope?S6: We can collect things for Project Hope.S7: We can raise some money for Project Hope.让学生根据所给图片谈谈自己能为他人做什么,引导学生养成助人为乐的好习惯,也可以引出本节课的重点词组,让学生反复朗读。2. Helping Hands Club Daniel and his classmates are members of the Helping Hands Club. Match the pictures below with the descr

10、iptions. Write the correct letters in the boxes. Please check the answers with your partners.3. Exercises Read Part A carefully, and then complete the sentences.让学生独立完成图片匹配,然后让他们熟读重要词组,并进行当堂反馈。Step 2 Part B1. Listen and answer Daniel and his classmates are talking about what they can do to help othe

11、rs. Listen to the tape, and then answer the following questions.(1) Who will they help?(2) What are some families not able to do?2. Listen and read Read after the tape and then Ill ask five of you to read in roles.在练习听力的基础上培养学生正确朗读英语的良好习惯,教师应尽量利用课堂45分钟来为学生创造大声朗读英语的机会。3. Make a survey Now well do a s

12、urvey to see if you are a polite and helpful person. Think about what you should do next to be a polite and helpful person. Always get ready to give a hand to others because its better to give than to take and God help those who help others.为学生创设日常生活中经常发生的情境,让他们对照自身的言行举止并考虑如何改正不足,鼓励学生成为乐于助人的中学生。V. H

13、omework1. Remember new words and useful expressions.2. Recite Comic strip and Part B.3. Preview Reading.Unit 7 Abilities Reading (I)1. learn about a brave young man Lin Tao;2. use proper expressions to describe dangerous situations;3. infer the general idea of the article from its title and picture.

14、1. New words and phrases: brave, burn, fireman, nod, save sb from a fire, hear sb shouting, a 79-year-old man, pour water over, put out the fire, be in hospital, rush into, be careful with, be alone, be badly hurt What a brave young man!Fire is dangerous. We should be careful with fire. Be careful w

15、ith fireworks.Dont play with matches.Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin.Keep your hair away from fire.1. Use proper expressions to describe dangerous situations.2. Skim the text for overall meaning and scan for details.Step 1 Lead-in Hello, boys and girls. Today we will learn Reading of Unit

16、 7. (同时板书What a brave young man!) Do you want to be a helpful person like Spider-man? With great power comes great responsibility. So we should use our abilities to help others. Today we are going to learn about a helpful young man called Lin Tao. 以电影蜘蛛侠中的台词导入本节课,激发学生对本节课的好奇心,同时鼓励他们乐于助人。Step 2 Prese

17、ntationTask 1: New words1. Learn new words Look at the title first: “Brave” means “not afraid”. Have you noticed Sunshine daily above the title? It means the passage is a piece of news from a newspaper. (教师领读单词brave、news、newspaper) Fire is useful, but sometimes it can be dangerous. If we are not car

18、eful with it, it can burn things or even hurt us. Even forests and tall buildings can be burnt in a big fire. So keep yourself away from fire. (教师讲解并领读单词careful、burn、hurt) 2. If there is a fire . What should we do if there is a fire? We can shout for help. S: We can also call 119. We can run out of

19、the building as quickly as we can. When rushing out of the building, we can put a wet blanket over our body.鼓励学生根据图片说出火灾发生时应该采取的安全措施,在进行词汇教学的同时,培养学生的安全意识。在学生表达有困难时,教师可适时给予帮助和指导。3. Matching exercises Read the six words on the screen, and match each of them with the right picture. Pay attention to the

20、 following language points. The boy is pouring water over his head. (板书pour over) The plural form of fireman is firemen. The doll is nodding its head. (板书nodnoddingnodded) Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.老师精讲精练部分重要的单词,并配以板书设计。如此巩固后,学生的阅读障碍完全扫清了,也为接下来的阅读做了铺垫。Task 2: Fast re

21、ading1. Read and answer Read the passage carefully and choose the right answer: Whats the main idea of the passage? We should choose C. (教师板书save from)2. Divide the article into three parts Lets divide the article into three parts according to the three pictures. Which paragraph(s) is Part 1 Para 1P

22、art 2 Paras 23Part 3 Paras 46 Task 3: Detail reading1. Para 1 Please read the first paragraph and answer the questions:(1) How old is Lin Tao?(2) Why was he brave?2. Para 2 Read Para. 2 after the tape and do the True or False exercise. (1) Lin Tao was at school alone on 10 May. (2) He heard someone

23、shouting “Fire! Fire! Help!”(3) The 78-year-old Mrs Sun couldnt get out of the bathroom because her left leg was hurt.3. Para. 3 Read Para. 3 after the tape, and put the following sentences in the right order. Describe how Lin Tao saved his neighbour with the structure “First Then Later .”4. Paras 4

24、6 Choose the correct answers while reading. (1) Which part of his body did fire burn? A. neck B. arms C. face (2) How long did Lin Tao stay in hospital? A. two days B. two months C. two weeks (3) What did many people give him? A. money B. flowers C. presents (4) What did Lin Tao think of fire? A. he

25、lpful B. dangerous C. Careful通过分段,让学生对课文有了更清晰的层次感。分段处理文本,帮助学生更为扎实、到位地理解课文。练习设计多样化,避免了形式过于单一。Step 3 Practice Task 4: Thinking & practice1. What do you think of Lin Tao? helpful, brave, careful, clever2. Act the dialogue out A radio reporter interviewed Lin Tao because of his brave behaviour. Please m

26、ake up a dialogue between the reporter and Lin Tao. Then I will ask some groups to act the dialogue out.采用编对话的形式,让学生回顾全文。3. How to be careful with fire(1) Fire around us If we are not careful, fire may happen around us. Two big companies caught fire a yew months ago. One is Hynix and the other is Tr

27、ipod. (2) Finish Part C Fire is dangerous. Do you know how to be careful with fire? Please finish Part C on Page 84.4. Complete the passage To be a little fire guard Fire is useful in our everyday life, but it can be very d_. So we must keep a_ from all the things which can easily catch f_. We should be careful with m_. Dont put anything h_ into the r_ bin. When we find a fire in our building, we should c_ 119 at once. At

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