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1、南海区高一英语词汇汇编南海区高一英语词汇汇编 unit 1 Warm up /communication workshop南海艺术高中组 (朱正强)1.Lifestyle (unit 1 warm up)n.生活方式The life in the country is peaceful. The lifestyle in the city is different from that in the country.如果你旅行到另外一个国家,你会发现那里的生活方式很不同, 很有异国情调。If you travel to another country, you will find that th

2、e _ there is quite different. It is quite exotic.Key: lifestyle2.Executive(unit 1 warm up)n.行政领导,经理He is an executive in a big company and flies to different country on business quite often.It is well known that Bill Gates is the Chief Executive Official of Microsoft.作为一个大公司的行政,她的工资好但也很忙。As an _ in

3、a big company, she is well paid but busy at the same time.Key: executive3.Peaceful(unit 1 warm up)a.平静的,和平的The sea is peaceful without wind.The couple enjoy a peaceful life in the country.海面还是平静的,直到风暴来临。The sea was _ until the storm came.Key: peaceful4.Relaxing(unit 1 warm up)a. 轻松的,放松的Light music i

4、s relaxing. Life in the farm seems very relaxing.他们度过了一个轻松的周末, 跟小孩玩,看看电视。They spent a _ weekend, playing with their children and watching TV.Key: relaxing5.Creative(unit 1 warm up)adj. 有创造力的Young children are supposed more creative than adults(成人).To write is creative job. 写作是一种创造性的工作。所有的优秀音乐家都是富有创造

5、力的。All the top musicians are _.Key: creative6.Stressful(unit 1 warm up)adj.有压力的Teacher is one of the most stressful jobs.Usually to live in cities is more stressful than to live in the country.很多人认为歌星是一个轻松的工作,实际上是很有压力的。Many people think it relaxing to be a singing star, but actually it is very _.Key

6、: stressful7.Alone(unit 1 warm up)adj.单独的 adv.单独地Dont let the baby stay alone in the room.Girls are warned not to go out alone at night.在有些国家,把小孩单独留在家里是犯法的。In some countries, it is illegal to leave a child _ at home.Key: alone8.Suppose(unit 1 warm up)v.假设,以为,认为He was supposed to arrive at nine ocloc

7、k, but he didnt turn up.Suppose you are a journalist and are interviewing the witness(证人).晚会预计是七点半开始的。The party was _ to begin at half past seven. Key: supposed9.Amount(unit 1 warm up)n. 数量 (the amount of)The amount of money is far too enough for a money.在较小瓶子了的水与在较大瓶子了的油重量是相同的。The amount of water i

8、n the small bottle weighs the same as the _ of oil in a bigger bottle.Key: amount10.Anyway(unit 1 workshop)adv.If you go, Ill go with you. Anyway, I wont let you go alone.-如果下雨你还要去电影院看那个影片吗?-呵不一定,我可以明天晚上再看,不论如何,我必须看一次。-Do you still want to go to the cinema and see the film?-Well, not really, I can w

9、atch it tomorrow night. _, I must see it once. Key: Anyway 11.Classical(unit 1 workshop)adj.古典的Classical music is a kind of serious music.Europe is famous for its classical buildings.年轻人喜欢流行音乐超过古典音乐,而上了年纪的人喜欢古典音乐超过流行音乐。Young people prefer pop music to _ music while older people prefer _ music to pop

10、 music. Key: classical, classical12.Definitely(unit 1 workshop)adv.明确地,干脆地,一定地He will definitely come tonight.Definitely, I will tell you some good news.A person will definitely die without any water for two weeks.-你还象平时一样来一杯热咖啡吗?-当然是一杯热咖啡,象平时一样。-Would you like to drink a cup of hot coffee or a cup

11、of hot tea?-_, a cup of coffee as usual.Key: Definitely13.Formal(unit 1 workshop)a. 正式的At a cocktail party, people are always in formal dress.Informal expressions are used in spoken English while formal expressions are used in written English.总统对那个国家进行正式访问。The president paid a _ visit to that countr

12、y.Key: formal (也可以用official:官方的) 14.Personality(unit 1 workshop)n.The girl is popular for her mild(温和的) personality. She has many friends.请提供更多的个人情况:职业、兴趣、爱好、个性等。Please give more personal information such as you job, interest, hobby and your personality, etc. 15.Fashion(unit 1 workshop)n.France is f

13、amous for its perfumes(香水) and fashion.Some modern dances began to be in fashion (流行) in 1980s.她在1990年巴黎的时装表演上一举成名。She became famous at the 1990s Paris _ Show.Key: FashionUnit 1Perfect a.完美的,理想的Programme n.节目,程序,计划Switch v.转换,转变Portable a.轻便的,便携式的Remote a.遥远的,偏僻的Control n. 控制器,v.控制Workaholic n.工作第一的

14、人,工作狂Appointment n.约会Take up v.占(时间、空间)Urgent a. 紧急的Personal a. 私人的,个人的Leisure n. 空闲,闲暇,休闲Complain v. 抱怨,投诉Challenge n. v. 挑战Unit 2Sort of 有几分地Suffer v. 遭受,忍受Reduce v. 减少,缩小Prevent v. 防止,阻止Organize n. 组织Depend v. 依靠,依赖Stress n. 重压,压力Relax v.放松,休息Expert n. 专家Actually adv. 实际上, 事实上Pressure n. 压力Social

15、 社会的,社交的Occasion n.场合,时机Regularly adv. 有规律地Describe v.描写,记述, 形容Nervous a. 紧张的,不安的Prefer v. 宁愿,更喜欢Unit 4.BackgroundUnexpected a. 未料到的,突如其来的Imagine v. 想象,设想Special a. 特别的,特殊的,专门的Commute v.通勤(乘坐汽车或火车往返于市区工作处与郊区住所之间)Anywhere adv. 无论何处Add v. 增加Grab v. 抢夺,夺取 Otherwise adv. 另外,否则 Fantastic a.狂热的, 入迷的 Forecast n.预报,预测Whenever conj. 无论何时Polluted a. 污染的 Lesson 3 常用词汇编写罗村高中:张蔚梅prepare(Lesson 3) v. 准备,预备Are you prepared for that?She was pre

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