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1、30. Forget it 休想(算了)31. Good luck 祝好运32. Enjoy yourself 祝你玩的开心33. I decline dklan 我拒绝34. I promise 我保证35. Slow downdan 慢慢的36. Keep it up 坚持下去37. Try againgen 再试试38. Once more 39. Watch out/ be careful 当心,注意40. Whats up 有什么事吗41. Bottoms up btmz 干杯42. cheerstz 碰杯43. Dont move44. Guess what 猜猜看45. I do

2、ubt dat it 我不信46. I think so47. Let me see 让我想想48. Never mind 不要紧49. Dont worry50. No problem51. Thats all 就这样52. Time is up 时间快到了53. Whats new? 有什么新鲜事吗?54. countkant me 算上我 (ang)55. I love you56. Feel better? 好点了吗?57. Is it yours?58. Thats neat 这很好59. Are you sure60. Do I have to61. Here you are62.

3、 Hes my age 63. No one knows64. Take it easy i:zi 放松 别紧张65. What a pity 太遗憾了66. Anything else 还要别的吗?67. I like ice-cream68. To be careful 一定要小心69. Do me a favor fev please 帮帮忙 谢谢70. give me a hand please 帮帮我71. thank you, I owe you one 谢谢,我欠你一次人情72. You are welcome welkm 不客气73. Help yourself 别客气74.

4、Keep in touch 保持联系75. Time is money76. You did right77. You set me up 你出卖我78. Can I help you79. excuse kskju:s me, sir 对不起了,先生80. Its a fine day 今天天气不错81. How are you doing? / hows everything 最近怎么样?(寒暄)82. So far, so good 最近不错(so far 到目前为止,so good 挺好的)83. what about you? 你呢?84. now I have no idea 我没

5、有头绪85. what should I do86. I have a good idea87. its up to you 由你做主88. Im all yours! 全听你的89. make up your mind 做个决定吧90. I just made it 我做到了91. Just wonderful wndfl 太棒了92. Ill see to it 我会留意的93. Im in a hurry 我正在忙94. Its my field fi:ld 这是我的本行95. Are you kidding kd 你在开玩笑吗?96. congratulations kngrtjlen

6、z 祝贺你97. I dont mean it 我不是故意的98. I mean it 我是认真的99. It sounds great 听起来不错100. What time is it? /its seven oclock/ its a few minute after eight/ its three thirty-four101. Control kntrl yourself 克制一下102. He lacks lks courage krd 他缺乏勇气103. I have no choice 我别无选择104. Ill try my best 我尽力而为105. Im on you

7、r side 我支持你106. Im with you 我同意你的观点107. Long time no see 好久不见108. No pain, no gain gen 不劳无获(pain 痛苦,刻苦;gain 收获)109. Well, it depends110. Were all for it 我们全部同意111. What a good deal 真便宜112. You asked for it 这是你自找苦吃113. You have my word 我保证(口语)114. believebli:v it or not 信不信由你115. Dont count on me 这事可

8、别指望我116. Dont fall for it 别上当117. Easy come easy go118. I beg your pardon p:dn 我请求你的原谅119. I beg your pardon? 麻烦再说一次(没有听清楚)120. I cant follow you121. Ill be back soon122. Ill check it out 我查查看(找出答案)123. Its a long story 说来话长124. Its Sunday today125. Just wait and see 等着瞧126. Thats all I need 这是我想要的全

9、部127. The view vju: is great 景色真好128. The wall has ears 隔墙有耳129. What do you think130. Who told you?131. Dont give me that 少来那套132. She is just a childtald 133. You are a smart girl 你是个聪明伶俐的女孩134. Its growing cool/ hot/ cold135. It seems all right 看起来一切正常136. Its going too far 太离谱了137. He had a bad

10、cold138. Thats a good idea139. The answer is zerozr 等于零,白忙了140. What do you like/ what does she like141. As z soon as possible psbl 尽快142. He always talks big 他总是吹牛143. Ill be right there 我马上到(right 立刻 马上)144. Knowledge is power 知识就是力量145. We are good friends146. Love me, love my dog 147. Speak loud

11、er, please148. What happened to you 你怎么了149. You are just in time 你来得正是时候150. Dont be so childish tald 别这样孩子气151. Dont trust to chance t:ns 不要碰运气 152. Hello, Nice to see you153. how are you/how is he(fine thanks/hes very well thank you)154. how are you today/this evening155. good morning(noon/aftern

12、oon/night/pleasure dream)-dad/mom156. my name is DengYizhi,I m three years old, this is my father/mather157. Are you ready to go/ready to eat/ready to drink milk158. Mom hurry up, lets go!159. Yes Im ready160. Good bay uncle/aunt LI, see you tomorrow161. Come in, please162. Sit down/stand up, please

13、163. Open/close your book164. Dont open the book/door165. Do you understand?yes I understand/I dont understand166. Listen and repeat167. Thats fine 很好168. Its time for lunch/Its time to go to school/go to bed169. Lets begin now170. Whats thisthis is a book/an apple 171. Is this your penyes it is/no

14、it isnt172. Whose hat/bag/scooter is thisits mine/his/mothers173. These are my shoes174. Is that the moon/sunyes it is/no it isnt175. Is it yoursyes its mine176. Where is the door/where are my shoes/the booksthere it is/they are177. What are thesethose are oranges178. Where are your pencilsthey are

15、over there179. These are your toys, arent they ? no they arent/they are not mine180. These are mine, and those are yours181. Who are you ? Im Deng Yizhiwhats your name ?182. Who are those people ? Maybe they are farmers183. Arent they students? I really dont know 184. Whats your friends name? her na

16、me is peppa pig 185. What day is today / what day was yesterday / what day is tomorrow Today is Wednesday / yesterday was Saturday / tomorrow is Friday 186. What month is this / this is January187. What month was last month/is next month / it is February 188. Do you have a boll / yes I do189. You ha

17、ve many books, dont you ? / yes I do / no I dont190. Does the scooter belong to you? / yes I think it does191. How many toys do have? /I have many192. I get up before seven oclock every day193. The restaurant doesnt open until seven forty-five194. Will you be here at ten oclock tomorrow/ yes I will1

18、95. I hope so196. Whats the date today/ today is July 27, 2017197. Today is my birthday 198. Where are you going199. Lets talk about something else200. Which one do you like201. I hope I can see you again202. What time is it? Its almost eleven oclock203. Im afraid, I cant stay here any longer204. Th

19、ank you for trusting me205. Excuse me for a few minute mnt 对不起,我要离开一会206. You know my English is not good207. Anyway, believe me, Im serious sris 不管怎样,请相信我,我是认真的208. It happens to anybody209. Nothing n to see here! 这里没什么好看的210. You are so sweet 你真好 211. You are so cute 你真可爱 212. I think, it works fo

20、r me 我觉得他对我有用213. You are out of my league li:g 你和我不是同一类人214. Guy ga 家伙;gay ge 男同215. Why dont we give this a try 我们为什么不试一下呢?216. Thats not the point 这不是关键217. Its up to you, just follow your lead(领导) 听你的218. Good for you219. The more you care, the more you have to lose220. Given your situation stue

21、n 考虑到你的情况221. Can you pass me the shirt/ my phone222. You do the math 你自己算一下223. Never mind, Ill take care of it 不用担心,我会搞定的224. Lets make a deal 我们做笔交易吧225. How long it has been since sns you had sex with her226. Hold it, I dont wanna wn talk about it anymore227. Leave me alone ln 别管我228. Two coffee

22、 ln/ hamburgers hmb:z to go229. Hi guy, your grandma was trying to reach you 230. Do you love meyou bet(当然)231. Come on, cut it out 别闹了232. Be good/be a man/be cool 听话/像个男人/冷静点233. Ive been throughru: this 我是过来人234. Hold it! 打住235. Up yours!去你的236. If anything comeskm up, just call me 有事电话联系237. Its

23、 settled setld, then?you bet 那就这么定了?当然!238. Get up, its time for school239. Get up soon240. I dont want to241. Are you awake242. Are you feeling sick? No Im just tired243. Did you sleep well? No, I didnt fall asleep/ yes I slept very well244. Look! Your mother finally got up245. Im still sleepy246.

24、Lets fold(折叠)up the futon (fold up 叠好,叠整齐)247. Lets put the futonsfu:tn away 收起来,放好248. Never mind, its all right now249. Ill get back soon, please leave the door open 250. You must go wash your face now251. Its time to have breakfast252. We are morning person253. Hi baby, have you brushed your teeth254. He has a large income

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