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1、8. A. belief B. spirit C. secret D. request9. A. only B. nearly C. still D. thus10. A. mistaken B. helpless C. unusual D. awkward答案1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A解析这是一篇记叙文。讲述了邮递员无意间发现小男孩儿Mathew Flores因贫穷而只看不起书后,将他的故事发到在脸书上,网友们知道后,给小男孩送了好多爱心图书的故事。1题详解考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他喜欢垃圾邮件,这些广告是他唯一能得

2、到的阅读材料。A. natural 自然的;B. available可获得的; C. common共同的; D. familiar熟悉的。根据第二段中“but his family is very poor”可知小男孩之所以读这些垃圾邮件,是因为他的家庭太穷。所以这些广告是他唯一可获得的阅读材料。故选B项。2题详解这个问题使邮递员大吃一惊。A. frightened害怕的;B. disappointed失望的; C. surprised 感到惊讶的;D. amused觉得好笑的。根据分析可知,垃圾邮件一向是人们不喜欢的,而小男孩却问邮递员要垃圾邮件,所以在下一句中 “He asked the

3、boy the reason” 邮递员问小男孩这样做的原因。可知邮递员是感到惊讶的。故选C项。3题详解考查名词词义辨析。他问了男孩原因,然后在脸书上记录了他的回答。A. response回答; B. effort努力;C. decision决定;D. comment评论。根据前文 “He asked the boy the reason” 可知,他问了小男孩为什么要这些垃圾邮件,所以这里应该是将小男孩的回答发到了脸书上,故选A项。4题详解考查动词词义辨析。实际上他想去图书馆,但他的家庭很穷,付不起乘坐公共汽车的钱。A. own拥有; B. take 乘坐;C. share 分享;D. affo

4、rd 付得起。根据“but his family is very poor”可知,小男孩的家庭很贫困,去图书馆但付不起乘坐公交车的钱。故选D项。5题详解然后,这位邮递员问他脸书上的朋友们是否可以匀出一些书给小男孩。A. adjust 调整;B. examine 检查;C. spare 匀出 D. publish出版。根据下句“Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books ”以及“ some books for the boy.”可知,由于小男孩想要书,所以邮递员想让脸书上的朋友们匀出一些自己的书给小男孩。6题详解遇

5、见他这么罕见的心愿真是太好了,当我说我可以帮助他时,你可以想象他当时的笑容。A. desire心愿; B. effect 努力;C. purpose目的; D. value价值。根据上文中 “Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books”可知大部分的孩子都想要电子产品,而小男孩想要的却是书,他的愿望是很罕见的。故选A项。7题详解考查动词词组辨析。邮差本认为脸书上的帖子可能会收获50到60本书。A. give away 分发;B. bring in 收获;C. take on承担; D. put up张贴。根据下文“

6、People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, have sent books.”以及“50 to 60 books. ”可知,脸书上的帖子让他收获了很多书。8题详解但他的请求在网上传播很快。A. belief 信仰;B. spirit 精神;C. secret 秘密;D. request请求。根据上文可知,邮递员向网友们请求捐一些书给小男孩,所以这里他发的帖子应该是请求帮助的,故选D项。9题详解考查副词词义辨析。数百本的书已经送到了男孩的门口,还有数百本的书仍然在路上。A. only仅仅; B. nea

7、rly差不多; C. still 仍然;D. thus因此。根据上文“Hundreds of books have been delivered to the boys door.”以及“on their way”可知,有很多书都已经送到了男孩儿的门口,但还有很多书还没有送到。依旧在路上。10题详解当书开始陆续到达时,Flores被发生的事情震惊了:“我以为他们弄错了,但他们确实是送给我的。” A. mistaken 弄错的;B. helpless无用的; C. unusual 不寻常的;D. awkward尴尬的。根据本句中的连接词but表示转折,可知,弗洛雷斯一开始很惊讶,以为书是别人寄错

8、了的。但后来知道书的确是送给他的。第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)A阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Imagine you are standing close to a river. The sun is shining and everything is very quiet. There is a boat _11_ (wait) for you. You get in and it takes you down a river, slowly and gently a

9、nd after some time you realize that you _12_ (be) in this place before. You are back at a time in your childhood, _13_ you were very happy. You row to the bank of the river and get out. Walk around, and you will meet all those people you spent that happy time with and you can do all those things aga

10、in that you enjoyed.答案11. waiting 12. have been 13. when本文是一篇记叙文。作者记叙了一次自我想象的经历,想象自己一个站在河边,登上了一艘船,回到了童年,又能重新进行选择。11题详解考查动词时态。那儿有艘船在等你。分析句子结构可知,设空处句子时态应与前两句保持一致,描述当时想象的情景,应用现在进行时。故填waiting。12题详解过了一段时间你意识到你曾经来过这个地方。根据时间状语before可知,这里表示过去发生的事情对现在造成影响,应用现在完成时。故填have been。13题详解考查定语从句。你又回到了你的童年时代,那时你非常快乐。分

11、析句子结构可知。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a time in your childhood,在从句中充当时间状语,应用关系副词when引导。故填when。BYoung people work hard to get their qualifications. But many workplaces are looking for soft skills. They concern about things like managing your time, working in a team in different _14_ (activity) and communicating

12、with others. All of those _15_ (include) in soft skills. Usually people with these skills can do a good job. Many of these skills are _16_ (help) in your education as well. You can develop them by learning about the way you think and the way you communicate.答案14. activities 15. are included 16. help

13、ful这是一篇说明文。年轻人努力工作以获得资格证书。但很多工作场所都在寻找软技能,因为通常拥有软技能的人工作可以做得很好。其中的许多技能对你的教育也有帮助。你可以通过了解你的思考方式和你的沟通方式来培养他们。14题详解考查名词的数。他们关心的事情包括管理你的时间,在不同的活动中在一个团队中工作,以及与他人沟通。故填activities。15题详解考查时态语态。所有这些都包含在软技能中。句子陈述客观事实应用一般现在时,且主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为all,谓语动词用复数。故填are included。16题详解考查形容词。结合上文“Many of these s

14、kills are”,可知应填形容词helpful,作表语。故填helpful。CWorld leaders are planning to return to the moon in the near future. Two companies have also made a decision _17_ (support) space travel. They will give 30 million dollars to the first members who send a vehicle to the moon and send video back to Earth over t

15、he Internet. In addition to _18_ (make) a lot of money, the winners will also make history. In the 1400s, Spanish leaders _19_ (give) Columbus money to explore the world; in return, they learned about a whole new part of the world. Todays lunar explorers are similar. Who knows _20_ they will discove

16、r?答案17. to support 18. making 19. gave 20. what本文是新闻报道。文章主要介绍世界各国领导人正计划在不久的将来重返月球,两家大公司打算支持太空旅行,制定了一些奖励政策,希望能够探索新的东西。17题详解考查非谓语动词。两个公司也做出决定支持太空旅行。分析句子可知,decision后接不定式作后置定语,故填to support。18题详解除了赚很多钱,赢家也会创造历史。In addition to“除之外”,to是介词,接动名词作宾语,故填making。19题详解在14世纪,西班牙领导人给哥伦布提供资金来探索世界;作为回报,他们了解了世界的一个全新的部分

17、。分析句子可知,give是谓语动词,由时间状语“In the 1400s”可知用一般过去时。故填gave。20题详解考查宾语从句。谁知道他们能发现什么?分析句子可知,空格处引导宾语从句,从句中discover缺少宾语,表示“什么”,故填what。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。To: David Russeldrusellmmail.orgFrom: Alyssa MelleramellerDate: January 12Subject: MeetingsDe

18、ar Mr. Russel,Welcome to work here for a few days. I am writing to let you know that Roger Williams, one of our staff members, will pick you up at the airport on Sunday evening. We have a hotel arrangement for you just next to our office building. As a popular writer of childrens literature, you wil

19、l be giving a presentation in our boardroom. All of us are expecting the new contents in your books, which will surely include your understanding of childrens literature. We hope to learn more from you about how to efficiently organize contents and develop written communication skills. At your reque

20、st, I was about to arrange several meetings with your coauthors to discuss revisions to your series of childrens stories, which will be an important part during your stay here. Because of the tight schedule, you will probably have some busy days here. But we will try our best to ensure that you can

21、have a high efficiency. All details are provided below.Mon.9:00 a.m.Presentation on new contents11:Lunch meeting with Thomas Wood (illustrator)Tue.30 a.m.Breakfast with Gary Willson (book designer)20 a.m.Conference call with Scott West (the CEO of Walter Publishing)2:00 p.m.Meeting with Hank Willis

22、about some of the chaptersWed.Meeting with Georg Hoffmann to translate some documents into EnglishEditing session with Jose WrightAfter the final meeting on Wednesday, we will drive you to West Town Station by 4:00 p.m. Your train from the station to the airport will depart at 4:30 p.m. and your fli

23、ght is scheduled to leave at 6:10 p.m.If there is anything unsuitable for the arrangement, please let me know and we will adjust the schedule as soon as possible.Looking forward to meeting you next week.Alyssa21. What is the purpose of the email?A. To provide a work schedule.B. To make a travel arra

24、ngement.C. To propose an adaptation of the storybooks.D. To inform Mr. Russel of a schedule change.22. What can we learn about Mr. Russel?A. He is attending a book fair.B. He is drafting a research proposal.C. He is advertising childrens storybooks.D. He is working with others on a project23. When is Mr. Russel expected to discuss the contents of his storybooks?A. At 11:00 a.m. on Monday.B. At 11:20 a.m. on Tuesday.C. At 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday.D. At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.答案21. A 22. D 23. C本文是应用文。这是A

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