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高一模块二Unit 1测试题一Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、A. Professor Smith was not used to driving his wifes car.B. The little girl was running too fast crossing the street.C. Professor Smith was driving at a very high speed at the time.5. Where is the conversation probably taking place?A. In a hospital. B. At a garage. C. In a meeting room.第二节(共15小题;每小题

2、1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What will be given to Marys mother as a birthday present?A. B. C. 7. What kind of food will they enjoy at the birthday dinner?A. French cakes. B. Italian

3、 noodles. C. Chinese dishes. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where is the conversation probably taking place?A. On a plane. B. At a railway station. C. In a shop.9. What time is it in London when it is 6:00 in the afternoon in Hong Kong?A. 10: 00 in the morning the same day.B. 10:00 in the afternoon the same day

4、. C. 2:00 in the morning the next day.10. Where does the man probably work?A. In New York. B. In London. C. In Beijing. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why isnt the man interested in the first flat?A. Because it is too small. B. Because it is too expensive. C. Because it is too far from where he works.12. What

5、 can we know about the flat the man is interested in?A. It is opposite a garden. B. It has three bedrooms and a sitting room.C. It is three hundred a month.13. Which of the two flats would the man probably rent?A. The first one. B. The second one. C. Neither. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What does the woman

6、 want to drink?A. Coffee. B. Tea. C. Water.15. Which of the following is NOT the reason the woman wants to work for Collcom?A. Collcom is well known all over the world.B. The employees are well treated in Collcom.C. Collcom is liked by people all over the world.16. What does the man think of the wom

7、an?A. She is just the kind of person they need. B. She is too proud of herself. C. She is hardworking and responsible. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does a “White Christmas” mean according to the passage?A. It always snows when Christmas arrives. B. Christmas Day on which the ground is covered with sno

8、w.C. People like white color.18. Who wrote the song ?A. American songwriter Irving Berlin.B. American singer Bing Crosby. C. Australian songwriter Irving Berlin.19. What is Crosby doing at present?A. He is traveling around the world.B. He is on tour performing his songs.C. He is visiting his friends

9、 in different cities. 20. What will the speaker talk about if he goes on speaking?A. Places Crosby will visit soon.B. New friends Crosby recently made.C. The songs Crosby sang yesterday.听力填空题(选做):听第10段材料,根据你所听到的信息完成下列表格中第17至20题;每小题不超过三个单词。In many placesA blanket of 17. covers the ground on Christmas

10、 Day.In factSome places may be 18. this time of year.Over the yearsHundreds of singers and musicians 19. .The day before yesterdayBing Crosby arrived in the city and yesterday evening he 20. in the Central Concert Hall.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题; 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Do you belie

11、ve the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great success? _A. Why not? B. What about you?C. Yes, I believe so. D. Yes, it will.22. He never follows others advice, so there is no _ that he will change his mind in such a short time.A. ability B. possibility C. activity D. quality23. Henry will _ a bi

12、g company next week, which makes his family very happy.A. take the charge of B. in the charge ofC. take charge of D. in charge of24. Nancy shows great interest in playing _ table tennis, while her sister is fond of playing _ violin.A. the; / B. a; the C. the; the D. / ; the25. Yao Ming _ more and mo

13、re popular with his crazy fans in the past several years.A. is B. has been C. was D. will be 26. The police said some children had _ the murder case which happened yesterday.A. witnessed B. watchedC. touched D. experienced27. How often do you work out in the gym? _, but usually twice a week.A. I don

14、t know B. It all dependsC. As usual D. I have no idea 28. If you want to study in America in the future, its time to make a list of the universities _ interest you.A. where B. what C. which D. when29. What happened? You _ so quiet all morning. I failed my mid-term exam.A. are B. were C. had been D.

15、have been30. The doctor was _ because she wasnt able to explain the cause of the _ illness.A. puzzled; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzlingC. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzling; puzzled31. He agreed to go shopping with me, but he didnt show _.A. out B. around C. up D. off32. It has just been two months _ we bec

16、ame good friends, but we got to know each other three years ago.A. since B. before C. when D. after33. The workers are _ the building of the new park so as to complete it ahead of time. A. stepping up B. making upC. mixing up D. looking up 34. Our class lost the basketball game _ Johns carelessness

17、yesterday.A. due to B. according toC. along with D. because35. I _ for the bus for about 40 minutes, but it hasnt come yet. A. are waiting B. have waitedC. have been waiting D. will wait第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)The moon had gone behind a cloud and there werent many stars in the sky. It was a 36 ni

18、ght. I saw a glow (亮光) in my neighbors 37 . I thought he was preparing a midnight meal so I went back to my 38 . Soon, there was a burning 39 in the air and I knew something must be wrong. 40 , I jumped out of bed and went outside. I saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. Immediately, I cried

19、for 41 , but no one nearby seemed to hear me. I rushed into my house, 42 the fire department (消防队) and went back to my neighbors house. I 43 the doorbell, and called out my neighbors name but no one 44 . I couldnt wait any more, so I managed to 45 the house and then saved a cat and a rabbit. I threw

20、 buckets of water through the kitchen window but it was 46 , for the fire was too strong. 47 , a fire engine (消防车) arrived and soon the firemen put the fire out. They arrived just 48 before the strong fire was going to spread to the other rooms. When my neighbor came back, he was 49 to see everythin

21、g in his kitchen was 50 , but he was glad to hear that his 51 had been saved by me. Then, to express his 52 , he wanted to give me some money but I did not 53 the offer. Weeks later, my neighbor restored his kitchen. He 54 me to have a look at his new kitchen and there he gave me a medal (奖章), which

22、 he had 55 ordered from a factory for me. It made me very happy.36. A. bright B. noisy C. dark D. hot37. A. living room B. bathroomC. kitchen D. bedroom38. A. bed B. chair C. table D. sofa39. A. taste B. smell C. sight D. touch40. A. After a while B. At onceC. In the future D. Once upon a time41. A.

23、 love B. peace C. help D. health42. A. found B. called C. met D. helped43. A. broke B. repaired C. rang D. heard44. A. believed B. understood C. remembered D. answered 45. A. look around B. break intoC. look after D. pay for46. A. harmful B. differentC. useless D. unimportant47. A. Sadly B. Carefull

24、yC. Luckily D. Surprisingly48. A. at one time B. in timeC. on time D. all the time49. A. sad B. excited C. ready D. tired50. A. stolen B. thrown C. polluted D. destroyed51. A. children B. parents C. life D. pets52. A. thanks B. surprise C. worry D. pain53. A. receive B. accept C. get D. return54. A.

25、 begged B. ordered C. invited D. warned55. A. specially B. especiallyC. strangely D. usually第三部分 阅读理解(共小题;每小题分,满分分)When the mans wife died, his youngest baby was only two years old, and they had six other children three boys and three girls, aged from 4 to 16. A few days after he lost his wife, the

26、mans parents and his deceased wifes parents came to his home. “Weve been talking about how to make this work,” they said. “Theres no way you can take care of all these children, so were thinking about arranging for each child to live with a family right here in the neighborhood so that you can see t

27、hem at any time.” “Thank you for your thoughtfulness (考虑周到),” answered the man. “But I want you to know if the children trouble me, or if I need some help, Ill let you know.” The man then sold his farming equipment, moved to a small town with his children and opened a small business. Soon the mans b

28、usiness flourished. It was his good service, but more importantly his pleasant character, that attracted more and more people to do business with him. And the children helped both at home and at work. They were very close to the man. The children grew up and got married. After that, five of them wen

29、t to college. Finally, the youngest daughter the baby who had been two years old at her mothers death got married. The mans children often took his grandchildren to visit him. After his lonely but joyful task of raising his family was completed, the man died. This man is my father and Im the oldest of the children. 56.

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