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GREYS ANATOMY S1E03 Winning a Battle Losing the WarWord下载.docx

1、George: I got here first. Its Merediths house, she should decide. become the ways of life. My room is like, two inches bigger than yours! You have a bigger closet! So? Why is everything always a competition? I - Number one: always keep score. (Izzie and George argue in the background while she looks

2、 for clean clothes) Number two: do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. .put your clothes somewhere else! Everywhere else is filled with Merediths moms boxes. Meredith? When is your mom coming back to town anyway? Because maybe we can put her boxes in storage. Or unpack a few things, make thi

3、s place a little more homey. Maybe some throw pillows and lamps, a few paintings. Oh, paintings would be nice. Yeah! You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medicalprocedures. Really? We sh

4、ould watch them. Meredith, you want to watch - (Merediths door slams in their faces; a moment later, it re-opens. Meredith takes Izzies coffee and shuts the door again) Meredith, do you want some privacy?Meredith slumps against the other side of the door, holding her coffee. Number three? Dont make

5、friends with the enemy.Cut to Bailey and Shepherd standing on a street corner.Derek: Morning Dr. Bailey.Bailey: (holding up a hand) Shut up. You realise that Im an attending and youre only a resident? So you work for me, right? I know Ive forgotten something, something is happening today, I know I s

6、hould know what it is, but I just cant.(shakes her head) All right, nice talking to you Dr. Bailey. Something.right in front of my face.Shepherd walks forward to cross the road, Bailey gasps and grabs him. Doctor!We see several bike riders race past, two crash. Now I remember! Dr Shepherd, watch out

7、.The bike riders arent professionals and are kicking each other etc. Another one crashes.Cut to the hospital, Bailey with her interns. Fools on bikes killing themselves. Natural selection is what it is.Alex: (quietly to George) So whats up with the Nazi, is she off her meds? You never heard of the r

8、ace?Shot of a nice, neat OR schedule. Webber, Burke and Shepherd are standing in front of it.Webber: Excellent board. Well-timed, balanced, efficient - if all goes well, well have an early night. Chief! Dead baby bike race started twenty minutes ago. All right, people! Dead baby bike race day!Intern

9、 wipes the schedule off. Every year this bar -Meredith: The Dead Baby Bar. Every year, they hold this underground bike race. t you wonder why someone would name a bar something so disgusting?Cristina: Keep your panties on, Nancy Drew. The race is completely illegal, and - Crazy, a bunch of bike mess

10、engers racing against traffic trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila. All-out, no holds barred competition, sounds like fun. Yeah, you would think that. The race doesnt even have any rules. Except eye gouging - no eye gouging. Oh great, were going to be trapped in the Pit bandaging up i

11、diots when we could be up in the OR? What kind of people engage in a race that has, as its only rule, that you cant rip out the eyeballs of another human being? Men, Georgie, men. I need someone to get up to the OR floor, the Chief needs a right hand.Everyones hands shoot up. George: And number four

12、: everything, everything is a competition. Okay people, the rules of trauma. Dont mingle with the ER interns, they dont know their ass from their oesophagus. Sew fast, discharge fast, take bodies up to the OR yesterday. Dont let me catch you fighting over patients. Got it? Come on, lets go.The inter

13、ns run and jostle for position. We see injured bike riders everywhere. Oh, its like candy, but with blood, which is so much better. Oh my god. Mine! I saw him first! Whoever said that winning wasnt everything.We see a guy with nails in his side. Ooh. Ill take that guy. No, youll have to beat me to h

14、im first. (they run for him) .never held a scalpel.Opening sequence. Heads hes mine, tails hes yours. Why do you get to be heads? Because I have a head, and you are tail. Excuse me. (Meredith closes the curtain on the patient) How do you make everything dirty? (Alex flips it) Ha. Tails. There are pl

15、enty of other cases. So go get one. I was here first. I am not backing down so I can do sutures all day while youre up in the OR. This is a surgical case, and you know it.s superficial. I mean, its cool, but its superficial. How do you know those things didnt rupture his peritoneum? Because hes sitt

16、ing up, and hes sitting there talking to us! (guy pulls the curtain back)Guy: Allo. Excuse me, I was wondering if you could take these out, and sew me up, so I can go and win my race? Well, we cant just pull them out, I mean, we ought to - (Alex does just that.) do some tests - Oh, wicked. Are you o

17、ut of your mind?s a superficial wound. Sew him up, and let him finish his race. You - you - Good man.Cut to Cristina, Izzie and Derek. Unidentified John Doe, mid-thirties pedestrian, hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike, GCS 3, pupils fixed and dilated, atropine given for a pulse in the fortie

18、s, BP 183 over 112.medical jargon .and a gram of Phenytoin.Burke: Is he corked? Looks like. The bike race claims its first victim. I ought to make my Triple A repair after all. Uh, Dr. Shepherd, hes not going to the OR? No. Do an EEG, and confirmatory tests. If he doesnt respond, six hours. Declare

19、him. (leaves) Declare him? Declare him what? Brain dead.Cut to Webber cleaning up. (pulling on a mask) Sir, Dr. Bailey sent me in to assist you, should I scrub in? No, Im stuck here all day. I need you on the floor, monitoring my pre and post-op patients. Oh. You got a problem with that, OMalley? Oh

20、, uh, no sir. Oh, a mate of mine in 4451, Lloyd Mackie? Give him whatever he needs. Yes sir.Cut to a patient, in his bed, lighting up a cigarette. Mr Mackie! No smoking! Theres no smokingMr Mackie: Why not? Oh my god, youre in a hospital. Your point being. I dont know if youve listened to the surgeo

21、n-general lately, say in the past twenty years, but smoking is bad. Smoking will kill you. Liver cancer will kill me. Smoking will just speed up the process. Youre at the top of the donor list for a new liver. Theres hope. Sweetheart, Ive been at the top of the donor list for eight months. Im not in

22、 the batters cage. Im in a dugout, about to be traded. You like baseball? No. Oh. Um, well, um, the chief wanted me to look in on you. Richards a dear old friend. Hes been my doctor for thirty years. Well, whatever you need, Im your man. Just name it. Im sure Ill think of something.Cut to Izzie and

23、Cristina with their patient.s no corneal reflexes.s been fifty-five minutes. If he doesnt respond to these tests in the next five hours, what? Were supposed to just stand here, and watch him die? If he doesnt respond to these tests, its because hes already dead. Technically. Legally. Actually, Izzie

24、, actually dead. Hes breathing, he has a heartbeat. Look at his EEG. Theres no higher brain function. Hell never talk, move or think again. Theres no one in there. Think like a doctor, Izzie. He could wake up. What about a miracle? There are medical miracles, you know. (standing in the doorway) I kn

25、ow. Youre right. Miracles happen. People do wake up, thats why we do a series of tests over a set number of hours, so when we call time of death, we know that weve done everything in our power to make sure its actually his time of death. But there isnt going to be any miracles. This is the hard part

26、. To stand around as surgeons, and not cut. Thats what do no harm means. Wish hed just go to the light already, so I can get on another case.Izzies shocked. Oh, Im the devil because Id rather be in surgery, instead of standing watch over the death squad?s depressing. Look at his sneakers. Theyre bra

27、nd new. And somebody sewed this tear in his shirt, and he has one of those electronic key cards. He belongs to someone. An hour ago, he was out there, alive. To simply stand here and wait for him to die. Would be a waste of life. Exactly. It would be a waste of organs. (leaves. Izzies shocked at her again)Cut to Meredith sewing up Vip

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