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2、这样的选择。到他12小时大的时候,他的整个身体随着人的声音做精确的同步运动,好像跳舞一般。如果不是人的声音,比如敲击声,就不会引发这样的响应。难 句 解 析1. But a decade or so ago, these experts were describing the newborn as a primitive creature who reacted only by reflex, a helpless victim of its environment without capacity to influence it.【分析】复合句。句首 a decade or so ago 为

3、时间状语,as.influence it 为 were describing 的宾语补足语,其中a primitive creature和a helpless victim是as的并列宾语,who 引导的定语从句修饰 a primitive creature,without 引导的介词短语作后置定语,修饰 environment。2. Most thought (and some still do) that a new infant could see only blurry shadows, that his other senses were undeveloped, and that

4、all he required was nourishment, clean diapers, and a warm bassinet.【分析】多重复合句。谓语动词 thought 后边的 三个that从句均为宾语从句,它们之间是并列关系,都作 thought 的宾语。3. Far from being helpless, the newborn knows what he likes and rejects what he doesnt.Far from 作状语修饰句子,句中两个谓语动词并列,what 引导宾语从句。下面我们学习文中标红的高频词#09#09高频词汇protest* /9pr5

5、Utest/ v. & n. 反对,抗议【联想】pro(很多) test(测验)考试太多,遭到学生反对,抗议【搭配】protest a decision 反对一项决定;make a protest against.对表示抗议;do sth under protest 不得已干某事【引申】同义object v. 反对,抗议rebel n. & vi. 反对,反对者disapprove v. 不赞成近形protect vt. 保护【活用例句】The people made a protest about the rise in prices. 人们对价格上涨提出抗议。firmly /9f(ae):

6、mlI/ ad. 坚决地,坚定地【搭配】firmly believe 坚信【活用例句】The envelope was firmly sealed. 这个信封封得很严实。primitive /9prImItIv/ a. 原始的,早期的;简单的【词根】prim(第一) itive(的)第一时间的早期的【搭配】primitive accumulation 原始积累;primitive weapons 原始武器;primitive men 原始人【引申】同根primary a. 初期的;首要的,基本的prime a. 一流的,最好的 n. 全盛期,青春同义early a. 早先的,早期的origin

7、al a. 最初的,原始的simple a. 简单的反义developed a. 发展的complex a. 复杂的complicated a. 复杂的sophisticated a. 精通的【活用例句】Though raised in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.虽然生长在大城市,但彼得总喜欢画乡村生活的自然景色。同 义 巧 辨 primitive,initial,original,preliminaryprimitive 指处于人类生命或事物发展的早期阶段的、原

8、始的,也可指自然的或简朴的;initial 指处于事物的起始阶段的,也可指位于开头地方的;original 指处于事物最初阶段的,按顺序应是首位的,并含有在此前不再有更原始的同类东西;preliminary 有预备的、初步的意思。victim /9vIktIm/ n. 牺牲品,受害者【联想】有胜利者(victor),就会有受害者(victim)【搭配】become the victim of.( fall a victim to.) 成为的牺牲品;a victim of smuggling 走私活动的受害者;help the victims of the earthquakes 救助震区灾民【

9、引申】同根sacrifice vt. & n. 牺牲,奉献【活用例句】The victim explained the attack in graphic detail.受害者详细描述了遭受袭击的过程。shadow* /9Sd5U/ n. 影子;阴暗处 vt. 跟踪【联想】她整天顾影(shadow)自怜,真是浅薄(shallow)【搭配】 a shadow of ones former self不再有以前的力量、影响力等;wear (oneself) to a shadow 瘦得不成样子;a shadow of 一点点,少许,微量;shadow him 跟踪他【引申】同根shade n. 阴暗

10、部;细微差别(或变化):shade into 逐渐变成【活用例句】The earths shadow on the moon was quite distinct. 地球在月球上的阴影很清晰。perceptive /p59septIv/ a. 有知觉的;有理解力的,有悟性的【引申】同根concept n. 观念,概念perceive vt. 感知;意识到perception n. 感知(能)力;认识【活用例句】Youre right. Thats very perceptive of you. 你是正确的,你很有悟性。significant* /sIg9nIfIk5nt/ a. 有意义的,重大

11、的,重要的【词根】是动词 signify(表示的意思,意味)的形容词形式【搭配】a significant speech 意味深长的讲话【引申】同根significance n. 意义,重要性反义insignificant a. 无意义的,不重要的【活用例句】If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, youll probably have to ask for it. 如果你觉得薪水应该有一个大幅度的上涨,你可能必须自己提出来。reject* /rI9dZekt/ vt. 拒绝;退回【词根】re(反) ject(扔)被扔回来拒绝,退

12、回【引申】同义refuse vt. 拒绝,谢绝exclude vt. 拒绝接纳,把排除在外decline v. 谢绝【活用例句】He was rejected for the army because of his poor health. 他被拒绝入伍,因为健康状况不佳。outline* /9aUtlaIn/ n. 提纲;外形,轮廓 vt. 概述,概括;描外形【构词】out(出) line(线条)划出线条描外形【搭配】an outline agreement 协议纲要;an outline map 略图【活用例句】They saw the huge building outlined aga

13、inst the sky. 他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。delivery /dI9lIv5rI/ n. 投递,送交;投递的邮件,发送的货物;分娩;讲话方式【词根】来自 deliver(投递) y(名词后缀)【搭配】a delivery van 箱式送货车;a difficult delivery 难产【阅读例句】New York Times has increased its national circulation (发行量) by 40% and is now available for home delivery in 168 cities.现在,纽约时报的全国发行量已增

14、加了四成,美国168个城市的居民都能在家订阅这份报纸。08.6 同根deliver* /dI9lIv5(r)/ vt. 投递,发表;给(产妇)接生;解救,拯救【联想】de(away) liver(肝)把肝摘除以解救某人解救【搭配】deliver the order 送货;deliver a speech 发表演讲;deliver a baby 帮助产下婴儿;deliver a blow 给予一击【阅读例句】Magazines are popular with advertisers because of the narrow market that they deliver.杂志受广告商青睐是

15、因为它们发行的市场窄小。同义transfer /trns9f(ae):(r)/ v. 搬,转移;调动,转学;转让,过户;换乘 n. 转移,调动;转车【词根】trans(改变) fer(bring带)带过去转移【搭配】transfer from a train to a bus下火车换乘公共汽车【活用例句】He hoped the firm would transfer him to the Paris branch.他希望公司能把他调到巴黎分公司工作。shift /SIft/ v. 转动,转移,改变 n. 转换,转变;轮 (换) 班【联想】电脑键盘上的shift键是切换建【提示】注意名词的用法

16、:work an eight-hour shift八小时轮班工作。【活用例句】The white House hopes to shift the medias attention away from foreign policy issues.白宫希望转移传媒对外交政策问题的注意力。precise* /prI9saIs/ a. 精确的,准确的;严谨的【词根】pre(预先) cise(切)预先切好精确的【搭配】precise measurements 精确的尺寸;at the precise moment正好时【引申】同义exact a. 精确的,准确的accurate a. 正确的,精确的【

17、活用例句】We had precise orders to come home by nine oclock.我们得到严格的命令须于九点前回家。tap* /tp/ n. 塞子;轻拍;窃听 vt. 轻叩;利用;窃听 vi. 轻叩,轻拍【搭配】tap vast mineral wealth 开发大量矿产;tap his phone 窃听他的电话【阅读例句】He has argued that tapping ANWR oil would help ease Californias electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country

18、s energy independence. 他认为对ANWR石油的开采将有助于缓解加利福尼亚的电力危机,并能成为美国摆脱能源依赖的重要动力。05.6下面我们学习文中标黑的常用词#09#09常用词汇newborn /9nju:bO:n/ a. (婴儿)新生的,初生的【搭配】a newborn baby 新生婴儿【活用例句】Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.初生之犊不怕虎。creature* /9kri:tS5(r)/ n. 生物(尤指动物)【词根】来自 creat(e)(创造) ure(名词后缀)【引申】同根create vt. 创造creatio

19、n n. 创造,创作物creative a. 创造性的【活用例句】We cant see microscopic creature with naked eyes. 我们不能用肉眼看到微生物。remarkable /rI9mA:k5bl/ a. 值得注意的,引人注目的;异常的,非凡的【词根】来自remark(评论) able(能的)能引起评论的异常的【活用例句】A business-management major with a remarkable academic record, he easily got a well-paid and promising job in a big fi

20、rm.工商管理专业且学习成绩优异,他轻而易举地在一家大公司找到高薪且有前途的工作。shape* /SeIp/ vt. 决定的进程(或发展方向);形成 n. 外形;状况,状态【联想】刮脸(shave)将外形(shape)破坏,真是羞耻(shame)【搭配】shape up 发展顺利,表现良好;in (good) shape 处于(良好)状况;take shape 成形,形成【引申】同义condition n. 状况,形势【阅读例句】Individually they shape a person in very different ways;together they threaten to c

21、onfuse.分开来它们会培养出不同的人才;合起来它们会使人迷惑。01.1mask /mA:sk/ n. 面具,假面具;伪装 vt. 用面具遮住;掩饰,掩盖【联想】m ask(问)戴面具的人需要过问面具【活用例句】He tried to mask his disappointment with a smile.他试图以微笑来掩饰他的失望。Text 2 The Numerical Skills of ChildrenPeople appear to be born to compute. The numerical (数字的) skills of children develop so earl

22、y so invariable that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy one plate, one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of notin

23、g that they have placed five knives, five spoons, and five forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were isolated on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could enter a second-grade mathematics class wi

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