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1、 Here comes my secretary. Shes an extremely good-looking young woman, dont you think?W: Yes, but I heard that her work isnt as good as her appearance. What does the woman think of the secretary? 【听前预测】选项中的She is,good-looking,perfect,good at work等表明,本题与对女士的评价有关。男士提到自己的秘书长得很漂亮,女士表示同意,但接着用but转折提到她听说她(即

2、男士的秘书)的工作能力没有外表那么好(her work isnt as good as her appearance),言外之意就是男士的秘书的工作能力不行,故答案为D。13. W: Were all the books I recommended useful? Yes, they were. All of us are grateful to you and my classmates asked me to thank you for your help. What can we conclude from the conversation?【听前预测】选项中重复出现的books表明,对

3、话与书有关。The man does not think/appreciates表明,男士的话为听音重点。女士问男士她推荐的书是否有用,男士的回答“Yes, they were. All of us are grateful to you and my classmates asked me to thank you”为听音重点。由男士的回答可知,男士很感谢女士推荐的书,故答案为D。14. M: I borrowed some CDs from Jim last week, but I lost them. Would you tell Jim Im sorry about that? Had

4、nt you better tell him yourself? What does the woman suggest the man do?【听前预测】选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的Express his apology,Jim,CDs等表明,本题与女士给男士的建议有关,该建议涉及Jim和CD。【解 析】选C。男士踢打他把Jim的CD丢了,希望女士能帮他向Jim转达歉意,而女士通过反问句Hadnt you better tell him yourself?(你自己告诉他不是更好吗?)建议男士自己去跟Jim道歉,故答案为C。15. W: There was a new quiz show o

5、n television last night, but we were just outside and sitting down to dinner when it came on. I watched it and it was great! The first four contestants won only small prizes, but the fifth left with a new luxury car. What can be inferred from the conversation?【听前预测】选项中重复出现的dinner,show表明,对话涉及晚餐和某个节目。

6、女士说昨晚有一个新的智力竞赛节目(quiz show),但是节目播出的时候她正在外面吃饭,由此可知,女士昨天错过了智力竞赛节目的播出时间,故答案为C。16. M: Im really worried about Susan. How is Susans lab experiment coming along? Im not sure. Why dont we go have a look? What does the woman suggest doing?【听前预测】选项中的Meeting Susan,Making sure,Asking Susan等表明,本题可能与某人的建议有关,该建议涉

7、及Susan。男士问女士Susan的实验进行得怎么样了,女士通过反问句Why dont we go have a look?建议去看看Susan做实验的进展情况,故答案为C。17. W: Why do we always have to argue about money? If it wasnt money, youd argue about something else; I think you enjoy arguments. What does the man think of the woman?【听前预测】选项中的She spends money lavishly/should g

8、et a job等表明,本题可能考查对女士的看法。女士不明白为什么她和男士总是为钱而争吵,男士通过虚拟语气提到“如果不是为钱,你也会为其他东西争吵;我认为你喜欢争吵”,由此可知,男士认为女士喜欢争吵,故答案为D。18. M: I wish Susie would stop reciting that poem. Ive heard her repeat it hundreds of times. At least that much. I used to really like Whitmans poems until I had to listen to her over and over

9、again. What do the two speakers mean?【听前预测】选项中的poem(s)和poet表明,对话可能与诗歌有关。【解 析】选A。男士通过虚拟语气I wish Susie would stop reciting that poem表示他不想再听Susie朗诵那首诗了,女士也说她以前很喜欢惠特曼的诗,她听Susie朗诵这么多遍之后也不想再听到这首诗了,由此可知,说话双方都厌倦听这首诗了,故答案为A。Now you will hear the two long conversations.Conversation One【听前预测】选项中的physically hea

10、lthy,arm muscles,arm weights,swimming,Jogging等表明,对话可能与运动有关。 Exercise, exercise, exercise. We hear so much about it these days, yet even the experts cant agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises. Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat or

11、flabby? Actually, thats not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit. But dont arm exercises raise your blood pressure? That they do. But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that. How? By adding leg exercises, so the arms dont do all the

12、work. Arm exercises alone arent enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. The more of the body thats involved in the exercise, the better. And in turn, Im sure that theres a greater chance of losing weight. Sounds right to me. So what exercises do the experts recommend? They mentioned qu

13、ite a few, but some of the more popular ones are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs. And walking vigorously while you wear arm weights. I must try that. I like to walk a lot. I hope you could get the result you want. And then I may follow your step to do arm exer

14、cises. No problem.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. Whats the main reason that many doctors recommend arm exercises?【解析】选C。女士说现在很多医生大力推荐手臂运动(arm exercises),男士问是不是因为很多人的手臂too fat or flabby,女士说那不是主要原因,而是因为手臂运动是一种保持健康(become physically fit)的理想方式,故答案为C,其中的physicall

15、y healthy与女士提到的physically fit对应。20. What is the problem caused by arm exercises, according to the conversation?【解析】选D。选择中的They,damage arm muscles,raise ones blood pressure等表明,本题考查They的缺点,听音时注意They指代什么。对话中男士提到But dont arm exercises raise your blood pressure?女士说That they do表示同意,由此可知,手臂运动的一个缺点就是它会使血压升高

16、,故答案为D。【点睛】But转折处为常考点,听音时应注意。21. What exercises do the experts recommend?选项中的Wearing arm weights,Jogging vigorously,Walking slowly等表明,本题可能与运动有关。男士问专家推荐什么样的运动,女士说专家推荐了几种,最普遍的就是骑特殊的自行车,这种车子能使人手脚并用,故答案为C。【点睛】列举处为常考点,是听音的重点。Conversation Two【听前预测】选项中的grade,lab report,her lab experiment,lab techniques等表明,

17、对话可能与女士的实验有关。由his classes可推测出,男士的身份应该是老师。 Professor Keyes? May I come in? Jessica, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you? Its the lab experiments, Professor. Im getting different results from everyone else, so I thought Id better ask for your advice or else Ill fail the class. Not everyone gets t

18、he right results. I thought you mightve discovered on your own what you were doing wrong. Well, Ive gone over every step of every experiment we did in the lab, and I havent been able to figure out where I went wrong in any of them. OK. I think you probably study the steps carefully. But Ive observed

19、 something in my classes ever since I started teaching chemistry. Some students know the steps involved in an experiment but they dont understand the purpose and the objectives of the experiment. Do you actually read through the reference and the handouts I give? Um, not really. I just find it very

20、difficult reading. Well, Jessica. Knowing what the steps are will help you when you write up a lab report, but would you be able to write a conclusion about the results if you didnt understand what you were doing? No, I guess not. So why not spend just half an hour going through the material and if

21、it isnt clear to you, you can either ask me or you can go over to the chemistry club. OK. Ill do that. Theres something else. Ive noticed that you arent always precise in your measurements. Youre not going to get the results youre looking for if you dont measure things right or heat an ingredient at

22、 the right heat or heat it for the exact amount of time required. OK, Professor. I see what Im doing wrong.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. Why does the woman go to see the man?选项均以“To+原形动词”开头以及其中的ask him to explain,lab experiment/report表明,本题考查女士的行为目的,该行为目的与实验

23、室实验或报告有关。对话一开始,女士说她为了实验室的试验(lab experiments)来找男士,因为她得到的试验结果与其他人都不同,所以她想从男士这里寻求建议,由此可知,女士是为了问一些做实验方面的建议才来见男士的,故答案为C。【点睛】so表目的处为常考点,听音时应注意。23. Why does the man talk about a phenomenon in his chemistry classes?选项均以“To+原形动词”开头以及其中的help the woman表明,本题与男士的行为目的有关。男士以为女士已经找出了她做实验时所犯的错误,而女士却说她检查了每个实验的各个环节,但是

24、没有发现哪个环节出了差错,于是男士提及他教化学以来观察到的一个经常存在的现象:学生知道实验的步骤,但是却不理解实验的目的和目标是什么,以此来帮助女士认清她的问题所在,故答案为D。24. What does the man suggest the woman do?【解析】选B。选项均为原形动词开头以及the handouts he provides表明,本题考查男士的观点建议。男士得知女士每次都是熟知实验步骤,但是却不怎么看他发的实验参考资料和讲义(the reference and the handouts),所以男士通过反问句why not spend just half an hour

25、going through the material建议女士要看他发给大家的参考资料和讲义,故答案为B。【点睛】why not?为表建议的常用句式。25. What can be inferred about the woman?选项中的She,does not like chemistry,too busy to study,careless about lab techniques等表明,本题可能与女士在学习中的情况或存在的问题有关。对话中男士提到他发现女士在测量(measurements)方面不是很准确,由此可推断出,女士在实验方法上有些粗心,故答案为D。Section BPassage

26、 One【听前预测】选项中的feed the birds,starved,couldnt open the door/get off the window,made a mistake等表明,短文与喂鸟有关,涉及不好的遭遇。Jacks friend, Kate Smith kept birds. One day Kate phoned and told Jack she was going away for a week. She asked Jack to feed the birds for her and said that she would leave the key in Jack

27、s mailbox.Unfortunately, Jack forgot all about the birds until the night before Kate was going to return. What was worse, it was already dark when Jack arrived at Kates house. Jack soon found the key Kate gave him could not unlock either the front door or the back door. He was getting desperate. He

28、kept thinking of what Kate would say when she came back.Jack was just going to give up when he noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. He found a barrel and pushed it under the window. As the barrel was very heavy, Jack made a lot of noise. But in the end, he managed to climb up and open

29、the window. Jack actually had one leg inside the bedroom when he suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at him. He looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of Kates neighbors. “What are you doing up there?” said the policeman. Feeling like a complete fool, Jack replied, “I was just going to feed Mrs. Smiths birds.”Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. What did Kate ask Jack to do?【解析】选A。选项中的check her mailbox,help her等表明,本题可能考查男士的行为动作。短文开头提到,Kate要外出一周,所以她请Jack帮忙喂鸟,并把自己的钥匙留在了Jack的信箱里了,由此可知,Kate让Jack来她家喂鸟,故答

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