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Book 6 Unit 4 Helping people around the worldWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、湖北,22)在战争期间,存在严重的食物缺乏问题。这种情况并不少见,就连富裕的家庭也会好几天没有面包只得将就度日。(1)His parents made sure that he _.他的父母确保他什么都不缺。(2)I cant buy the bike because of _.我因为缺钱而不能买那辆自行车。(3)Though_money,his parents managed to send him to university.(2011宿迁模拟)Alacked Blacking of Clacking Dlacked in(4)_ in experience,she didnt manag

2、e to pass the interview.ALack BLack of CFor lack of DLacking3means n方法;手段(单复数同形)Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?By no means.Ours is much stronger than theirs.(2010江苏,27)你认为他们的乒乓球队在即将到来的亚运会上会获得第一名吗?绝不会。我们队比他们队要强大得多。(1)Can I see it?_.我可以看看吗?当然可以。

3、(2)She is _ (绝不) an inexperienced teacher.(3)We look forward to the day when the car will be replaced by some less dangerous_ of transport.Amethods Bmeans Cmanners Dways4.purpose n目的,意图He didnt say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purpose.(2008全国,阅读理解C)他没有说错任何事情,但是他却故

4、意漏掉了重要的信息。(1)He seemed to do it _.他似乎是有意去做这件事。(2)We are studying hard here _ (目的是) realizing our dream that we can go to college.(3)They pulled down the old buildings for the _ of making room for the newlybuilt motorway.Apurpose Bmeaning Cface Duse5honour vt.使感到荣耀;给荣誉;n.荣誉;尊敬;荣耀的事(1)have the honour

5、to do/of doing.有幸做give/show honour to sb.尊敬/尊重某人in honour of sb.为了纪念某人Its a great honour因做感到荣幸(2)be honoured for因而受到尊敬或获得荣誉be honoured as被尊为be/feel honoured to do.为做而感到荣幸(1)He _ his kindness and hard work among his colleagues.他因善良和勤奋而受到同事们的尊敬。(2)Its _ to discuss the new cooperation plan with you.很荣幸

6、和您一起商讨新的合作计划。(3)Would you please give us an example_ your opinion on “Two Olympics,equal splendor”?Ain charge of Bin want of Cin favour of Din honour of6remind vt.提醒;使想起She reminded me that I hadnt written to mother.她提醒我还没给母亲写信。(1)That _ the happy days I had spent there.那件事使我想起我在那里度过的快乐日子。(2)The sto

7、ry_ me of an experience I once had in the forest.(2010苏州月考)Amentioned Binformed Creminded Drecalled7force vt.强迫,逼;n.力,力量;兵力;武力_ adj. (定语)强制的;勉强的,不自然的_ adj.强有力的;有说服力的force do sth./into doing sth.强迫某人做某事force ones way through/in/out强行挤过/挤进/挤出bring/carry/put.into force实施(法律等)by force靠武力,强行come in

8、to force生效in force有效A great number of students questioned said they were forced to practise the piano.(2010四川,4)许多被调查的学生说,他们是被迫练习弹钢琴的。(1)The new rules _ last month.新规定上月开始实施。(2)I _ take a taxi because the last bus had left.最后一班公车已经开走,所以我只好坐了一辆出租车。(3)From the _ (勉强的) smile,we know he _ (被迫) doing it.

9、That is to say,someone made him do it _ (强行)(4)As the medicine came into_,the patient became quieter.Aforce Bpower Ceffort Dpart 8.set out出发,动身,启程set sth. aside把搁在一边;省出,留出;储存set off/out for sp.动身去某地set out to do sth. 着手做某事set about doing sth.开始着手做某事set off出发,启程;使爆炸,引起爆炸;引起set sb. an example/set an e

10、xample to sb.为某人树立榜样set.on fire/set fire to.纵火烧(1)The news _ a rush of activity.这则消息令人们蜂拥而动。(2)The mayor has _ measures to help the workers who have lost their jobs.市长已经开始着手采取措施来帮助下岗工人。(3)Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he_his own work and translated it into German.Agave off Bturned down Cto

11、ok over Dset aside9refer to查阅;谈到;参考;有关;运用(于)_ n提及;查阅(1)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients by name,not case number.(2010江西,34)现在一些医院用名字而不是病例编号查阅病人。(2)Which companies was she referring to when she spoke of competing firms?她提到竞争公司时指的是哪几家? (1)The teacher _ the dictionary.老师叫他去查字典。(2)用look up,refe

12、r to的适当形式填空Id like to _ the word in the dictionary.If you dont understand some words,you can _ the dictionary.(3)The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without_ his notes.(2011镇江模拟)Abring up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on10break down分解;崩溃,瓦解;出故障;垮掉break up分解,拆散;驱散;破裂,垮

13、掉;结束break in闯入;打岔break into闯入;破门而入break off折断;断掉,中断break through突破,取得突破break away from挣脱开而逃走,脱离开;与断绝关系break with和(某事)终止关联;破除break out爆发(1)This printer is of good quality. If it _ within the first year,we would repair it at our expense.这种印刷机质量很好。若在一年之内出故障,我们会免费维修的。(2)Peace talks _ over the question o

14、f reparations.和谈因为战后赔款问题而破裂。(3)To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it_into parts.Adown Bup Coff Dout(4)The lift has just _.We have to walk up to the top floor.Ataken down Bbroken down Ccome down Dturned down11make a difference有关系;有影响make no/little difference to.对没有/几乎没有影响make mu

15、ch difference to.对有很大影响tell the difference between A and B说出A和B的不同be of no/little/much difference没有/几乎没有/有很大作用Even if you had tried to help,it wouldnt have made any difference.即使你设法帮忙了,结果也不会有什么不同。(1)What you said just now _ him.刚才你说的话对他没有什么影响。(2)English is _ in the international communication.英语在国际交

16、流中有很大作用。(3)She thought it was worthwhile for her to teach in the small village to make a_to the life of the children there.(2011泰州月考)Asense Bdifference Cstudy Ddiscovery12Watch any TV report on places where there is a war, and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets. 译文:_句式提取:Watch any TV report.,

17、and.(1)Stand over there, and youll be able to see the oil painting better.(2008全国,13)站在那儿,你就能更好地看这幅油画。(2)Follow your teachers advice,or/otherwise youll fail in the exam.遵从老师的建议,否则你会不及格的。(1) and you will succeed.If you make one more effort,you will succeed.如果你再努力一下,你就会成功。(2)_,and youll pass the exam.

18、努力学习,你会及格的。(3)Turn the heat down _.把炉火开小一些,不然就烧焦了。(4)_ and well get everything ready for the taking off.AHave one more hour BOne more hourCGive one more hour DIf I have one more hour(5)Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll soon open.(2011辽宁,31)Aor Band Cbut Dfor(6)Find ways to praise your chil

19、dren often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to you.(2011山东,23)Atill Bor Cand Dbut13If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!If only.(1)If only.但愿,要是就好了。常用来表示强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此主要用于虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。表示现在的愿望用过去时;表示过去的愿望用过去完成时;表示将来的愿望用过去时或过去将来时。(2)if any如果有的话,即便有if not否则,不然if so如果那样的话What if.?如果怎么样(办)?

20、(3) 如果没有的话(1)Yes,_ I had had a few lessons for practice.是的,要是我早练习几次就好了。(2)If it _ your help,we would never have found the station.如果没有你的帮助,我们根本找不到车站。(3)_ you take part in physical activities_ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if;you will BOnly if;will youCUnless;you will DUnless;(4)Look at

21、the rain. _ it would stop!Yes,its been like this for a whole day.AEven if BOnly ifCEver since DIf only答案1operation(1)come into operation(2)be operated on(3)Boperate on sb.的被动形式为 operated on。2活学活用(1)lacked (for) nothing(2)my lack of money(3)CThough lacking money是Though his parents lacked money的省

22、略,lack与逻辑主语是主动关系,故用v.ing形式,而B项中lack与of搭配时,lack词性为名词,故不具备ing形式。(4)D句意为:由于缺乏经验,她没能成功通过面试。lacking现在分词短语作原因状语;(for) lack of experience也正确,但(for) lack of in experience是错误的。3活学活用(1)By all means(2)by no means(3)B此句指的是交通工具,means指“工具”;manner指“个人喜欢用的方式”;method指“做某事的具体步骤”;way指“方式”时是引申义,故选B。4活学活用(1)on purpose(2

23、)for/with the purpose of(3)A5活学活用(1)is honoured for(2)a great honour(3)C由句意知,此处应是“举例支持你的关于的意见”;in favour of支持。故选C项。6活学活用(1)reminded me of(2)Cremind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。句意为:那个故事使我想起我在森林里曾经有过的一次经历。7forced;forceful(1)were put/carried/brought into force(2)was forced to(3)forcedwas forced intoby force(4)A句

24、意为:当药生效的时候。come into force生效。8活学活用(1)set off(2)set about taking(3)Dgive off发出(光、热等);turn down调低;拒绝;take over掌管,负责;set aside把放在一边。由句意可知D项正确。9reference(1)referred him to(2)look uprefer to(3)B由句意可知,此处应为“没有参考讲稿”;refer to参考,查阅。10活学活用(1)should break down(2)have broken down(3)B句意为:,你必须把它分解成部分。break.up into parts符合题意。(4)B句意为:电梯出故障了,因此我们不得不步行上顶楼。break down(机械)出故障;take down写下,记下;come down下来;turn down调小(音量);拒绝。11活学活用(1)made no difference to(2)of great difference(3)Bmake a difference有重要作用;make sense有意义;make a study搞研究;make a dis

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