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人教版初一英语下Unit1Section A2a3c教案Word格式.docx

1、通过对“能力”话题的学习,融入对学生的综合素质教育,使学生拥有全面发展的意识。教学重点掌握正确询问和表达自己及他人能力的基本句型。难点正确询问并表达他人能力。教学方法Lingual Approach; Communicative method; TBLT教具PPT; tape player; cards 教 学 过 程教学环节及教学内容教师活动学生活动备注(二次备课)StepI Warming-upShow some pictures about school communities. Have a look at the pictures.Step IIPresentationStepIII

2、Listening&Speaking1.Direct subject, interpret curriculum, analysis of the target.2.Ask Ss to sum up different clubs as many as possible.1.Play the tape for the first time.Practice sentence patten.2.Show the listening material with blanks.3.Play the tape for the third time.1.Understanding of learning

3、 requirements.2.Brainstorm.1.Circle the clubs.Ask and answer.2.Fill in the blanks while listening.3.Listen again. Complete the sentences.Step IVProductionStep VSummaryStep VIHomework & Emotion education 1.Play the tape.Explain the keys.2.Lead Ss to read by themselves and give them two questions to a

4、nswer.3.Ask Ss to complete the chart while reading for the second time.How to talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.Dreams are hard to follow, but dont let anyone tear them down.1.Underline the keys while listening.2.Read the conversation and answer questions.3.Complete t

5、he chart.Sum up together with the teacher.板书设计Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Section A (2a-2d) be good at -What club do you want to join? tell -I want to join the. club story -What club does he/she want to join? -He/She wants to join the.反思Unit1 SectionA(2d-3c) 教案1.0 Teaching analysis教情分析 1.1 Teachi

6、ng objectives 教学目标1.1.1 Language goals 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: tell, story, write, show, or, talk,be good at, tell stories, talk to For comprehending: kung fu, do kung fu, story telling club1.1.1.2 Sentence Structures1. For applying:1) What club do y

7、ou want to join?2) I want to join a sports club.3) Youre very good at telling stories.4) You can join the story telling club.5) I like to draw, too.6) Lets join now. For comprehending: 1) Students wanted for school show. 2) We want students for the school show. Grammar Focus1) Can he

8、 play chess? Yes, he can./ No, he cant.(can的一般疑问句不需要加助动词,没有人称和数的变化,回答时肯定回答用can,否定回答用cant。)2) Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can./No, we cant. (把you和别人一起用时,you放在前面,回答问题时,用we做主语。3) What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.(want 之后跟动词用不定式,“参加”社团、兴趣小组等组织时用join,“参加”某项活动用join in或

9、take part in.)1.1.2 Ability goals 能力目标 通过课本提供的对话学习,学生能够在给定的话题背景下使用目标语言 “What can you do?” and “What club do you want to join?”。 通过对话学习,学会使用一些重点单词和短语。 在教师启发下,通过小组合作学习,学生能够总结梳理出情态动词can的用法和实意动词want后跟动词不定式的用法。1.1.3 Emotional goals 情感目标1.1.3.1 通过对第一课时话题的复习和本课时对话的学习,让学生认识到学校各种社团活动的重要

10、性。 鼓励学生积极参加各种学校社团活动以展示自己的才能。 鼓励学生发展自己的爱好来丰富学校生活。1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点1.2.1 学生在教师引导和同伴互助下能够总结梳理出情态动词can的用法。1.2.2 学生能够运用目标句型来表达自己的想法。1.2.3 学生能够仿照课本范例写出自己的活动招募海报。2.0 Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental State基本情况通过本单元第一课时的学习,学生基本上激活了已有的语言知识,对本单元的话题(Joining a cl

11、ub)已经有所感知,对情态动词can的基本用法有了初步的认识;词汇的学习和基础句型的听说活动,为本课时的对话练习和语法现象的归纳,进行了很好的铺垫。同时,通过视频观看和教师的激励,学生的自信心(I believe I can.)和学习动机增强了。2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备 第一课时的学习,围绕本单元话题Joining a club,呈现了相关词汇如sing, swim, dance, draw, play chess等动词和the music club, the art club等名词性短语,对本单元核心句型I want to join the .club.和 I ca

12、n.进行了听和说的练习,为本节课的对话表演和语法归纳积累了语言基础。2.3 Class Data本班实际 通过7年级上学期的小组建设和小组合作学习的训练,本班学生有比较明确的小组合作学习的意识,小组内开展活动有分工合作,能倾听别人意见,敢于用英语来表达自己的观点。虽然本课时的语言现象学生在学习本单元之前基本上没有接触,但是涉及的话题与学生学校生活密切相关(基本上所有学校都有人文、科学、体育艺术之类的学生非常感兴趣的社团活动),因此,完成本课时任务是应该没有太大的困难的。教师可结合课堂实际情况,指导学生有感情地模仿对话语音语调,引导学生归纳相关的语法现象,从而实现方法的掌握和能力的提升。3.0

13、Teaching methods教法建议3.1 Thematic teaching method主题教学法3.2 Self-directed learning method自主学习法3.3 Discussion method讨论法 4.0 教学辅助 blackboard and chalk, computer , projector5.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动5.1.1 In order to lead in the main topic, T can get Ss to listen to

14、an English song I believe I can fly. Then ask:Q1. How do you feel when you listen to this song? Q2. What can you learn from English songs?Q3. Do you like listening to English songs? Can you sing a little?5.1.2 Show some pictures of different school clubs (basketball club, ping pong club, art club, m

15、usic club, swim club ) and get Ss to talk about them. Ask Ss questions like:T: What are they doing in this picture?Ss: Theyre playing basketball. Do you like to play basketball?S1: Yes, I do. Do you want to join the basketball club? Yes. Then I can often play basketball.5.1.3 Get the Ss to talk abou

16、t the pictures in pairs. They may follow the conversation between T and S1.5.2 Role-play the conversation对话表演5.2.1 Before role-playing5.2.1.1Play the recording of 2d on P2 for Ss to listen for the main idea. Before playing the recording, T writes the following questions on the Bb.Q1. What are Bob an

17、d Jane talking about? (Theyre talking about joining school clubs.)Q2. What sports can Bob play? (He can play soccer.) Get Ss to read the conversation and answer more questions. This time, T neednt write the questions on the Bb.Q1. Whats Jane good at doing?Q2. Does Jane like drawing?Q3. What c

18、lub might she join?Check the answers with the whole class. T may give necessary explanations at this stage.5.2.2 Listening and imitatingPlay the recording 2 or 3 times for Ss to listen and imitate.5.2.3 Role-playing5.2.3.1 Get Ss to work in pairs to get ready to act out the conversation in 2d. While

19、 Ss are preparing for this, T may walk around to offer necessary help. Some Ss may have problems with the pronunciations of some of the new words. Others may not be “role-playing the conversation”. They might just be “reading” or “reciting” the conversation. Then T may show them how to “role-

20、play” a conversation: they need to look at the other person while speaking to him / her. Choose some pairs to act out the conversation and ask the other Ss to tell which pair is the best 5.2.4 After role-playing After pairs of Ss rope-play the conversation, T may put the following passage on

21、the Bb or on the screen and get Ss to fill in the blanks according to the conversation.Jane and Bob are talking about joining different clubs. Bob can _ soccer, _ he can _ the soccer club. Jane is good at _ _, so she can join the story telling club. And she also likes to_. Maybe she can join _ clubs

22、, the story telling club and the art club.5.3 New points interpretation 新知感悟(贴标签)5.3.1 Discovering chunks 语块发现Get Ss to read the conversation once again, and underline all the useful chunks in it. 5.3.2 Analyzing chunks 语块分析5.3.2.1 I want to join a sports club. 我想加入一个体育运动的社团。动词want之后可以接名词,如:I want a

23、n apple. 接动词时常用动词不定式。如:I want to have an apple. “参加”社团、兴趣小组等组织或者一群人时用join. 如:Do you want to join us?“参加”某项活动时通常用join in或take part in. 如:Mary wants to take part in/join in the school show. Youre very good at telling stories. 你很会讲故事。be good at后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式等名词性短语,表示“擅长于某个方面”或“擅长做某事”,可与do we

24、ll in等结构转换。本句可以替换为You do very well in telling stories.又如:Mike plays basketball well.=Mike is good at playing basketball.=Mike does well in playing basketball.=Mike is a good basketball player.“讲故事”用tell stories,“说英语”用speak English,“与人交谈”talk to/with sb.,后接“说的具体内容时”用say sth.。5.3.3 Using chunks 语块运用 G

25、uide Ss to know the meanings of the following sentences and make similar new sentences of their own. And get some Ss to share their original sentences. club do you want to join? (P2 )【原句翻译】_【仿写造句】What club.want to join?_5.3.3.2You can join the story telling club.(P2)【仿写造句】join.club_ 5.3.

26、3.3Lets join now.(P2)【仿写造句】Lets do5.3.4 Finding Grammar Rules发现语法规律 Group work. Ss work in groups to study the sentences in Grammar Focus on P3. T may leave some questions for them to discuss:1)情态动词can后的动词形式有什么特点?有第三人称单数吗?2)情态动词can本身随人称变化而变化吗?3)情态动词can 的否定形式是什么样的?一般疑问句形式又是什么样的?需要借助do或does这样的

27、助动词吗?T may get Ss from different groups to tell what they know about the use of the modal verb can, and give necessary explanations.T may explain in Chinese like this:1)情态动词can后接动词原形(不能用第三人称单数形式,不能用to+动词原形或者-ing形式);2)情态动词can没有人称和数的变化,不能在它后面加“-s”,它也没有-ing形式;3)情态动词can的意思是“能够,可以”,表示能力或允许,它的否定形式是cant或cannot,否定句和疑问句都不需要加do, does之类的助动词。 Ss read and try to learn the sentences by heart. Ss do 3a and 3b on their own. Then check the answers in their groups. T may offer necessary help.5.4 Practice and Consolidation 练习与巩固

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