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1、结构调整方面,主要是企业结构向专业化调整,产品结构向着中高档模具发展,向进出口结构的改进,中高档汽车覆盖件模具成形分析及结构改进、多功能复合模具和复合加工及激光技术在模具设计制造上的应用、高速切削、超精加工及抛光技术、信息化方向发展。 近年,模具行业结构调整和体制改革步伐加大,主要表现在,大型、精密、复杂、长寿命、中高档模具及模具标准件发展速度高于一般模具产品;塑料模和压铸模比例增大;专业模具厂数量及其生产能力增加;“三资”及私营企业发展迅速;股份制改造步伐加快等。从地区分布来看,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为中心的东南沿海地区发展快于中西部地区,南方的发展快于北方。目前发展最快、模具生产最为集中

2、的省份是广东和浙江,江苏、上海、安徽和山东等地近几年也有较大发展。 虽然我国模具总量目前已达到相当规模,模具水平也有很大提高,但设计制造水平总体上落后于德、美、日、法、意等工业发达国家许多。当前存在的问题和差距主要表现在以下几方面:(1)总量供不应求,国内模具自配率只有70%左右。其中低档模具供过于求,中高档模具自配率只有50%左右。(2)企业组织结构、产品结构、技术结构和进出口结构均不合理 。我国模具生产厂中多数是自产自配的工模具车间(分厂),自产自配比例高达60%左右,而国外模具超过70%属商品模具。专业模具厂大多是“大而全”、“小而全”的组织形式,而国外大多是“小而专”、“小而精”。国内

3、大型、精密、复杂、长寿命的模具占总量比例不足30%,而国外在50%以上。2004年,模具进出口之比为3.7:1,进出口相抵后的净进口额达13.2亿美元,为世界模具净进口量最大的国家。(3)模具产品水平大大低于国际水平,生产周期却高于国际水平 产品水平低主要表现在模具的精度、型腔表面粗糙度、寿命及结构等方面。(4)开发能力较差,经济效益欠佳,我国模具企业技术人员比例低,水平较低,且不重视产品开发,在市场中经常处于被动地位。我国每个模具职工平均年创造产值约合1万美元,国外模具工业发达国家大多是1520万美元,有的高达2530万美元,与之相对的是我国相当一部分模具企业还沿用过去作坊式管理,真正实现现

4、代化企业管理的企业较少。 造成上述差距的原因很多,除了历史上模具作为产品长期未得到应有的重视,以及多数国有企业机制不能适应市场经济之外,还有下列几个原因:(1)国家对模具工业的政策支持力度还不够,虽然国家已经明确颁布了模具行业的产业政策,但配套政策少,执行力度弱。目前享受模具产品增值税的企业全国只有185家,大多数企业仍旧税负过重。模具企业进行技术改造引进设备要缴纳相当数量的税金,影响技术进步,而且民营企业贷款十分困难。(2)人才严重不足,科研开发及技术攻关投入太少,模具行业是技术、资金、劳动密集的产业,随着时代的进步和技术的发展,掌握并且熟练运用新技术的人才异常短缺,高级模具钳工及企业管理人


6、响,模具专业化水平低,专业分工不细致,商品化程度低。目前国内每年生产的模具,商品模具只占40%左右,其余为自产自用。模具企业之间协作不畅,难以完成较大规模的模具成套任务。模具标准化水平低,模具标准件使用覆盖率低也对模具质量、成本有较大影响,特别是对模具制造周期有很大影响。(5)模具材料及模具相关技术落后,模具材料性能、质量和品种问题往往会影响模具质量、寿命及成本,国产模具钢与国外进口钢材相比有较大差距。塑料、板材、设备性能差,也直接影响模具水平的提高。 目前,我国经济仍处于高速发展阶段,国际上经济全球化发展趋势日趋明显,这为我国模具工业高速发展提供了良好的条件和机遇。一方面,国内模具市场将继续

7、高速发展,另一方面,模具制造也逐渐向我国转移以及跨国集团到我国进行模具采购趋向也十分明显。因此,放眼未来,国际、国内的模具市场总体发展趋势前景看好,预计中国模具将在良好的市场环境下得到高速发展,我国不但会成为模具大国,而且一定逐步向模具制造强国的行列迈进。“十一五”期间,中国模具工业水平不仅在量和质的方面有很大提高,而且行业结构、产品水平、开发创新能力、企业的体制与机制以及技术进步的方面也会取得较大发展。 模具技术集合了机械、电子、化学、光学、材料、计算机、精密监测和信息网络等诸多学科,是一个综合性多学科的系统工程。模具技术的发展趋势主要是模具产品向着更大型、更精密、更复杂及更经济的方向发展,


9、对整个模具行业的发展有重大影响。因此,一些重要的模具标准件也必须重点发展,而且其发展速度应快于模具的发展速度,这样才能不断提高我国模具标准化水平,从而提高模具质量,缩短模具生产周期,降低成本。由于我国的模具产品在国际市场上占有较大的价格优势,因此对于出口前景好的模具产品也应作为重点来发展。根据上述需要量大、技术含量高、代表发展方向、出口前景好的原则选择重点发展产品,而且所选产品必须目前已有一定技术基础,属于有条件、有可能发展起来的产品。Die trend1. Mold CAD / CAE / CAM being integrated, three-dimensional, intelligen

10、t and network direction (1) Mold software features integrated Die software features of integrated software modules required relatively complete, while the function module using the same data model, in order to achieve Syndicated news management and sharing of information to support the mold design,

11、manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing and production management of the entire process to achieve optimal benefits. Series such as the UK Delcams software will include a surface / solid geometric modeling, engineering drawing complex geometry, advanced rendering industrial design, plastic mold d

12、esign expert system, complex physical CAM, artistic design and sculpture automatic programming system, reverse engineering and complex systems physical line measurement systems. A higher degree of integration of the software includes: Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA, etc. Shanghai Jiao tong University,

13、 China with finite element analysis of metal plastic forming systems and Die CAD / CAM systems; Beijing Beihang Haier Software Ltd. CAXA Series software; Jilin Gold Grid Engineering Research Center of the stamping die mold CAD / CAE / CAM systems . (2) Mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-

14、dimensional Two-dimensional mold of traditional structural design can no longer meet modern technical requirements of production and integration. Mold design, analysis, manufacturing three-dimensional technology, paperless software required to mold a new generation of three-dimensional, intuitive se

15、nse to design the mold, using three-dimensional digital model can be easily used in the product structure of CAE analysis, tooling manufacturability evaluation and CNC machining, forming process simulation and information management and sharing. Such as Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA software such as

16、with parametric, feature-based, all relevant characteristics, so that mold concurrent engineering possible. In addition, Cimatran company Mold expert, Delcams Ps-mold and Hitachi Shipbuilding of Space-E/mold are professional injection mold 3D design software, interactive 3D cavity, core design, mold

17、 base design configuration and typical structure . Australian company Moldflow realistic three-dimensional flow simulation software MoldflowAdvisers been widely praised by users and applications. China Huazhong University of Science have developed similar software HSC3D4.5F and Zhengzhou University,

18、 Z-mold software. For manufacturing, knowledge-based intelligent software function is a measure of die important sign of advanced and practical one. Such as injection molding experts Cimatrons software can automatically generate parting direction based parting line and parting surface, generate prod

19、ucts corresponding to the core and cavity, implementation of all relevant parts mold, and for automatically generated BOM Form NC drilling process, and can intelligently process parameter setting, calibration and other processing results. (3) Mold software applications, networking trend With the mol

20、d in the enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management, globalization, internationalization, and the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, the Internet has made in the mold industry, virtual design, agile manufacturing technology both necessary and possible

21、. The United States in its 21st Century Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy that the auto industry by 2006 to achieve agile manufacturing / virtual engineering solutions to automotive development cycle shortened from 40 months to 4 months. 2. mold testing, processing equipment to the precise, efficien

22、t, and multi-direction (1) mold testing equipment more sophisticated, efficient Sophisticated, complex, large-scale mold development, testing equipment have become increasingly demanding. Precision Mould precision now reached 2 3m, more domestic manufacturers have to use Italy, the United States, Ja

23、pan and other countries in the high-precision coordinate measuring machine, and with digital scanning. Such as Dongfeng Motor Mould Factory not only has the capacity 3250mm 3250mm Italian coordinate measuring machine, also has a digital photography optical scanner, the first in the domestic use of d

24、igital photography, optical scanning as a means of spatial three-dimensional access to information, enabling the establishment from the measurement of physical model output of engineering drawings the whole process of mold making, reverse engineering a successful technology development and applicati

25、ons. This equipment include: second-generation British Renishaw high-speed scanners (CYCLON SERIES2) can be realized and contact laser probe complementary probe, laser scanner accuracy of 0.05mm, scanning probe contact accuracy of 0.02 mm. Another German company GOM ATOS portable scanners, Japan Rol

26、ands PIX-30, PIX-4 desktop scanner and the United Kingdom Taylor Hopsons TALYSCAN150 multi-sensor, respectively Three-dimensional scanner with high speed, low-cost and functional composite and so on. (2) CNC EDM Japan Sodick linear motor servo drive using the companys AQ325L, AQ550LLS-WEDM have driv

27、en fast response, transmission and high positioning accuracy, the advantages of small thermal deformation. Switzerland Chanmier company NCEDM with P-E3 adaptive control, PCE energy control and automatic programming expert systems. Others also used the powder mixed EDM machining technology, micro-fin

28、ishing pulse power and fuzzy control (FC) technologies. (3) high-speed milling machine (HSM) Milling is an important means of cavity mold. The low-temperature high-speed milling with the workpiece, cutting force is small, smooth processing, processing quality, processing efficiency (for the general

29、milling process 5 to 10 times) and can process hard materials (60HRC) and many other advantages. Thus in the mold processing more and more attention. Ruishikelang company UCP710-type five-axis machining center, machine tool positioning accuracy up to 8m, home-made closed-loop vector control spindle

30、with a maximum speed 42000r/min. Italy RAMBAUDIs high-speed milling, the processing range of up to 2500mm 5000mm 1800mm, speed up 20500r/min, cutting feed speed of 20m/min. HSM generally used large, medium-sized mold, such as motor cover mold, die casting mold, large plastic surface machining, the s

31、urface precision up to 0.01mm.模具的发展趋势1.模具CAD/CAE/CAM正向集成化、三维化、智能化和网络化方向发展 (1)模具软件功能集成化 模具软件功能的集成化要求软件的功能模块比较齐全,同时各功能模块采用同一数据模型,以实现信息的综合管理与共享,从而支持模具设计、制造、装配、检验、测试及生产管理的全过程,达到实现最佳效益的目的。如英国Delcam公司的系列化软件就包括了曲面/实体几何造型、复杂形体工程制图、工业设计高级渲染、塑料模设计专家系统、复杂形体CAM、艺术造型及雕刻自动编程系统、逆向工程系统及复杂形体在线测量系统等。集成化程度较高的软件还包括:Pro/ENGINEER、UG和CATIA等。国内有上海交通大学金属塑性成型有限元分析系统和冲裁模CAD/CAM系统;北京北航海尔软件有限公司的CAXA系列软件;吉林金网格模具工程研究中心的冲压模CAD/CAE/CAM系统等。 (2)模具设计、分析及制造的三维化 传统的二维模具结构设计已越来越不适应现代化生产和集成化技术要求。模具设计、分析、制造的三维化、无纸化要求新一代模具软件以立体的、直观的感觉来设计模具,所采用的三维数字化模型能方便地用于产品结构的CAE分析、模具可制造性评价和数控加工、成形过程模拟及信息的管理与共享。如Pro/EN

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