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1、 The word “Ireland” is used ambiguously to mean both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. (T) Unit 12 Politics and Economy (F) 06. In Ireland, the president is the Head of State and has executive power. (Unit 12) In Ireland, the president is only a symbolic Head of State and does not have e

2、xecutive power. (T) (T) 07. The Irish Parliament is responsible of making laws, and the Senate only has the power of making recommendations. (Unit 12) (T) 08. The highest in ranking in the Irish legal system is the High Court, which has full jurisdiction and powers in all matters of law. (Unit 12) (

3、T) 09. Ireland has an open and trade-dependent economy. (Unit 12) (F) 10. Ireland joined the EU in 1991. (Unit 12) Ireland joined the EU in 1971. (T) Unit 13 Irish Culture: How the Irish Live Now (F) 11. The obvious change over the past decades is the rise of the authority of the Roman Catholic Chur

4、ch in Ireland. (Unit 13) The obvious change over the past decades is the decline of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. (T) (T) 12. The Catholic Church is opposed to abortion and divorce in Ireland. (Unit 13) (F) 13. Traditionally, Ireland was an urban and industrial culture. (Uni

5、t 13) Traditionally, Ireland has been a rural and agricultural culture. (T) (T) 14. Today free education provided by the Irish government covers all public universities, as is common in most of the countries of Europe. (Unit 13) (T) 15. After 1960s, the participation in second level education rose f

6、rom 45% to 90%. (Unit 13) Unit 14 Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts (T) 16. The Great Famine lasted from 1845 to 1848 in Ireland. (Unit 14) (F) 17. Most Irish people now generally speak Irish. (Unit 14) Most Irish people now do not generally speak Irish. (T) (T) 18. Ireland has a traditio

7、nal culture which has derived from its rich folk heritage. (Unit 14) (F) 19. Ireland is noted for its visual culture compared with its literature and music. (Unit 14) Ireland is not very noted for its visual culture compared with its literature and music. (T) (T) 20. The most natively Irish game or

8、sport is hurling. (Unit 14) AustraliaUnit 15 The Land and People of the Dreaming (F) 21. In terms of its size, Australia is the largest continent and the smallest island in the world. (Unit 15) In terms of its size, Australia is the largest island and the smallest continent in the world. (T) (F) 22.

9、 Dreaming is shared by all the Australian people about how the features of their land were created. (Unit 15) Dreaming is shared by the members of an indigenous group about how the features of their land were created. (T) (T) 23. Dreaming helps the indigenous people to survive in the harsh environme

10、nt of the desert of Australia. (Unit 15) (T) 24. White sealers and pastoralists exploited the indigenous peoples knowledge of the land and created wealth for the colonizers. (Unit 15) (T) 25. The platypus, the kangaroo, the koala or wombat are animal that are unique to the continent of Australia. (U

11、nit 15) Unit 16 Religion in Australia Today (T) 26. Protestantism has been the most dominant form of religion in Australia since 1788. (Unit 16) (T) 27. The Protestant ethic supports the Spirit of Capitalism and furthers its development. (Unit 16) (F) 28. The Catholic Church used to be the dominant

12、religion in the better part of Australian history. (Unit 16) The Anglican Church used to be the dominant religion in the better part of Australian history. (T) (F) 29. The Jewish people have contributed much less than their share to the development of Australia society. (Unit 16) The Jewish people h

13、ave contributed much more than their share to the development of Australia society. (T) (F) 30. The fist Muslims who came to Australia were gold diggers. (Unit 16) The fist Muslims who came to Australia were camel drivers. (T) Unit 17 From Penal Colony to “Free Migration” (T) 31. The European settle

14、ment in Australia started in 1788 is Sydney. (Unit 17) (F) 32. Convicts wives in England were encouraged from following their husband to Australia. (Unit 17) Convicts wives in England were discouraged from following their husband to Australia. (T) (T) 33. The convict husbands of free wives could be

15、assigned to work for their own families as ticket-of- leave servants. (Unit 17) (T) 34. Francis Greenaway was an emancipist who designed some fine buildings in Sydney. (Unit 17) (F) 35. Mr. Peeks story shows the scarcity of resources in the colony. (Unit 17) Mr. Peeks story shows capitalisms inabili

16、ty to retain labourers. (T) Unit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society (T) 36. The Australian political system follows the western democratic tradition, reflecting British and North American experience. (Unit 18) (T) 37. It is generally acknowledged that the Prime Minister and the Cabinet at

17、the federal level is the centre of Australian parliamentary power. (Unit 18) (T) 38. Laws of the State should be changed if they dont agree with the federal laws. (Unit 18) (T) 39. Many migrants poured into Australia during the 1850s. As a result, the Australian population increased by 50% in that d

18、ecade. (Unit 18) (F) 40. The Governor-General is the real head of the Cabinet in Australia. (Unit 18) The Governor-General is the formal head of the executive branch of the government in Australia. (T) Unit 19 Bureaucratic Power and Whistle-Blowers (T) 41. The Elite Theory mainly focuses on the role

19、 of the executive and the citizenry. (Unit 19) (F) 42. Government departments are under the authority of both the elected ministers and the Heads of Department. (Unit 19) Government departments are under the authority of both the elected ministers and the non-elected Heads of Department. (T) (T) 43.

20、 Generally speaking, the public servants of a government department do not change when the government changes. (Unit 19) (F) 44. Whistle-blowers are responsible officials. (Unit 19) Whistle-blowers are responsible citizens who supervise officials. (T) (F) 45. The whistle-blowing syndrome is characte

21、rized by a lack of investigation of the complaints externally. (Unit 19) The whistle-blowing syndrome is characterized by a lack of investigation of the complaints both internally and externally. (T) Unit 20 From Racism to Multiculturalism (T) 46. Few non-British migrants benefited from assisted mig

22、ration in Australia. (Unit 20) (F) 47. The Pacific Islanders were abducted to work in the sugar industry of New South Wales. (Unit 20) The Pacific Islanders were abducted to work in the sugar industry of Northern Queensland. (T) (T) 48. The original intention of the massive post-war immigration prog

23、ramme was to keep Australia “white and free”. (Unit 20) (F) 49. The One Nation Party complained that the government had paid too little attention to the welfare of the indigenous people and the development of Multiculturalism. (Unit 20) The One Nation Party complained that the government had paid to

24、o much attention to the welfare of the indigenous people and the development of Multiculturalism. (T) (T) 50. The Gurindji people strike at the Wave Hill cattle station, won support not only from the black community, but the white workers union as well. (Unit 20) II. Choose the best answer:Ireland01

25、. It was said that Christianity was introduced into Ireland by _. (Unit 11) Key DA. the Vikings B. the Normans C. Brian Boru D. Saint Patrick 02. In 1541, _ declared to be the king of Ireland, the first English monarch to do so. (Unit 11) Key AA. Henry VII B. Queen Elizabeth C. William of Orange D.

26、James II 03. Arthur Griffith developed a new political party in the period 1905-08 known as _. (Unit 11) Key C A. Irish Republican Brotherhood B. United Irishmen C. Sinn Fein D. Home Rule 04. In 1916 the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army staged a rebellion against British rule, recorded in

27、 history as _. (Unit 11) Key AA. the Easter Rising of 1916 B. the Home Rule campaign C. the Fenian Movement D. the national agrarian movement 05. After two years of independence war between 1919 and 1921, _ was signed. (Unit 11) Key AA. the Anglo-Irish Treaty B. the Home Rule bill C. the Act of Unio

28、n D. the Treaty of Independence 06. The daily business of the government is executed by the _. (Unit 12) Key A A. cabinet B. parliament C. senate D. Prime Minister 07. How long is the office term of the President of Ireland? (Unit 12) Key D A. 4 years. B. 5 years. C. 6 years. D. 7 years. 08. How man

29、y members does the Senate consist of? (Unit 12) Key B A. 60 B. 66 C. 106 D. 166 09. Up until 1970s the Irish economy was _. (Unit 12) Key AA. inward-looking B. trade-dependent C. based on services D. based on manufacturing 10. Under the constitution, the President of Ireland is elected by _. (Unit 12) Key C A. the majori

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