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1、适用对象: 英语(旅游管理方向)、英语(国际商务方向)专业高年级学生考核方式:笔试先修课程:现代大学英语 精读(基础英语)1- 4 册二、课程简介高级英语课程题材广泛,时代气息浓厚,选材体裁多样,除说明文外,还有记叙文、叙述 文和论说文,是一门训练学生综合英语技能尤其是阅读理解、语法修辞与写作能力的课程,注重 培养学生对不同体裁不同题材不同风格的文章的理解和欣赏能力。课程材料主要选自名家 作品,内容涉及政治经济社会文化、文学教育哲学诸方面。通过精心阅读与分析, 学生的知识面得以扩大,对社会和人生的理解得以加深,分析理解能力及逻辑思维能力得以升 华,英语语言综合运用能力得以提高。为此,每课都配有

2、大量的相关练习,包括阅读理解、词 汇研究、句子释义,文体分析、中英互译和写作练习等。Featured in a wide range of materials with strong flavor of the times and various types of writing exposition, description, narration and argumentation, Advanced English is a course designed to train students comprehensive English skills, especially in readi

3、ng comprehension, grammar, rhetoric and writing. Great attention is paid to students development in comprehension and appreciation of the articles with different types, themes and styles. Materials are selected largely from some famous contemporary masters works with respect to politics, economics,

4、society, culture, literature, education, philosophy, etc. Students scrupulous reading and analysis of the articles help to broaden their knowledge, deepen their understanding of life and society, elevate their analysis and logical thinkingand enhance their ability comprehensively in application of t

5、he English language. For those purposes, plenty of relevant exercises are attached to each lesson for reading comprehension, word study, sentence paraphrase, style analysis, writing and Chinese-English cross-translation.三、课程性质与教学目的根据全国英语专业教学大纲规定,在基础阶段的英语教学完成以后,必须继续进行更高一 级的英语阅读教学。高级英语是英语专业本科教学中的一门主干必

6、修课,是低年级基础英语课 程的延伸和发展。该课程的教学重点在于提高学生阅读理解和词汇运用能力,即能掌握和使用 所学词汇,特别是同义词、近义词的区分和使用,正确理解文章的内容和主题思想,抓住文章 的要点,分析文章的结构、语言技巧和修辞特点;提高学生语言表达能力,逻辑思维和判断评 述能力,能用英语解释文章中的难句、要点;能用英语归纳文章的主题思想,并能对文章的内 容进行简单的分析、鉴赏、评论。学生应该能用辞典和其他工具书独立解决语言和文化、背景知识方面的难点,增加文化知 识,尤其是英语语言国家的背景知识和文化知识,更好地使语言和文化结合起来。通过一学年(约 144 学时 )的高级英语课程教学,学生

7、应达到高等学校外语专业教学指导 委员会修订的 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 所规定的要求:认知词汇达 10,000 以上, 能正确而熟练地使用其中 5,000 多个及其最常用的搭配;能熟练掌握句子之间和段落之间的各 种衔接手段,连贯地表达思想;能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的文章、英语国家出版的有一定难 度的历史传记和文学作品;能分析文章的思想观点、语篇结构、语言特点和修辞手法等。通过 阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,包括涉及政治经济社会语言文学教育哲学等方面的 名家作品,扩大学生的知识面,加深对社会和人生的理解,培养对文章的分析和理解能力逻 辑思维能力以及独立思考能力,巩固和提高语言综合运用能力。要求学

8、生掌握课文的中心思想, 了解篇章结构段落大意,熟悉各种常见的修辞手段以及课文的重点、难点。每课都配有大量 的相关练习,包括阅读理解、词汇研究、文体分析、中英互译和写作练习等,使学生的英语水 平在质量上有较大的提高。英语专业高年级阶段的主要教学任务是让学生继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和 相关专业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的 能力。与其它高年级英语课程相比,高级英语课程课时最多,涵盖面最广;因此,该课程是保证 实现教学目标的重要环节。四、教学内容及要求(一)目的与要求高级英语 I (教材:现代大学英语 精读 5 杨立民、梅仁毅 主编外语教学与研

9、究出版社 2004 年版)Lesson OneWhere Do We Go From Here?Teaching Aims and Requirements1) carefully read the “Guide to Reading” to get a basic understanding of the background of Dr. Martin Luther Kings speech -Where Do We Go From Here?2) read the word and expressions provided on Page 11 that will facilitate

10、reading3) preview the speech itself with the help of the notes provided between page 12 to154) learn how to comprehend works of English literature -for this lesson, a famous speech by a famous person5) learn how to use some rhetorical devices such as metaphor, simile, antitheses, and parallel struct

11、ure6) understand some biblical allusions with the help of the original version7) learn to paraphrase some sentences in the text8) do some translation work as is required.重点:restructuring the whole of American society with nonviolence难点:the rhetorical devices in the speechLesson TwoTwo Kinds1) carefu

12、lly read the “Guide to Reading” to get a basic understanding of the background information of the story: Two Kinds2) read the word and expressions provided on Page 30-31 that will facilitate reading3) preview the story with the help of the notes provided on page 31-324) learn how to read and appreci

13、ate an English short story: especially the theme, character, organization of plot development and the heros or heroines epiphany(顿悟)5) get some brief information about the differences between Chinese culture and American culture6) get some information about the author, Amy Tan (谭恩美)7) explain some m

14、eaningful sentences and understand their implicationsthe sharp conflict between two generations and two culturesthe authors language and techniques in writingLesson ThreeGoods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.1) learn how to read and appreciate an English essay in the way the argum

15、ents are presented. 2) What are some of the important words that the author uses in developing her arguments3) get to know what the authors attitude is towards globalization4) get to know how the author describes the process from the moving of goods to the changing of cultures5) note the choice of w

16、ords in the rhetorical device of contrast the author employs and the mood or attitude expressed through such choice of words6) notice some characteristics of a journalistic writing.Globalization will result in a cultural merging.the words and the rhetorical device of contrast the author employsst nd

17、Lesson FourProfessions for Women1) The background information of the author, Virginia Woolf, and her writing style.2) The characteristic of the language in this essay.3) The organization of the whole speech.4) The transition between the authors 1 and 2 professional experience.5) What metaphors the a

18、uthor uses in describing her first professional experiences as a book reviewer and her second professional experience as a novelist6) The history of womens liberation from patriarchy and womens current social status in society.Women still encounter many of the same obstacles.the techniques the autho

19、r employs in the textLesson FiveLove Is a Fallacy1) The background information about the author, Max Shulman and his writing style2) The characteristics of the language in this informal essay3) The organization of the essay4) The large variety of writing techniques the author employs5) The profuse f

20、igurative language the author usesFallacy can be interpreted at different levels.the language of the authorLesson SevenInvisible ManChapter 1(Battle Royal)by Ralph Ellison1) The background information about the author, Ralph Ellison, and the novel, Invisible Man 2) Introduction of Booker T. Washingt

21、on and his Atlanta speech in 18953) History of Battle Royal4) Symbolism and two main symbols in the text5) Organization of the text6) Theme of the storyThe battle royal is symbolic of the place or position of all American black people in the white-dominated society.rhetorical devices: symbolismLesso

22、n NineThe Way to Rainy Mountain1)The background information about the author, Ralph Ellison, and the novel, Invisible Man 2) Introduction to the authors book The Way To Rainy Mountainof Booker T. Washington and hisAtlanta speech in 18953)AHistory of Battle Royal ppreciate the authors lyrical and pic

23、torial description of the landscape3)Symbolism and two main symbols in the text4)Organization of the text5)Theme of the storyOur cultural or ethnic heritage may differ, yet seeking ones roots is a common human experience.a lyrical and pictorial description of the landscape; complicated feelingsLesso

24、n TenBefore and After September 111)The background information about the author, Ralph Ellison, and the novel, Invisible Man 2)The background information about “The Events of September 11” and the nationalparanoia in the United StatesIntroduction of Booker T. Washington and his Atlanta speech in 189

25、52)History of Battle Royal2)Symbolism and two main symbols in the text3)Organization of the text4)Theme of the storyessayDissenting voices can be heard and in order to win the struggle against terrorism abroad it is all the more necessary to strengthen, not to weaken democracy at home.难点: the backgr

26、ound of what the writer called national paranoia and the influence of September 11 Event高级英语 II (教材:现代大学英语 精读 6 杨立民、梅仁毅 主编How to Get the Poor off Our Conscienceby John Kenneth Galbraith1)The background information about the author, John Kenneth Galbraith, and the essay, How to Get the Poor off Our C

27、onscience2)Introduction to the authors writing style: lucidity and persuasiveness and his skillful employment of irony, from humorous irony to bitter satire.3)History of the “intellectual preoccupation”: how to get the poor off conscience - from theBible to the present day4)Theories of some historic

28、al celebrities like utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham, Malthusianism by Thomas Robert Malthus, Social Darwinism by Herbert Spencer5)Organization of the text6)Understanding and appreciating the essaythe gap between the rich and the poor; the meaning of the titlethe ironical and sarcastic tone of the t

29、extThe Woods Were Tossing with JewelsA Childhood in the Florida Wildernessby Marie St. John1)The background information about the essay2)Introduction to the authors writing style of the short story3)General organization of a short story4)Non-chronological narration of a story and its function5)Descr

30、iption of surroundings one is in7)Group discussion in the study of this story8)Learn to write a short story in Englishthe westward movement and the message the author wants to get acrossappreciate the text through the eyes of a girl of five; description of personAt War with the PlanetA Reflection on Environmental Crisisby Barry Commoner1)The background i

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