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高一英语第四单元Travel 旅行教学设计Word格式.docx


2、然而就在社会生产力得到成百倍增加,社会生产方式发生巨大变迁,人口激增,工业化和城市化过程迅猛推进的同时,环境污染作为一种巨大的危机也开始第一次降临到人类的头上:到处是林立的烟囱和浓密的黑烟,浑浊的河流,遍地的工业废物,失去生机的大地和森林。农业时代的那种“落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的“田园牧歌”景色已不再有,人与环境和谐相处的那种“采菊东篱下,悠悠见南山”的自然审美情趣也逐渐远去,人类从此仿佛是踏上了一条远离养育自己的大地自然母亲的不归路。这一切难道不令人深思吗?【指点迷津】A.单元重点新词读音归类1. taxi bank parrot 2. airport reporter3.a: g

3、uitar sharp Klarke 4. hotel guide wild sight mile price 6. soil destroy7. bank 8.zphrase9.ju: future 10.i: centimetre weekend11.i separate (adj.) taxi trip villager guitar centimetre destroy reporterB.单元重点新词透视1.separate作形容是“单独的,各自的”,作动词是“分开,分离”。如:Bob will separate the bad apples from the go

4、od ones. 鲍勃要把坏苹果与好苹果分开来。He separated the boys from the girls.Please cut it into three separate parts.请把它分成3份。Keep the onions separate from the bread or theyll make it smell.把洋葱和面包分开放,否则面包会有味儿。live separate分居。The children sleep in separate beds .孩子们分床睡的。测试要点:(1)搭配:separatefrom把与分开(2)辨析:separatefrom与d

5、ivideinto separate含把原来结合在一起的、混合在一起的分开或者隔离。divide含把整体分成若干部分。Separate your things from mine./He divided the apple into halves. /The house is divided into four parts .这座房子被分作了四部分。(3)taxi作名词是“出租车”,相当于taxicab, cab, 作动词是“坐出租车,用出租车送”。We taxied to the theatre.我们坐出租车去戏院。The visitors have been safely taxied t

6、o the hotel.客人们已被出租车安全送到旅馆。(1)在一般现在时中,用在第三人称主语后或者作名词的复数:taxis=taxies(2)搭配:take a taxi to +地点, by taxi乘出租车,go by taxi=go in a taxi乘记程车去,打的去,get in/into a taxi上出租车(注意不是get on ),get out of a taxi下出租子(注意不是get off)。(3)该词的现在分词是:taxiing=taxying。出租汽车驾驶员是:taximan。3.weekend周末(星期六和星期日)。作动词是“度周末”。I dont work at

7、 weekends.(美语中用:on weekends)We are going for a long weekend to Paris.我们要去巴黎度一个长周末。(即从星期五至星期天或星期一) He weekended away from home last time.上次他离开家度周末了。区别:weekend与weekdayweekday周日(指除星期日以外或除星期日和星期六以外的日子),在周日。She works(on) weekdays .她平时天天上班。4.guide作名词是“向导,导游者,领路人,指导者,指南,入门”,作动词是“为领路,带领,引导,指导”。Experience is

8、 a good guide.经验就是很好的导师。a travellers guide旅客指南,guide the boys in their studies指导孩子们学习。I know the place well, so let me be your guide.(1)“对的指导”的介词在测试中用to。a guide to English grammar英语语法向导,His book, A Guidde to Poultry Keeping, is to be published next month.他的家禽饲养手册下月就要出版了。(2)不用“guide sb to do”应用“guide

9、 sb +in (into, through, towards”。 如:Our party leads us in building socialism./I guided the blind man to his seat./ He guided me through the thick forest.5.sight作名词是“情景;风景;目光;视力;看到;视野”。作动词是“见到”。She lost her sight in an accident.她在一次事故中失明了。Keep out of my sight !别让我再看见你!have long/far sight远视。have short

10、/near sight近视。have good/poor sight视力好/差。have ones sight tested视力检查。in sight可看得见的,在视线内。out of sight看不见的,在视程之外。catch/have /get sight of突然瞥见。at the sight of一看见就。at first sight乍一看,第一眼。They ran away at the sight of the police .他们一看见警察就逃之夭夭了。I caught sight of her hurrying away.我瞥见她匆匆走了。(2)作“风景”讲常用复数。The s

11、unset was a beautiful sight.日落是很美丽的景象。John enjoyed seeing the sights of the West Lake.约翰很喜欢观赏西湖风景。(3)辨析:sight, scenery, view, scenesight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。scenery是个不可数名词,含不管是否映入眼帘的风景。The road passes through the most char

12、ming scenery.这条大路穿过极为迷人的风景区。view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。另外,scene还可指舞台的场景。6.price是可数名词“价格,价钱”“代价

13、”。当不表示物品的具体价格,而只表示“价格”的概念时是不可数名词。Whats the price of this coat ?这件衣服多少钱?House prices are getting higher.房价在上涨。注意该词名词复数的发音为praisiz(1)价格分“高底”,物品分“贵贱”。(错)The price is expensive/cheap.(对)The book is expensive/cheap.(2)价格作主语时,疑问句不能用how much提问,应用What。What is the price of cabbages today ?=What price of cabb

14、ages today?今天洋白菜啥价?(3)搭配:sell sth at a high/low price以高价或低价出售。at any price=at all costs不惜任何代价。pay a high price for为付出很高的代价。above/beyond/without price无价之宝。(4)区别:price, cost, value, worth, charge, expenseprice定价(指卖方对物品所要求的价格,高于cost)cost价值,成本(指对货物所付的一切代价,如制作、包装、运输等)value价值(按人的主观判断对物品本身内在的有用评价)。I paid h

15、im $500 for the painting, but its real value must be about $50,000.worth价值(指物体本身永远不变的价值,含着一定金额的数量,用法比较特殊)。sth be worth +ing(不用动名词的被动式和不定式)。“sth be well worth+钱”是“某物相当值钱”。charge索价(指为其提供服务后所要求应付的价钱,常用句型:charge sb+钱+for sth。free of charge免费)expense开支,花费(指对的实际开支花费的金额,常用于:at the expense of , at ones expe

16、nse以为开支)(5)询问价格有多种表达方式。这个你要卖多少钱?How much do you ask for (want for, sell) it ?=How much does this cost?=How much is this worth?=What does it cost?=What is this worth?=Whats the price of this ?s your charge for this ?=What do you charge for this ?(6)priceless是“无价之宝的,贵重的”=costly=valuable=invaluable=pre

17、cious=dear。valueless是“不值钱的”。7.destroy常作及物动词是“破坏,毁坏,打破计划,消灭”。(反义词是:construct)如:All her hopes were destroyed.她所有的希望都破灭了。destroy, damage, destruction, break, ruin, spoil, wreckdestroy指剧烈的毁坏到不能再使用的程度。damage指造成的一定程度上的损失。destruction是不可数名词,如the destruction of a town。break可用于大小东西的损坏。ruin指天灾人祸般的彻底摧毁性。spoil指把

18、事情弄糟。wreck指船、飞机、轮船等交通工具的摧毁。8.but作介词“除了”(用于no, all, nobody, who, where等词之后)=except。All of them but /except me /I had been there before.除我以外,他们以前都到过那里。(用I时but是连接词)。next but one (two,)隔一个(两个)。last but one (two, three)倒数第一(第二,第三)。but前有实义动词及其变形时,but后的不定式在测试中省略to。如下面题的答案为C。Last night I did nothing but TV.

19、(A. to watch B. watched C. watch D. watching)对比:The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking.医生除了让他戒烟,其它什么都没有说。9.phrase短语,习惯用语,词组,片语,措辞。(复数phrasespreiziz)。a noun phrase名词短语,a prepositional phrase介词短语,an adjective phrase形容词短语,phrases and idioms习语和成语。The book is on the table.“on the table”is a phra

20、se这本书在桌子上“在桌子上”是个短语。He spoke in simple phrases, so that the children understood him./He used so many scientific phrases that we did not understand him.区别:phrase短语。expression表达,词句。idiom成语。proverb谚语。10.future作名词“将来,未来”。作形容词“将来的,未来的”。Children are the future of our motherland.儿童是祖国的未来。It suggests a grea

21、t future for our Party. 这表明我们的党有光明的前途。He decided that he would build his future home by a lake.他决定在湖边建造他未来的住宅。辨析in the future, in future, for the futurein the future =in time yet to come(常指遥远的以后)将来,今后。Who knows what will happen in the future?In future =from now on(指从今以后不再)。You must be careful in fut

22、ure.你今后可要多加小心。for the future为了以后,为了将来。We study hard and gain more knowledge for the future.我们为了以后,要努力学习,获得更多的知识。C.单元重点词组扫瞄 a few days time =in a few days =a few days away几天以后(与将来时连用)。after a few days几天以后(与过去时连用)。He will be back in a month.他一个月后回来。He came back after a month.他一个月后回来了。注意区别下列各句:He w

23、ill come back after six oclock.(具体指6点后)/He will come back in six hours.(约6个小时后)/He will come back in a weeks time .(一周后)/He is going to Beijing in three days?/B time.(三天后)2.seeoff为某人送行。We saw the foreigners off at the airport./Thousands of people were at the airport to see them off .3.take a taxi to

24、 +地点“乘出租车去”。We must take a taxi to the hospital to call on her.4.have a nice/good time in /at +地点“在过得愉快”。Have you had a nice time in Guangzhou?/Did you have a good time at the cinema?注意:Have a nice /good time !祝你愉快!(是一个祝愿用语)。又如:Have a pleasant/good trip!/Have a good day!祝你走运!/Good luck to you!/Happy

25、 birthday!/Wish you good health!注意下列表达:say goodbye to sb向告别。say sorry to sb =apologize to sb向道歉。say yes /no to a plan同意/否定一项计划。 about to do即将干正要如:She was about to leave when the postman arrived.注意区别:be about to do不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用。be going to do可以表示与将来的时间状语连用。6.The same to you .祝你也如此。A: Happy New

26、Year to you ! B: The same to you .(1)A: Have a good holiday! Thanks .The same to you .(2) A: Happy birthday to you ! Thank you very much.(3) A: Congratulations on your success! Thanks a lot .7.get back =come back =return回来,返回。8.tieto 把系在9.take off起飞;脱下。10.every two years每两年。every second year=every o

27、ther year每隔一天。every three days每三天=every third day每隔两天。every four days每四天=every fourth day每隔三天。every two kilometres每隔一公里(或者:每两公里)。every few hours每过几小时。这说明要用“每隔”翻译成汉语时,要把英语中的数字减去一。The old man went to hospital every five days.那老汉每隔四天就去看一次病。There are buses to the station every ten minutes.每十分钟就有公共汽车去火车站

28、。I went to see a film every two weeks.我每隔一星期去看一次电影。Please take the medicine every four hours .这药要每四小时服一次。(即每隔三小时) South America在南美洲 the guitar弹奏吉他。有时也用:play ones guitar弹某人的吉他。13.for miles and miles连绵数英里14.stay long呆很久15.for one or two years =for a year or two一两年16.20 centimetres thick 20厘米厚17.nothing but =nothing except =only只有。He has eaten nothing but a few pieces of bread since Sunday.18.How long does the journey take you ?你旅行用了多长时间?D.大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南Good Wishes, Congratulations and Responses (祝愿、

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