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1、How can the distribution of social goods in a society be just? Utopian visionaries throughout history have given answers to this question and, to the extent to which these answers varied, have set off ideological controversies as well as wars. Questions that need to be settled by dogma or force, how

2、ever, are liable to have no answers at all. Presumably it is this insight that has led many sober-minded students in the fields of sociology, economics and political science to abandon the question of how distributive justice can be realized, replacing it with the question of why the belief in distr

3、ibutive justice is illusory. 一个社会如何分配社会产品才算公平?不同历史时期的空想家们给出了各种答案,甚至由于见解的不同,引发了意识形态斗争,直至兵戎相见。然而,需要诉诸教条或武力的问题,往往根本就不存在答案。大概正是因为意识到了这一点,很多冷静的社会学、经济学和政治学的研究者纷纷放弃如何实现分配公平的问题,转而思考为何关于分配公平的信念仅是一种幻想。Posed from this perspective the question gains complexity as well as openness. There may be many answers. Non

4、e of these answers can claim to be the ultimate one but, summed, they may contribute to our understanding of the forces inhibiting or facilitating distributive social justice. 从这个角度看,分配公平的问题显得更加复杂和捉摸不定。这个问题的答案可能有多种。哪个答案都不能自诩为最终答案。但是,把所有答案综合起来看,或许有助于我们理解妨碍或推动社会分配公平的因素。I attempt to address one of the

5、many aspects of the illusion of distributive justice, focusing on the conceptual distinction between realizing vs. perceiving distributive justice. Distributive social justice is liable to be illusory on both accounts. It can be illusory because, contrary to the beliefs we may have, it may be imposs

6、ible for the distribution of social goods to be just regardless of what we do. For instance, the impossibility theorem, according to which collective social welfare functions cannot be determined, is directed towards the destruction of this type of illusion. Distributive justice, however, can also b

7、e illusory because the perception we have of it does not mirror reality adequately.分配公平在很多方面具有虚幻性,我将重点讨论其中之一,即分配公平的客观实现与分配公平的主观感受两个概念的区别。在这两个层面,社会分配公平都可能是“幻想”。这是因为(这可能与我们的想法相反),无论我们如何努力,或许都不可能实现社会产品的公平分配。比如,阿罗(Arrow)的“难能定理”(根据该定理,集体社会福利函数无法确定)即旨在摧毁此类幻想。另一方面,分配公平具有虚幻性是因为我们对分配公平的主观感受并没有恰当地反映客观现实。1Ther

8、e is a certain causal relationship between the perceptual illusion and the illusory feasibility of distributive justice. Because if we perceive social distributions as just, even though this is not what they are, then nobody will attempt to strive for change. Thus we are left with distributions that

9、 are unjust for ever. That is, false perceptions of distributive justice have social consequences that render the realization of distributive justice impossible. (330 words)主观感受的虚幻性与分配公平的虚幻可行性之间存在着一定的因果关系。因为如果我们感到社会分配是公平的(虽然事实并非如此),就不会有人去尝试改变现状。这样一来,分配便永远处于不公之中。换言之,关于分配公平的“虚假”感受会带来社会后果,那就是让分配公平的目标永远


11、论是他的理论。后来看到出处里面本来就有Arrow,让我更加感到自己翻译时加入这个人的名字是十分正确的。Topic 2: Global Warming话题2 全球变暖We are now faced with a momentous challenge: global warming. The steady deterioration of the very climate of our very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.The U.S. produce

12、s nearly a quarter of the worlds greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesnt intend to do a whole lot about it. Although 174 nations ratified the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. While even developing China has bo

13、osted its mileage standards to 35 m.p.g., the U.S. remains the land of the Hummer.现在我们正面临一项巨大的挑战:全球变暖。地球气候持续恶化,正在演变成一场最紧要的战争,而从任何一个标准来看,美国都在节节败退。美国每年排放的温室气体占全球总量的近25%,并固执地声明它不打算采取大规模的减排措施。虽然有174个国家为降低碳排放水平已经批准了并不完美的京都议定书,可美国却不肯批准。就连发展中的中国也已将燃油经济标准提高到了每加仑35英里,而美国仍是悍马汽车的天下。The rub is, if the vast majo

14、rity of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, theres far less consensus on how to fix it. Industry offers its plans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could cripple Americas growth. But wha

15、t would an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look likeone that would leave us both environmentally safe and economically sound?最大的困难在于,如果说绝大多数人日益认同气候变化是个全球紧急事件,那么关于解决之道的共识则寥寥无几。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的计策往往过于天真,真要照办的话,就会严重阻碍美国的发展。但是一个大胆、宏伟、有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济增长?

16、Halting climate change will be far harder than even that2. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 50 years. And yet by devising a coherent strategy that mixes short-term solutions with farsighted goals,

17、 combines government activism with private-sector enterprise and blends pragmatism with ambition, the U.S. can, without major damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of our way of life for future generations. Money will get us part of the way ther

18、e, but whats needed most is will. (287 words)阻止气候变化比以上2做法要困难得多。较为保守的一个方案呼吁,在未来50年减少250亿吨碳排放。然而,只要制定一致的战略,将短期措施和长远目标结合起来,将政府推动和民间努力结合起来,将务实精神和雄心壮志结合起来,美国就能既不严重损害经济,又帮助遏制气候变化的最坏影响,并保证后代享受我们今天的生活方式。要实现这个目标,金钱将助我们一臂之力,不过最需要的是意愿。这篇文章按说难度不大。但由于出题者删减了部分内容,文章前后脱节,造成理解困难,比如that指代的内容在文本中无法确定。具有讽刺意味的是,如果译者努力使原

19、文合理化(这是应该做的),例如,把halting climate change will be far harder than even that虚化为“阻止气候变化将面临更多的困难”,反而会翻译错误;而不讲求前后连贯,进行直译的人,反而会翻译得符合作者的意思(“阻止气候变化比这要困难得多”)。全文见:Americans dont like to lose warswhich makes sense, since we have so little practice with it. Of course, a lot depends on how you define just what a

20、war is. There are shooting warsthe kind that test our mettle and our patriotism and our resourcefulness and our courageand those are the kind at which we excel. But other struggles test those qualities too. What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the construction of the railroads or

21、the eradication of polio but a massive, often frightening challenge that we decided as a culture we ought to rise up and face? If we indulge in a bit of chest-thumping and flag-waving when the job is done, well, we earned it.We are now faced with a similarly momentous challenge: global warming. The

22、steady deterioration of the very climate of our very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing. Indeed, if were fighting at alland by most accounts, were notwere fighting on the wrong side. The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the worldt intend to do a whol

23、e lot about it. Although 174 nations ratified the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. While even developing China has boosted its mileage standards to 35m.p.g., the U.S. remains the land of the Hummer. Oh, there are vague promises of manufacturing

24、 fuel from switchgrass or powering cars with hydrogensomeday. But for a country that rightly cites patriotism as one of its core values, were taking a pass on what might be the most patriotic struggle of all. Its hard to imagine a bigger fight than one for the survival of the countrys coasts and far

25、ms, the health of its people and the stability of its economyand for those of the world at large as well.s growth. But lets assume that those interested parties and others will always be at the table and will alwayssensiblydemand that their voices be heard and that their needs be addressed. What wou

26、ld an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look likeone that would leave us both environmentally safe and economically sound?Forget precedents like the Manhattan Project, which developed the atom bomb, or the Apollo program that put men on the moonsingle-focus programs both, however hard they were

27、to pull off. Think instead of the overnight conversion of the World War IIera industrial sector into a vast machine capable of churning out 60,000 tanks and 300,000 planes, an effort that not only didnt bankrupt the nation but instead made it rich and powerful beyond its imagining andoh, yeswon the

28、war in the process. (因省略造成理解困难的一段)Halting climate change will be far harder than even that. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem, by Robert Socolow and Stephen Pacala of Princeton University, calls for a reduction of 25billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 50 yearst

29、he equivalent of erasing nearly four years of global emissions at todays rates. And yet by devising a coherent strategy that mixes short-term solutions with farsighted goals, combines government activism with private-sector enterprise and blends pragmatism with ambition, the U.S. can, without major

30、damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of our way of life for future generations. Money will get us part of the way there, but whats needed most is will. Im not saying the challenge isnt almost overwhelming, says Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund and co-author of the new book Earth: The Sequel. But this is America, and America has risen to these challenges before.No one yet has a comprehensive plan for how we could

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