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1、A. 1707 B. 1828 C. 1776 D. 1911 2.Which of the following statements is true?A. After 1776 American English and British English stayed the same. B. After 1776 American English changed but British English stayed the same. C. After 1776 British English changed but American English stayed the D. After 1

2、776 both British English and American English changed. 3.B ritish English is different from American English because _. A. British decided to change the spelling of many American words. B. American English changed but British English stayed the same. C. the American and British took different words

3、from other languages. D. America is a bigger country. 4.Noah Webster was _. A. an American president B. a Spanish farmer C. a British teacher D. an American writer 5.Which of the following statements is true?A.In the future both American English and British English will stay the B. In the future Ame

4、rican English will change but British English will not. C. In the future British English will change but American English will not. D. In the future both British English and American English will change Passage 2 Keep to the right. When they are walking on sidewalks, in hallways, or on stairways, in

5、 two opposite directions, Americans stay on the right side. This enables them to pass each other without physical contact and to go as quickly as possible. Line up and wait your turn. When they are in the situations where a group of people want attention or service from someone, Americans line up. I

6、n the bank or at the theater box office, the latest person to arrive will step to the end of the line and patiently wait their turn. This behavior shows that all people are equal, in the sense that no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a line. It also shows they do not like touc

7、hing, which is much less likely to happen in a line than in a crowd to get service. First-come, first-served. Related to the “line up” rule is the first-come, first-served rule. Usually, people think that the person who arrives first gets attention first. Alternative ideas, such as giving priority t

8、o older people or richer ones or females, do not normally occur to equal-minded Americans. Dont block the traffic. Generally, Americans give priority to people who are moving rather than to those who are staying. A person who is in a moving crowd and who wishes to stop or to go more slowly than othe

9、rs is expected to move to the side or otherwise get out of the way of those who are continuing to move. It is considered inconsiderate to block peoples path. In recent years an anti-smoking movement has made considerable headway in the United States. Some states and localities have prohibited smokin

10、g in certain public places. Large numbers of American smokers have discontinued doing so, and campaigns in the public schools are aimed at discouraging young people from taking up the habit. People who do smoke are likely to postpone having a cigarette until they are in a situation where they can sm

11、oke without “polluting” the air around non-smokers. 1. Which of the following can be inferred from Americans keeping to the right?A.Americans dislike body touching B.Americans love to make great progress in every field. C.Most Americans are right-handed. D.We can always find Americans walking in two

12、 different directions. 2. The behavior of lining up shows that Americans _. A.are patient except when they are in a hurry B.are of the opinion that all people have equal rights C.are not accustomed to a large population D.need better service 3. Which of the following statements is true according to

13、the text?A.Americans often let old people be served first. B.“Line up” rule is closely related to “keep to the right” rule. C.If a person arrives first, he will get attention first. D.Americans like to be served first. 4. From the text we know that Americans _. A.expect others to move to the side B.

14、often avoid blocking other peoples path C.give way to the people who are standing instead of the people who are moving to consider other peoples feelings 5. According to the text, campaigns in public schools are aimed at _. A.prohibiting young people from smoking B.punishing young people for

15、smoking when they are in non-smoking areas. C.discouraging young people from smoking in public places D.discouraging young people from establishing the habit of smoking Passage 3 Your body works 24 hours a day. Its always building and repairing, feeding and cleansing itself. Its goal is to be ready

16、for your every movement, breath, and thought. The quality of your life depends on how well your body works. And how well your body works depends on how much energy it gets. Energy comes from the food you eat. Food contains nutrients that your body needs for growth and energy. By eating a balanced di

17、et, your body gets the six essential nutrients it needs. Minerals are nutrients that build bones and teeth. Minerals also form red blood cells and other substances. Water aids digestion and waste removal. Carbohydrates give your body its main source of energy. Two carbohydrates are sugars from foods

18、 such as fruits and vegetables and starches found in rice, potatoes, and bread. Fats help build cell membranes. Proteins repair and grow body tissues. Finally, vitamins help your body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a nutritional

19、food pyramid. It shows the daily number of servings you should eat from five food groups. The food pyramid has four levels. The base of the pyramid is the largest level. It contains the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group from which you need six to eleven servings. The next level has two food group

20、s: vegetables and fruits. The USDA recommends three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit. The third level also has two groups: the milk, yogurt, and cheese group and the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. You need two to three servings from each of thes

21、e groups. The top of the pyramid is the smallest level. It contains fats, oils, and sweets. These foods have few nutrients, so eat them sparingly. 1.The title for this passage is_. A.What You Need to Know About Fats B.An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away C.Water: An Essential Nutrient D.Eating for L

22、ife and Health 2.A balanced diet_. A. consists of foods from five food groups B. includes many foods containing fat C. includes six to eleven servings of fruit D. can be obtained by taking vitamins 3. The first paragraph suggests that food_. something that cleanses your body. B.can improve the

23、quality of your life. C.should be eaten at night as well as during the day. D.will make it easier for you to exercise. 4.To help the reader identify the six nutrients needed by the body, the author_. A.describes the five basic food groups. B.explains what a balanced diet is C.writes the name of each

24、 nutrient D.tells the number of daily servings needed from each food group 5.A nutrient is_. A. a substance that give the body energy. B. a type of blood cell C. a body tissue. D. he quality of your life Passage 4 The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars,

25、but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are necessary part of life. Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city,

26、they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies. Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk

27、 that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and neighbors children as well. Another drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the

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