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1、豪华1Sheraton Hotel is _ than the Sofitel Hotel.A.cheaper B.more expensive C.bigger D.cleaner2I want to stay in Sheraton Hotel for one night in August. I need about _.A.$69.5 B.$34.8 C.$60.9 D.$30.53Sheraton is open for _ months of the year.A.nine B.ten C.eleven D.twelve4How much does it cost on Chris

2、tmas Eve(圣诞夜)at Sofitel Hotel?A.$56.7. B.$60.9. C.$49.5. D.$54.6.5Its cheaper to stay in Sofitel in May than in _.A.November B.March C.October D.August6From October to December its more expensive to stay in Sofitel than from _ to _.A.June; August B.January; March C.May; July D.July; September【答案】1A2

3、C3C4D5D6B【解析】【分析】本篇以 表格数字我们告诉2家宾馆在不同时间、不同的价钱。Sheraton Hotel比Sofitel Hotel价钱低。1细节理解题。根据表格不同时间的价格对比,可知Sheraton Hotel比Sofitel Hotel价钱低,故选A。2细节理解题。根据表格可知在Sheraton Hotel 在1Jun.- 30 Sept.期间一天是$60.9,故选C。3推理判断题。根据表格4月份Sheraton Hotel在维修(In maintenance),所以,一年开放的时间只有11个月,故选C。4细节理解题。根据表格Sofitel Hotel在1Oct. - 31

4、 Dec.期间一天是$54.6.,圣诞夜在12月24日,故选D。5细节理解题。根据表格在1May - 31 May期间一天是$57.4;在 Jun.- 30 Sept.期间一天是$69.5,5月份的价格比8月份的价格低,故选D。6细节理解题。根据表格子在1 Oct. - 31 Dec.期间的价格是一天$54.6.,在1 Jan. - 31 Mar.期间是$51.8,10月-12月的价格比1月-3月的价格高,故选B。【点睛】本篇阅读为表格信息。解答前要先阅读表格的文字说明,快速浏览表格信息;再阅读题干,理解题干,捉住关键词,回归表格寻找相应的信息作答;题1、2、3、5、6考查细节理解能力,只需仔

5、细比对信息就可得出答案,题3是推理判断题,要理解表格中In maintenance的意思才能推断答案。解答完要比对答案和表格信息是否一致。2 Diana is reading an email from her pen friend Rebecca.Dear Diana,I am very happy every day. Life is great in Shanghai. I usually get up at 6 oclock. I have breakfast with my parents at half past six. The school starts at 8:30. Th

6、ere are four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have lunch at school at twelve. After classes, I often play games or learn to sing English songs with my friends. At five oclock, I go home on foot. I have a delicious supper with my parents at about six oclock. I always do my homewor

7、k in the evening. I often read some good books and listen to the music in the evening, too. I like Justin Bieber very much. His songs are really great. Sometimes I watch TV for a little at weekends. I go to bed at about nine thirty. My family usually go for a picnic in the park at weekends.This is m

8、y day. How is your day in New York? Please tell me soon! With love, Rebecca1Diana and Rebecca are friends.2Diana lives in the U. S.3There are 8 lessons every day.4Rebecca walks home after school.5Rebecca and her family always stay at home on Saturday.6Justin Bieber is possibly one of Rebeccas favour

9、ite singers.1T2T3F4T5F6T本篇文章难度适中,主要讲介绍丽贝卡向戴安娜讲述她在上海的生活。根据Diana is reading an email from her pen friend Rebecca“戴安娜正在读一封来自她的笔友丽贝卡的邮件”可知,戴安娜和丽贝卡是好朋友,故填T。2推理判断题。根据How is your day in New York?“你在纽约的生活怎么样?请马上告诉我”可知,戴安娜居住在美国。故填T。根据There are four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon“早晨有四节课,下午有

10、三节课”可知,每天有7节课而不是8节课,故填F。根据At five oclock, I go home on foot“在五点钟我步行回家”可知,丽贝卡放学后走路回家,故填T。根据My family usually go for a picnic in the park at weekends“我的家人在周末经常去公园野餐”可知,丽贝卡和她的家人在周末没有经常待在家里,故填F。根据I like Justin Bieber very much. His songs are really great“我喜欢贾斯丁比伯,他的歌曲非常棒”可知,贾斯丁比伯可能是丽贝卡最喜欢的歌手之一,故填T。“正误判断

11、型阅读理解题”解题思路:(1)阅读原文,捕捉信息。理解大意。先通读原文,捕捉文中所提供的信息,抓住文章大意,理清全文脉络。(2)审读题目,找出相关的依据。读懂短文内容再读题目,把握每一个待判定句子的含义,通过寻读法在原文中找出每一个问题相关的段落与词句,然后依据短文内容对试题所给出的句子进行是非判断。(3)重读短文,逐题复核,检查无误。完成正误判断后必须将短文重复一遍,以加深对短文的理解,在此基础上再对每一道题进行复查,对一些似是而非的句子,一定要重新认真识别。例如第4题,题干为“放学后,丽贝卡走路回家”可知,定位至At five o3 My name is Nancy. Im sixteen

12、 years old. I am from Canada. My parent(父母) are teachers in a middle school. They work from Monday to Friday. I have a sister. Her name is Jenny. She is seventeen. We are in the same school. We go to school together(一起). We have four classes(课) in the morning and two in the afternoon. We go home(家)

13、at four in the afternoon. We dont do our homework in the afternoon. On Saturdays and Sundays we dont go to school. On Saturdays my parent(父母) like to have dumplings for supper. But my sister and I dont. We like bread and cakes. We often go to a restaurant for supper on Sundays.1How many people are t

14、here in Nancys family(家庭)?A.Three B.Five C.Four D.Two2How many days do Nancys parent(父母) not work in a week(一周)?A.Two B.One C.Three D.Four3Why do Nancy and Jenny go to school together?A.They are sixteen B.They are in the same schoolC.They have four classes in the morning D.They like the same English

15、 teacher4Nancy has classes in three days.A.six B.twelve C.nine D.eighteen5What would Nancy and Jenny have for supper on Saturdays?A.Dumplings B.BreadC.Cakes D.Bread and cakes1C2A3B5A这是Nancy 在介绍自己和家人。父母是中学教师,她和姐姐Jenny在同一所学校。题干:Nancy家有几口人?根据My name is Nancy. My parent(父母) are teachers in a middle scho

16、ol. They work from Monday to Friday. I have a sister. 可知Nancy家有四口人:Nancy、爸爸和妈妈和姐姐。故选C。Nancy的父母一周几天不工作?根据They work from Monday to Friday.可知,Nancy从周一工作到周五,那一周两天不工作。故选A。3细节理解题。为什么Nancy 和Jenny 一起去学校?根据 We are in the same school. We go to school together(一起)可知,Nancy 和Jenny一起去学校是因为她俩在同一所学校。故选B。4数字计算题。3天,N

17、ancy上几节课?根据We have four classes(课) in the morning and two in the afternoon. 可知,Nancy 一天上6节课,故3天上18节课,故选 D。5推理判断题。星期六Nancy 和Jenny晚饭吃什么?根据On Saturdays my parent(父母) like to have dumplings for supper. 可知,周六晚饭,她们会吃到妈妈包的水饺。4Are you thinking about what to do in your free time ? Come and join us Youth Club

18、! Join in lessons and activities. Its fun! For more information , call 34789256!LessonsActivitiesMondayFriday6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.Computer lessons for beginnersSaturday and Sunday 8: 00 a.m. 9:00 p.m.Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open Monday and Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 9:Dance lessons for dancerlo

19、vers You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances Monday Sunday Swimming pool open Tuesday , Thursday and Friday30 p.m.7:Cooking lessonsLearn to cook delicious dishes from all over ChinaThe 2nd and last Saturdays of every month 00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Concert time Enjoy Swedish rock , American jazz and beauti

20、ful songs from different parts of the world! 1On which of the following days cant you have computer lessons ?AMonday BWednesday CFriday DSunday2Rose is free after 7:20 p.m. Which lessons can she take?AComputer lessons . BDance lessons.CCooking lessons. DBoth computer and cooking lessons.3If Dick wan

21、ts to swim after playing basketball, when can he go to the club ?AMonday and Wednesday. BMonday and Sunday.CSaturday and Sunday. DMonday and Sunday.4How often can you enjoy music in the club ?ATwice a month. BTwice a week.CFour times a month. DFive days a week.5If you want to know the cost of the le

22、ssons, you can to get the information.Acall 34789256 Bonly go to the clubCread the ads above carefully Djoin the club and ask others1D2B4A本文介绍了青年俱乐部的相关信息,包括课程信息和活动信息。句意:在哪一天不能上计算机课?A周一;B周三;C周五;D周日。根据MondayFriday Computer lessons for beginners可知计算机课是在周一至周五,故星期日无法上计算机课,故选D。Rose在晚7:20后空闲。她能上什么课?A计算机课;B

23、舞蹈课;C烹饪课;D电脑课和烹饪课。根据Monday and Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. Dance lessons for dancerlovers You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances可知答案选B。如果Dick想要在打篮球后游泳,他什么时候可以去俱乐部?A周一和周三;B周一和周日;C周六和周日;D周一和周日。根据Saturday and Sunday Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open Monday Sunday Swimming pool open 可知篮球场周六和周日才开放,故应

24、选C。在俱乐部里可以多久享受一次音乐?A一个月两次;B一周两次;C一个月四次;D一周五天。根据The 2nd and last Saturdays of every month 可知在每月的第二个星期六和最后一个星期六能够享受音乐,故每月两次,故选A。你如果想知道课程的花费,你可以做什么来获取信息。A打电话给34789256;B只是去俱乐部;C认真读上面的广告;D加入俱乐部问其他人。根据For more information , call 34789256!可知应选A项。5 Chris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the U

25、nited States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn, New York.As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in New York City, Even at age 18, Chris Rock was very funny. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very s

26、trict) , and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also about high school, which Rock says was terrible.Famous comedians went to see Rocks performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him get work on television and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but h

27、e does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It makes people laugh, but it can also make people think.Today,Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show called Everybody Hates Chris. It is about his teenage years growing up and goin

28、g to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was considered as one of the best comedy shows on American television.1Chris Rock was _Aborn in America Bfrom LondonCfrom a rich family. Dfrom Canada2What is this passage mainly about?AHow to tell a good joke,BWhere the best comedy clubs are.COne comedians life,D

29、The funniest people in the United States,3Chris Rock tells a lot of jokes about_.ASouth Carolina BBrooklynCLos Angeles DTexas4Which sentence about Chris Rock is true?AAs a teenager, he was not funny.BHe started working in clubs after he graduated from college.CHe loved going to high school.DA famous comedian helped him

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