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1、英国文学英国文学自学指导书江苏技术师范学院自学进度表总学时:80面授学时:24自学学时:56 教材名称:英美文学选读周次周学时自学内容(章、节)完成作业备注14Daniel Dafoe, Robinson Crusoe见自学指导24Jonathan Swift, Gullivers Travels见自学指导34Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews见自学指导42Robert Burns, “A Red, Red Rose”见自学指导52William Blake, “London”见自学指导65Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice见自学指导74

2、John Keats, “To Autumn”; “On Grasshopper and Cricket”见自学指导85Charles Dickens, David Copperfield见自学指导95William M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair见自学指导105T. Hardy, Tess of the D Urbervilles见自学指导114John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga见自学指导124George B.Shaw, Pygmalion见自学指导134W. S. Maugham, “A Friend in Need”见自学指导144J

3、ohn B. Priestley, An Inspector Calls见自学指导一教学目的通过本课程学习,使学生掌握英国文学概况,培养其文学作品分析、理解和鉴赏能力,培养学生较高层次的语言应用能力。二课程内容系统介绍英国文学各个发展阶段的背景文化,作家以及作品,包括诗歌、散文和小说等分析与欣赏。三课程要求1.应了解英国文学发展的大致脉络:主要发展阶段、主要文学流派、代表作家及其作品等。2.应结合英国文学史的发展阶段阅读英国文学作品。3.掌握基本的文学术语和一些基本的文艺理论,并能将之应用到欣赏文学作品当中去。4.掌握做文学的论文方法、步骤及要求。5.凡修本课程的学生,均要求课前预习、课堂上积

4、极参加讨论、课后广泛阅读相关文学作品及书籍。本课程结束要求学生写出1篇论文。四教材说明本课程以桂清扬,吴翔林编注的英美文学选读(中国对外翻译出版公司出版)为主教材,同时配之以辅助材料。辅助材料主要英国文学史主要发展阶段、主要文学流派、代表作家及其作品等。五自学指导有关英国文学史部分将在面授期间讲授。学生在自学期间应认真阅读相关作品,完成规定的作业,并在课程结束时完成一篇英国文学的论文。(一)文学选读部分练习下面是阅读完每部作品后应完成的作业(思考题)。回答问题可以采用简答、读后感或小论文等形式。1. Daniel Dafoe, Robinson CrusoeWhat qualities in

5、Robinson Crusoes character strike you most during his first months on the island? Make a list and cite instances to illustrate them.2. Jonathan Swift, Gullivers TravelsSwift is a master satirist in English literature. Pay attention to his techniques of satire in this novel, such as frontal (direct,

6、overt) attack and oblique (indirect, veiled) attack, innuendo, irony, sarcasm, etc. Give instances to illustrate these techniques.3. Henry Fielding, Joseph AndrewsThrough the event of the rescue of Joseph, Fielding creates a series of life-like characters of different social positions. Which of thes

7、e people does he satirize and which does he sympathize with?4. Robert Burns, “A Red, Red Rose”What is the theme of this poem? What rhetorical devices does the poet employ to state this theme? Can you find some Chinese poems dealing with the same theme?5. William Blake, “London”1) Explain the followi

8、ng phrases coined by the poet:charterd street; the mind-forgd manacles; the marriage hearse2) What is the theme of this poem?6. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice1) What methods does the author use in the first two chapters to depict the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their daughters?2) Of the

9、characters in this novel, which one is your favorite? Why?7. John Keats, “On Grasshopper and Cricket”; “To Autumn”1) Why of all creatures are the grasshopper and the cricket singled out to represent the poetry of earth?2) The poem “To Autumn” consists of three stanzas. What specific aspect of autumn

10、 is described in each of them?8. Charles Dickens, David CopperfieldDickens is a master at creating life-like and unforgettable characters, for instance, Mr. Micawber. How does Dickens portray Mr. Micawber in this chapter? What qualities of his character strike you most?9. William M. Thackeray, Vanit

11、y Fair1) Make a list to show what qualities you know about Rebeccas character, as is revealed in this chapter.2) Give instances to show the authors use of : a) humor and satire, or, a combination of the two; b) irony; c) pun; d) vulgar speech.10. T. Hardy, Tess of the D Urbervilles1) All things cons

12、idered, was Tess a pure woman? Why or why not?2) What has caused the destruction of Tess? Was it fate, or some other forces?11. John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga1) Why did Soames finally decide not to operate?2) What was Soamess reaction when he learned that Annette has borne him a daughter, and cou

13、ld never have another child?12. George B.Shaw, PygmalionShaw once said, “My way of joking is to tell the truth; it is the funniest thing in the world.” What are the truths Shaw is trying to tell through his jokes in the play? Or, what is the underlying social satire of the play?13. W. S. Maugham, “A

14、 Friend in Need”What does the story reveal about Burtons character? Is he a man of “inconsistent qualities”?14. John B. Priestley, An Inspector CallsThe plot of the play rests upon the coincidental fact that all the five members of the Birling family had a hand in bringing about the death of Eva Smi

15、th. Do you think this device of coincidence, which is unlikely in real life, justified and used to advantage?(二)文学史部分练习I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. The enlighteners believed that reason should be the only basis of ones thinking and action; that is why the eighteenth century in England has bee

16、n called _.2. In writing plays the neo-classical writers observed the three unities of _.3. The literary form of neo-classicism is of the strict symmetry. The prevailing genre of neo-classical literature is _, which consists of two rimed lines of iambic pentameter, and the second line completes the

17、thoughts expressed by the couplet.4. As a poet, Blakes fame has been chiefly resting upon two volumes of poems, _, and The Songs of Experience.5. The Tatler and _ were Steele and Addisons chief contribution to English literature.6. Thomas Grays high-praised poem “_” shows the poets sympathy for the

18、poor, and condemns the great ones who despise the poor and bring sufferings to the common people. 7. In the first part of Gullivers Travels, the hero Gulliver is cast upon the shore of the island of _.8. The Romantic Age began in 1798 when Wordsworth and Colleridge published their joint work _.9. Th

19、e greatest historical novelist in the Romantic Age was _, with whose death in 1832, the Romantic Age came to an end.10. Scott marked the transition from Romanticism to the period of _in the latter part of the 19th century. 11. The _ Movement appeared in the thirties and lasted to the early fifties i

20、n the 19th century England; it was a time of great social and political upheavals. 12. Of all of Dickenss novels, _ is regarded as his masterpiece.13. In A Tale of Two Cities, the two cities refer to _ in the time of French Revolution.14. The sub-title of Vanity Fair is “_”. The writers intention wa

21、s not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.15. The Bronte sisters are _, _, _.II. Multiple choice. 1. _ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century. A. The Renaissance B. The Enlightenment C. The Religious Reformation

22、 D. The Chartist Movement. 2. In the 18th century, satire was much used in writing; English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as _. A. Pope B. Swift C. Fielding D. Donne 3. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of pre-romanticism were _. A. Pop

23、e B. Burns C. Blake D. Swift4. _ compiled The Dictionary of the English Language, which became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries. A. Ben Johnson B. Samuel Johnson C. Alexander Pope D. John Dryden5. Among the following works which are Sheridans comedies? A. The Rivals B. The S

24、chool for Scandal C. She Stoops to Conquer D. All for Love6. Which poets belong to the active Romantic school? A. Byron B. Wordsworth C. Shelley D. Keats7. Which of the following were written by Wordsworth?A. “To the Cuckoo” B. “Lucy Poems” C. The Solitary Reaper” D. “Kubla Khan”8. Which of the foll

25、owing is Shelleys masterpiece? A. Queen Mab B. Prometheus UnboundC. Prometheus Bound D. The Revolt of Islam9. Choose the historical novels written by Scott. A. Rob Roy B. Ivanhoe C. Lady of the Lake D. Warerly10. In the mid-19th century English literature there appeared a new literary trend, _; it f

26、lourished in the forties and in the early fifties. A. Romanticism B. Naturalism C. Realism D. Critical realism11. The greatest English critical realist novelist was _, who criticized the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery of the common people. A. William Makepeace Thackeray B. Charles Dick

27、ens C. Charlotte Bronte D. George Eliot12. Which of the following writers belong to English critical realists? A. George Eliot B. Emily Bronte C. Mrs. Gaskell D. Charles Dickens13. The _ Movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th century. It showed the English workers were able to appear as an in

28、dependent political force and were already realizing the fact that the industrial bourgeoisie was their principal enemy. A. Enlightenment B. Renaissance C. Chartist D. Romanticist14. Which is Thackerays masterpiece? A. The Virginians B. Vanity Fair C. The Books of Snobs D. The Newcomes15. Which are

29、the main characters in the novel Wuthering Heights?A. Heathcliff B. Catherine C. Hindley D. HaretonIII. Identify the following works.1. The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling2. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire3. Childe Harolds Pilgrimage4. “Ode on a Grecian Urn”5. The Essays of Elia6. “On the

30、 Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth”7. Sense and Sensibility8. Jane Eyre9. The Vicar of Wakefield10. Life of Johnson附:文学史部分练习答案:I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. the age of reason2. time, place, and action3. heroic couplet4. The Songs of Innocence5. The Spectator6. “Elegy Written in A Country Churchyard”7. Lilliput8. Lyrical Ballads9. Walter Scott10. Realism11. Chartist12. David Copperfield13. Paris and London14. A Novel Wi

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