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1、plan 2:睡觉喽!开心了,玩够了,可以好好睡觉啦!躺在床上笑着闭上眼,一幅幅画面展现眼前,一个个美梦开始展现,我进入了梦幻中的童话世界。plan 3:奋斗喽!过了开心寒假,玩累了,睡醒了,还有几天我也要开始努力了。书桌上堆有灰尘的名著,拥有崭新的知识。初中真比小学累,不过对我来说就是睡醒的孩子可以开始觉醒啦!这个寒假真是轻松,自由,开开心心过年,勤勤恳恳学习,自自由由玩耍,真真实实制定绚烂的life planning!篇一:英语作文career planning career planning many observers have pointed out that students ar

2、e not very efficient career planners. they cite evidence that (1) most students choose from among a very narrow group of occupations; (2) as many as 40 to 60 percent choose professional occupations, when in reality only 15 to 18 percent of the work forces is engaged in professional work; (3) young m

3、en show a striking lack of interest in clerical, sales, and service occupations, although these fields offer many job opportunities; and (4) 2as many as a third of the students are unable to express any choice of occupation. a second flaw in the way people cope with decisions is defensive avoidance.

4、 4when confronted with a decision and unable to believe they can find an acceptable solution, some people remain calm by resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming. students who fail to think about the implications of their career choices often engage in rationalization (deceiving oneself with sel

5、f-satisfying but incorrect explanations for ones behavior) or procrastination (putting off or delaying). facing the situation may produce anxiety, but examining alternatives could also bring relief. a third flaw is hyper vigilance. this occurs in career decision making when people believe there is n

6、ot enough time to find a solution and they panic. 5they search frantically for career possibilities and seize on hastily invented solutions, overlooking the consequences of their choice as well as other alternatives. people who are in a panic sometimes do not think clearly or logically. the best cop

7、ing behavior is vigilance. vigilant decision making occurs when people believe that (1) a choice should be made, (2) they can find a solution, and (3) there is enough time. under these conditions, students can conduct an effective search for alternative careers, carefully evaluate each alternative,

8、and work out contingency plans in case one or another risk appears. following are the keys to career planning. 2. write your career goals down. a technique useful for organizing ideas about your career development is actually to write them down by time blocks in your life. writing something down for

9、ces you to crystallize your thinking and to recognize unclear and half-formed ideas. it may lead to new insights about your possibilities and may help you to see new relationships, patterns, and trends, or to identify gaps in your thinking about your career development. 3. review your plans and prog

10、ress periodically with another person. every so often, take stock of your situation and consider what steps have to be taken next. taking inventory of progress and planning further steps can help you cope with the changes that you undergo and the changes that take place in the labor market. 7talking

11、 over your plans with a college counselor, your parents, and your friends helps you define your goals and improve your career plans or make them work. 4. if you choose a career that does not fit you, you can start over. today, growing numbers of men and women are changing careers or getting second s

12、tarts in careers that have greater appeal to them. many of those who find that their line of work is unsatisfactory retrain themselves for a different occupation. often their new occupation is one that they overlooked when they were young or that they did not have an opportunity to pursue at that ti

13、me for financial or other reasons. 8sociologists say that there are few changes in careers that involve “downward” movement; most involve the traditional business of “getting ahead”. society no longer attaches the stigma of “instability” to the idea of career hopping, as it once did. job changes and

14、 career shifts occur at all ages. it has been estimated that as many as one out of four male workers between the ages of twenty and twenty-five change their lines of work. about half that number do so between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four. career planning does not guarantee that all the pro

15、blems, difficulties, or decision-making situations that face you in the future will be solved or made any easier. 9no formula can be given to do that. but career planning should help you to approach and cope better with new problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training p

16、rograms, deciding whether or not to change jobs, and analyzing the difficulties you are having with a situation or a person. 篇二:investment planning 财务策划作文 investment planning: the goal of this portfolio is to provide an investor with a financial hedge against any economic, political, social, or curr

17、ency-based crises with an easy-to-manage and diversified portfolio of gold and gold-related investments. while every type of investment will by nature have some degree of risk, this gold safety portfolio has significantly lower risk than the gold profit or balanced portfolios that well talk about in

18、 a few minutes. however, its important to remember that a potential lower reward is usually sacrificed for lower risk. since this portfolio represents the extreme safety side to investing in gold, it will be very heavy with physical gold and cash, but will still diversify slightly into gold producti

19、on stocks. 篇三:作文范文 如何看待在校大学生打工() 【题目】 in some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. do you think this is a good idea? support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. 【范文】 while it is true that a students most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his s

20、tudies, it does not need to be the only goal. in fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. in addition to bringing more balance to a students life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. he wil

21、l have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. finally, a part-time job can help a

22、student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with. for all of these reasons, i firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. of course, they must be careful not to let it tak

23、e up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. in sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful. 参考译文青少年与打工 在许多国家,青少年普遍会在高中时期打工。然而在有些国家,这几乎是前所未闻的。如果是后者的情况,那是因为一般认为学生应把所有的时间花在学业上,把学业当作是自己的工作。我认为,生活方式越均衡,对学生就越好,而均衡的生活则须包含打工。所以我认为,在就学期间打工是个不错的想法。 虽然学生最重要

24、的目标的确必须是学习,而且功课要好,但这不必是学生惟一的目标。事实上,只重视学业的生活并不均衡,这可能会使学生错过其他珍贵的学习经验。打工除了使生活更均衡外,还可拓展学生的经验。学生可以有机会见识各行各业的人,而且会面临更多各种不同的问题需要解决。此外,工作帮助学生更加独立,而且自己赚零用钱还可以教导他如何处理自己的财务。最后,打工可以帮助学生培养对自己的工作和团队工作更大的责任感。 基于这些理由,我坚决相信,大多数学生在高中时期打工都能获益。当然,他们也必须小心,不要让打工占据太多时间,因为学业仍然是青少年首要的责任。总之,过均衡的生活才是最佳的成功之道。 讨论汽车快速发展利与弊() 以下文

25、章主要讨论小汽车的利与弊(advantages and disadvantages of private cars)。 with the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in china, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. but there have been two quite differ

26、ent views on this phenomenon. a car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. in my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such

27、 as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more 123rgy consumption. they drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. jams waste our precious time. therefore i am

28、 against developing private cars. 每天养成存钱习惯的好处(3) is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 【范文】the advantages of saving money by saving money, people give themselves mor

29、e security. they cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. at a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. in addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. they can then buy something more

30、worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. for example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. in this way they are bound to lead more me

31、aningful and successful lives. most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. however, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. we will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. we will also be able to buy

32、 the things we truly want but cannot afford right now. 【参考译文】:存钱的好处 每个人都必须工作以求生存,但是有许多人很幸运,能够赚得比他们立即需要的还要多的钱。他们应该如何处理这些额外的收入呢?尽管把钱全花在自己想买的东西上是很诱人的,但我认为最好至少把一部分的额外收入存起来,以备将来之需。 通过存钱,人们能获得更多的安全感。未来是无法预测的,或许有一天我们会失业。碰到像这样的情况,存款可以让我们免去许多痛苦,帮助我们渡过难关。此外,存钱可以使人积累较多的钱,可以用于买更有价值的东西,比马上把钱花掉所能买到的东西更有用。例如,我们可以用存款买房子。最后,存钱能帮助我们培养设定目标及为未来作计划的习惯。如此一来,我们一定会过着更有意义并且更成功的生活。 大部分的人会想要马上享用手边的钱。没有人想

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