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1、有少数副词可以转化为动词。例如:Murder will out.(谚语)恶事终必将败露。5)形容词转化为名词表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词,如:You should be dressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数如下,如:The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。2.派生法在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近

2、或截然相反的新词叫作派生法。1)前缀除少数前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,不改变词性;后缀一般改变词类,而不引起词义的变化。 (1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。appear出现disappear消失correct正确的incorrect不正确的lead带领mislead领错stop停下non-stop不停 (2)表示其他意义的前缀常用的有a-(多构成表语形容词), anti- (反对;抵抗), auto- (自动), co- (共同), en- (使), int

3、er- (互相), re- (再;又), sub- (下面的;次;小), tele- (强调距离)等。alone单独的 antigas防毒气的autochart自动图表cooperate合作 enjoy使高兴internet互联网 reuse再用subway地铁 telephone电话2)后缀英语单词不仅可以通过加前缀构成新词,也可加后缀构成新词。后缀通常会改变单词的词性,构成意义相近的其他词性;少数后缀还会改变词义,变为与原来词义相反的新词。(1)构成名词的后缀常用的有-ence,-(e)r/ -or (从事某事的人),-ese (某地人),-ess (雌性),-ful (一),-ian (

4、精通的人),-ist (专业人员),-ment (性质;状态),-ness (性质;状态),-tion(动作;过程)等。differ不同于difference区别write写writer作家Japan日本Japanese日本人act表演actress女演员mouth口mouthful一口music音乐musician音乐家(2)构成动词的后缀常用的有-(e)n (多用于形容词之后),-fy (使化),-ize (使成为)。widewiden加宽beautybeautify美化purepurify提纯realrealize意识到organorganize组织(3)构成形容词的后缀常用的有-al,

5、-able (有能力的),-(a)n(某国人的),-en (多用于表示材料的名词后),-ern (方向的),-ese(某国人的),-ful,-(ic)al,-ish,-ive,-less (表示否定),-like (像的),-ly,-ous,-some,-y (表示天气)等。nature自然natural自然的reason道理reasonable有道理的America美国American美国的China中国Chinese中国人的gold金子golden金的east东eastern东方的child孩子childish孩子气的snow雪snowy雪的(4)构成副词的常用后缀有-ly (主要用于形容

6、词之后表示方式或程度),-ward(s) (主要用于表示方位的词之后表示方向)。angry生气的angrily生气地to到towards朝,向east东方eastward向东(5)构成数词的后缀有-teen (十几),-ty (几十),-th (构成序数词)。six六sixteen十六sixteenth第十六four四forty四十fortieth第四十3.合成法(1)合 成 名 词构成方式例词名词名词weekend周末名词动词daybreak黎明名词动名词handwriting书法名词及物动词erorpain-killer止痛药名词介词名词editor-in-chief总编辑动词名词type

7、writer打字机动名词名词reading-room阅览室现在分词名词flying-fish飞鱼形容词名词gentleman绅士副词动词outbreak爆发介词名词afternoon下午代词名词she-wolf母狼(2)合 成 形 容 词名词形容词snow-white雪白的名词现在分词English-speaking讲英语的名词to名词face-to-face面对面的名词过去分词man-made人造的数词名词one-way单行的数词名词形容词two-year-old两岁的数词名词edfive-storeyed五层的动词副词see-through透明的high-class高级的形容词名词edno

8、ble-minded高尚的形容词形容词light-blue浅蓝色的形容词现在分词good-looking相貌好看的副词形容词ever-green常青的副词现在分词hard-working勤劳的副词过去分词well-known著名的副词名词fast-food专门提供快餐服务的downhill下坡的(3)合 成 动 词sleep-walk梦游形容词动词white-wash粉刷overthrow推翻(4)合 成 副 词hotfoot匆忙地形容词副词everywhere到处副词副词however尽管如此beforehand事先介词副词forever永远(5)合 成 代 词代词宾格selfherself

9、她自己物主代词selfmyself我自己anything任何东西(6)合 成 介 词inside在里面within在之内副词介词into进入4.截短法(缩略法)截短法,即将单词缩写,词义和词性保持不变,主要有截头、去尾、截头去尾等形式。1)截头telephonephone aeroplaneplaneomnibusbus 2)去尾mathematicsmaths co-operateco-opexaminationexam kilogramkilolaboratorylab taxicabtaxi3)截头去尾influenzaflurefrigeratorfridgeprescriptions

10、cript5.混合法(混成法)混合法,即将两个词混合或各取一部分紧缩而成一个新词。后半部分表示主体;前半部分表示属性。news broadcastnewscast新闻广播television broadcasttelecast电视播送smoke and fogsmog烟雾helicopter airportheliport直升飞机场6.首尾字母缩略法首尾字母缩略法,即用单词首尾字母组成一个新词。读音主要有两种形式,即各字母分别读音;作为一个单词读音。very important personVIP (读字母音)要人;大人物televisionTV (读字母音)电视Testing of Engl

11、ish as a Foreign LanguageTOEFL托福三.巩固练习1. That man was _enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness2. The soldier died for saving the child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai. A. die B. dead C. died D. death3. The child looked _at his bro

12、ther who was badly wounded. A. sadly B. sadness C. sadless D. sad4. He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a _.A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. physician5. The three- _chair isnt suitable for a young child. He may fall off.A. legging B. legged C. legs D. leged6. Stephenson became the_ra

13、ilway engineer in the world.A. lead B. leader C. leading D. leadership7. When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked_about at his classmates.A. proud B. proudly C. pride D. pridely8. To everyones _,the girl finished the job quite well. A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. s

14、atisfying D. satisfaction9. What are you doing here?Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English.You can write_passage in English?A. 600 words;a 600-wordsB. 600-word;a 600-wordsC. 600 words;a 600-wordD. 600 words;10. No one should enter the spot without the_of the police. A. permit B.

15、 permission C. permitting D. permittence11. You must come with us to the police _.Our head is waiting for you.A. headquarters B. headlineC. headmaster D. headache12. Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it _.A. intend B. intention C. intentionally D. intentional13. The shop owner welco

16、med all the guests with a_smile.A. practice B. practise C. practical D. practiced14. The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine.A. judger B. judgment C. judge D. judgement15. My TV is out of order. Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War? A. lately B. latest C. later D. latter16. The Great Wall is m

17、ore than 6000 li in _.A. longer B. length C. long D. longing17.To my _,I passed the exam easily.A. joy B. joyful C. joyless D. joyness18. Canada is mainly an_country.A. English-speaking B. speak-EnglishC. spoken-English D. English-spoken19. How_ he is! He is always acting_.He is really a _.A. foolis

18、h;foolishly;fool B. fool;foolish;foolC. foolish;fool;fool D. foolishly;20. The necklace that she lost is very expensive. Its of great _.A. valuable B. value C. valueless D. unvaluable21.There were_fish in the river in South America.A. in danger B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerless22.The letter “b” i

19、n the word “doubt” is_.A. sound B. silent C. silence D. sounded23. The child looked at me_.A. stranger B. strangely C. strange D. strangeless24.The black people were against slavery and fought for their_bravely.A. free B. Freely C. freedom D. frees25. What you said sounded_ but in fact it was untrue

20、.A. reasonable B. reasonful C. reasonless D. unreason26. We have to learn _technology from other countries.A. advance B. advancing C. advantage D. advanced27. The children live in a village _.They come here almost every day.A. nearby B. near C. nearly D. near by28.Mr Black is an _in the army,not an

21、_in the government. You can not easily find him in his_.A. official;officer;office B. officer;office;officialC. official;official;official D. officer;office29.Youd better give up smoking if you want to keep _.A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healthier30._ speaking,I didnt do it on purpose.A. Honestly B. Honest C. Honesty D. Dishonest参考答案1-5 BDACB 6-10 CBDCB 11-15 ACDCB16-20 BAAAB 21-25 CBBCA 26-30 DADBA

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