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深港版 英语 五年级上 18单元练习题集Word格式文档下载.docx

1、5、This dinosaur ate fish.这只恐龙吃鱼。6、Dinosaurs lived on the Earth a long, long time ago.很久以前恐龙生活在地球上。7、Some walked on the land , some flew in the air and some swam in lakes. 8、There was no food or water for dinosaur.恐龙没有了食物和水。Unit 6 At Animal Land 1、postcard明信片 2.through穿过 3.asleep睡着的4.during在期间 5.visi

2、t Animal Land 参观动物园 birds in Bird Park 在鸟园看鸟 7.see zebras at Zebra Zoo 在斑马园看斑马8.stand near Monkey Mountain and see the monkeys 站在猴山附近看猴子 9.ride through Lion Land 乘车穿越狮子园 to Hippo Pool 驱车驶向河马池 the gift shop 在礼物店 some postcards 买一些明信片 13,a great idea 一个好主意重点句型:1、We can wat

3、ch birds in Bird Park. 我们可以在鸟园看鸟。2、What did you do at Animal Land? 你在动物园做了什么?3、First , I bought a hat at the gift shop. 首先,我在礼物店买了一顶帽子。4、I rode through Lion Land on a train. 我乘着火车穿过狮子园。5、We drove to Hippo Pool in a little car.我们开着小车经过河马池。6、People like to see the animals at night.人们喜欢在夜间观赏动物。Unit 7 H

4、oliday postcards 1、the UK 英国 2.the US 美国 3.Canada 加拿大4.Australia 澳大利亚 5.France 法国 6.skate 溜冰 滑雪 8.enjoy 享受 追逐 postcards 节日明信片 11.visit Grandma and Grandma 看望爷爷奶奶 12.climb a mountain 爬山 volleyball on the beach 在沙滩打排球 and skate 滑雪和溜冰 15.go on a long holiday 度长假

5、16.look at the map 看地图 17.take photos 照相 18.from January 16 to the 23 从一月十六日到二十三日 19.Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 20.have lots of fun 玩得很开心1、Are you going to have a long holiday?你打算休一个长假吗?2、Im gong to be in the UK from January 16 to the 23. 3、They took a lot of photos.他们照了很多相片。4、How did you go there?他是怎

6、样去那里的?5、Enjoy the clean land , air and water.享受干净的土地、空气和水。题型专练:用所给词的适当形式填空(42分,每空一分)1.Animal land _(look)_(funny).2._(who/whose/what)can we do there?3._(who/whose/what)postcards are these?4.We can _(ride) through Lion Land and _(climb) mountains.5.Sam and I _(visit) Animal Land last week.6.We _(ride

7、) through Lion Land on a train two days ago.7.We drove to Hippo Pool _(in/on/by) little cars.8.We went to Hippo Pool _(in/on/by) train.9.He went to the gift shop and _(buy) this postcard.10.What _(do) you see at Animal Land yesterday?11.He saw many animals _(sleep) during the day.12.They ate,_(run)a

8、nd played.13.Mr Zhang had _(a/an/the)idea.14.I stayed with my grandparents _(at/during/on) the summer holidays.15.There _(be) two polar bears at Animal Land.16.The hippos sometimes _(turn) over boats.17.Gorillas live in _(tree).18.Gorillas have long arms and can jump _(介词)tree _(介词) tree.(介词)19.I am

9、 in _(a/an/the) Australia now.20.I am going to be in _(a/an/the) US tomorrow afternoon.21.Are you going to _(have) a long holiday?22.I _(ski) all day yesterday.23.I liked the snow,sky and trees_(and/so/but) it was very cold.24.I am in China now.I flew _(to/from) Canada last night.25.My sister _(take

10、) a lot of _(photo) this morning.26.We were very hot _(and/so/but) we bought some ice cream.27.What did he eat _(to/for/of)lunch.28.We had a _(love/lovely) time.29.He _(try) to travel around the world in 80 days in 1873.30.This bear liked _(deer) and horses.31.I didnt like singing.What about _(play)

11、 basketball.32.Lets _(stand) near Monkey Mountain and _(see) the monkeys.33.Did you _(buy) a hat for your brother?34.Last summer Pat flew to _(Chinese/Australia).35.He usually _(get) up at six in the morning.36.What are you going to _(do) this Sunday?37.The children _(skate) now.第二课时:Part B1,B2&C一 翻

12、译1.在那儿我们能做什么?What _we_ _?2.人们不喜欢看到那样。People _ like _ _ that?3.张叔叔经常在夜间探望动物。Uncle Zhang often _ the animals _ _.4.他向他的老板说起了这件事。He _ _ his boss _ it 5.那是一个相当不错的主意。That was _ _ _,6,你在那里做了什么?_ _ you _ there?7.我们在龟山附近漫步。We _ _ Turtle Mountain.8.鸟飞的很快,他们非常漂亮。The birds _ very _and they _ beautiful,there.9.

13、我们享受了洁净的大地、空气和水。We _ the clean _ ,air and _二 阅读理解Mr Brown looked out of his window. There was a boy in the street. He was eating a sandwich. There was a dog in the street, too. The boy said, “Come here, good dog. Im going to give you some sandwich.” The dog came up. The boy kicked(踢) the dog. The do

14、g ran away. Mr Brown came out of the house and said to the boy, “Come here, Im going to give you some money.” The boy was happy and went to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown didnt give him any money. He kicked the boy. The boy cried(哭) and said, “Why do you kick me? I didnt ask you for any money.” “The dog did

15、nt ask you for any sandwich,” Mr Brown said, “But you kicked it.” A. 判断下列句子正误。正确的在括号内写T,错误的写F。( ) 1. The boy was having some bread in the street. ( ) 2. The boy didnt give the dog any sandwich. ( ) 3. The boy liked the dog. ( ) 4. Mr Brown wanted to give the boy some money. ( ) 5. Mr Brown was going

16、 to give the boy a lesson(教训)。B. 根据短文意思,请将正确答案的编号填到题前括号内。( ) 1. _ was eating a sandwich in the street. A. The dog B. Mr Brown C. The boy ( ) 2. The dog ran away because(因为) _. A. The boy gave it some sandwich B. The boy kicked it C. Mr Brown kicked it ( ) 3. Mr Brown wanted to give the boy _. A. som

17、e sandwich B. some money C. a lesson ( ) 4. Mr Brown thought(认为) the boy was _. A. right B. happy C. wrong ( ) 5. We can know from the text that _. A. We should(应该) be kind to the animal B. We should kick the dog C. We should give money to the boy 第三课时:Part D1&E1 一.Choose the best answers.(10%)( ) 1

18、. Lucy is going to _. A. fish B. fishing C. fishes ( ) 2.How often do you water the plants? _ a day. A. Two time. B. Once. C. Never. ( ) 3.Tim likes playing _ basketball and Tom likes playing _ piano. A. a, a B. the, C. , the( ) 4. What _ your sister_ in her spare time?A. does, does B. do, do C. doe

19、s, do ( ) 5. The children _ chess in their bedroom now. A. playing B. are playing C. is playing ( ) 6. Please send _ e-mail_ me tonight. A. , for B. a, to C. an, to( ) 7. Will you please take a photo for us? _. A. Sure B. No, thank you. C. Yes, please ( ) 8. Aunt Judy _ us last week. A. visit B. vis

20、its C. visited ( ) 9. Were you happy yesterday? Yes,_.A. I am. B. I was C. I were.( ) 10. Ken doesnt like English _ Chinese.A .or B. to C. and 二补全对话,请将正确答案的编号填到横线上。(12分) A. What were you doing B. This is Koko C. Ill come over soon D. I feel very bored E. How about you F. We can swim together Koko: H

21、ello. Is that Tim speaking? Tim: Yes. Whos that? Koko: _. Its very hot outside now. _? I was watching a film. _? Nothing. _. So, come over and play with me! _. Great idea!Tim: When will you come over?Koko: _. OK. See you. See you. 三完形填空,请将正确答案的编号填到括号内。(10分) One morning, Mr and Mrs Green went shoppin

22、g in their 1 . In the shop they saw many clothes. Mrs Green liked them very much. She 2 a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter and a sweater for Mr Green. She bought herself a blouse, too. At about one oclock, they went home. But they lost(迷失) their way. Mr Green 3 over to an old woman an

23、d asked, “ 4 am I? Please tell me.” The old woman looked at him and the car. “Youre in your car, sir.” She 5 . ( ) 1. A. plane B. car C. bus ( ) 2. A. made B. bought C. borrowed ( ) 3. A. swam B. drove C. flew ( ) 4. A. Where B. How C. Who ( ) 5. A. sang B. listened C. said 完型填空。(5分) My name is Alic

24、e. Im 12 years old. My birthday is 1 December 10. I have a little sister. 2 name is Helen. She is very young. Shes only 3 years old. I have a lot of hobbies. I like fishing and 3 . I dont like watching TV but my little sister does. I usually fish at the weekend. But last weekend I didnt. My parents

25、4 at home. They visited my grandma and grandpa. So I stayed at home and looked after my little sister. I played games with her. I was tired but happy. ( )1. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. A. She B. His C. Her ( )3. A. playing chess B. playing the chess C. play chess ( )4. A. arent B. wasnt C. werent第四课时:Pa

26、rt D2&E2一选择填空。(24分) ( ) 1. -The kitchen was very messy this morning. -Yes. The walls _ dirty. The fridge _ old and dirty. A. were; was B. are; was C. were; is ( )2.Betty _ like dancing, but she _ singing. A. dont; like B. doesnt; like C. doesnt; likes ( ) 3. _ be a sports-meeting next Wednesday. A. There was B. Therell C. Well ( ) 4. Where _you _ last Monday? I went to Shenzhen. A. do; went B. did; went C. did; go ( ) 5. Look! There are many boys outside. They _football. A. are playing B. playing C. will play ( ) 6. Baryonyx ate

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