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1、antheIlike_. verymuchmuch)Im_ an e-mail. writingwriteingC.writting )Tomisreading_. booka booksa bookKate_. runingrunningrun( Can the rabbit _?A. jumpingjumpjumpsDucks areswimming the river. on B. underinWerelisteningmusic. toatoftheyamare( ) 11.What _ you doing?A. is B. are C. do( )12. _ is your bro

2、ther doing?A. Who B. Whats C. What( ) 13. I am talking _ you. A. for B. to C. on( ) 14. Mom is _ a letter. A. writing B. write C. writing但这些困难并非能够否定我们创业项目的可行性。盖茨是由一个普通退学学生变成了世界首富,李嘉诚是由一个穷人变成了华人富豪第一人,他们的成功表述一个简单的道理:如果你有能力,你可以从身无分文变成超级富豪;如果你无能,你也可以从超级富豪变成穷光蛋。( )15. What is _ doing?A. she B. her C. you

3、rIV.根据上下文补上所缺的单词的ing形式,使短文完整。(write do cook clean wash answer listen draw read work)Everybody is very busy. Grandpa is _ a letter. Grandma is _ a book. Dad is _ in the study. Mom is _ dinner in the kitchen. Brother is _ to music. Sister is _ the room. I am _ pictures. Uncle is _ the phone. Aunt is _

4、 clothes. Cousin is _ homework.世界上的每一个国家和民族都有自己的饰品文化,将这些饰品汇集到一起再进行新的组合,便可以无穷繁衍下去,满足每一个人不同的个性需求。V.写出下列词的 ing 形式。read _ draw _ cook _为了解目前大学生对DIY手工艺品制作的消费情况,我们于己于人2004年3月22日下午利用下课时间在校园内进行了一次快速抽样调查。据调查本次调查人数共50人,并收回有效问卷50份。调查分析如下:make _ talk _ answer _wash _ go _ fly _VI.连词成句。(二)大学生对DIY手工艺品消费态度分析 T

5、he water elephant its drinking with trunk.(4) 创新能力薄弱_据上述部分的分析可见,我校学生就达4000多人。附近还有两所学校,和一些居民楼。随着生活水平的逐渐提高,家长给孩子的零用钱也越来越多,人们对美的要求也越来越高,特别是大学生。他们总希望自己的无论是衣服还是首饰都希望与众不同,能穿出自己的个性。但在我们美丽的校园里缺少自己的个性和琳琅满目的饰品,所以我们的小饰品店存在的竞争力主要是南桥或是市区的。这给我们小组的创业项目提供了一个很好的市场机会。2 swim? really Can tigers小饰品店往往会给人零乱的感觉,采用开架陈列就会免掉

6、这个麻烦。“漂亮女生”像是个小超市,同一款商品色彩丰富地挂了几十个任你挑,拿上东西再到收银台付款。这也符合女孩子精挑细选的天性,更保持了店堂长盛不衰的人气。_3. reading are in They study the books4. is baby panda What doing? The4、宏观营销环境分析5 speak dad, Can your I to please.众上所述,我们认为:我们的创意小屋计划或许虽然会有很多的挑战和困难,但我们会吸取和借鉴“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”的成功经验,在产品的质量和创意上多下工夫,使自己的产品能领导潮流,领导时尚。在它们还没有打入学校这个市场时

7、,我们要巩固我们的学生市场,制作一些吸引学生,又有使学生能接受的价格,勇敢的面对它们的挑战,使自己立于不败之地。_5、就业机会和问题分析小学五年级英语下册选词填空练习题_试题_试卷(1) weekend, visit, people, dont, bag, Because, shopping peoples grandparents, Saturday, We hiking There are three _ in my familymy father, my mother, and I. Usually we go to the parks on the _.Today is _. But

8、we _go to the parks on the weekend._its my birthday. _are going to go _.Dad and Mom are going to buy a _for me.Then we go to the country to _my _. (2) dinner, reading,What, Satuday, homework, everyone, are writing, is, cat, eating housework Today is _._in Mr Blacks family are busy.Mr Black is _a new

9、spaper.Mrs Black is _a letter at the table. Their son, Tom, is doing his _._about Janet?She _ playing with the _.And there is a dog,too. It is _its _. (3) best, water, sleeping, cute, likes, zoo, eating, animals, swinging, nose animal trunk My brother and I go to the _on Sunday. We see many_. I like

10、 pandas_.They are _bamboos. They are so _. My brother _monkeys.The monkeys are _in the trees. We see the elephants, too.They are drinking _with their _. But the lion is doing nothing. It is _. (4) do, cards, favourite, green, colourful, birthday, Do leaves, weather, windy, October 13th, party Fall i

11、s my _season. My _is in fall.It is _. I can have many birthday _from my friends. And I like the_ in fall.They are _.Some are red, some are yellow, some are _. The _is fine, too. It is usually _and cool. _you like it?(5) Usually, piano, football, Because, plant, read, mountains, spring, reading, gran

12、dparents, watch, sleep Hello, friends! I like to _trees in _. Its warm and funny._ I visit my _on Saturday.But not this Saturday. Why? _its going to rain this Saturday. I cant go out of the room. But I can _some books, I can _ TV, and I can play the _. When it rains, I cant climb _, but I can _a lon

13、g time. (6) birthday, up, party, many , next, in, friends, card on, clean, sweeping,January Hello,friends! Im Rose. I am an active girl. I have _friends and theyre my classmates. Today is National Day. And its my _,too. I get_early and _my room. I invite(邀请)my _Amy, Joy and Sarah to my home. We have

14、 a birthday _. I know Amys birthday is in _month. Joys birthday is _December. Sarahs birthday is in _. I image(想象)our birthdays are _the same(相同的)day. We can have a big birthday party. (7) day , flowers, is , tree, pictures, are, playing, reading, happy, looking, watching, Look Its a sunny _. The st

15、udents _going on a field trip. They are having a good time. _! Chen Jie is collecting _. Zhang Peng is _football under a big _. John is _ a story book. Sarah is _insects. Mr Black is drawing _. They are very_.小学英语六年级毕业模拟试卷一、听音,在你听到的单词前画对号。(10)1、()mouth2、(think3、(horse4、(hand5、(healthymonthsinkhouse)






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