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新视野大学英语第四册教案 按教参讲解Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、vt .make sth happen sooner or more quickly 加快;加速to do sth :she saw his frown and hastened to explainsth:the treatment she received have hastened her death她所接受的治疗加快了她的死亡Hasten ones steps 加快步伐Hasten populararity 加快流行,加速普及(走红)4:bore:vt.make sb lose interest and become tired and im patient 使厌烦the long n

2、ovel bored me to death 那部长的小说烦死我了I am bored with the long novelsurprise purprised Interest interested Amaze amazed5:discount Vt.(1)regard sth as unlikely to be true or important 忽视;低估 Eg:we cannot discount the possibility of further strikes 我们不能低估再次发生罢工的可能性The father discounted the possibility that

3、his son 不相信World one day become the greatest musician in the world (2)reduce the price of sth 降低价格;打折all goods are heavily discounted todayn:a reduction in the usual price of sth 折扣(phr)at a discount 折价I bought the pair of shoes at a 40% discount 我买这双鞋打了6折Will you give me a discount for quantity?6.d

4、istinct:adj(1)clearly different or belonging to a different type 明显不同的;独特的each party represents a distinct current of tought 每个政党都代表了一种不同的思潮Current :n 思潮;潮流;趋向Every country has distinct cultural roots from others distinct (from sth)(2)able to be clearly seen ,heard smelled ,etc 清晰的;清楚的;明显的Eg;there w

5、as a distinct smell of gas His voice was quiet but every word was distinct7.underline :vt (1)draw a line under a word to show that it is important 在下划线all the wistakes had been underlined in red(2)enphasize;show that sth is important 强调;使突出he underlined the importance of the questions8.object:v.oppo

6、se or disapprove of sth 反对;不赞成1)object to sthmany local people object to the building of the new airport2)object to doing sth9.acccuse :vt.say that sb is guilty of a crime or of doing sth bad 指控;控告accuse sb.of sth;say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth 指控;he is accused of having committe

7、d a crime They accused him of inconpetence 10.justity that there is a good reason for sth that Other people think is unreasonable 证明有道理;为辩护justify sth by they justify their failure by blaming others It is different to justify such behavior11.desperate:a. 1)needing or wanting sth very much 极

8、需要的;极向往的he is desperate for a job to support him familydesperate(for sth) Desperate(to do sth)2)very worried and willing todo anything to changea a bad situation 绝望的;拼命的they made despetate attempts to regain what they lost 他们不顾一切地奋力挽回失去的They missing mans family are getting increasingly desperateDesp

9、erately:ad1) very much 非常eg:she desperately wanted her article pubblished I was desperately lonely 2)in a worried or angry way绝望地;拼命地he looked around desperately 他绝望地向四周望去 least:充其量;至多 at worst (指可能出现的最坏的情况)往最坏处he was at best a second-class writerthe technique is at best ineffect and at worse d

10、 a/the riskhe ran the risk of losing his job by criticizing his boss14.remain/be true to 忠于We are true to our cultural traditions15.throw out :开除:解雇these two famous sportsmen were thrown out of the Olympic after failing drug testUnit1 the Tail of Fame(3-4)To let the students understand

11、 the meaning of the text Some language points Text structure analysisOther than ; Would /need/should/might/must+have+doneReading;translation;expianation1) preview the following exercises2) read the text fluentlyI. leading InA persons reputation is one of the most important things he posseses and it

12、deserves protecting .The key to building a good name is to be consistent .you will not win the favor of the public or the people around you overnight .in fact ,it will take many years of efforts before you establish your proper place in society .once you have earned a good name ,be careful to mainta

13、in it though civility ,integrity and humilityII.Text Structure Analysis The passsage can be roughly divided into six parts The first part(Para1) Chaseing fame often leads to self-destruction The second part (para2-5) The conquest of fame is no easy job. Along with fame and fortune ,thre come some ne

14、gative effects The third part (para6)It is hard to find an artist who is both successful and uncompromingThe fourth part:(para7)Oddy ,these who fail reap the greatest .raward and enjoy the freedom to express themselves in the style they like ,And they even comfort themselves that their genius is too

15、 sophiscated for contemporary audienceThe fifth part :(para 8)Failure has motivated some artists to work even harder to succeed .Unfortuately not many people follow their exampleThe sixth part:(para9)The writer offers his advice to those seeking fame and fortune that once they succeed they might fin

16、d that it is not really what they want II. detailed study of text1. continue chasing it.(para1)the rain continued to fall all afternoonthe rain continued falling all afternoon2. lead to sth导致,造成(后果)(para1)eating to much sugar can lead to health problems3. desire:a strong wish 愿望,欲望a desire for sth d

17、esire to do sthpeer:a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you身份和地位相同的人;同龄人;同辈4. exploit:vt,运用;利用;发挥 use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possibleyou can exploit a talent which you already possess. We need to make sure that we exploit our resourses as fully as

18、possible 5. be hard-pressed to do sth:have differently doing sth youd be hard-pressed to find anyone better for the job你很难找到更好的人做这项工作6. dissolve:v1) 溶解:to make or become liquid by putting into liquipsugar dissolve in water 2) 消失;消散:to disappear ;fade awaythe vision dissolved before her eyes. 那幻象在她眼前

19、消散了7. flavor(flavour):n.quality that only the tongue can experience 味;味道a strong flavor of cheese 强烈的奶酪味“flavor of the month” means” an idea ,person ,style,etc”That is very popular at a particular time ,but only for a short while8. currentadj:belonging to the present time ;现时的;当前的;现行的current fashion

20、s /events/prices 时装;时事;现价1)水流;气流3) the fact of particular ideas ,opinions or feeling being present in a group of people思潮;the current of anti-government feeling 9. he should have hired a better attorney ,though在英语中,随着说话人意图的不同,动词需要用不同的形式,称为语气,英语中共有三种语气:(mood)1) 陈述语气(indicative mood)2) 祈使语气(imperative

21、 mood)3) 虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)表示所说的话只是一种主观的愿望,假想,虚拟的情况10. 情态动词与完成时连用1) would+have+过去分词 会做某事但没有做表示过去会发生而未发生,常用语虚拟句的主语句,表示对过去情况的假设2) should+have+过去分词1. 虚拟语气的用法:表示过去应该做的而没有做,译为“本应该”“本应当”(其否定式shouldnt have done ,表示过去不应该做的事却做了,译为“本不该”“本不应当”3) must +have+过去分词用于肯定句,表示对过去情况较有把握的,肯定性的推测,常译为“一定”“准是”“肯定”其否定式用

22、cant /couldnt have done 表示“不可能做过或不可能发生”4) might+have+过去分词表示对过去发生事情的推测,译为“有可能”其用法与may have done 相似5) neednt+have+过去分词表示过去不必做某事,但事实上做了(也可说didnt have to do)I neednt have written to him because he phone me shortly afterwardsMarys save on the test is the highest in her class ;she must have studied very h

23、ard The dentist said that my tooth went worse and I should have had it pulled outWhat would he have done to you if you hadnt finished the task?Had he worked harder ,he would have get through the exams I might have said thate upon/on:find sth or meet someone unexpectedly 偶然遇见,发现 Come upon/on the idea

24、 产生了想法Unit1 The Tail of FameTo finish the exercises after the classv.fill in the blanks in the passagevII.clozecollocation;translationexplanation;to review the exersise ofv ,ix,and XiiiIII-IVCheek on the answers with the students 1) hear sb do ;to people saying-object2) according to tense-protests3)

25、 biank before n-wershipping4) biank before n- fancy5) had-risen-originally6) blank after the word such-atitude7) only to do -wake 8) blank after the article-cruelty9) blank before n-desperate10) blank after become-bankruptblank before adv-bankruptXIIIUnit 1 listening and speakingTo help the students

26、 build up their abilities in listening and speaking Short conversation Long conversationA passage1)some different sentences and words2)to give clues in advanceListening and speaking To review the listening materials after classI. short conversation 1seem interested in painting pictures2. look so blu

27、e 沮丧,悲观的3. I know my work is suffering (to become worse)4. hasnt sold out to the cheap film companies5. on the schedule6. an Academic Award7. dont let all of this success go to your head 冲昏头脑8. I dont think I need to be famous to succeed9. walking in the front of cars like that ?forget to look t the

28、 trafficplaints from my teacher .my mother even my doctor.and now my boss?II.a long conversation 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B III.a passage1.A 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.CUnit2 Charlie ChaplinTo learn the new words and hrasesTo give explanation to some important words and phrases Some words that are similar in meaning and spellingNewly taught lessonExamplesTo recited the words and phrases learnt in this lessonTo preview the textI. background information Charlie Chaplin was a comedy acor .he

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