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1、佩妮Penny?事实上 我要去机场接我的朋友贾斯汀Actually, I have to pick up my friend Justin from the airport.听到了吧 她必须去机场接她的朋友贾斯汀There you go- she has to pick up her friend Justin at the airport.而且我玩不了因为我要和她一起去 对吗And I cant play cause Im going with her- right?对 如果你想的话Um, yeah, if you want.我是说 车子也许没有空间了I mean, there may no

2、t be room.他带了好多东西 比如吉他和放大器什么的Hes got a lot of stuff-like guitars and amplifiers.等等Wait.你在说什么呢What are you talking about?我朋友贾斯汀My friend Justin.注意力集中点 莱纳德Pay attention, Leonard.这是她周日不能来的原因Thats why she cant play on Sunday.这个贾斯汀是谁Who is this Justin?-到你了 莱纳德 -我跟你提过他- Your turn, Leonard. - I told you ab

3、out him.-你没有 -掷骰子 莱纳德- No, you didnt. - Roll the dice, Leonard.有的 我一个来自奥马哈并玩吉他的朋友c plays the guitar.不论如何 他要来洛杉矶找些演奏的工作Anyway, hes coming to L.A. looking for some session work,所以我跟他说可以在我家的沙发上睡几个星期so I told him he could just crash on my couch for a few weeks.快点 莱纳德 如果你掷了六Come on, Leonard-if you roll a

4、 six,佩妮就会在核外泄中惨死Penny dies horribly in a nuclear meltdown.明白我为什么说乐趣是实实在在的了吗See what I mean when I say the fun is real?Hang on.某男要去睡你的沙发Some guy is going to be sleeping on your couch?他不是某男s not some guy.他是我朋友s my friend.你说的朋友 是指朋友般的朋友So by friend, do you mean friend friend,同性恋朋友还是gay friend, or ex-bo

5、yfriend前男友兼现在你正柏拉图式暗恋who youre now platonic with且有可能发生关系的朋友but still might have a thing for you friend?他肯定不是同性恋Well, hes definitely not gay.肯定不是同性恋的音乐人Oh, ho-ho, a definitely not gay musician睡在我女朋友的沙发上sleeping on my girlfriends couch.真开心Yippee.好吧 我们很久之前是曾经拍拖过Okay, we went out a little bit, a long ti

6、me ago.但绝对不是正在拍拖But we were never like going out.不是为了表示我很有学问 但是上一次我查证Okay, not to be pedantic, but last I checked曾经拍拖实际上是正在拍拖的过去式went out was in fact the past tense of going out-并且地球人都知道这是坦诚相见的which I think we all know is a popular euphemism委婉说法for saw each other naked.干脆我来替你掷好了Ill just roll for you

7、.你对贾斯汀跟我住有意见吗Do you have a problem with Justin staying with me?你当初是怎么想的What was your first clue?糟糕 工业事故Uh-oh! Industrial accident.告诉你 跟我说话的时候别把我当白痴You know what? Dont talk to me like Im an idiot.我跟你说话时没把你当做白痴m not talking to you like youre an idiot!我是说这整件事很愚蠢m saying the whole idea is idiotic!你一不小心直

8、视氦氩激光You accidentally stare at a helium-argon laser.暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜Lose one turn and a retina.难道你不是把我当白痴How is that not talking to me like Im an idiot?那是我的朋友 我的沙发s my friend, its my couch,是我TM自己的生活and its my freakin life!也到你掷骰子了s also your roll.没错 那是你的生活 It is your life.你要是想让什么狗屁吉他手睡你的沙发上 随你If you w

9、ant to have some stupid guitarist stay on your couch, then fine!那你干嘛不租几张Why dont you just rent双层床然后把黑眼豆豆请来some bunk beds and invite The Black Eyed Peas?!听着 如果我想邀请整个洛拉帕罗扎音乐节的Hey, if I want to invite the entire lineup of Lollapalooza阵容来我公寓睡觉 我绝对会的to sleep in my apartment, I will,而且这与你无关s none of your

10、business!你在听自己都说了些什么吗Are you listening to yourself?你知道你现在听起来是多么的小孩子气吗Do you know how childish you sound right now?哦 现在我变小孩子了Oh, now Im a child?至少我再也不是白痴了Well, at least Im not an idiot anymore!这两个词可不是互斥的The two arent mutually exclusive!你真是个.Oh, you are such a-他这是TMD在干嘛呢What the hell is he doing?他要把我们

11、逼出去s drowning us out.他不喜欢吵架He doesnt like fighting.谢尔顿 快停下来 吵架结束了Sheldon, just stop! Look, the fight is over!还有 仅供参考Oh, and FYI,你在遇到我之前根本就没听说过you never even heard of The Black Eyed Peas黑眼豆豆until you met me!我听说过他们I heard of em!只不过不知道他们是个组合罢了Didnt know they were a band.谢尔顿 她已经走了Sheldon, shes gone.你可以关

12、掉搅拌机了You can turn off the blender.你的恋爱关系已经到了一定要丑陋结束的地步吗Has your relationship reached its inevitable ugly end?不 我们只是有了点小争执No, we just had a little spat.往好的一面想想Look on the bright side.作为对佩妮的惩罚As a result of Pennys forfeit你成为了世界首位的胜者you have become the worlds first winner of Research Lab.你要来份纪念沙冰吗Would

13、 you like a commemorative snow cone?我真不明白她怎么就这么直接宣布t get how she can just announce她的前男友要来睡她沙发上that an old boyfriend is going to be sleeping on her couch.我想到了一个在车里能玩的游戏Hey, I thought of a game we can play in the car.我不想玩游戏 谢尔顿t want to play a game, Sheldon.游戏名字叫科学家s called Scientists.现在 我会说出三个科学家的名字N

14、ow, I will name three scientists,然后你对他们排序then you will put them in order根据他们对各自领域的贡献大小of the size of their contribution to their respective fields.为了让这个游戏更有趣To make this game even more compelling,你必须只考虑这个人you must consider only the contribution对这个领域做出的贡献of the man to the field,不论这个领域的理论到底是对是错not the

15、 validity of the field itself.比如说阿布穆萨贾比尔伊本哈扬For example: Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan对臭名昭著的炼金术做出的贡献made a greater contribution to the discredited field of alchemy比霍伯特范德普莱特在神经生物学中的贡献要大得多than Halbert Vanderplatt made to neurobiology.好了 准备好来点乐子了吗Okay, ready to have some fun?一个绝对不是同性恋的前男友An old boyfriend w

16、ho还是人们最喜欢听的- 绝对的s what a guy likes to hear- definitely.好的 我先来个简单的All right, Ill start with an easy one:艾萨克牛顿 居里夫人和尼尔斯玻尔Um, Isaac Newton, Madame Curie and Niels Bohr.然后我只说了一点点最后却成了坏人And then I say one little thing and I end up being the bad guy!提示 居里夫人有她的丈夫帮她Hint: Madame Curie had her husband to help

17、 her.我能说什么What am I supposed to say?当然 佩妮 你让旧相好在家过夜Sure, Penny, Im cool with your old boyfriend我完全没意见sleeping in your apartment.莱纳德 你有没有意见不重要Well, Leonard, it doesnt matter if youre cool or not因为本美女佩妮because Im Penny and Im pretty喜欢干啥就干啥and I can do whatever the hell I want!我懂了Oh, I get it!你觉得和我在一起Y

18、ou think youre doing me a favor just by只是在同情我being in a relationship with me!不 莱纳德 我能跟你同处一室No, no, Leonard! Idoing you a favor就已经是同情你了just by being in the same room as you!莱纳德 停车Leonard! Stop the car!怎么了What?我不想再听你们吵架了I cant listen to the two of you fight anymore.快 速度 要迟到了Come on, come on, were late

19、.淡定 我们能赶上电影Calm down. Well make the movie.根据现在的情况 我的警告是对的I believe my alarm is appropriate,given the situation.电影17分钟后开始The movie starts in 17 minutes,也就是说我们得赶上科罗拉多大道的全部绿灯which means well need to make all the lights而且不能去买东西吃了on Colorado Boulevard, plus skip the concession stand,开场前也不能去尿尿了and preshow

20、 urination.兄台 我刚灌下一瓶红牛时Oh, dude, I wish you had said something你咋不说话before I pounded that last Red Bull.走 恐龙战队 快Go, go, Power Rangers, go!嘿Hey.我们赶着去看电影Were, uh, going to the movies.才怪No, were not.我们站在走廊里re standing in the hallway,忍受你们尴尬的相遇suffering through an awkward encounter.等一下新的时光大盗今天开映Theyre sho

21、wing a new digital print of Time Bandits.你不会想看的 对吧You wouldnt want to come, would you?一点都不想Not really, no.好了 毫无意义的邀请说了All right, invitation pointlessly offered,不出意料地被谢绝了invitation declined as expected,大家都很文明 没有人吵架everyones civil, nobodys fighting.晚上愉快Have a nice evening.就给我们一分钟Just give us a minute.

22、你们慢慢谈Oh, take all the time you need.我们要不要谈谈昨晚的事So, are we going to talk about last night?你准备道歉了吗Are you ready to apologize?不No.答案错误Wrong answer.谢谢参与But thank you for playing.拜托Oh, come on.这也太傻逼了This is stupid.又来了Oh, there it is again!你觉得我很傻逼You think Im stupid!不 人傻和行为愚蠢No, theres a difference是不一样的be

23、tween being stupid and acting stupid.是吗 那混球和混蛋Oh, yeah? well, there也很不一样呢between being a jerk and being an ass!No, there isnt!两个是同义词re synonyms!场面相当不愉快啊Well, that was rather unpleasant.开场前我都不用尿尿了Yeah, I dont think I need my preshow urination anymore.莱纳德 那女的三年前搬进来时Leonard, when that woman moved in th

24、ree years ago,我就告诉你不要搭理她 现在好了I told you not to talk to her, and now look,电影我们是迟到定了were going to be late for the movies.哟 神奇蜘蛛侠183Hey! Look! Amazing Spider-Man 183.买了Got it.记得这本吗Remember this one?蜘蛛侠之一败涂地Spider-Man loses a big fight接着女朋友还跟他分手了and then his girl friend breaks up with him.要我买给你吗Want me

25、to get it for you?能帮你转移一下注意力ll help take your mind off things.伙计们 怎么回事Hey, guys. Whats going on?等下一场时光大盗放映前Oh, we need to kill a couple hours我们得在这消磨几小时till the next showing of Time Bandits.没问题Oh, well,no problem.我还想早点打烊回家I was thinking of closing early and going home,但面对现实吧but lets face it,我家也只不过是间小

26、一点的thats just a slightly smaller lonely room堆满漫画书的孤舍filled with comic book谢谢 斯图尔特Thanks, Stuart.我问你Let me ask you something.你觉得佩妮让老相好Do you think its okay for Penny在自己家过夜合适吗to have an ex-boyfrid sleep on her couch?当然不好 她明显太过分了No, I mean, shes obviousl way out of line.谢谢Thank you!但如果她把你甩了But if she dumps you,她第二天就能找个新欢shell have a new boyfrien by tomorrow morning而你得想办法自己做一个娃娃and youll have a new girl friend才能算有新欢when you figure out how to build one.唯一的疑问是 你什么时候才举

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