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1、 基金项目:本文为全国高校外语教学研究项目“英语写作评改方式与评改效果之关系研究”(YN-0006-A)的研究成果。 1 引言 在笔者8年多的高中英语教学过程中发现,对大多数学生而言,英语写作往往成为其在英语学习中的一大难题。对于教师而言,费时、费力的作文批改似乎也显得徒劳,收效甚微。因为有些学生在作文中总在不断地犯同样的错误。在此过程中学生的英语写作准确性实际上并未得到实质性提高。如何有效提高学生的写作准确性,显然成了一个包括笔者在内的广大英语教育者亟待解决的问题。查阅了大量文献后,笔者发现国外许多语言学家就作文反馈这一课题已做了大量的调查和研究。因此,本文以教师书面修正性反馈为指导,以任教

2、学校高二年级学生为对象,在提高英语写作准确性方面进行了实证研究。 2 文献综述 最近几十年,修正性反馈是否能促成英语写作准确性的提高一直是一个争议性话题。一方面,大量研究已表明,来自教师的书面修正性反馈在帮助学生修改语言错误,促进语言准确性提高方面确实起到至关重要的作用。其代表性研究有: ( Fathman and Whally 1990, Lee 1997, Ashwell 2000, Ferris and Roberts 2001, sheen 2007, Bitchener 2008). 另一方面,也有不少研究表明,书面修正性反馈对促成学习者写作准确性提高是无效的,甚至是有害的。因此它在

3、写作教学中没有价值。(Semke 1984, Robber. et. al 1986, Kepnern1991, Sheppard 1992, Truscott 1996, 1999, 2004, 2007). 由于研究对象和教学背景的特定性差异,上述各项研究难免有其局限性。以下几项研究:Fahtman and Whalley(1990), Ashwell(2000), Ferris and Roberts (2001),虽也证明修正性反馈对写作准确性的提高产生促进作用,但其研究结果是建立在作文修改而不是在新作文写作基础之上得到的。Truscott (1996, 1999, and 2004)

4、 and Ferris (1999, 2004)指出,检测书面修正性反馈的效能应建立在新作文的写作上而不仅仅是在作文修改上(Cited in John Bitchener 2008)。以下几项研究(Semke 1984, Robber. et. al 1986, Kepnern1991, Sheppard 1992),虽然证明了书面修正性反馈在学生写作准确性方面起着消极的作用,但研究结果是在没有控制组的前提下得到的。同时以上研究的研究对象均是大学生。因此,为使研究更具针对性,更贴近我国高中生英语写作教学现状,特进行此次研究。此次研究对如何有效提高英语写作准确性这一课题的进一步探讨研究有着重要的

5、实际意义。 3 研究方法 3.1 研究设计 为了验证书面修正性反馈与写作准确性间的相关性,笔者设计了三次检测:前测,中测和后测。于2015年9月10日进行的前测主要是为了获取最初的写作数据;中测于2015年11月10日进行,旨在调查学习者在接受不同反馈后,在两个特定语言错误上是否出现错误率下降或提高的情况;后测于2016年1月10日进行,旨在揭示书面修正性反馈的有效性或无效性。所有受试者被要求在4个月内写8篇难度相当的议论文,且每篇作文字数在120-150字之间。时间为45分钟。 3.2 研究对象 研究对象为师宗县第一中学60名高二学生,男生42名,女生18名。平均年龄为16.7岁。60名对象

6、中,92%来自农村,8%来自城镇。语言学习年限为5-8年。总体而言,绝大多数受试者语言水平较低,在英语写作方面存在较大问题。 3.3 特定语言错误 为了选出特定语言错误,在前测前,所有的受试者被要求写一篇作文,笔者把他们作文中的所有错误进行分类并按错误率高低排序。其中,名词错误和主谓一致错误在学生写作中错误率最高。因此,笔者选定以上两类错误作为本次研究的特定语言错误。 3.4 数据收集与分析 前测前,笔者对所有受试者作了关于研究过程的简单介绍,目的是确保他们熟悉本研究的研究方法。同时,他们也被告知他们的作文将被收集作为分析研究对象。调查对象为60个高二年级学生,以错误率为基础,被平均分为三个组

7、:1 组, 接受教师给出正确形式的直接反馈;2组, 接受在特定错误处加下划线但未提供正确形式的间接反馈;3组为控制组,未提供任何反馈。所有调查者被要求在16周内写8篇作文,且每篇作文都要求在不同反馈基础上进行改写。数据收集主要在三次检测的作文中进行(前测的文稿1和文稿2,中测文稿1和文稿2及后测文稿1和文稿2),通过使用SPSS10.0 对所得数据在不同组别及文稿间进行比较。 参考文献: 1Ashwell, T. 2000. Patterns of teacher response to student writing in a multi-draft composition classroo

8、m: Is content feedback followed by form feedback the best method? Journal of Second Language Writing 9/3: 227-57. 2Bitchener, J. 2008. Evidence in support of written corrective feedback, Journal of Second Language Writing17:102-18. 3Bitchener, J. and U. Knoch. 2008a. The value of written corrective

9、feedback for migrant and international students, Language Teaching Research Journal 12: 409-31. 4Bitchener, J. and U. Knoch. 2008b. The value of a focused approach to written corrective feedback, ELF Journal available at http:/eltj. oxford journals. Org/cgi/content/full/ccn043vl. Last accessed 13 Au

10、gust 2008. 5Bitchener, J. and U. Knoch. 2009. The relative effectiveness of different types of direct written corrective feedback, System 37: 322-29. 6Chandler, J. 2000. The efficacy of error correction for improvement in the accuracy of L2 student writing. Paper presented at the AAAL Conference, Va

11、ncouver, B.C., March. 7Chandler, J. 2003The efficacy of various kinds of error correction for improvement in the accuracy and fluency of L2 student writng, Journal of Second Language Writing 12: 267-296. 8Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition (M). Oxford: OUP. 9Ellis, R. 2004. The

12、 definition and measurement of L2 explicit knowledge, Language Learning 52/2: 227-75. 10Fathman, A. and E. Whalley. 1990. Teacher response to student writing: focus on form versus content in B. Kroll (ed.): Second Language Writing: Research Insights for the Classroom. Cambridge University Press, pp.

13、 178-90. 11Ferris, D. R. 1995. Can advanced ESL students be taught to correct their most serious and frequent errors? CATESOL Journal 8: 41-46. 12Ferris, D. R. 1997. The influence of teacher commentary on student revision, CATESOL Quarterly 31: 315-39. 13Ferris, D. R. 1999. The case for grammar corr

14、ection in L2 writing classes. A response to Truscott (1996), Journal of Second Language Writing 8: 1-10. 14Ferris, D. R. 2002. Treatment of Errors in Second Language Student Writing. University of Michigan Press. 15Ferris, D.R. 2003. Response to Student Writing: Implications for Second Language Stud

15、ents. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 16Ferris, D. R. 2004. The “ Grammar correction” debate in L2 writing: where are we, and where do we go from here? (and what do we do in the meantime?), Journal of Second Language Writing 13: 49-62. 17Ferris, D. R. 2006. Does error feedback help student writers? New

16、 evidence on the short and long-term effects of written error correction in K. Hyland and F. Hyland (eds): Perspectives on Response. Cambridge University Press. 18Ferris, D. R. and B. Roberts. 2001. error feedback in L2 writing classes: How explicit does it need to be ? Journal of Second Language Wr

17、iting 10:161-84. 19Guenette, D. 2007. Is feedback pedagogically correct? Research design issues in students of feedback on writing. Journal of Second Language Writing 16:40-53. 20Kepner, C. G. 1991. An experiment in the relationship of types of written feedback to the development of second-language

18、writing skills, Modern Language Journal 75:305-13. 21Lalande, J. F. 1982. Reducing composition errors: An experiment, Modern Language Journal 66: 140-49. 22Robb, T., S. Ross, and I. Shortreed. 1986. Salience of feedback on error and its effect on EFL writing quality, TESOL Quarterly 20: 83-93. 23Sem

19、ke, H. 1984. The effects of the red pen. Foreign Language Annals 17: 195-202. 24Sheen, Y. 2007. The effect of focused written corrective feedback and language aptitude on ESL learners acquisition of articles, TESOL Quarterly 41:255-83. 25Sheppard, K. 1992. Two feedback types: Does they make a differ

20、ence? RELC Journal 23:103-10. 26Truscott, J. 1996. The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes,: A response to Ferris, Journal of Second Language Writing 8: 111-22 27Truscott, J. 1999. The case for “the case for grammar correction in L2 writing classes”: 111-22. 28Truscott, J. 2004. Di

21、alogue: Evidence and conjecture on the effects of correction: A response to Chandler, Journal of Second Language Writing 13:337-43. 29Truscott, J. 2007. The effect of error correction on learners ability to write accurately, Journal of Second Language Writing 16: 1-18. 30陈晓湘,李会娜.2009.教师书面修正性反馈对学生英语写作的影响,Foreign Language Teaching and Research 5:351-358. 31杨敬清.提高英语写作评改有效性的反馈机制:实验与分析J.外语界,1996(3):41-45. 责任编辑 刘晓露

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