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1、I hadnt lived on a farm like my mother, so I didnt understand that what happened to Tubby was not unusual Liv estock arent meant to be pets, and most farm kids knoand accept that truthWhenever we had beef for dinner, I would tearfully, “Is this Tubby?” This went on for a couple of weeks until Dad ha

2、d finally had enough and declared, “No more cows!” That made me feel a little better about poor Tubby21The writers parents bought Tubby so that _A they would have more cows in the future B It would provide their children with milk C the family would have enough meat to eat D they would no longer fee

3、l lonely on the farm22 Which word can be used to describe the authors mom?A Serious B Strong-willed C Careless D Quick-minded23 We learn from the passage that _A Steve was not so fond of Tubby as his younger brother B the author had much trouble with Tubby in the summerC the authors mom thought it n

4、atural to kill a cofor meatD the author was pleased to see their freezer filled with beef24 We can most probably read the text above in a website on _A pets B education C diet D animals BAn information evening will be held to help advise Canterbury families, parents and caregivers on hoto support te

5、enagers who are feeling down, depressed or stressed At the event youth health experts will give an introduction of the choices available to parents and caregivers to support the mental health of their teens They will also introduce and shoSPARX-a world-first online e-therapy(电子治疗) tool launched in A

6、pril as part of the Prime Ministers Youth Mental Health Project SPARX bines puter gaming technology with therapy strategies to help teenagers learn skills to deal with feelings of depression and anxiety SPARX was designed and tested by the University of Auckland especially for young NeZealanders and

7、 was found to be as effective as other treatment equipment The free family information evening will take place on Wednesday, 9 July -Dr Theresa (Terry) Fleming, co-creator of SPARX and senior lecturer at the University of Auckland; and-Dr Sue Bagshaw, director of the Collaborative Trust for Research

8、 and Training in Youth Health and DevelopmentDrs Fleming and Bagshaill also shared hoSPARX has helped reduce waiting lists at youth health service providers in the region No registration is needed Entry to the event is free and open to parents, families, caregivers and anyone working with young peop

9、le We would appreciate your help in sharing details about this information evening with parents, teachers, nurses and anyone else in your schools munity who might benefit from learning more about supporting teens with their mental health25The writer wrote the passage to _A tell people to attend the

10、information evening B teach people hoto support the health of teensC Send people lists at youth health service providers D help teenagers to learn skills to deal with feelingsx k b 126If you want to take part in the evening, you _A should visit sparxorgnz B must watch a short videoC neednt to regist

11、er earli er D cant send any emails27What did the writer want people to do?A Spread the information B Donate much moneyC Buy much equipment D Participate in the researchCEarly on e morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep He had been working a

12、ll night on the design of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem It seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle Though he was tired, Howe slept badly He turned and turned Then he had a dream He dreamt that he had been caught by terrible savages whose

13、king wanted to kill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine When he tried to do so, Howe ran into the same problem as before The thread kept getting caught around the needle The king fleinto the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe They came up towards him with their spe

14、ars raised But suddenly the inventor noticed something There was a hole in the tip of each spear The inventor awoke from the dream, realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in t

15、he center of the needle This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practised sewing machine Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in this way Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light, said his best ideas came into him in

16、dreams So did the great physicist Albert Einstein Charlotte Bronte also drein her dreams in writing Jane Eyre To knothe value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when y ou are asleep Even then, a part of your mind is still working This unconscious(无意识的), but still active part understands

17、your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day It stores all sorts of information that you may have forgotten or never have really noticed It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you are awake However, the

18、unconscious part acts in a special way It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first This is why dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves”28According to the passage, Elias Howe was_A the first person we knoof who solved problems in his sleepB much more

19、hard-working than other inventorsC the first person to design a sewing machine that really worked D the only person at the time who knethe value of dreams29The problem Howe was trying to solve was_A what kind of thread to use B hoto design a needle which would not breakC where to put the needle D ho

20、to prevent the thread from getting caught around the needle30Thomas Edison is spoken of because_A he also tried to invent a sewing machine B he got some of his ideas from dreamsC he was one of Howes best friends D he also had difficulty in falling asleep31Dreams are sometimes called “secret messages

21、 to ourselves” because _A strange images are used to municate ideas B images which have no meaning are usedC we can never understand the real meaning D only specially trained people can understand themDPeople can be addicted to(沉溺于) different things eg alcohol, drug, certain foods, or even televisio

22、n People who have such an addiction are pulsive(强迫的)they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy According to psychologists, many people are pulsive spenders They feel that they must spend money This pulsion, like most others, is impossible to explain reasonably For

23、pulsive spenders who buy on credit(以赊欠方式), charge accounts are even more exciting than money In other words, pulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything Their pleasure in spending large amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buyThere is even

24、 a special psychology of bargain hunting To save money, of course, most people look for sales, loprices, and discounts pulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they dont need just because they are cheap They want to believe that they are helping their budgets(预算), but they are really

25、playing an exciting game When they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior a good reason for the things that they do and the real reasonIt is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psych

26、ology of spending habits, but also business people Stores, panies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business They consider peoples needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, an d so on in their advertising and sales methodsPsychologists often use a

27、 method called “behavior therapy(疗法)” to help individuals solve their personality problems In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money32 According to the psychologists, a pulsive spender is one who spends large amounts of money _A and takes great pleasure from w

28、hat he or she buysB in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in lifeC just to meet his or her strong psychological needD and feels he or she is cheated33 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A People spend money for exactly the same reason that they need to buy thingsB B

29、usiness people and advertisers can use the psychology of peoples spending habits to increase salesC Business people understand the psychology of pulsive buying better than scientists doD pulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money34 What is the text mainly about?A The psychology of money

30、-spending habits B The habits of pulsive spendersC A special psychology of bargain huntingD The use of the psychology of spending habits in business35 From the text we may safely conclude that pulsivespenders or pulsive bargain hunters _A are really unreasonable B need special treatmentC are really bey

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