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1、(俚語,不用解釋了吧?Tell me, is it a boy? 喂,你是男孩嗎?Come on, honey. 過來,親愛的。He swept her off her feet. (俗語)他對她可著迷了。Beautiful! 漂亮!(和美麗可沒關系呦。Hey, guy, were rich. 嘿,伙計,我們發財了!3. This Happy Feeling (2) What skill! What luck! What fun! 多有本事!多么走運!多令人興奮!You sucker! 江湖郎中!You want me to shut him up, guy? 哥們,要不要我把它辦掉?Best

2、 wishes to you both. 祝你們倆無比幸福!Hurray! 万歲!I always get my man. 我是不會讓他從我的眼皮底下溜走的。(意譯)How did you do it? 你是怎樣達成它的?Congratulation! 恭喜!Bottoms up! 干杯!We did it. 干的好!Thanks guys, you won the games for us. 謝謝大家,能贏得比賽,委實是托大家的福。I owe it all to you. 全是托您的福。Good work. 做得很棒!Envy. 羡慕。Its your fault. 全讓你給搞砸了。No,

3、man. Youre the one who blew it. 不,老兄,你才是敗事的一個。4. Im So Mad at. (1) Whats goes on here? 什么事?(不情愿的語气)What are you doing talking to my girl friend? 你小子跟我的女人搭訕,居心何在呀?Uh-oh, here comes my boy friend, hes insanely jealous. 噢,我男朋友過來啦,他可是個大醋壇子呦。Out, rat! 滾出去,老鼠!Hey, you break it up! 喂,住手啦!How! A fight! 嘩,打架

4、啦!Ouch! That hurts. 好痛呦!會受傷哩!Billy, get off the doggies tail. 比利,得扰人處且饒人,放他一馬吧。Paint the porch, fool, or else. 傻瓜,快去漱漱口,不然哪(把你的牙全拔了)。Cut it out, my name is Fred, not Fool! 你給我住嘴,我的名字是Fred,不是傻瓜!Love makes the world go round. 愛能感動世界。5. Im so mad at. (2) Here, have some coffee on me. 來,我請你喝咖啡。Ill have

5、some on you all right. 好吧,我要挂你的帳喝它個痛快。(多沒人性呀!Our leader is more devious than your leader. 我們頭儿比你們的要棋高一籌。B.S. our leader invented the word? “胡說八道”這個詞是咱們領導創造的吧?The pen is mightier than the sword. 筆利于劍。Cad! Cur! Beast! 無賴!流氓!雜种!(可不要到處對人亂講喲)Omph! 唔!Ahh! 啊哈!Gee, dont be mad, dear, red looks good on you.

6、喏,親愛的,別生气呀。紅顏色對于你再合适不過了。Look what you did, squirt! 小子,你仔細看看你做的好事!Cool it man,Im sorry. 對不起,請您息怒。Auck, dont hit me! Im an innocent bystander. 啊呦,別整我,我只是個旁觀者。Snort! I didnt do anything wrong! 哼哼,我沒做錯什么事啊。Out! 滾出去!m sorry, sir. I didnt mean it. 對不起,老兄,我并沒有惡意。Fool, you added this bill up wrong! 笨蛋,你把賬單加

7、多了!So I made a mistake, big deal! 我真是錯得离譜了。6. Im So Sad. (1) Broke again. 又破產了。That was my last one, too. 那可是我最后額財產了。Sigh. He doesnt even know Im alive. 啊啊,他一直都不知道我還活著。The only feasting I do these days is in my dream. 這几天我只能在夢中享受山珍海味了。I lost two teeth, my contract, and the game. (意譯)福無雙降,禍不單行;黃鼠狼單咬病

8、鴨子。Sob, I lost. 嗚嗚,我又輸了。He tricked me. I hate him. 他耍弄了我,好恨他。Johnny doesnt like me. 喬妮不喜歡我。I blew it. 我們吹了。m all washed up. 我都完事了(筋疲力盡了)。Joe was really a rat. 喬(生前)是個十足的大騙子。(咒罵)Shh! Hell hear you. 咻,小聲點,他會听到的。7. Im So Sad. (2) Good-bye, cruel world. 永別了,殘酷的世界啊。I wish you wouldnt go this way. 我希望你不必落

9、得這樣的下場。Sigh, Im so hungry. Can I have a bite? 噢,我肚子餓了。我可以吃一口嗎?No! Yum, gorge, glut. 不行,嚼嚼!你這討厭鬼。ll drown my sorrows. 我要消愁解悶。Sob!t mean to kill it. Im sorry birdie. 嗚嗚,我無意要殺死你。對不起,小鳥。Ooo! I cant look. 唔,我不忍心在看下去了。Goodness, I do hope this isnt a loud gun. I hate noise. 但愿這不是一把會發出巨響的手槍。俺不喜歡噪音。(自殺者的話)Wi

10、ll it hurt? 不知道會不會受傷?ll rip him apart with my hands. 我要親手把他撕成碎片。(好恐怖) 8. A Shy Little Kitten (1) The little boy grew red at the sight of the cute girl. 那個男孩子見到可愛的女孩而滿臉通紅。She is afraid hell think her a pig. 她怕他會像對豬般的厭惡她。Dont be shy, dear. 親愛的,你別害羞嘛。m ashamed. I couldnt tell you my love. 我真的不好意思,愛你在心口

11、難開呀。They feel uneasy. 他們因不安而沒法鎮定下來。Behave yourself, or Ill shot. 乖乖听命,不然我就開槍。The audience laughs. 觀眾在大笑。He is embarrassed because he made a mistake. 他因為弄錯而顯得很窘。She blushes for him. 听了他的話,她羞紅了臉。You should see my wife in a bikini. Shes a knockout. 你應該看看我太太穿比基尼的樣子,致命眩暈。9. A Shy Little Kitten (2) She lo

12、st her dignity. 她失去了鎮定。She is timid and completely at a loss what to do. 她羞臊得不知所措。Yak, yak, yak. 哇哇哇!(好像是裝出嘔吐的樣子)I told you, my mom could beat your pop. 告訴你,我媽要把你爸揍一頓。Ahh, shucks! 哈哈,沒關系。He is pinned down by the demonstrators. 他被示威的隊伍給釘住了。She felt awkward. 她想到受到懲罰時的尷尬。He will be too afraid to do any

13、thing. 他害怕得什么都不能做了。Nice guy! 好家伙!Bully! 暴徒!Have a little wine, punk. 小伙子,喝一點酒吧。(可以緩解一下精神緊張)The drunk humiliates the gentleman. 醉酒使得這位紳士丟人現眼。He is teasing a friend. 他在愚弄朋友。He feels awkward. 他感到困惑。She likes you a lot. 她對老兄你很傾心。I could die. 簡直(愛得)要死了。(注意語气)Losing her eyelash cause her to blush for sham

14、e. 她因為弄丟了假睫毛,羞得面紅耳赤。10.How Terrible!Oh, on! A ghost! 哇!有鬼呀!My goodness! A snake! 天呀!有蛇!His eyes will pop out in astonishment. 他因為害怕而瞪大了眼睛。Frightened to death. 嚇死人了。Shook up. 嚇住。ve lost my nerve. 我失去了勇气。She is scared to death. 她嚇得半死。How awful. 多可怕呀!He is shocked. 他受到了打擊。She will be amazed when she wa

15、kes up for dinner. 她要是在吃晚餐的時候醒來。必定會大吃一惊。OPPS!He is surprised. 他大為惊訝。She cried with shock. 她因受惊嚇而喊叫。She was so stunned, that she couldnt speak. 她惊愕得說不出話來。The crowd gasped with astonishment. 大家惊訝的屏住呼吸。He surprised them, so they gave up quietly. 他出其不意地襲擊了他們,因此他們乖乖地投降了。They jumped at the unexpected nois

16、e. 他們因突如其來的聲音嚇得跳了起來。She screamed in astonishment. 她惊嚇得發出尖叫。He was so startled that he yelled. 他惊嚇得高聲喊叫。He turned white with amazement. 他害怕得臉都蒼白了。Got all in a panic. 惊恐万分。11. I Think. (1)She looks like my type. 她看起來像我喜歡的那种類型。He seems to be the most muscular guy. 他看起來似乎最魁偉。I believe Im the strongest.

17、我相信我是最強壯的。I know Ill win. 我一定會贏的。Lets see whos right. 讓我看看誰是對的。I have confidence in myself. 我對自己頗具信心。I suppose hes coming to us. 我才他會到這來的。ve always respected him. 我一直很尊敬他。I never expected him to be so great. 我沒有想到他會是那么了不起。I must be the first. 我一定要得第一。I may be the first. 說不定我得第一。She is supposed to be

18、 one of the best singers. 大家認為她是最有名气的歌星。I wonder if its a real diamond. 它可是地道的鑽石呀。I think this is a fake diamond. 我想這是假鑽石。12. I Think. (2) I bet hes the best. 我敢打賭他是最棒的。No everybody puts the highest values on him. 不,人人對他都有最高的評价。I think his fish is a little bigger than mine. 他的魚似乎比我的大了一點。Maybe mine i

19、s the bigger. 我的或許更大些。It is clear that fish is bigger than others and wins the championship. 這一條明明比其他的大,而且會獲胜的。s going to crash! Why? 要下墜了,究竟怎么啦?I dont know, sir, but I guess the computer made some mistake. 不知道呀,好像是電腦出了故障了。This is your last chance. I believe you can make it. 這時你最后的机會,我相信你會成功的。m sure

20、 Ill be President. 我必定會當選總統。I doubt hell win the election. 我怀疑他是否能贏得選舉。I think hes no good. 我想他不行。m willing to bet hell lose. 我愿意賭他輸。I think thats the guy-hes a killer. 我想那家伙是個殺手。Must be. 一定是。m afraid the pollution will kill us all. 公害可能把我們都逼死。ve realized that we should stop the pollution. 我明白必須阻止公害

21、的原因了。13. I Guess. m afraid the crash was because of your fault. 抱歉,我怕這次墜毀是你弄砸的緣故。I guess youre right. It seems Ill be grounded. 我想你說得對,我看我該轉到地勤了。I hope Ill get a big pay raise. 但愿薪水大大提高一下。I suppose it might be gold. 說不定是金子啊。No, it cant be gold. 不,它不可能是金子。I imagine it was part of a dinosaur. 我猜那是恐龍的一

22、部分骨骼。This will be the biggest fish ever. 這是前所未見的大魚吧?Guess! I hope youll like it. 猜猜看!我想你會中意的。What can it be? 它是什么呢?I expected No.2 to win. 我以為2號會贏。14. I Agree. Women have the same rights as you! 女人也和你一樣享有同等權力! Women should stay at home. 不,女人應該呆在家里!Dear, youll be home right after work, wont you? 親愛的,

23、你做完工作會直接回家是嗎?ll try, but I may have to work late. 就這樣辦,不過,昨晚工作怕要很晚了。So, you see. 所以啊,你該知道I may be wrong, but your theory is all wrong, professor. 也許我不對,不過,教授您的理論是完全錯了。Please sign. 請你簽字。No, I dont want to. 不,我不希望那樣。Gentlemen! Cant you agree on anything? 先生們,可否贊成一項?15. I Plan. I thought he could desig

24、n the most beautiful department store, but. 我想他能設計出最漂亮的百貨商場,不過The designer is working hard on a new project. 設計師在努力籌划新穎的設計項目。The concert will be held September 14 at 10 a.m. 該演奏會預定于9月14日10時舉行。After Flagstaff, well go to San Diego. 到佛拉格斯塔夫之后,我們去圣迭戈吧。To plan a vacation trip. 計划休假的旅行。The spacecraft is

25、scheduled to arrive at Saturn next year. 太空船預定明年到達土星。Our plan is the best and the safest, you see. 正如你所見到的,我們的計划是最完美,最安全的。Why dont you change your route? 你們為什么不變更路線呢?The U.S. will take one route, the Japan take other. 美國和日本采取不同的新路徑。To plan a mountain climbing expedition. 計划登山探險。Now, lets find some n

26、ew girls. 現在讓我們尋找一些新的女孩子。He is planning his future already. 他已經在為將來做打算了。You use the front door and Ill hit the back. 你從正門進去,我襲擊后面。OK. Your plans are always successful. OK,你的計划常常無往不利!The gangsters are planning a robbery. 一伙強盜在計划搶劫。If his plan works, hell earn 100 million in 10 years. 如果按照他的計划做,十年就能掙到

27、一億元了。changed mind 改變主意perish the thought 打消念頭 Learning is better than house and land. 學問是一生的財富。16. May I Ask You. ?Could I speak to you, please? 我可以跟你談話嗎?Arent you dressed too formally? 你穿的不是太正式化了嗎?She feels pity for him. 她同情他。What happened, guy? 怎么了,伙計?Do you like football? 你喜歡足球嗎?Sure. Are you a p

28、ro-golfer? 當然了。你是指也高爾夫球手嗎?Didnt you order this? 你不是訂下這道菜了嗎?Could you carry my doggie for me? 你能替我帶我的小狗嗎?What can I do? 我該怎么辦哪?Why are you yelling? 你在嚷什么?I wonder why theyre angry. 伙計,他們為什么生气?17. Is That. ?Will she like it? 她會喜歡它嗎?I wonder what hes doing. 我不知道他在做什么。Tell me where I can post them. 請問,哪里有投信的郵筒?The mailbox is over there. 郵筒就在那儿。s still in bed. 我想,他還賴在床上。What is he doing today? 今天他在做些什么?They imagine, what he is doing. 她們在猜他所做的事。What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天將是什么樣的天气呀?Is the plane leaving?

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