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1、1.信息类- 内容:广告、计划书、通知、产品说明、查阅地图等 识别特点:文章不成段落,长短不一,有价钱电话号码,附有表格或地图 解题要领-只查不读 注:此类试题比较简单。2.文章类-视觉上成段落。包括小论文,说明文,科技文章,人物介绍及讲故事等等。注:此类在试题中所占比例较大,比较复杂,需要应试技巧较多。英文文章结构三项基本原则 :牢牢地抓住英文写作的“三步曲” l 中心 2 举例说明 3 作者观点或文章结论 以下总结多为条文,在记忆及理解上都有困难,但在实际考试中至关重要,结合做题逐条理解并牢记心中。各中考试高分在握,切记!切记!如何抓住文章和句子的重心 1. 围着中心转-中心 ( 第一句)

2、 结论(最后一句)。2. 注意段落结构-段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。3. 第二段第一句 有but “.” - today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。4. 注意连词 - but “.” - today thisday now so yet therefore however.这些连词后为重心。5. 注意主从句 - 宾语从句看从句 状语从句看主句 定语从句看主句(先行词从句看懂一个就行) 6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容词修饰名词时,最后一个为重心。

3、(或最接近名词的) 7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词) 阅读理解解题程序 当你拿到一篇文章时,应按下列顺序解题:1 先将文章分类信息类和一般文章。注意:讲故事的文章中人物较多时,阅读时不可过快!造成反复阅读,欲速则不达-切记搞清人物关系非常重要,通常这样的文章要多花一些时间。2先扫一眼文章中的中文(如高考卷中常标出几个中文)。3抓住文章中心思想。4不读文章直接读问题,并将问题分类,按不同类型解题用不同的方法解题。一. 牢牢抓住中心围着中心转 如何抓住文章中心 (1) 文章的中心思想第一句,如第二句是 but “.” - today thisday now

4、 so yet therefore however.应在第二句。(2) 第二段第一句 but “.” - today this day so yet therefore ,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。(3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。(4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。补全短文_猜测补全短文题答案技巧:1细节句可能是答案(尤其是涉及到数字的选项可能是答案);2涉及到篇章逻辑连词/逻辑副词可能是答案;3最长选项可能是答案;4细节句可能接连出现;概括大意题答题技巧1.概括大意题出题特点:(1)段落中有明显的段落主题句(通常

5、出现在段落的开头部分, 如段首句; 有时还可能出现在段落的结尾处)(2)段落中含有明显的段落主题词(3)段落中没有明显段落主题词及段落主题句提示:当段落中没有明显主题词及主题句时还可采取:1.反向排除法; 2.细节信息确定主题法;2.概括大意答题技巧:(1)利用段落中的段落主题句直接判断段落主题:是直接涉及文章主题的观点性话语,因此很可能是段落主题句补充:英语通常写作逻辑:观点句/概括句 + 分析解释(2)借助段落中主题词直接判断段落主题(段落小标题中应该直接/间接包含段落主题词)。段落主题词是在段落中反复出现(至少出现3次以上), 而且几乎贯穿全段出现的词语;段落中的某个词语/短语结构在段落

6、中与其近义词/家族词汇共出现在至少3次以上,则这个词语连同其近义词/家族词汇均为其所在段落主题词(关键词)。完成句子题出题特点被选项语法特征一致; 针对文章中的长句,观点句,概括句,或重要的细节句设置考点;文章开头/文章结尾/段落开头/段落结尾处常设考点。完成句子答题技巧:1直接借助问题句搭配句意或搭配结构的特点直接判断答案;2关注文章中容易设置为考点的语句或借助空格前后结构中的特征词/细节信息词共同作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句,确认答案。段落主题词出现的句子可能是段落主题句或直接与段落主题相关。通常出现在段落开头部分或结尾部分的权威机构/权威人士的观点/发言/研究发现往往直接揭示段

7、落主题。阅读理解一、阅读理解出题特点3.阅读理解考题考点呈现多样性,有的考题涉及文章主题(主旨题), 涉及文章主题的问题在考题中出现频率不高,英语阅读理解部分的主旨题分为两种:1. 文章主旨题; 2. 段落主旨题(涉及文章中某个段落主题);但大部分考题属于细节题(针对文章中某个句子,或某几个句子设置考点(尤其是文章中重要的观点句,重要的细节信息句,文章中的长句及复合句),细节题中有些题专门针对书面英语中常见语法结构或句法结构设置考点, 如:被动语态结构, 非谓语动词结构, 从句结构(尤其是名词性从句和定语从句),“it”句型,祈使句结构,倒装结构等; 有些细节题考察考生的阅读理解能力:利用上下

8、文判断单词/短语的含义,确认篇章词汇(主要是代词)在上下文中的指代内容,把握上下文之间的意义关系,根据上下文进行推断。4文章后面问题的设置顺序通常是按照文章的发展顺序设置,因此建议对文章后面的问题按照问题排列顺序依次进行解答;二、阅读理解题答题技巧通读问题句, 根据其句意判断问题类型:是细节题还是主旨题?1、如果是主旨题, 需要判断是文章主旨题还是段落主旨题。如果是文章主旨题,则可借助文章标题内容(标题中的核心词),文章开头,文章结尾处的句子及文章中各个段落段首句的内容特点综合判断文章主题;如果是段落主旨题, 则可借助段落段首句或段落结尾处的句子,及/或段落中出现的具体例子综合判断段落主题,

9、判断答案;2、如果是细节题,则首先找出问题句中的特征词(专有名词,数词)和描述细节信息的词语与结构(如:时间地点条件原因状语,表示人及事物名称的词语),也可参考问题句中的核心谓语动词及问题句中出现的修饰词,利用这些词语与结构作为答案线索, 在文章中找到与之相呼应的语句(答案相关句),对比答案相关句与问题句的结构和句意,判断答案。提示(一):1通常被选项也会提供重要的解题线索:如果被选项结构相似或句意相关,或涉及到同一词语或结构, 则答案可能就出自这些在句子结构上,在意义上,或在用词上相关的被选项。如果被选项中出现了特征结构, 细节信息结构或含有修饰词的结构, 则也可同时利用被选项中的这些结构作

10、为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句。2虽然有时找到的答案相关句不能直接帮助答题,但是往往真正的答案相关句通常就在其周边的语句中。3如果与备选项相呼应的内容出现在文章中的并列结构中,则这些被选项都不是答案。提示(二):如果问题问“下列哪个选项正确/不正确”, 答案常常出现在B, C和D这三个选项中;提示(三):一篇阅读理解题的答案中通常同一个选项成为答案的次数最多不会超过两次提示(四):并列结构通常以逗号加以连接,或出现在and的左右,或出现在一些典型的并列结构中,如:not only .but also。(不但.而且.); both。and。(不但.而且), from .to.(从.到.)三

11、、阅读理解题高频词:1、名词:research(研究), researcher(研究者),study(研究), scientist(科学家),professor(教授),a team leader(团队领导者), finding (研究发现),conclusion(结论) , result(结果),reason(原因), cause (原因), idea(观点), opinion (观点), attitude(态度), factor (因素), problem(问题), question (问题), passage (短文), paragraph (段落),influence /impact/

12、effect (影响) , example (例子), case(情况), remark/comment(评论)2、动词:report(报告), mention(提及), infer(推断), replace(代替),suggest(暗示,建议),show(显示),cause(造成),lead to(造成), attribute to(把.归因于), have to(不得不), learn (了解), have (something, nothing ) to do with(与.相关/无关), happen/occur/take place (发生), mean (意谓), refer to

13、 (指) , start/begin (开始), affect (影响), explain (解释) , think (想,认为),argue(争论),consider/ (把.看作/认为是.), agree to (同意.), object(反对), be able to do sth.(能够.)3、形容词:true(正确的),false(错误的),related to(与相关), concerned about (关注,关心.), following(下列的), based on (建立在基础上的), active(积极的,活跃的), different(不同的), sam

14、e(相同的), similar(相似的), indifferent(漠不关心的), interested(感兴趣的), serious(严肃的), positive (肯定的,绝对的), certain (确定的, 必然的), likely(可能的), possible/probable (可能的), hard (困难的), difficult (困难的), easy (容易的), some(一些的), many(许多的), most(大多数的), few (很少的), little (很少的), either(任一的), neither(两者都不的), all(所有的), whole(所有的

15、, 完整的) secret/reserve/mystery/privacy(秘密的)4、介词短语结构:according to(根据.) , due to (因为), because of (因为), in the opinion of.(根据.的观点)5、副词:partly(部分地), mostly (主要地,大部分地) , for example/for instance (例如), however(然而), therefore(因此), consequently(因此), moreover (而且), besides(此外) , in addition (另外), as a result

16、(结果), to sum up(总之), in conclusion (总之), hardly/rarely/seldom(几乎不, 很少) ,太.而不能.), much(非常) 6、逻辑连词:but(但是), yet2008年 全国卷1 阅读理解真题B More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple (菠萝). The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard

17、with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1966, the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves. The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type o

18、f pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the worlds best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pin

19、eapple. In nutrition (营养) it was all good news too. This nice tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C(维生素C) than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this

20、 wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater. Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep market to itself. But other fruit companies argued success

21、fully that Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Montes attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out the market.60. We learn from the text that the new type at pineapple is _. A. preen outside and sweet inside

22、 B. good-looking outside and soft inside C. yellowy-gold outside and hard inside D. a little soft outside and sweet inside61. Why was the new type of pineapple selling well? A. It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice. B. It was less sweet and good for health. C. It was developed by Del Monte. D. It

23、 was used as medicine.62. The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something _. A. that people enjoy eating B. that is always present C. that is difficult to get D. that people use as a gift63. We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte _. A. slowed other companies to dev

24、elop pineapples B. succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself C. tried hard to control the pineapple market D. planned to help the other companiesC It is often necessary to release a fish, that is , set it free after catching, because it is too small, or you just dont want to take it home to eat.

25、 In some cases, releasing fish is a good measure that will help keep fish variety and build their population size. The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) encourages fishermen who practice catch-and-release fishing to use a few simple skills when doing so. The advice provided below will h

26、elp make sure that the fish you release will survive (存活) to bite again another day.When catching a fish, play it quickly and keep the fish in the water as much as possible. Dont use a net in landing the fish and release it quickly to prevent it from dying.Hold the fish gently. Do not put your finge

27、rs in its eyes. Dont wipe the scales (鱼鳞) off the fish because it might cause it to develop a disease and reduce its chance of survival.Remove your hook (鱼钩) quickly. If the hook is too deep or hooked in the stomach, cut the line and leave the hook in. The hook left inside will cause no serious prob

28、lem to the fish.Take good care of the fish by moving it gently in water . Release the fish when it begins to struggle and is able to swim.Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are going to release a fish, do so right away.With a little care and

29、by following the suggestions given above, you can give the released fish a better chance of survival.64. People sometimes set a fish free after catching it because they _ A. dont want it to die B. hope it will grow quickly C. dont want to have it as food D. want to practice their fishing skills65. W

30、hich of the following will probably make a fish ill? A. Taking the hook off it. B. Removing its scales. C. Touching its eves D. Holding it in your hand.66. A proper way to release a fish is to _. A .move it in water till it can swim B. take the hook out of its stomach C. keep it in a bucket for some time D. let it struggle a little in your hand67. Wha

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