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1、她就会是我真正的爱人。(熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)叫她替我找一块地(从小山旁几片小草叶上)(滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)就在大海和海滩之间(士兵擦拭着他的枪)叫她用一把皮镰收割(战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在欢呼)将收割的石楠扎成一束(为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)Donna DonnaVocal: Joan Baez and Chad Mitchell2) On a wagon bound for marketTheres a calf with a mournful eyeHigh above him theres a swallowWinging swiftly through the sky3) Ho

2、w the winds are laughingThey laugh with all their mightLaugh and laugh the whole day throughAnd half the summers night.Donna Donna.Stop complaining, said the farmer4) Who told you a calf to beWhy dont you have wings to fly withLike the swallow so proud and free?How the winds are laughings nightCalve

3、s are easily bound and slaughteredNever knowing the reason whyBut whoever treasures freedomLike the swallow has learned to fly5) Donna Donna.多娜,多娜一辆颠簸赶集的马车上。一只小牛目露哀伤在他头顶上方一只燕子振翅高飞,穿越蓝天。风儿正自笑开怀笑啊笑,笑得真起劲一天到晚笑不停笑到夏日夜半冥。多娜,多娜“别再抱怨了,”农夫说,“谁叫你是一头牛?你为何没有能飞的翅膀像檐子那般骄傲而自由?”牛儿任人捆绑宰割从来不知原因为何。谁要珍惜自由之躯,就要像燕子学会飞翔。

4、Blowing in the WindMusic and Lyrics by Bob Dylan1) How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man?How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand?How many times must the cannon balls fly Before theyre forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 2)

5、The answer is blowing in the wind How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea?How many years can some people exist re allowed to be free?3) How many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesnt see?The answer, my friend, is blowing in the windThe answer is bl

6、owing in the wind4) How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky?5) How many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry?How many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died?The answer is blowing in the wind.在风中飘摇一个男人要走过多少路才能将其称作好汉?一只白鸽要飞越多少道海才能在沙滩上入眠?炮弹要

7、飞多少次才能将其永远禁缚?朋友,答案在风中飘摇答案在风中飘摇一座山峰能屹立多久才会被冲刷入海?那些人还要活多少年才能最终获得自由?一个人能多少次扭过头去假装他并没有看到?一个人要仰多少次头才能望见苍天?一个人要有多少只耳朵才能听见民众呼号?多少人死后他才知道无数人的性命已抛?Take me Home Country RoadWords, Music and Vocal by John Denver1) Almost heavenWest VirginiaBlue Ridge MountainShenandoah river2) Life is old thereOlder than the t

8、reesYounger than the mountains3) Growing like a breeze 4) Country road, take me homeTo the place I belongMountain MamaTake me home, country roads5) All my memoriesGather round herMiners ladyStranger to blue waterDark and dustyPainted on the sky6) Misty taste of moonshineTeardrops in my eyesCountry r

9、oads, take me home7) I hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls me The radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the roadI get a feelingThat I should have been homeYesterday, yesterday乡村路带我回家在天堂般的西弗吉尼亚有蓝岭山脉夏南多阿河那儿生灵悠远比树木更年长比群山更年轻如清风般成长乡村之路,带我回家那儿是我的归宿大山妈妈我的一切记忆都萦绕在她身旁她是矿工们的圣母从未见过蓝色海水阴

10、霾与尘灰印在天空上月光朦胧的滋味我眼眶中的眼泪清晨我听见她的声音在呼唤着我收音机使我想起远方的家开车驶过公路心中有种感觉昨天,昨天我早该回到家中Green Fields The Brothers Four2) Once there were green fields Kissed by the sun Once there were valleys Where rivers used to run Once there were blue skies With white clouds high above Once there were part of An everlasting love

11、 We were the lovers who strolled Through green fields Green fields are gone now Parched by the sun Gone from the valleys 3) Gone with the cold wind That swept into my heart Gone with the lovers Who let their dreams depart Where are the green fields That we used to roam?Ill never know What made you r

12、un away How can I keep searching When dark clouds hide the day?I only know s nothing here for me Nothing in this wide world Left for me to see But Ill keep on waiting till you return ll keep on waiting Until the day you learn 4) You cant be happy while your hearts on the roam 5) You canUntil you bri

13、ng it home Home to the green fields and meOnce again绿野曾经,阳光亲吻着绿野曾经,溪流江河在山谷间流淌曾经,高高的蓝天上漂浮着白云曾经,它们是永恒爱情的一部分我俩是那对恋人徜徉在绿野上绿野消失无影骄阳炙烤大地溪流淌过的山谷已消失无踪还有那寒风横扫过我的心头恋人连同梦想都已消失从前我们漫游的绿野如今何处寻觅?我永远无法知道是什么让你离开我怎能继续找寻乌云已遮蔽了天空我只知道这儿一切不再属于我广袤世界再没有什么值得我去追寻但我将继续等待直到你回来我将继续守侯直到有一天你醒悟明白一颗漂泊的心无法得到快乐只有回到家中才能找到欢乐回到我何绿野身旁重相伴

14、Monday Morning Peter, Paul and MaryEarly one morning one morning in springTo hear the birds whistle, The nightingale sing1) I met a fair maiden who sweetly did singm going to be married next Monday morning2) How old are you my fair young maidHere in this valley, this valley so green.How old are you

15、my fair young maid m going to be sixteen next Monday morning3) Well sixteen years oldThats too young for to marrySo take my advice five years longer to marryFor marriage brings troubles and sorrows begin So put off your wedding for Monday morning4) You talk like a mad man, a man with no skillThree y

16、ears Ive been waiting against my own will And now Im determined to have my own wayAnd m going to be married next Monday morning Next Monday morning the bells they will ring5) My true love will buy me a gay golden ring Also hell buy me a new pretty gown To ware at my wedding next Monday morningNext M

17、onday night when I go to my bedAnd I turn around to the man that Ive wed6) Around his middle my two arms I will fling And I wish to my soul it was Monday morning星期一早晨春日里的一个清晨夜莺在啼鸣鸟儿在歌唱我遇见一位淑女正在婉转歌吟下周一早晨我就要出嫁年轻的淑女芳龄几何?住在这青翠的山谷之中下周一我就年满十六了。喔,十六岁结婚为时太早听我一句,再过五年还不迟。婚姻会带来烦恼,悲伤从此开始。奉劝你把周一的婚期推迟。你说起话来象个无知的疯

18、子我已经违心等了整整两年现在我已下定决心下周一早我一定要成亲。下周一早晨,钟声将敲响,心上人带来的戒指金光闪亮,他还会捎上一件好看的新衣,周一的婚礼上我要把它穿起。下周一晚当我走向婚庆,回过身去面对我的新郎,我把双臂拥向他的腰身,衷心祈求此刻是周一早晨。If I Could (El Condor Pasa) Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel1) Id rather be a sparrow than a snail2) Yes I would 3) If I could, I surely would Id rather be a hammer than a nail.

19、Yes I would If I only could, I surely would 4) Away, Id rather sail away Like a swan thats here and gone 5) A man gets tied up to the ground 6) He gives the world its saddest sound Its saddest soundId rather be a forest than a streetIf I could, I surely would Id rather feel the earth beneath my feet

20、 If I only could, I surely would假如我能够(又名:秃鹰飞去)我愿是只麻雀,不是蜗牛啊,我愿意假如可能,我真的愿意我愿是只铁锤,不愿做铁钉只要可能,我真的愿意飞翔,我愿飞翔在蓝天象只从此间飞过的天鹅人啊,被束缚在大地上他向世人吟唱悲伤的歌最悲伤的歌我愿是片森林,不愿是条大街我愿抚摸脚下的大地Where Have All the Flower GoneWhere have all the flowers gone?Long time passingLong time ago1) Young girls have picked them every oneOh, wh

21、en will they ever learn?Where have all the young girls gone?2) Gone to husbands every one3) Oh, when will they ever learn?Oh, When will they ever learn?Where have all the husbands gone?Gone to soldiers every oneWhere have all the soldiers gone?Gone to graveyards every oneWhere have all the graveyards gone?花落何方花儿消失何处了?多少时光飞走了多少年过去了女孩儿摘走花朵了他们何时才明了?

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