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1、昆明城区四区区划调整整合后,全市共有社区居委会315个,村委会1256个。【人口民族】 年末全市户籍总人口608万人,其中非农业人口211.21万人,少数民族人口74万人,占总人口数的14.6 %。万人以上的少数民族有8个,即彝族391337人,占总人口的7.7、回族146 922人,占总人口的2.9、白族71443人,占总人口的1.4、苗族45 013人,占总人口的0.89、傈僳族17289人,占总人口的0.34、壮族13835人,占总人口的0.27、傣族13101人,占总人口的0.27、哈尼族10649人,占总人口的0.21。全年出生人口58796人,人口自然增长率为6.23。 【气 候】

2、 2005年昆明年平均气温为16.7,比历史同期平均值偏高1.8,比2004年偏高1.1,创下了自1951年有气象记录以来年平均气温的最高值。2005年昆明市降雨量以寻甸最多,达1239毫米,东川最少为677毫米,昆明的年降雨量为976毫米。与2004年的降雨量相比,除嵩明、宜良、寻甸偏多外,其余大部分地区均偏少。2005年昆明总日照时数为2054小时,与2004年相比,除昆明、晋宁、西山偏少外,其余大部分地区均偏多。【经济综述】 全市经济总量和地方财政收入分别超千亿、百亿大关,实现“双突破”。全市生产总值1062.3亿元,增长11.1%,人均生产总值17588元。三次产业全面发展,呈快速增长



5、游客超过2000万人次,总收入138.5亿元。【科技、教育】 组织实施科技项目及课题132个,总经费5.5亿元,通过评价的科技成果95项。科技进步奖获奖成果59项。国家863软件专业孵化器昆明基地一期建设通过科技部验收,滇池入湖河流水环境治理技术与工程示范项目列入863重大科技专项。荣获“全国科技进步先进市”称号。年末昆明地区共有普通高校30所,在校学生18.81万人;普通中学278所,在校学生26.35万人;小学1491所,在校学生47.04万人。小学适龄儿童入学率97.75%。 昆明市统计局处室 电话 专业统计制度法规处 3197316 制度法规 统计资格考试综合处、核算处 3135503

6、 统计资料 统计年鉴贸易外经处 3135168 批发零售 住宿餐饮信息处 3187931 网络 技术支持固定资产投资处 3135178 建筑业 房地产 固定资产投资人口就业处 3135171 劳动工资社会科技处 3134945 科技工业交通处 3131270 工业 能源 交通农村经济处 3135176 农业市政府便民中心统计窗口 3149821 便民服务 昆明市投资环境区位优势 Location Advantages 昆明是我国面向东南亚、南亚乃至中东、南欧、非洲的前沿和门户,具有“东连黔桂通沿海,北经川渝进中原,南下越老达泰柬,西接缅甸连印巴”的独特区位优势。作为中国东盟自由贸易区经济圈、“

7、泛珠三角”区域经济合作圈的交汇点,昆明既是发达地区产业由东向西梯度转移的理想终端,又是国内各个城市向东南亚、南亚拓展市场的理想起点。同时,作为云南的省会,昆明的市场体系覆盖全省,经济发展触角延伸全省,资源要素运作半径辐射全省。独特的区位,必将为昆明的长远发展提供巨大的市场潜力和广阔的发展空间。With its special regional advantages of“bordering on Guizhou, Guangxi and connecting the sea in the east, communicating the plain through the neighboring

8、 Sichuan and Chongqing in the north, meeting with Laos, Viet Nam, Thailand and Cambodia in the south, and linking Myanmar, India and Pakistan in the west”, Kunming is the frontier and door of China facing Southeast Asia, South Asia, even Middle East, South Europe and Africa. Kunming, as the intersec

9、tion of China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone Economic Circle and“Pan-Pearl River Delta”area economic cooperation circle, Kunming is both an ideal destination for the grads transfer of industries in developed areas from east to west, and an ideal starting point for domestic cities to expand their markets in S

10、outhwest Asia and South Asia. Meanwhile, as the capital of Yunnan Province, Kunming enjoys a market system covering the entire province, economic development extending throughout the province, and key resources elements operation radiating the whole province. Therefore particular geographical locati

11、on like this is doomed to provide huge market potential and wide development room for the long-term development of Kunming. 资源优势 Advantages in Resources 矿产资源:有磷、盐、铜、铁、煤、钛、石英砂、粘土等,以磷、盐矿最为丰富。磷矿总储量约46亿吨;盐矿储量约138亿吨,居中国内陆第二位。旅游资源:全市现有各级文物保护单位323项,有石林世界地质公园、滇池、安宁温泉、九乡、阳宗海、轿子雪山等国家级和省级著名风景区,多条国家级黄金旅游线路,形成以昆

12、明为中心,辐射全省,连接东南亚,集旅游、观光、度假、娱乐为一体的旅游体系。Mineral Resources:Kunming abounds in phosphor, salt, copper, iron, coal, titanium, quartzite, clay and other minerals, of which phosphor and salt that total reserves of around 4.6 billion and 13.8 billion tons respectively ranking the second place in inland China

13、. Tourism Resources:Kunming boasts 323 units of cultural relics under national and provincial protection, many nationally and provincially famous scenic areas including Stone Forest World Geological Park, Dianchi Lake, Anning Hot Spring, Jiuxiang Cave, Yangzong Lake, and Qiaozi Snow Mountain. It is

14、the center for several national level golden tourist routes that radiates to the entire province and connects southeast Asia, integrating tour, sightseeing, holiday and entertainment in the tourism system. 工业基础、农业基础 Industries、Agriculture 工业基础:昆明工业形成了以卷烟、机电、冶金、化工、建材、食品、生物制药等为主导产业的生产体系,精密机床、光学仪器、磷化工、

15、天然香料、名优卷烟、云南白药等产品驰名海内外。农业基础:昆明日照长、霜期短,适宜多种植物生长,野生植物有1200余种,有400余种传统花卉,是内地冬春早菜三大基地之一,形成了粮、烟、菜、畜、花、果等优势产业。Industries:The industrial production system in Kunming mainly comprises cigarette, electromechanical, metallurgical, chemical, building material, foodstuff and bio-pharmaceutical industries, which

16、 produce precision machine tool, optical instrument, phosphorous chemical, natural spices, cigarette of brand names and top quality, and Yunnan Baiyao traditional Chinese medicine well received at home and aboard. Agriculture:The long sunshine hours and short frost-free period in Kunming is favorabl

17、e for growth of a variety of plants. So the city boasts over 1,200 wild plant species and more than 400 kinds of traditional flowers, for which it is one of the three major winter and spring vegetable plantation bases in inland China, in addition to the other advantageous industries such as grains,

18、tobacco, vegetables, livestock, flower and fruits. 基础设施 Infrastructure 交通运输:昆明是国家交通运输网络中的重要节点及枢纽之一,拥有发达的航空、铁路、公路立体交通运输网络。航空:昆明国际机场是全国六大航空港之一,开辟有国际及地区航线200余条,通往曼谷、清迈、河内、胡志明市、仰光、曼德勒、万象、新加坡、吉隆坡、大阪、香港等国家和地区以及国内主要城市。在建的昆明新机场是继北京、上海、广州之后全国第四个门户枢纽机场。铁路:内昆铁路、南昆铁路、贵昆铁路、成昆铁路、滇越铁路、广大铁路6条国内干线。公路:以昆明为止点或过境昆明的国道有

19、324、108、326、213、320、40、65等;以昆明为止点或过境昆明的省道有101、102、103、202、207、214、215等辐射云南全省,通向贵州、四川;昆曼、昆仰公路通向老挝、缅甸,规划中的泛亚铁路,由昆明出发,可达周边国家和地区。市内交通:至2008年底,市内现有公交运营线路199条,全市营运的公交车辆有3372.6标台(辆),公交出行分担率30%。供电 2008年全市发电量223.81亿千瓦时。供水 2008年全市自来水生产量为23891.74万立方米,可充分满足工业及生活用水。Communications & Transport:Kunming is a major c

20、ommunication and transport hub in China, with its advanced an airway, railway and highway network. Airway: Kunming International Airport is one of the six major airports in China, with more than 200 domestic and international airlines accessible to many metropolises of China and beyond-to Bangkok, C

21、hiang Mai, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Yongon, Mandalay, Vietine, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Osaka, Hong Kong and other cities. The new Kunming airport under construction will be the fourth gateway of China after Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Railway transportation network of Kunming comprises the Neijiang

22、-Kunming, Nanning-Kunming, Guiyang-Kunming, Yunnan- Nietnam, Guangtong-Dali railways running to the coast, southeast Asia, Dali prefecture and Sichuan province respectively from the east, south, west and north directions. Highway:National highways No. 324, 108, 326, 213, 320, 40 and 65 take Kunming

23、as the destination or pass by the city, which parallel or intersect with the provincial highways No. 101, 102, 103, 202, 207, 214, 215. Expressways across the city include Shilin-Anning, Kunming-Yuxi, Kunming-Qujing and Kunming-Hekou. Two international highways under construction, Kunming-Bangkok an

24、d Kunming-Yongon, and the Pan-Pacific railway under planning, will start from Kunming and arrive in neighboring countries and regions. Communications in Kunming: The communication network in downtown Kunming has been increasingly improved. During the states period for implementation of Eleventh Five

25、 Yearsplan, the citys road framework will be characterized bytwo rings and five radiationsand three longitudinal and one horizontal.Now the existing bus routes amount to 199 with 3372.6 buses, the contribution rate of bus rapid transit being 30%. Power Supply:The generating capacity in 2008 totaled

26、223.81 billion KWh. Water Supply:In 2008 the daily capacity of tap water for the entire city was 23891.74 tons, sufficient for both living and industrial consumption. National highways No. 324, 108, 326, 213, 320, 40 and 65 take Kunming as the destination or pass by the city, which parallel or intersect with the provincial highways No. 101, 102, 103, 202, 207, 214, 215. Expressways across the city include Shilin-Anning, Kunming-Yuxi, Kunming-Qujing and Kunming-Hekou. Two international highways under construction, Kunming-Bangkok and Kunming-Yongon, and the Pan-Pacific railway under

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