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1、AShe was ill in hospital yesterday.BShe sent her brother to hospital yesterday.CShe asked for a day off today.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What time is it now?A930. B915

2、. C845.7Why does Tony want to go to school?AHe loves studying very much.BHe can play with many friends.CHe wants to have a good job.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8Why does the man want to buy the purple sweater online?AIts really cheap.BIts beautiful.CIts a very new style.9What is the relationship between the two

3、speakers?ABrother and sister.BSeller and customer.CHusband and wife.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10How long will it take to mail things to Tokyo by express mail?ASeven days. BThree days. CFour days.11How is the man going to mail his medicine in the end?ABy air.BBy express mail.CBy sea.12How much will the man pa

4、y for the service?A128 yuan. B250 yuan. C425 yuan.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Why does Mr.Smith go to see the doctor?AHe wants to have a check up.BHe has got heart disease.CThere is something wrong with his ears.14How long hasnt Mr.Smith had a check up?AOne year. BTwo years. CSix years.15What does Dr.West fi

5、nd out about Mr.Smith?AHe has lung cancer.BHe is a heavy smoker.CHe has heart disease.16What does Dr.West advise Mr.Smith to do?ATo smoke less cigarettes.BTo have a check up every two years.CTo pay attention to his eyes.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What do the speakers talk about?AFinding part time jobs.BFin

6、ding full time jobs.CWorking as volunteers.18According to the woman,what should the man do at first?AFind out about his own ability.BUse his resources if necessary.CDecide on the type of job.19Where does the woman advise the man to find “wanted” ads? AFrom companies.BIn newspapers. CFrom his teacher

7、s.20What kind of information should the man prepare for an interview?AInformation about the interviewer.BInformation about the company and self introduction.CInformation about his relations.听力材料:(Text 1)M:Excuse me. May I book two tickets for 2012 Doomsday on Sunday night?W:Certainly,thats sixty yua

8、n in all.(Text 2)Excuse me. Could you tell me how much this T shirt is?Sure. It is sixty five dollars. What size do you want?(Text 3)Mary,you didnt come to the party last night. What happened?I was going to,but I suddenly remembered I had a lot of homework to do.(Text 4)What do you think of Professo

9、r Wangs report?The topic is quite interesting,but it is more difficult than I expected.(Text 5)Hello,I heard you asked for leave yesterday. Whats the matter?My brother fell ill and I had to send him to hospital.Im sorry to hear that. Is he better now?Well,I think so.(Text 6)Hey,Tony,its time to go t

10、o bed now.But its only a quarter to nine and Im not tired. Why doesnt Kate,my sister,have to?Tomorrow is your first school day. Youd better have a good rest.Wow,I cant wait,Mum. I will have so many friends to play with.Tony,remember youre a schoolboy tomorrow. And you should understand that the scho

11、ol isnt just a place to play. You should also study hard.OK,Mum.And if you do well in school,you can have a good job like Mums when you grow up.But if you dont,you will have a job like Dads.(Text 7)Come here,Darling. Look at the purple sweater on No.2 model on this website.You mean the No.2 model on

12、line?Why?Doesnt this sweater look like the one we saw in the store last weekend?Oh,my gosh!They are pretty much the same. How much is it online?Only 288 dollars. Its much cheaper than the one in the store. Why not buy it now?But we have never bought anything online before.Take it easy! Lets talk to

13、the shopkeeper first.How can we talk to the shopkeeper?And what should we say?Just e mail the seller and bargain a little. Oh,come on!Its already cheaper and I will get it for you soon!Great!But its too late now. Lets do it tomorrow.(Text 8)Can I help you,Sir?Yes. Id like to post some medicine to my

14、 son.Where would you like to post your medicine to?Tokyo,in Japan.Well,would you like to mail it by air or by sea?Hmm.How long will it take to mail by air?About one week. But you can send it by express mail if you need it to be faster.That will only take three days.Um,Id like to send it by express m

15、ail. The faster,the better.OK,you need to pay 425 yuan for this service. Foreign mail is usually much more expensive.Well,that really sounds too expensive. But express mail should be faster and safer.Well,its up to you. Let me see. Sending by air costs 250 yuan,and sending by sea is only 128 yuan.Oh

16、,no. Express mail,please. I hope my son will receive it quickly.(Text 9)Hi,Mr.Smith.Im Dr.West. Why are you here today?Well,maybe Id better have a check up.OK. When did you last have a check up?Six years ago. I dont think theres a need to see a doctor if I feel well.Well,but remember that some illne

17、sses are not so obvious. It may be too late when you realize it. Many people have a check up once a year. Youd better have a check up at least once every two years for your own good.OK.Now,let me examine you. Er.theres nothing wrong with your eyes or ears.Do you smoke,Mr.Smith?Yes,since years ago.I

18、suggest you give up smoking. Its the major cause of lung cancer and heart disease.I know. But its difficult for me to stop smoking. Im used to smoking two packs of cigarettes every day.Well,maybe I can offer you some help if you really want to give up.OK. Thanks,Doctor.(Text 10) mHello,Mrs.White. Im

19、 a high school student and I want to get a job in the summer vacation. Would you please give me some advice on finding a summer job?Well,to find a summer job,students over 15 should take the following steps. The first step is to decide on the summer job you want,like the type of job,the place,the ho

20、urs and the pay. You may not be able to find a job that meets all your needs. The second step is to find out about your own abilities. What skills do you have?What have you learned at school that might be useful for your summer job?The third step is to use all your relations to get that job.Talk wit

21、h your parents and teachers and ask them if they have any connection with the company offering the job. The fourth step is to read “wanted”ads in newspapers. The fifth step is to apply for the job that interests you. Make sure you have all the information you need to complete your self introduction.

22、 The sixth step is to have an interview for the job. Make sure you know something about the company and prepare answers to the common interview questions.答案:15.BCABB610.CBACB1115.BCACB1620.BACBB第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Sorry,sir. I didnt quite fo

23、llow you._.Ill explain it to you later.ADont worryBCome onCThats right DDont mention it解析:选A。根据答语Ill explain it to you later可知选A。本句意为:“别担心(Dont worry),我回头跟你解释。”22We are going there by_ sea.Dont you think it too slow?Why not take_ train?Athe;/ Bthe;theC/;/ D/;选D。by sea坐船;take the/a train坐火车,均指乘坐的交通工具

24、。23Ten minutes later,a bus _and everybody got on it.Acame up Badded upClooked up Dput up考查短语辨析。come up在这里意为“到来”,符合句意:十分钟后,来了一辆车,每个人都上车了。add up加起来;look up查阅;put up展示,张贴。24As you can see,the number of cars on our roads _rising these days.Awas keeping BkeepCkeeps Dwere keeping选C。句意:正如你所见,目前道路上汽车的数量在不断增

25、加。the number of作主语时,谓语动词用单数,可排除B、D;再根据时间状语these days可知,描述的是现在的情况,所以选C。25Every minute must be made full use of _spoken English.Ato practise BpractisingCpractise Dpractised本题中make full use of的宾语为every minute,其宾语前置,故用动词不定式短语充当目的状语。26She understood what I was talking about,_it was the first time we had

26、spoken together.Awhether Beven thoughCas though Dsince选B。考查连词用法。even though“尽管;即使”;whether主要用来引导名词性从句;since“既然”引导时间或原因状语从句。主句意思是“她明白我在说什么”,从句的意思是“尽管那是我们第一次谈话”,只有B项符合语境。27My uncle knows several foreign languages,_English,French and Japanese.Afor example Bfor instanceCsuch as Dthat isfor example和such

27、as都可当作“例如”解,但such as用来列举事物,表示对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,一般不全部列出;for example用来举例说明;for instance用法同for example;that is意思是“换句话说;也就是说”。28As the project _at the meeting,it drew our attention.Acomes up Bwas coming upCcame up Dhad come up由句意可知,该空所填谓语动词应该用一般过去时态,故C正确。29Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes. The job is_ _I cou

28、ld do myself.Amore than Bless thanCno more than Dnot more thanmore than“多于,超过”;less than“少于”;no more than“只不过”;not more than “至多,不多于”。根据句意,A为正确答案。30What do you think _an important part in their lives?Friends.Aplays Btakes Cmakes Dactsplay a part in.表示“在中起作用”,是固定短语,动词不能更换。另外,要注意句中的do you think是插入语。例如:Who do you think will go with the teacher?你认为谁会跟老师一起去?31Tonnys parents thought he was at school,but _he was in a net bar.Aactually B

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