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4、一代人的脊梁!您像一支红烛,为后辈献出了所有的热和光!您的品格和精神,可以用两个字就是燃烧!不停的燃烧!您讲的课,是那样丰富多采,每一个章节都仿佛在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到了一个斑斓的新世界 啊,有了您,花园才这般艳丽,大地才充满春意!老师,快推开窗子看吧,这满园春色,这满园桃李,都在向您敬礼!!如果没有您思想的滋润,怎么会绽开那么多美好的灵魂之花啊,老师,人类灵魂的工程师,有谁不在将您扬!传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默


6、高的感情 爱,播种春天,播种理想,播种力量 用语言播种,用彩笔耕耘,用汗水浇灌,用心血滋润,这就是我们敬爱的老师崇高的劳动您工作在今朝,却建设着祖国的明天;您教学在课堂,成就却在祖国的四面八方老师,如果把您比作蚌,那末学生便是蚌里的砂粒;您用爱去舐它,磨它,浸它,洗它 经年累月,砂粒便成了一颗颗珍珠,光彩熠熠毕业留言附送:关于友谊英语演讲稿第一篇:关于友谊的英语演讲稿下面这份英语演讲稿探讨的话题与友谊有关,分享给大家阅读,了解一下友谊对人们的重要性。friendship ever one of us, rih or poor, should at least have one or to go

7、od friends. m friends ill listen to me hen i ant to speak, ill ipe m ees hen i r, ill take are of me hen i am sik, and m friends ill go together ith me side b side through this journe of life. as students, e ould share more time ith our friends. the friendship in our oung hearts is pure, fresh and s

8、imple. i often feel ver luk to have a lot of good friends. espeiall hen i had justin as one of m best friends. justin as m english teaher from the usa. i met him in96 hen i as a student ho ould onl speak ver little english. justin as a vivid oung man ith a bright smile on his fae, and he alas had hi

9、s speial a to make the lass ative and attrative. he taught us english b telling stories, plaing games, singing songs, and even daning. i ould still remember ver learl that one afternoon hen e fin-ished our lass, e ent to some other lasses to sing songs for them, just like hat people do in the states

10、 on hristmas eve. it as so interesting and unforgettable. justin as an exellent teaher, beause he taught us not onl ho to stud english ell, but also the a to find out the beaut of the orld and the a to be angels to others lives.i kno there as friendship and pure love in our hearts. faing this valuab

11、le emotion neither nationalit nor age as important, the real importane la in faith, under-standing, and are. justin is the best friend i have ever had, and i kno i ill herish those das of staing together ith him as the best part of m memor. friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. it is atuall

12、 like a bottle of ine, the longer it is kept, the seeter it ill be. it is also like a up of tea. hen e are thirst, it ill be our best hoie, but hen e have enough time to enjo ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink. hoever, in this fast-developing modern soiet, the realit is not that. more a a

13、nd more people forget to enjo the beaut of life and -the beaut of friendship. the ork hard in order to gain a higher position, in the soiet and to earn more mone for their ork. of ourse, e don t den that it is important to find a bet-ter plae in our lives, but e ish more and more people ould pa a li

14、ttle more attention to themselves and their friends.all of us have to spare some time for personal lives. e have to find the hane to express our emotion and love. hen staing ith our friends, e an release ourselves pletel. e an do hatever e ant, e an laugh together, talk together, and even r to-gethe

15、r. i should sa that being together ith our best friends is the most onderful moment of our lives. as e kno, e ould feel lonel if e didn t even have a friend. but it doesn t mean e ould depend on our friends all the time. there is a famous motto saing that a friend is like a quilt ith otton adding, b

16、ut the real thing that keeps ou arm is our on temperature. it is reall true. e have to ork hard together ith our friends, enourage eah other and help eah other. hen e reeive love and friendship, e should repa as muh as e an. finall, let s pra together no that one da, all of us ould find the person e

17、 ant to find, and ould enjo a real beautiful friendship in our lives. let s pra the floer of friendship be-teen our friends and us ould alas bloom brightl in our hearts。第二篇:for interpersonal relationships, i graduall summed up one of the most in line ith the priniple of m nature, that is, mutual res

18、pet and affinit. i believe that all good friendship is formed naturall and not deliberatel obtained. i also think that no matter ho good of friends should have a distane, the friendship is too often roded empt.get along ith others, espeiall if ou are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lesson

19、s learned, i bet ou, ou must have enountered the same, even if ou are engaged in different oupations.philosophers, poets, musiians, artists have their on jargon. sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. sometimes, speaking ith a different meaning of jargon.but an not limb the hills,

20、 the gap beteen the soul of it is insurmountable. peer jargon e sa, spit out the voie of a friend.among the most profound distintion is not professional, and in the soul.professor of muniation to see the bookstore to sell the suess of surger patients like best-selling book, i feel funn. a person has

21、 a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, orinterested in something, tr to do it suessfull, it ould have been natural. do not memorize the main points on the ross an not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual ause, e an see ho the lak of real emotion reall interes

22、ted. hoever, there is no real emotion, ho it ill be true friends? not reall interested in, ho ill it reall ause? that being the ase, h should diligentl and suess in muniation? that of ourse there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, the

23、n hid shortut to the rod and affairs. i do not kno ho, onl kno that if this kind of muniation at home, i approahed him, i ill definitel be more lonel, if suh a suessful stand in front of me, i ill definitel be even more boring.stud, suh as making friends, but at least one exeption is the time to tea

24、h the kind of book arts friends.personals surger hing real friends perish.friendship is tolerane. for this reason, a friend one enemies, it is often irreversible, the differenes that the must be ver serious, and has reahed the point here an not be beteen good friends an be suh a thing ou

25、rred in dear john, in the past beteen the more diffiult, more diffiult to repair the raks no, and seems to maintain an aquaintane too unnatural. as for those ho have onl aquaintane, handed over the ase of non-pament of the to ma be, it is not a dear john.extraversion personalit people eas aess to ma

26、n of m friends, but alas a fe true friends. introversion are lonel, one friends, often is true.第三篇:友谊的英语演讲稿friendship is a plant treesbus time, ant to rest,holida, think the future.the poor to rih;,life as at ease, not afraid of happiness.this deision, orr as expeted results,see, regret not determin

27、ed.dont belong to oneself, often be desire,in his hand, and not having missed the relaxed if not no, hen?a man an do no reason ith ou, but for relativesa man ithout reason not to do forever friendsill think of ou.also remember happened drops.until e are old age ould like this in front of

28、 a puter mutual defense? ana, i hope e are alas sinere friends ith that idea, after all ,ou kno the feeling means so muh to man.but the older i get it seems the more i realize that the friendship in era of netork is not something e usuall think of as something to be unreliable. take the sina miro-bl

29、ogfor the last fe ears, the rise in the use of sina miro-blog have dran hinese attention. as the proverb goes, ever oin has its to sides, making friends via blog is no exeption. hen using them, ou ont be orried aboutfeeling impolite just beause not to send ords bak to the man ho is talkin

30、g ith ou .and this a gives people more freedom and hoie rights to kno the man ho ou ant to kno, right? and ou an easil make a good ne friend aording to the familiar hobbies or the same idolor the same it ith ou. onthe ontrar, it an ause some problems suh as misleading us b some unreal information, and make some peoples private matters publi. in a ord, the an be good as for us oung people to entertain and make friends if e use them properland at last, i ant to add some supplement. the life on the internet is olorful. even though i kno everone here inluding me is

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