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1、编制单位:山东军辉建设安装工程有限公司 张家港分公司 2015年4月15日 d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2)

2、 excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging ma

3、nual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking. 5, trimming . (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the exca

4、vation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identif

5、y problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill q

6、uantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction pla

7、n, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt目录 1、钢管制作及防腐 . - 0 - 1.1 工程概况. - 0 - 1.2 材料检验. - 0 - 1.3 施工方法. - 0 - 1.3.1 管道就位安装施工顺序 . - 0 - 1.3.2现场拼接 . - 0 - 1.3.3 防腐 . - 2 - 2、钢管焊接工艺及其检验 . - 3 - 2.1 排污口钢管焊接工艺 . - 3 - 2.2 取水钢管焊接工艺 . 错误未定义书签。 3、钢管出运及沉管安装

8、 . - 5 - 3.1 测量放线. - 5 - 3.2 沟槽开挖. - 5 - 3.3 基底处理. - 6 - 3.4 沉管安装. - 6 - 4、质量安全保证措施 . - 7 - as number. 2, underground and above irements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, suchy requlope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the

9、engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantitonstruction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, s(a) c r from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems

10、 and deal with. II, backfill Engineeringlow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface watemoving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate s-ime of construction in the excavation and earthil e

11、xcavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the tpicking. 5, trimming . (1) so-e, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherryoil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand

12、. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any timr of sthe design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layen (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and whe

13、n the trench should not dig to depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavatiod slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig 2rdance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and u

14、nderground obstacle clearance in the region and dealtground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in acco-1、钢管制作及防腐 1.1 工程概况 本工程为芜湖长江二桥DN600自来水改建工程,所采用的材料为DN600的螺旋钢管;钢管由专业生产厂家生产的单根12.0m成品钢管,陆运至施工现场进行焊接成设计所需的管道。1.2 材料检验 所有构成工程的钢管、管件、焊条以及油漆等材料验收合格方可入场,主要检查材料的规

15、格及型号是否与材料质量证明书相符,几何尺寸是否超标。 1.3 施工方法 1.3.1 管道就位安装施工顺序 成品钢管运至现场 现场拼装焊接 焊缝处理及内外表面防 腐 管道就位安装 防腐再修补 沟槽开挖 基底处理 管道沉放 管道稳固 标高测量 回填 1.3.2现场拼装焊接 (1)在钢管进厂前先在现场做好出运通道,通道采用C30砼浇筑,做为基础垫层,垫层按2.5%的坡道向海侧倾斜;然后在砼垫层上安装钢轨,用膨胀螺丝固定,把十套小滑车放在钢轨上。(2)按计划分批安排钢管进场,每节钢管重约3吨,采用16吨或者50吨吊车把钢管从车上直接缷到钢轨上,并按照设计图纸及厂家加工的钢管号逐件排列拼接。(3)坡口加

16、工 1) 管道坡口加工时,由于壁厚均小于25mm,故均采用V型-rdance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealtground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in acco-as number. 2, underground and above irements, co

17、nstruction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, suchy requlope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantitonstruction preparation research field site formation, e

18、arth fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, s(a) c r from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineeringlow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditc

19、hes, prevent surface watemoving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate s-ime of construction in the excavation and earthil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the tpicking. 5, trimmin

20、g . (1) so-e, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherryoil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any timr of sthe design height of the following, if not exactly digging

21、base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layen (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavatiod slope to facilitate emptying. (1) du

22、ring the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig 0 -安徽芜湖长江二桥DN600自来水改建工程 山东军辉建设张家港分公司 坡口(25?,30?)。2) 管道坡口采用氧气-乙炔半自动割刀加工,半自动割刀无法加工的特殊部位可采用手工切割加工。3) 坡口加工后必须除去坡口表面的氧化皮、溶渣及影响接头质量的表面后,并应将凹凸不平处打磨平整。(3)钢管焊接 1)根据焊接工艺评定,按工程所用材料、厚度、坡口型式、焊接方法等,参照各焊接规程的要求,编写焊接工艺规程(参见钢管焊接工艺)

23、,以指导焊接生产。2)焊工应进行上岗培训,熟悉有关规范和设计要求,经考核合格者方可上岗。焊工必须持证上岗,每个持证焊工只能在自己考试合格的项目中规定的范围内从事焊接作业。3)焊接设备:焊接设备应处于正常工作状态,安全可靠,满足焊接工艺和材料的要求,其上的计量仪表必须经校验合格。4)焊接材料:建立和严格执行焊接材料管理制度,对焊接材料进行验收、保管,并根据要求发放焊材。焊条不得有药皮脱落、裂纹等,并应保持干燥。5)焊接坡口:坡口角度应均匀,组装间隙为2,3mm,且均匀一致,最大不超过2mm。坡口表面两侧将水、锈、油污、渣及其它有害杂质去除干净。坡口两侧刷涂焊接用防飞溅剂,防止沾附焊接飞溅。- 1

24、 -1.3.3 防腐 (1)管道拼接完毕后必须进行管道油漆防腐。(2)焊缝表面涂装前,必须进行表面预处理。在预处理前,钢材表面的焊渣、毛刺、油脂等污物应清除干净。表面预处理质量,应符合施工图纸的规定。钢管内壁采用喷涂材料、除锈等级应达到GB8923-88规定的Sa21/2级。埋管外壁采用喷涂水泥浆时,应达到Sa1级。表面预处理应使用洁净、干燥、有棱角的石英砂喷射处理钢板表面。喷射用的压缩空气应经过过滤,除去油水。当钢材表面温度低于露点以上3?、相对湿度高于85%时,不得进行表面预处理。喷刷后的表面不应再与人手等物体接触,防止再度污染。施喷涂料前,应使用钢刷清除残留砂粒等杂物。作业人员应带纤维手

25、套。若不慎用手触及已清理好的表面,应立即用溶剂清洗钢管表面。(3)涂装施工 清理后的焊缝表面在潮湿气候条件下,涂料应在4h内涂装完成,金属喷涂应在2h内完成;在晴天和正常大气条件下,涂料涂装时间最长不超过12h,金属喷涂时间不超过8h。涂装材料的使用应按施工图纸及制造厂的说明书进行。涂装材料品种以及层数、厚度、间隔时间、调配方法等均应严格执行。当空气中相对湿度超过85%、钢板表面温度低于大气露点以上3?,以及产品说明书规定的不利环境,均不得进行涂装。施涂过程中,要特别注意防火、通风、保护工人健康。irements, construction site conditions of reasona

26、ble fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compaction parameters, suchy requlope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantitonstruction preparation research field site formation, earth fill construction plan, determin

27、e the fill line, order, range, s(a) c r from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineeringlow slope, or braces, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface watemoving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate s-ime of construction in the excavation and earthil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the tpicking. 5,

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