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考研英语语法 名词性从句2Word格式.docx

1、that, whether, because, as, as if, as thoughwhen, where, how, why等宾语从句that, whether, if同位语从句that, whether一、主语从句主语从句是指作主语的从句,有三种类型:1由that引导的主语从句that引导的主语从句是最常见的主语从句,但把that从句放在句首是很少见的,只有为了强调或谓语较长时,that从句才放在句首。一般而言,that从句都借助形式主语it而放在句子后部分去。复习主语从句时重点注意形式主语的使用。主语从句无论出现在哪里,that都不能省略。由that引导的主语从句主要有以下几类:分类

2、常见结构It be+名词+that从句It is a pity that可惜的是It is a fact that事实是It is good news that真实太好了。It is no wonder that难怪It is common knowledge that是常识。It be+形容词+that从句It is possible that很可能It is certain that可以相信It is necessary that有必要It is likely that很可能It is fortunate that幸运的是It is+过去分词+that从句It is believed th

3、at人们相信It is said that据说It is reported that据报道It is generally thought that人们普遍认为It has been found out that现已发现It should be noted that应当注意到It+不及物动词+that从句It seems that似乎It happens that碰巧It follows that因此;由此可见It turns out that结果证明是其他结构It occurs to sb. that某人突然想起It dawns upon/on sb. that某人突然想起It makes n

4、o difference that无所谓。It doesnt need to be bothered that不必担忧It is of little consequence that无关紧要。【例】(99-Passage 3)It should be observed, of course, that no school, vocational or not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose. 【点睛】It作形式主语,主语从句 that no schoolover its purpose是句子的真正主语。【译文】当然应该看到的是,不管是职业学

5、校、还是普通学校,目标混乱都是有害无益的。It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10, 000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1, 500 to 2, 000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.【点睛】It作形式主语,that引导的主语从句为真正的主语。【译文】据估计,自动公路系统一个小时能够处理10000辆汽车,而目前一条公路只能容纳1500到2000辆。2由连接代(副)词引导的主语从

6、句连接代词who, which和连接副词when, where, why, how都可引导主语从句,这些连接词在从句中作主语、宾语或状语,不可省略。由它们引导的主语从句,也可用形式主语it引导。It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear apathetic and burned out, with a “been there, done that” air of difference toward much of it.【点睛】It作形式主语,why引导的主语从句为真正的主语。【译文】我一点都不奇怪为什么许多青少年表现得麻木不仁、无精打采。

7、对生活抱着一种“都见过了,都经历过了”的无所谓态度。3由关系代词what或whatever引导的主语从句what以及whatever等关系代词都可引导主语从句,它们在主语从句中担当成分,不可省略。(99-Passage 5)What this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings. 【点睛】What引导的从句What this amounts to作句子的主语,that the scientisthis own writings为表语从句。【译文】当然,这无异

8、于说这位科学家已成为自己所写的报告的牺牲品。二、宾语从句在句子中担当宾语的是一个从句,这个从句就叫做宾语从句。宾语从句使用的连词、关系代词、关系副词等与主语从句和表语从句一样是that,whether,who,wh- +ever等词。1宾语从句的时态在写作中值得注意的是,宾语从句和其他名词性从句不同,它的时态会受到主句时态的限制。当主句是现在的时态时(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定(可以是任意时态)。【例1】(05-Text 1)But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory Universit

9、y in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well. 【点睛】本句的主干结构是a study suggests that。此处that引导宾语从句;主句用的一般现在时,从句根据实际情况也用的一般现在时。【译文】但是,由佐治亚州亚特兰大市艾莫里大学的沙拉布鲁斯南和弗兰斯德威尔发表在自然杂志上的研究表明,猴子身上也有这样的行为。当主句是过去的时态时(一般过去时,过去进行时),从句的时态要变为相应的过去的时态(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去

10、将来时和过去完成时)。【例2】(06-Text 4)In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass medium was the church, which reminded worshippers that their souls were in danger and that they would someday be meat for worms. 【点睛】that their souls were in danger和that they would someday be meat f

11、or worms为并列的宾语从句,作reminded的宾语。reminded用了一般过去时,所以其后的宾语从句也用了相应的过去时态。【译文】在西方,在大众传媒和读写普及之前,最强大的大众媒体是教堂,它提醒信徒们,他们的灵魂处于危险之中,他们总有一天会成为蠕虫的食物。但某些特殊的动词如suggest, insist, order, urge, recommend等动词后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,详细讲解请参照“虚拟语气讲堂”。【例3】(99-Passage 4)Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry t

12、echnique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment although no one had proposed to do so and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national po

13、licy on human cloning.【点睛】order后接that引导的宾语从句,该宾语从句的谓语用了虚拟语气“(should)+动词原形”的形式,即be used for。【译文】他宣布反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧业技术去克隆人,下令不能用联邦基金去做这样的实验尽管还没有人提议要那么做并责成由普林斯顿大学校长哈罗德夏皮罗主持的独立专家小组在90天内就人类克隆的国策建议,向白宫汇报。2介词宾语从句1)that引导的从句作介词的宾语介词后一般不能直接跟that引导的宾语从句,但以下几个介词除外:besides, but, except, in , 前三个介词+连词被整体看则引导条件状语从句

14、,in that引导原因状语从句。这些介词和后面的that已被当成固定搭配作复合连接词使用。I could say nothing but that I was sorry.我除了说抱歉之外,没什么可说的。I know nothing about him except that he is an engineer. 除了知道他是一个工程师之外,我对他的情况一无所知。He differed from other people in that he always looked farther ahead in his work.和别人不同的是他在工作中比别人都看得远些。2)关系词引导的从句作介词宾

15、语从句(97-Passage 4)“The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. We w

16、ont retreat in the face of any threats.”【点睛】这里有两个宾语从句,一个是how引导的how well it can control expression,另一个是whether引导的whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, 两者都是用在介词in后边作宾语。【译文】他在华尔街日报的一个专栏中写道:“对任何民主社会的检验不在于它能多好地控制言论的自由表达,而在于它是否尽可能更宽松地赋予思想自由和表达自由,但有时结果可能会大有争议或令人不悦

17、。面对威胁,我们不会退缩。”3doubt/sure 后的宾语从句基本句型例示I doubt whether/if我怀疑是否I dont doubt that.我毫不怀疑的是1)I doubt whether/if he is telling the truth. 我怀疑他是否撒谎。2)I dont doubt that he is telling the truth. 我确信他没撒谎。3)Do you doubt that he can speak English? 你怀疑他会说英语吗?I am not sure whether/if.我不确定是否I am sure that我确信1)I am

18、 not sure whether/if the news is sure.我不能肯定这消息是否确切。2)I am sure that he can do it well.我确信他会把这件事做好的。4某些形容词后的介词宾语从句在表示知觉、感情等的形容词如sure, afraid, glad, certain等之后,如果跟宾语从句,则省去介词,若跟名词作宾语,则不能省略介词。I am afraid that I will be late.=I am afraid of being late.我恐怕要迟到了。I am glat that my classmates will attend my b

19、irthday party.=I am glad at my classmates attending my birthday party.我很高兴,我的同学将参加我的生日聚会。5不能省略关系词that的宾语从句基本情况当that引导的从句作learn,suggest,explain,agree,winder,prove,mean,state,feel,hold等词的宾语时。1)He went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things-the grammar and some of the idioms.他继续解释说他对语法

20、和一些习语这两项还没有把握。2)I have learned that most of the students who are interested in Chinese take in English.我了解到大多数喜欢中文的学生对英语也感兴趣。当宾语从句较长时,往往不省略that。We all think that what the public is badly in need of is nothing but the development of economy.我们都认为民众所急需的不是别的,正是经济的发展。当宾语从句中的主语是this,that时,或者this,that作主语定

21、语时,that不可以省略。1)Some people think that this part of Scotland with its lakes and mountains is more beautiful than the West of England.有些人认为苏格兰的这个有山有水的地方比英格兰西部更美丽。2)The teacher said that that word that I wrote on the blackboard was wrong.老师说我在黑板上写的那个词错了。当宾语从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省略。Id love to remind you t

22、hat this problem is very common and that you dont need to worry about that.我想提醒你这个问题非常普遍,你没必要为此担心。当主句谓语动词与宾语从句被隔开时,不省略that。I realized at once that I had done wrong immediately she told me all about this.她一告诉所有的事情,我就意识到我做错了。(08-Text 4)Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equ

23、al after observing the bravery of the black solders during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. 【点睛】that引导的从句that War 为宾语从句。因该从句较长,所以that不能省略。【译文】在独立战争期间,华盛顿目睹了黑人士兵的英勇,他开始相信人人生而平等。于是他不顾亲友的强烈反对,把赋予奴隶自由的决定写进了遗书。三、表语从句在句子中

24、担当表语的是一个从句,这个从句就叫做表语从句。表语从句可以由连词、连接代词、连接副词和关系代词等引导,并且这些词不能省略。(00-Passage 5)What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents. 【点睛】that引导的从句在句中作表语,故that从句为表语从句。【译文】奇怪的是他们或许已经从抱负中获益匪浅如果不总是他们自己的抱负,那么就是其父母或祖父母的抱负。Perhap

25、s the most commonly voiced objection to volunteer participation during the undergraduate years is that it consumes time and energy that the students might otherwise devote to academic pursuits.【点睛】本句的主干为the objection is that;此处that引导表语从句。【译文】反对在大学期间自愿参加社会服务的最普遍的呼声也许是认为社会服务占去了学生的时间和精力,否则,学生会利用这些时间去做学

26、术研究。1连接表语从句的系动词 表语从句所表示的内容总是和主句的主语形成对等关系,其功能是说明或解释主语。除了be之外,可连接表语从句的系动词有look, seem, appear, sound, taste, feel, remain等。All that happened is that we have substituted identifying and labeling, which can be done very rapidly, for the tactile sort of feel-seeing that requires much more time and concent

27、ration.【点睛】本句为一个主系表结构的句子。第二个that引导表语从句。【译文】所发生的一切仅仅是我们用识别和作标记替代了触觉类的感知,前者可以很迅速地完成,而后者则需要多得多的时间和专注。2表语从句的引导词连接词连词that,whether(注意that不能省略,whether不可以用if替换)My idea is that well all go except Lily.我的想法是除了莉莉之外我们都去。连接代词what,whatever,who,whoever等(从句为陈述语序)Thats what we should do.这是我们的本分。连接副词when,where,how,wh

28、y等(从句为陈述语序)This is how Jane lived.珍妮就是这样生活的。关系代词what,whatever等(从句为陈述语序)China is no longer what she used to be.中国不再是过去的那个样子了。3.一些从属连词和词组如because,as,as if,as though也可以引导表语从句But its not as if earlier times didnt know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. 【点睛】该句是主系表结构,其中as if引导表语从句。【译文】

29、但这不是说以前的时代没有经历过连续不断的战争、灾难和滥杀无辜。Thats because quickly growing energy demand requires immense investment in new supply, not to mention the drain of rising energy prices. 【点睛】该句是主系表结构,其中because引导的表语从句。【译文】那是因为能源需求过快致使大量资金投入到能源供应上,不断上涨的能源价格也加剧了能源紧缺的危机。4当句子主语为reason时的表语从句当句子主语是reason时,表语从句应当由that而不是because来引导,且that可省略;但可以说“it/this/that is because .”来表示原因。The reason is that modern man seems unable to redesign his institutions fast enough to accommodate the new demands, the new intelligence, the new abilities of segments of society which, heretofore,

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