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1、二、教学基本要求学习经典控制的基本理论和基本方法,重点学习分析和设计线性控制系统的基本理论和基本方法。三、教学内容第一章 控制系统的一般要概念 (4课时) 自动控制的基本原理与方式,自动控制系统示例,自动控制系统的分类,对自动控制系统的基本要求1、 基本概念;2、 反馈系统基本组成;3、 基本控制方式;4、 控制系统分类:开环、闭环、复合控制;第二章 控制系统的数学模型 (8课时) 控制系统的时域数学模型,拉普拉斯变换,控制系统的复域数学模型,控制系统的状态空间模型,控制系统的结构图与信号流图2-1 时域模型、微分方程表示方法; 2-2 复域模型1、 传递函数的定义与性质;2、 传递函数的零、

2、极点表示,开环增益、根轨迹增益等;3、 典型环节的传递函数(比例、惯性、微分、积分、振荡); 2-3 控制系统的结构图与信号流图1、 结构图的等效变换与化简2、 信号流图组成与性质A性质、术语(理解)B由结构图转化为信号流图方法C梅逊公式第三章 线性系统的时域分析法 (10课时) 线性系统时间响应的性能指标,一阶系统的时域分析,二阶系统的时域分析,高阶系统的时域分析,线性系统的稳定性分析,线性系统的稳态误差计算。3-1 线性系统时间响应的性能标 ,3-2 一阶系统的单位阶跃响应,3-3 二阶系统的时域响应1、二阶系统的标准数学模型 闭环传递函数形式,表示为单位反馈系统形式 2、二阶系统单位阶跃

3、响应(重点:欠阻尼情形) 3、二阶系统性能改善 A、比例一微分控制 掌握原理、特点 B、测速反馈控制 掌握原理、特点及性能参数计算3-4 高阶系统时域分析,主导闭环极点概念3-5 线性系统稳定性分析劳斯判据及其应用3-6 线性系统的稳态误差1、误差传递函数计算2、利用终值定理求稳态误差3、系统类型(型别)4、典型参考信号输入下的稳态误差;误差系数5、减小稳态误差方法:提高型别、提高开环增益、采用复合控制6、扰动误差的传函、减小扰动误差方法A、增加扰动作用点之前积分环节数目B、增加扰动作用点之前环节的增益C、采用复合控制技术第四章 根轨迹 (6课时) 根轨迹方程,根轨迹绘制的基本法则,广义根轨迹

4、,系统性能的分析与估算,基于根轨迹的控制系统校正方法,MATLAB语言根轨迹分析法。 4-1 根轨迹方程 ( 相角、幅值条件) 4-2 根轨迹绘制的基本法则,绘制根轨迹第五章 线性系统的频域分析 (10课时) 频率特性,典型环节和开环系统频率特性,奈奎斯特稳定判据,稳定裕度, 闭环频率特性,系统时域指标估算,传递函数的实验确定法,MATLAB语言频域分析法。 5-2 频率特性 1、基本概念 系统频率特性与传函间关系2、频率特性表示方法 幅相曲线;幅频特性;对数幅频特性曲线;相频特性曲线;对数相频特性曲线 5-3 典型环节和开环系统频率特性1、典型环节的幅频、相频特性2、开环对数幅频、幅相曲线绘

5、制 对数幅频特性采用渐近线法 3、由幅频曲线或相频曲线确定最小相位系统传递函数的方法 5-4 奈奎斯特稳定性判据 1、奈代判据,实际使用判据,幅相曲线对称性 2、对数频率特性稳定性判据 I型以上辅助线作法5-5 稳定裕度 概念:截止频率;相角交界频率;相角裕度;幅值裕度5-6 闭环频率特性(了解)5-7 系统时域指标与频域指标关系 了解它们之间的联系;第六章 线性系统的校正方法 (10课时) 系统的设计与校正问题,常用校正装置及其特性,串联校正,反馈校正,复合校正,PID调节器,基于MATLAB语言的校正分析法。 6-1 校正方法 串联,反馈,前馈,复合,原理,特性6-2 常用校正装置及其特性

6、(传函,特性,重要公式)1、无源超前2、无源迟后3、无源迟后超前6-3 串联校正1、串联超前 方法,实用范围2、串联迟后 方法,实用范围3、串联迟后超前 方法,实用范围6-4 反馈校正 (原理,优点)6-5 复合校正A按扰动补偿 (原理,扰动误差传函推导,误差全补偿条件)B按输入补偿 (原理,误差传函推导,误差全补偿条件) 6-6 PID控制原理(P,PD,I,PI,PID的特点)实验安排:实验二 直流电机速度控制实验 (8课时) 1、开环控制、闭环控制系统设计2、控制系统的校正设计3、PID调节器 开放性、综合设计实验,要求学生独自完成实验前准备工作(实验目的、原理分析,实验设计、实验步骤、

7、参数计算等),实际动手实验,实验结果分析等。四、学时分配总学时 56学时 讲课48学时 实验8学时 课外学时 64学时五、教材与参考资料 胡寿松等,自动控制原理,国防工业出版社,第4版,20021 自动控制原理,清华大学出版社,吴麒主编;2 自动控制原理,中国科学技术大学出版社,庞国仲编;3 自动控制原理试题精选与答题技巧,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,王彤主编;4 自动控制原理常见题型解析及模拟题,西北工业大学出版社,史忠科,卢京潮编著;5 MATLAB 语言工具箱TOOLBOX实用指南,西北工业大学出版社,施阳 李俊等编著;6 MATLAB 语言演算纸式的科学工程计算语言,中国科学技术大学出版社,

8、张培强主编;7 系统分析与仿真MATLAB语言及应用,国防科技大学出版社,黄文梅 杨勇等编著。六、成绩评定期末成绩80%,平时成绩(作业、平时测验及课堂情况)及综合实验能力20%。 大纲撰写人:段发阶、吴斌 大纲批准人:段发阶 制定日期:2011年6月TJU Syllabus for “Automatic control principle”Code:Category: compulsoryFor: juniorPrerequisite: complex variables functions, integral transformation, Signals and Systems Cred

9、its: 4Semester Hour: 56 Lecture: 48 Computer Lab:81. Course nature, teaching goal and missionCourse nature: As professional basic course, one of the key links of professional knowledge chain, automatic control theory is one of most important basic courses in majors of instruments and measure & contr

10、ol. These majors mainly study the knowledge of signal sensing (for), signal processing, control and optomechatronics system and so on, and control is an important link in the chain knowledge. Along with the development of science and technology, automation and intelligent have become important funct

11、ion in instrument, production, system, etc. This requires the students must have knowledge of automatic control aspects. Teaching goal and mission: Cultivate students the basic knowledge of automatic control principle. Learn to master the basic theory and basic method of classical control, and the b

12、asic design method of the control system. Learn mainly analysis and design of linear control system of basic theory, the basic method and control system design method. The main contents include: the mathematical model of control system, the time domain analysis method of the control system, the root

13、 locus method of the control system, the method of frequency domain of the control system, the commonly used correction methods of the control system, etc. 2. Teaching basic requirements The basic requirements are learning the basic theories and methods of classical control, mainly learning the basi

14、c theory and basic methods of analysis and design of linear control system. The main contents include: the mathematical model of control system, the time domain analysis method of the control system, the root locus method of the control system, the frequency domain method of the control system, the

15、commonly used correction methods of the control system, etc. 3. Content of courses(4 hours)Chapter One, the general concepts of Control systemThe basic principle and means of automatic control, automatic control system examples, the classification of the automatic control system, the basic requireme

16、nts of automatic control system 1. Basic concept2. The basic structure of feedback system3. The basic control mode 4. Control system classification: open loop, closed loop, composite control *Chapter Two, The mathematical model of the control system (8 hours)The mathematical model of time domain of

17、the control system, Laplace transform, the complex domain mathematical model of the control system, the state space model of the control system, the structure and signal flow graph of the control system2-1 The time domain model, differential equation expression method2-2 Complex domain model1. the d

18、efinition and properties of the transfer function;2. zero and poles expression, the open loop gain, root locus gain, etc. of the transfer function3. the transfer functions typical link (proportion, inertia, differential and integral, oscillation);2-3 The structure and signal flow diagram of the cont

19、rol system 1. The equivalent transformation and simplification of the structure chart 2. Signal flow chart composition and properties 3. Properties, term (understand)a. The method of structure chart translate into signal flow graph b. Mason formulaChapter Three, time domain analysis method of the li

20、near system (10 hours)The performance index of the linear system time response, analysis of time domain of the first-order system, analysis of time domain of the second-order systems, analysis of time domain of the high order systems, linear system stability analysis, the steady-state error calculat

21、ion of linear system3-1 The performance standard of time response of the linear system 3-2 The first-order systems unit step response 3-3 Time domain response of the second order system1. The closed-loop transfer function form of the second order systems standard mathematical model, expresses as the

22、 form of unit feedback system 2. Unit step response of the second order system (Key: owe damping case)3. System performance improved of the second order system A. Proportion-differential control, master principle and characteristicsB. Velocity measurement feedback control, master the calculation of

23、principle, characteristics and performance parameter3-4 Analysis of time domain of the high order system, the concept of the leading close-loop poles 3-5 Linear system stability analysisLaws criterion and its application3-6 Steady-state error of linear system1. The calculation of error transfer func

24、tion2. Using final-value theorem for steady-state error3. System type(pattern)4. The steady-state error of typical reference signal input; Error coefficient5. Reduce the steady-state error method: improve pattern, improve the open loop gain, and use composite control 6. The transfer function of agit

25、ation error, the method of reduce agitation error (1). Increase integral element number before the agitation application point(2). Increase integral element gain before the agitation application pointAdopted complex control technologyChapter Four, Root locus (6 hours)Root locus equation, basic law o

26、f root locus rendering, generalized root locus, system performance analysis and estimate, the control system correction methods based on root trajectory, MATLAB language root locus analysis method. 4-1 Root locus equation (Angle, amplitude condition)4-2 Basic law of root locus rendering, draw root l

27、ocus *Chapter Five, frequency domain analysis of the linear system Frequency characteristics, typical links and open loop system frequency characteristics, Nyquist stability criterion, the margin of the stable, closed-loop frequency characteristics, the system time domain indexes estimation, the exp

28、eriment confirm method of the transfer function, the frequency domain method of MATLAB language5-2 Frequency characteristics1. The basic concept, the relationship between frequency characteristics and transfer function of the system2. The expression method of frequency characteristics, phase curve;

29、Amplitude frequency characteristics; Logarithm amplitude frequency characteristics curve; Phase frequency characteristic curve; Logarithm phase frequency characteristic curve 5-3 Typical links and open loop system frequency characteristics1. Typical links amplitude frequency, phase frequency charact

30、eristics3. The open loop logarithm amplitude and frequency, amplitude and phase curve drawing, logarithm amplitude frequency characteristics uses the asymptote method2. The minimum phase system transfer function method determined by amplitude frequency curve or phase frequency curve 5-4 Nyquist stability criterion1. Nyquist criterion, actual use criter

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