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20照 英语 中考备战 日照题型三 日照真题剖析Word格式文档下载.docx

1、“I wish my teacher knew sometimes my homework is not signed(签名) because my mom is not around a lot,” read another. After she learnt most of her students led heartbreaking lives, Kyle shared some of the notes on social media. She hoped other teachers would use the same lesson with their own students.

2、 Soon posts and photos of notes from other schools poured in(涌入) from around the world. “After one student shared that she had no one to play with at break, the next day during break I noticed she was playing with a group of girls. Not only can I support my students, but my students can support each

3、 other,” said Kyle. Kyles story won the hearts of many people. “I take my hat off to this teacher. It must have been heartbreaking after reading these stories.” “If every person did one nice thing for someone, no matter how small, the world would be a better place.” 26Kyle started the activity to Ag

4、ive good lessons to the students Bhelp other teachers prepare lessons Cknow more about her students Dget her students to know her better 27What did the students need to do in the activity?AWrite down their wishes. BPlay at break with friends. CGet their homework signed. DHave more pencils at home. 2

5、8What do we know from the story?AThe students put notes on social media. BAll the students led heartbreaking lives. CMany people supported Kyles students. DThe students improved in some ways. 29How do you understand the underlined sentence?AI look up to the teacher. BI encourage the teacher. CI agre

6、e with the teacher. DI dont believe the teacher. 30Which of the following words best describes Kyle?AImaginative. BPolite. CResponsible. DFriendly. B What is one thing that would help parents understand their kids better? More than 8,000 US kids answered this question in an online poll(投票) by KidsHe

7、 Many US kidstwo out of threesaid they get along with their parents. But that doesnt mean they never disagree. In fact, most kids reported arguing with their parents, at least sometimes. And two out of five kids said arguments sometimes even include shouting at each other. “Its certainly no

8、rmal to disagree and argue,” says Darcy Lyness, an American expert. “But its also important to learn how to do so respectfully(尊重). Be patient. Dont use a raised, angry voice.” And not surprisingly, three out of four kids said they have lied to their parents sometimes. Many said they lied so they wo

9、uld not get in trouble or disappoint their parents. According to Lyness, lying isnt just wrong. It can actually have had results. Telling the truth builds trust. Telling the truth, says Lyness, shows maturity(成熟). But older kids actually lie more often than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to 14 not only

10、said they lie more, but they also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along as well with their parents. According to Lyness, those feelings are common. As kids become more independent(独立), they have more areas of disagreement with their parents. But it doesnt have to be that

11、 way. “Kids and parents get along differently at each stage of the journey,” she says. “As kids grow and change, it is important for everybody to change.” 31In Lynesss opinion, kids their parents. Anever agree with Bmay argue with Cmust always agree with Dcan shout at 32Why do some kids lie to their

12、 parents?AThey dont trust their parents. BThey dont want to get into trouble. CThey dont think lying is wrong. DThey are disappointed with their parents. 33About out of the 8,000 students in the poll said that they have lied to their parents. A3,000 B4,500C6,000 D7,50034According to Paragraph 5, old

13、er kids Ahave more fun in life Bseldom lie to their parents Cfeel less close to their parents Dget along better with their parents 35The writer wrote this article to Aexplain why kids tell lies Bshow how parents and kids get along Cavoid troubles between parents and kids Dhelp parents and kids under

14、stand each other better C Do you find it difficult to put down your mobile phone?If yes, youre not alone. These days, many people are facing the stress in the use of mobile phones. They reach for their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning, and keep checking their social media apps to get t

15、he latest updates(更新) A report from Google shows that 70 percent of people dont want to spend much time on their phones. This is why Google introduced an app called Dashboard for the new Android operating system(安卓操作系统). This new app includes functions(功能) that help users manage the time. For exampl

16、e, users can see how many times theyve unlocked their phone, how many times theyve checked their social media apps, and how much time they spend on each app every day. Once the users see this information, theyll be able to make some changes. With the App Timer(计时) function, users can set a time limi

17、t for how long they can use each app for every day. After theyve hit the limit, they wont be able to use the app until the next day. And with another function, the app gets incoming calls silent when the user puts the phone face down. If people truly want to make full use of their free time instead

18、of losing hours on their phones, these new functions are just one way of doing that. After all, who needs to use an app to stop you from using other apps? The easiest answer would be just to use your willpower. 36Where does the users stress come from?AToo many updates of the apps. BToo many function

19、s of the apps. CToo much information they receive. DToo much time they spend on the phone. 37Which of the followings is NOT included in Dashboards functions?AIt stops the users from using their willpower. BIt checks how much time the users spend on apps. CIt lists how many times the users have unloc

20、ked the phone. DIt shows how many times the users have checked social media apps. 38What does the underlined word “limit” in Paragraph 4 mean?A目的 B标准 C许可 D限制 39Which picture shows the phone gets incoming calls silent?40What does the writer think of Dashboard?AIts design is perfect. BIt may be helpfu

21、l to some people. CIt needs more functions. DIt has too many functions. 参考答案 26C细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知, Kyle感觉对学生了解得不多, 才想出“I Wish My Teacher Knew.”这个活动。故选C。27A细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知, 学生在活动中需要写下他们对老师一种想法以及分享一些他们想让老师知道的事情。故选A。28D细节理解题。根据第八段内容可知, 分享“没有人陪她玩”的学生, 第二天在休息期间, 和一群女孩在一起玩, 所以不仅仅是Kyle支持学生, 学生之间也相互帮助, 互相扶持,

22、 这是一种进步。故选D。29A句意理解题。根据第九段内容及第十段第二句可推知, Kyle的故事赢得了许多人的心, 人们尊敬她, 再结合常识可知, 对着某个人摘掉帽子是对他人的尊重, 故选A。30C推理判断题。通读全文内容可知, Kyle为了更多了解学生, 组织了“I Wish My Teacher Knew.”这个活动;为了让更多的老师知道这种教学方法, Kyle把笔记分享到社交网站上。由此可推知, Kyle作为一名老师, 对学生是极其负责的。31B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知, Lyness认为意见不一致和争吵是十分正常的, 故选B。32B细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知, 许多孩子对父

23、母撒谎是因为他们不想陷入麻烦当中, 让父母失望。故选B。33C数字计算题。根据第四段第一句可知, 大约有四分之三的学生对父母撒过谎, 故8 000学生中大约有80003/46000学生向父母撒谎。34C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知答案, 故选C。35D推理判断题。通读全文内容, 根据第一段第一句推知, 作者写这篇文章是想帮助孩子和父母更好地相互理解。36D细节理解题。据第二段第二、三句可知, 使用者每天花太多时间在手机上, 给使用者增加许多压力。37A细节理解题。根据最后一段可知, Dashboard不能阻止使用者使用他们意志力。38D词义猜测题。根据第四段第三句可推知, 此处limit意为“限制”, 使用者可以使用app的计时功能设置一个时间限制, 限制每天使用每个app的时间。pp

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